Holy Prison

Chapter 1784: Huge task.

The three hapless guys stayed for several seconds before they called Master Chu and immediately left the competition arena. When they left the competition arena, they all felt as if they were dreaming. It was less than a minute, and it was only less than a minute for them. It was defeated by Chu Feng.

The ultimate treasure of the last days, its power is extremely powerful, that is, at this time, Chu Feng is only using the dark chaotic lotus, the defensive treasure. If you use the swallowing gourd, Chu Feng's mind can immediately remove many of the innate treasures. The powerhouse of level treasures is in the world swallowing gourd!

"Before defeating me, some people, don't make any random ideas, otherwise, you will be careful to lose your life." Chu Feng said indifferently, hearing his voice, quite a few immortal-level powerhouses were embarrassed.

Innate treasure, can such things be obtained casually? If there was no horrible backing behind Chu Feng, would he be so stupid to appear here with such a high profile at this time?

With such thoughts in his mind, some of the Indestructible level powerhouses who were planning to grab the grab immediately suppressed the heart of grabbing a lot. Even if there is no super power behind Chu Feng, grabbing is not easy. There are so many powerhouses eyeing!

"You don't have to wait until 10,000 people, Master Chu is good, you can now come on stage in groups of four! Master Chu, I won't be merciful, haha!" Chu Feng laughed.

"A group of four, this young master wants to see if you can support a group of four!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and in just a few seconds, a group of four people arrived on the field. Obviously, these four people had formed a team long ago and were waiting for the four people to arrive!

The battle started immediately, and the number increased to four, but Chu Feng ended the battle sooner, with the defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus, he only needed to attack!

Except for not using the World Swallowing Gourd, Chu Feng basically used all other methods at this time. In just one minute, the most combination was defeated by Chu Feng!

Days passed year after year. At the beginning, there were only four or five people, and Shihu Hu had no use. Later, the number slowly increased to six and seven people. Shi Hu Hu was also used, but Chu Feng naturally controlled it. With the power of World Swallowing Gourd, the battle can last longer!

Whether it’s four, five or six or seven, Chu Feng basically controls the end of a battle in three minutes. This speed is much faster than before. Because the number of people has also increased, so the speed at which Chu Feng can get mission points is More than ten times!

Ten times the speed, over 500 years, Chu Feng's mission points reached 200 billion, and 970 past, Chu Feng's mission points exceeded 300 billion!

Four hundred and four hundred years later, Chu Feng's mission points exceeded 400 billion. Even if he died at this time, this SSS-level mission should be able to obtain 400 billion battle points!

When the battle reached this point, Chu Feng already knew that there were several strong men at the Saint King and Sovereign level in Azurite City. Some of them might even have the innate treasure, but the strong ones with the innate treasure did not immediately take action. With scruples in their hearts, at the same time, they also want to know what extent Chu Feng can reach!

Two thousand years have passed, and the battle will continue. At this time, Chu Feng’s mission point has exceeded 500 billion or nearly 600 billion. The number of people who fought against him exceeded 20 people at a time, but in the face of the dark chaotic lotus defense, he was swallowed. Chu Feng, who was urged by Shihufu to attack, those people still failed in groups!

"Chu Feng, tell you a good news." During the battle, Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly rang. "What good news? The person who secretly controls the holy prison has been found?" Chu Feng quickly asked in his mind.

"No... it's Feiying's cultivation base that has reached the sixth-level mid-ranking saint. Her cultivation level should be able to mature the holy pond with nine saints within a thousand years!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and Miao Feiying's cultivation level actually broke through! You know, before Miao Feiying was only a second-level median saint, she actually reached a sixth-level median saint in thousands of years.

Although the cultivation speed was the fastest when he became a holy, this one is also too terrifying. You must know that Feng Bingning absorbed the Fire Heart Crystal and reached the eighth-level median saint. At the moment, he is only at the nineth level. A saint; Yilian and the other women have basically only improved by one level over the years.

Chu Feng himself, in recent years, many people from the Lower Realm have taken some people back into the holy prison space to cross the robbery and absorb a lot of cloud tribulation power, but now it has only been promoted from the previous three-level high-ranking saint to the fifth-level high-ranking saint.

"Feiying's rate of improvement is really fast enough." Chu Feng smiled in his mind. "She has the poison pill, which is naturally powerful. The poison pill absorbs toxic energy and evolves the law on its own. Miao Fei realizes that the law evolved by the poison pill is relatively easy!" Miao Xian'er chuckled.

"Xian'er, I haven't found out who is secretly doing it? How long can I hold on?" Chu Feng asked. With this development trend, Chu Feng knows that if the Holy Prison is not upgraded, then he will definitely be under control. , But there is no problem with the other conditions of the holy prison upgrade, only one condition is problematic, and his cultivation is only a fifth-level high-ranking saint!

The holy prison upgrade requires him to be a seventh-level high-ranking saint. Even if he absorbs the power of Jieyun, it is impossible for him to reach a seventh-level high-ranking saint from a fifth-level high-ranking saint in just one to two thousand years.

There is only one way to reach the seventh-level high-ranking saint in such a short period of time, and that is to enter the fortune pawnshop, but that place is too evil!

The first time he was there for a trillion catties of Void Stone, he was promoted to a high-ranking saint. That was because the first time he went there, the Hongyun pawnshop wanted to attract him to have a discount, and that time his cultivation base was much lower.

The higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to improve. Now if he enters the Fortune Pawnshop, Chu Feng knows that he must pay a great price to upgrade from a fifth-level high-ranking saint to a seventh-level high-ranking saint!

There are a lot of good things in Chu Feng. Yin Xiao and their weapons were threatened by Chu Feng. Their weapons are naturally not ordinary goods, but Chu Feng is not sure about their weapons in the Hongyun pawnshop. If you lose it, can you raise your cultivation base from a fifth-level high-ranking saint to a seventh-level high-ranking saint!

"Chu Feng, I haven't found anyone who did it in secret, and I can hold on for about 1,200 years, but you ended your current task earlier, so don't delay it until the last time." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng answered in his mind and continued to fight. Now he can get hundreds of billions of mission points in three to four hundred years. He is reluctant to end the mission at this time, and there is no need to end it immediately!

Who is it?

As time passed day by day, Chu Feng often fought and considered this issue, but even if he wanted to break his head, he could not identify the person who was secretly tricking the ghost. The person who was secretly tricking the ghost was really very careful. Although he left some strange information, he was Did not let Miao Xian'er catch a little tail.

In the blink of an eye, another eight hundred years have passed, and Chu Feng's mission point has exceeded 800 billion. At this time, he is already fighting with all his strength, whether it is the Dark Chaos Lotus or the power of the World Swallowing Gourd. !

As Chu Feng fought with all his strength, some of the top powerhouses also entered the battle. Among them, Chu Feng knew that it was very likely that someone had a treasure of the innate treasure level!

Knowing that the strong who are likely to have the innate treasure will use the innate treasure, at this time, where will Chu Feng let the battle continue? After defeating another group of strong men, Chu Feng quickly stopped the next group of strong men. Play.

"Everyone, pause, Master Chu is going to rest for a while, this time, Master Chu may take a longer rest!" Chu Feng's voice fell, and he disappeared before those people reacted. If he doesn't disappear immediately, Chu Feng estimated that some strong men of the Saint King and Saint level would attack him!

Coming out of the domain tower and entering the sacred prison space, Chu Feng let out a long sigh, the Aquamarine City side came to an end temporarily, and if his strength improves in the future, he will go again.

"Chu Feng, you guy, you are a deserter." Miao Xian'er said with a smile in front of Chu Feng. "Well, where, I am a strategic retreat." Chu Feng curled his lips and said, "Xian'er, let's finish this task!"

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