Holy Prison

Chapter 1794: Upgrade surprise (2)

The sacred prison space has a certain degree of stability. Assuming the stability of the sacred prison space is 100,000, if a strong person locked in a small space attacks, although the space may not be broken, it will affect the sacred prison space. The stability! The influence of one person is very small, but if there are many people and many powerful people in the holy prison space, it may collapse the holy prison space!

It’s different if they’re locked up in the sky prison. The criminals in the sky prison cannot affect the stability of the holy prison space. Moreover, only those who are in the sky prison can let them "enjoy" in the prison room. , Therefore, Tianjao is indispensable!

"I won't talk about the torture room, it's the same thing. It has no other function except to punish criminals." Miao Xianer said, "There have been some changes in the cafeteria, and the taste of some things made in it has not changed much, but there are Some ancillary abilities, such as speeding up training, such as speeding up the elimination of sequelae!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly. It is very good that the canteen can have such food, but it is estimated that such food consumes a lot of energy!

"You should have guessed that if you want to get this kind of food in the cafeteria, it will consume a lot of money. Now that you have caught a lot of people, it is temporarily satisfying, but you have to spend a little time." Miao Xianer said.

"I know, go ahead." Chu Feng smiled slightly.

Miao Xian'er said: "If the sky guards can be strengthened to the strength of the seventh-level high-level saints, the strength of the ninety-six seventh-level high-level saints is not weak, even if it is against the general immortal level. The strong also have the power to resist, and with good luck, even the indestructible strong can be killed, but they can still be resurrected!"

"Xian'er, doesn't Tianwei have any other benefits?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er said softly: "The Heaven Guards have increased in strength, what other benefits do you want?"

"Just forget it, I'm not greedy." Chu Feng said with a smile. Miao Xian'er gave Chu Feng a white glance: "It's strange if you are not greedy! Tianwei is not good, but the exchange table has a little advantage! Before, only you can get skills from the exchange table. Now all eight of our tower masters The exchange desk has gained skills!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "Xian'er, this benefit is not a little benefit, but a big benefit! If you can acquire skills, then your combat effectiveness can also be greatly improved, and each of your natal skills can be very powerful. , If you can also borrow the power of the domain tower, very good, very good! Even if there are no unexpected surprises, I am quite satisfied with this upgrade!"

"Holy Prison is already level sixteen, so naturally the benefits will increase." Miao Xian'er said with a grin, "The pawnshop just has increased its ability and the speed of things becomes faster, and nothing else has changed! If the holy prison is heavy artillery, there are 800 of them. The charging speed is relatively slow, the time to fully charge is increased to 100 million years, and the charging speed of 20 doors is relatively fast, and the time to fully charged is increased to 10 million years. If the charging is full, the power of the holy prison heavy cannon , A single shot can kill an immortal saint who is not too strong! With multiple shots, even an immortal saint can be killed, but an indestructible strong can be resurrected!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. There is no doubt that the power of the holy prison heavy artillery is very powerful, but not to mention 100 million years, even 10 million years is very long!

"Xian'er, is there anything that the holy prison heavy artillery can change?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "There is a little change. One hundred ordinary holy prison heavy artillery or ten holy prison heavy artillery with faster charging speed can be integrated into a super holy prison heavy artillery. After fusion, the super holy prison The heavy artillery is fully charged for a million years. If the super holy prison heavy artillery is added to the attack, then even the indestructible powerhouse may be killed directly!"

"But Chu Feng, I have to remind you that if the holy prison is upgraded again, the holy prison's heavy artillery may have such power. If a hundred cannons merge into one, it may not be worthwhile! When you feel that there is no hope for a successful upgrade , And if you urgently need such power, you can fuse, now I don't think you need it!" Miao Xian'er said.


Chu Feng shook his head: "Hundred doors can be integrated into one. There are too many. I haven't had that interest! An indestructible powerhouse, I can use the power of exterminating the world to kill by then, and Wukong can also kill. An indestructible powerhouse!"

"Then it won't be fusion, or eight hundred holy prison heavy cannons with slow charging speed and twenty holy prison heavy cannons with faster charging speed." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng nodded: "I have to think of a way to find a place where time can accelerate, and in such a place, let the holy prison heavy artillery be fully charged! The holy prison heavy artillery is powerful, but it has not been sent too much. Useful!"

"That's because you are upgrading too fast. In more than 20,000 years, the holy prison has been upgraded to level sixteen. How can the holy prison's heavy artillery absorb the power so quickly! The average saint needs to reach the strength of a high-level saint A huge amount of time, if you can fully charge the holy prison heavy artillery and kill it in a little time, that would be too bad!" Miao Xian'er said.

"I also think I can level up slowly and leisurely, God won't let it!" Chu Feng smiled, "Looking through the lower realm, it should be a lot clearer, and the range you can see at a time is much larger, right? There are only one hundred minutes, and it should be increased tenfold now, to a thousand minutes!"

Miao Xian'er shook his head: "The first one is yes, the latter one did not reach a thousand minutes, but only reached twelve hours, 720 minutes. Looking through it, the more you move forward, the more difficult it becomes. Ten hours is a hurdle. If you exceed ten hours, the difficulty will increase by one level!"

"Twelve hours...It's okay, but I haven't used this ability much." Chu Feng smiled. "You will definitely use a lot when you fight in the future!" Miao Xian'er said, "As for the holy pond, the holy prison upgrades are much stronger, and the speed at which holy lotus absorbs energy is increased by ten times. Feiying introduced it before. A lot of energy enters the holy pool, and it is estimated that within ten or twenty years those energy will be absorbed and then nine holy grids will be formed!"

Chu Feng smiled and said with a look of expectation in his eyes. After saying these things, his surprise did not appear. This time the surprise should improve his strength a lot!

"The only thing left is your surprise. If the cry is nice, I'll tell you." Miao Xian'er said with a charming smile. Chu Feng touched Miao Xian'er with his hand and said, "Xian'er, the little **** is a little itchy, isn't it? Don't hesitate to hire her husband."


Miao Xian'er blanked Chu Feng and said, "Before you could only borrow 50% of the power of one of us, now you can borrow 50% of the power of two of us! At the 17th level of the Holy Prison, At most, it should be able to borrow 50% of the power of four people. At the 18th level of the holy prison, it should be able to borrow eight people!

"The borrowed power is related to your own strength. If your strength is higher, the borrowing time can be longer, and the borrowing power can be more! With your strength, if you borrow 50% of the strength of me and Qianqian, then maintain It won’t be long, and with less borrowing, it will last longer!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up and said: "Xian'er, you now have the power of a ninth-level high-ranking saint. Can I borrow 50% of your power?" "Naturally, it is possible." Miao Xian'er nodded and said. , "It was possible before, and of course it is now, but you guy never borrowed my power before!"

"Uh, let me try!"

Chu Feng said that he borrowed 50% of Miao Xian'er's power in an instant. He was only the strength of a ninth-level high-ranking saint. Miao Xian'er was the strength of a ninth-level high-ranking saint. With 50% of his power borrowed, Chu Feng felt like he was In a short period of time, his strength has improved a lot, but his perceptions and things have not improved.

"It's equivalent to a sixth-level high-ranking saint. That's not bad. It should be no problem to borrow 50% of your strength for ten minutes." Chu Feng said.

After borrowing the power, the cultivation base of the sixth-level high-ranking saints, the high-energy cultivation base for the world-swallowing gourd and the dark chaos lotus, will increase a lot. Chu Feng is confident that after borrowing the power, he can fight against the general immortal powers. , As for the powerful immortal-level powerhouse, then even borrowed some of the strength.

Of course, if you add Heavenly Guards, Sacred Prison Heavy Cannons, and other methods, even if you are a powerful immortal powerhouse, it will be scum in Chu Feng's hands!

After many years of hard work, his strength has finally reached a certain level, and he is already a ninth-level high-ranking saint. If he breaks through to a high-ranking saint, his strength can rise a lot!

"Xian'er, the sacred prison has been upgraded, and there are still a few things that have not been detected. Please hurry up. In addition, for the research of angels, hurry up. This time, you may have sensed something on the side of the holy mountain. It is already ten thousand years. Now, the Most Sacred Mountain has also been built seven or eight, and the battle of the Three Realms may start at any time!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Miao Xian'er said in astonishment: "It might start at any time? Although the most holy mountain may be almost completed, it will take at least eighty to ninety thousand years for the Angel Project and Steel Project to be completed, right?"

"If you are sensible, now is not a good time for the abyssal powerhouse to launch a full-scale war, but I will definitely have some actions next, and will bring some people into the holy prison space. The abyssal powerhouse knows that we have gathered a lot of people here. , If you accept more people, some abyssal powerhouses may be irrational! As long as someone irrationally spreads some news, won’t the Three Realms War begin immediately?" Chu Feng sighed, "The Three Realms War, I feel fast Up!"

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