Holy Prison

Chapter 1790: Siege of the Lord

"You can guess this, the man who created the holy prison, God knows what features he added." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "It's boring, guess what." Miao Xian'er curled his lips and said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, I guess... let me think about it. The Holy Prison is already at level 16, and this level should be relatively high. The creator of the Holy Prison should not be idle. It hurts. After all, it should not be easy to create something like Holy Prison! It is not easy to rise to such a level. It should be more protection for my safety, right?"

"I guess the surprise that appeared should be about my strength. After all, I can only borrow half of the power of the domain tower tower master, and you can borrow several times the power than I am a holy prison master. !" Chu Feng smiled softly.

Miao Xian'er snorted softly: "Isn't this you guessed right? If you can guess it, you just have a lazy attack." "Yes, yes, my wife is right." Chu Feng laughed, holy prison Upgrade, at this time, Chu Feng is much easier. With the upgrade of the holy prison, he obviously feels that the fit with the holy prison has improved a lot, and Miao Xian'er's ability must also be improved. Chu Feng believes that by then It shouldn't be a problem to find people who want to control the holy prison.

Time passed slowly, and a few minutes passed very quickly, "Huh" Miao Xian'er said in surprise. "Xian'er, what's the matter?" Chu Feng smiled softly.

"Chu Feng, there is a situation!"

As Miao Xian'er said, a map was displayed in front of Chu Feng. "Look here, there is a person here!" Miao Xian'er pointed to a place on the map.

"Such a big red dot?" Chu Feng was startled. He knew what the red dot represented, the holy prison induction, such a big red dot, it represented the opponent's extremely high strength!

"Chu Feng, this is a master, the strength is estimated to be stronger than Monkey King!" Miao Xian'er said solemnly. "Sage-level powerhouse!" Chu Feng's expression changed. He really didn't expect that there was a Sage-level powerhouse in it. Monkey King checked it before, but he didn't find this powerhouse!

"Xian'er, is the Sky Eye already upgrading?" Chu Feng said quickly. Miao Xian'er nodded: "Yes, it is already being upgraded. It will take more than half an hour to complete the upgrade!"

Chu Feng frowned: "You can't let this person leave this space! Xian'er, immediately let a follower I don't like appear outside!"

Although the Saint Prison was upgrading, it was still possible to make a minion appear outside, and a minion with the strength of a lower saint appeared outside in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Ye Qingcheng's holy knowledge spread with all his strength to find the way to leave, and that entourage appeared outside the holy prison space, Ye Qingcheng immediately found out.

With Ye Qingcheng's strength, she appeared in front of the entourage Chu Feng released in a short time.

In the space of Zhu Bajie, Feng Chen, Feng Zhi, Feng Clan, Xiao Mingzi, and Fatty Sacred Prison, Chu Feng gathered many people in a short time.

"My friend, where is this place, how can I leave this space?" Ye Qingcheng smiled and looked at the man in front of him. The man in front of him was only the strength of the lower saint, and did not arouse her any vigilance. With Ye Qingcheng's strength, generally speaking , She doesn't have to be afraid of anything!

"Everyone, in an emergency situation, there is a strong person outside, a saint-level strong person, and she needs to be trapped!" Chu Feng said solemnly. He already knew the outside through the eyes of the entourage outside. Who is that strong man? Ye Qingcheng, the strong man outside is actually Ye Qingcheng, the saint-level strong man who Sun Wukong mentioned before.

"Master..." Zhu Bajie raised his hand and said, "Master, what about Brother Monkey? Although we have a lot of people here, I think the old pig has trapped a powerful saint, a bit reluctant!"

Zhu Bajie is immortal at level 6, Fengchen is immortal at level three, Fengzhi is immortal at level 1, and there are three strong people at the immortal level. Feng clan immortality level is now in front of three, and there are two more. There were more than a hundred people with lower strength, and Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were both ninth-level high-ranking saints.

But just as Zhu Bajie said, these people want to trap a strong man at the holy rank, that's a bit reluctant! "You don't need to be trapped for long, just a few minutes, and within a few minutes, Wukong can rush over!" Chu Feng said, "Zhu Bajie, know you have a lot of good things, don't keep them!"

"A few minutes, that's almost the same. Those of us who are trapped in a Saint-level powerhouse can't be trapped for too long, but a few minutes shouldn't be a big problem!" Zhu Bajie said.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Everyone prepares, I will let everyone appear around the strong man of the noble rank, and immediately take out all the means of imprisonment, understand?"

"Understand!" Feng Chen and the others said in the same way.

Outside, Ye Qingcheng was a little impatient. The person in front of her was too uncooperative. Although she was beautiful, she didn't have to look at it all the time, right?

"Little guy, tell me where the exit is right away, otherwise, you can go to death immediately!" Ye Qingcheng's expression was cold and coerced.

"My lord, please spare your life!" The entourage that Chu Feng had brought out in front of Ye Qingcheng was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, "Say the little one, say the little one!"

Ye Qingcheng smiled slightly: "Little guy, how good is this!"

At this moment, the space fluctuated, and in an instant, more than two hundred people appeared outside in the holy prison space, Zhu Bajie, more than two hundred strong Feng clan, Tang Ming, Feng Bingning and their daughters, God Chucheng crossed the robbery Some of the powerful people who have been killed have appeared outside, of course, Chu Feng has also appeared outside right now.

"Nine Ghosts Closing Heaven Formation!"

"Phoenix lock!"

Chu Feng and the others appeared outside, and they all shot out in an instant. To Chu Feng’s expectation, Ye Qingcheng did not move. At this time, she just glanced at Chu Feng and the others who appeared coldly. In front of him, the entourage of the lower saint's strength was imprisoned by her and his figure could not move!

"Everyone, what does this mean?" Ye Qingcheng said quietly. She didn't have any fear. Although there were many people around, it would take a lot of hands and feet to break open, but Ye Qingcheng was very confident of her own strength. She can break the blockade like this in ten minutes at most!

Within ten minutes, these people around killed her, Ye Qingcheng didn't believe they had such an ability!

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that Ye Qingcheng felt that something was wrong and retreated. He didn't expect Ye Qingcheng to move and didn't move.

"Bajie, you are blocking here!" Chu Feng said, and the flying boat appeared by his side instantly. With his current cultivation base, his flying boat is extremely fast!

"Senior, we would like to ask you to stay here for some time, and we hope that seniors can cooperate!" Feng Bingning said a little. She used the previous time confinement, but it is a pity that her cultivation base is lower. , Although time confinement has an impact on Ye Qingcheng, it has minimal impact!

"Which world are you from?" Ye Qingcheng said. Feng Bingning's heart moved: "Senior, I don't know which world you are from?"

Ye Qingcheng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Little guy, I and you don't seem to be together, you all stay here today!" "Senior, wait, this world has changed a lot now, the war has broken out and we are trapped. Senior, I just want to prove who you are, Senior!" Feng Bing condensed.

"The temple is established, and the Most Sacred Mountain has been established. Immediately there will be adults coming to take you to the Most Sacred Mountain for inspection. I hope Senior will wait for ten minutes!"

"Holy Temple, the Most Holy Mountain? It sounds like the war broke out and you are also with me, but this king doesn't like being surrounded, let this king go!" Ye Qingcheng said coldly.

Feng Bingning's expressions changed slightly, "Oh, Ye Qingcheng Sovereign has indeed been parasitized." Feng Bingning secretly said in his heart. "Senior, please wait a few minutes! Otherwise, at the Saint Kings Conference, Senior is afraid it will be difficult to explain!" Feng Bing condensed.

"Holy Kings Conference! Even if it is the Holy Kings Conference, it can't overpower this king!" Ye Qingcheng stretched out his hand, and the Holy Sword of Life and Death appeared in her hand in an instant.

"Get out of the way, otherwise don't blame this king's sword for being ruthless!" Ye Qingcheng said coldly. "Senior, I'm sorry, if we let go, we will all be convicted by that time. Everyone is prepared and all imprisoned!" Feng Bing said in a condensed manner.

"act recklessly!"

Ye Qingcheng let out a cold snort, and there were a lot of light entangled with her at this time, and all of them were used to confine Ye Qingcheng. Under Ye Qingcheng's sword, she cut off a lot of those lights!

"Damn it, destroy the old pig's stuff!"

Zhu Bajie secretly cursed in his heart and quickly took out a lot of imprisonment items for use. If the powerhouse of the holy class is allowed to break through, then they are afraid that none of them can escape here!

"Forbidden!" "Forbidden!" "Forbidden!"

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Bajie used a lot of things, and Feng Bingning and the girls were also using a lot of things at this time. Before Chu Feng left, they gave them a lot of things!

Feng Bingning and the others are relatively low in strength, but those things are for one-time use. One or two things have no effect on Ye Qingcheng, but if more things are smashed together, Ye Qingcheng wants to destroy them all in a short time. It's not so easy. After all, there are still many formations formed by Feng Clan experts that weaken Ye Qingcheng's attack!

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