Holy Prison

Chapter 1779: Potential danger

Outside the city of Azurite, with Chu Feng’s winning streak on this side, trillions of people have gathered on this side all the year round. In the martial arts field, at this time, Chu Feng surpassed a group of strong players, more than one trillion people. Most people were shocked.

The combat power shown by Chu Feng before was extremely powerful, and this time when he came over, the displayed combat power was a little stronger than before!

The increase in combat power is not too much, but those improvements in combat power make it easier for Chu Feng to win. On the contrary, those who enter the battlefield lose more quickly!

"This Madman of Chu, why can't he be stimulated?"

"I don't know if I was stimulated or not. It is true that I don't seem to be in a good mood. For so many days, there is no team that lasted two minutes in his hands. It is really terrible!"

"Yeah, this person is terrible. I don't know what kind of support is behind him. If there is not, some strong people may not tolerate him at that time!"

Quite a lot of people talked about it, and some of them talked about it. Of course, those people were just talking about it, really speaking, many people still didn't have the courage!

After 30 to 40 consecutive days of fighting, Chu Feng's mood improved. "Xian'er, what is the state of Bing Ning now?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Fortunately, you can rest assured to fight, if it is over, I will notify you!" Miao Xianer said. "I'll come out and take a look." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Don't" Miao Xian'er said hurriedly, but Chu Feng would listen to her at this time, defeating his opponent within a few seconds, and entering the holy prison space without waiting for them to call Master Chu.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng appeared very close to Feng Bingning. His face was very ugly at this time. With Feng Bingning’s powerful mind control, she was actually rolling on the ground in pain. I want to know how intense the pain she is suffering at this moment!

Feng Bingning was as holy as a fairy, but at this moment, she looked very embarrassed, and she ignored her messy hair and clothes.

"Chu Feng, don't appear in front of Sister Bing Ning, you should know who she least wants to appear in front of her right now! If I am like this, I definitely don't want you to appear in front of me." Miao Xian'er He appeared beside Chu Feng and said, although Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er were not far from Feng Bingning, they couldn't be seen by Feng Bingning in the same space.

Chu Feng didn't make a sound, but just watched silently, watching Feng Bingning endure such pain, that was also a dull pain in his heart!

"Chu Feng...compared to the benefits that can be obtained later, this painful endurance is worthwhile." Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng took a deep breath and said: "I am not strong enough. If I am strong enough, Bing Ning will not have to suffer such pain at all. She can slowly improve her strength."

"Chu Feng, you forgot. One of the tower masters merged with the heart crystal of fire. This is one of the conditions for the upgrade of the holy prison." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng frowned and said: "Xian'er, I'm a little surprised why there are such conditions, and this time, there is no task of capturing criminals. Of the six conditions, none of them are about capturing criminals!"

Miao Xian'er shook her head slightly: "Chu Feng, you ask me, who should I ask? If there are answers to these two questions, I would have told you already!"

Chu Feng said: "Xian'er, I feel that the sacred prison is different from the owner, so the upgrade tasks are different." "I can answer you with this one. You are half right. The sacred prison masters have different upgrade tasks. But in general some of the tasks are still the same. Like the requirements for your cultivation base, such conditions should have been the same requirements for the owner of the previous holy prison, while the requirements for the Heart of Fire may be different." Miao Xian Son said.

Miao Xian'er frowned slightly at this point: "Chu Feng, while sister Bing Ning is upgrading, I have received a little bit of bad news."

"Bad news, about Bing Ning?" Chu Feng's expression changed. "No, no." Miao Xian'er shook her head, "It's not about Sister Bing Ning, it's about Holy Prison!"

"Holy Prison? What bad news is there in the Holy Prison?" Chu Feng said strangely.

Miao Xian'er frowned and said: "I don't know if it's true. I received a little bit of strange information. It seems that someone is quietly working on the holy prison and seizing control over the holy prison!"

Chu Feng was shocked. His biggest trump card was the Holy Prison. If the Holy Prison was seized, the consequences would be truly disastrous!

"Chu Feng, don't get excited, I just received some strange information, and it doesn't necessarily mean that someone is stealing control of the holy prison." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng calmed down and said calmly, "Xian'er, since you have said it, then I believe you have a certain degree of certainty. This matter should probably be true, right?"

Miao Xian'er did not speak, and acquiesced. If she was not sure about such a thing, how could she say it to disturb Chu Feng's mood?

"Xian'er, it's not so easy to seize control of the Holy Prison, right? Tell me about your suspicion, is it a person in the Holy Prison space now?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er frowned and said, "Chu Feng, I really don't know this. I also deciphered the strange information for a long time before deciphering it. I don't think that the people in the holy prison space have that ability."

"Xian'er, the number one has been touched by many powerful people before, can you be sure that there is no problem with the number one?" Chu Feng said. "If you asked me about this before, I would say that I can be completely sure, but now, I can't be completely sure, but there is a very small chance that there will be a problem with Number One!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "You are the strange message that the ice congealed and the Fire Heart Crystal sensed. Then, do you think there is anything wrong with Yan Yan? Could it be that she was secretly messing up?"

"Chu Feng, this possibility is very small. There is not much time for the Fire Heart Crystal to enter the holy prison space. In such a short time, it is unlikely to secretly seize my control authority. Moreover, it is now with sister Bing Ning. There is no problem with the fusion. After the fusion, she can only listen to what Bing Ning said, she doesn't need to seize my control authority." Miao Xian'er said.

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes: "The most likely thing is the Four Beast Seal! The Four Beast Seal is a dominating device, maybe it entered the Holy Prison space on purpose!"

"It said that most of the power was sucked away by the Tongtian Pagoda. That's just what it said. No one can confirm what it said! Even if most of the power is sucked away, it is still a powerful master. Thing, maybe entering the holy prison space is to control the holy prison's power to absorb the holy prison!"

Miao Xian'er frowned slightly and said, "Chu Feng, what you said is not unreasonable. I also think that the Four Beast Seals are more suspected. However, the Four Beast Seals have been very calm over the years, and I have not monitored it at all. It's relaxing, but I didn't find any abnormality in it!"

"Xian'er, you haven't noticed it before. It may be because the Four Beast Seals have always wanted to take your time, but now you have found some abnormal information, it may be because the Four Beast Seals felt dangerous!" Chu Feng said in his mind. "After the fusion of the ice crystal and the fire heart crystal, there are only two difficulties in the upgrade of the holy prison, the first is the task, the second is my cultivation base, and now it is only a third-level high-ranking saint, far from a seventh-level high-ranking saint It's still far!"

"The first one, that task, the progress today is still very good, as long as there is no change, I am confident that I will go to the SSS-level task at that time. At this point, perhaps the Four Beast Seals also know that its power is likely to make It listens to all our explicit words in the holy prison space."

"In this way, there is only one difficulty, and that is my cultivation base. The Four Beast Seal knows that I can enter the Fortune Pawnshop. If I enter the Fortune Pawnshop, the gap between Level 4 will disappear in just a short time. If I did that, The Holy Prison can be upgraded immediately when the time comes! If the Holy Prison is upgraded, it will become stronger, which is naturally not good for the Four Beast Seals. It will definitely have a lot of difficulty in controlling the Holy Prison!"

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "Well, you are right. The Four Beast Seal is the most suspect. Chu Feng, I think you need to be prepared now."

"What preparations?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xianer's face solemnly said: "Holy Prison is ready to leave my control! If my control is taken away, then you need to leave the Holy Prison space within a short time, otherwise you may be imprisoned in the Holy Prison. In the space, that kind of consequences would be very serious!" "Xian'er, if your control is taken away, how much time can my master control the holy prison?" Chu Feng said.

"This...not more than ten seconds! If Sister Bing Ning and others are in the domain tower, ten seconds is enough for you to let them leave the domain tower, but it is not enough for you to do too many other things, so I I said you have to be prepared. In case...I mean just in case, if that happens, you can escape immediately!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly, he was the master of the holy prison anyway, and in such a situation, he had only a short escape time of ten seconds. "Xian'er, if your control is taken away, I am not the master of the holy prison, am I? If that happens, is it possible for me to control the holy prison again?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, you are the master of the holy prison. As long as you don’t die, you will always be the owner of the holy prison. This will not change. It should be possible to regain the holy prison, for example, you Let the holy prison upgrade, after the holy prison upgrade, your authority as the master will naturally increase!"

"Chu Feng, if something like that happens, you must close the holy prison shop as soon as possible, and imprison the ability of some things such as the heavenly eyes, the heavenly hands, the holy prison heavy artillery, etc. These abilities may still be reopened after you imprison them, but If you give the order to die, it will be very difficult for other powers to reopen unless you are yourself!"

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