Holy Prison

Chapter 1797: White Tiger Clan

"This guy is smart!" Chu Feng said in his mind, clearly defensively, and deliberately made people think that the defense is relatively weak. Fortunately, the holy prison can judge the defensive power of this blood ring, otherwise there will be a lot of it. If the treasure is smashed up, it will not break the blood ring, Chu Feng, and they are very dangerous!

"Xian'er, plus Tianwei, can only reach 62%, plus some one-time treasures I own?" Chu Feng asked in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said: "You have a lot of treasures, but you still need to buy some one-time treasures to increase the attack from 62% to 100%. In addition, Chu Feng, it is best to increase the attack to 100%. One hundred and ten, you have to leave some leeway, otherwise, if there is a little problem with the cooperation, it will be impossible to destroy the defense!"

"Xian'er, when all the heaven guards are dispatched, all my disposable treasures are used, and I still need to buy treasures from the store?" Chu Feng frowned.

"Yes, this time, there must be many strong people on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. There are too few strong people at the immortal level on our side. Although there are many people, the people above the immortal level on this side are only quite equal. Yu Sun Wukong's attack power alone!" Miao Xianer said, "Chu Feng, or let Feng Yao and others appear outside, so the attack power can be improved a lot!"

Chu Feng frowned secretly: "No, Feng Yao appeared outside. If her soul controls the body, there will be no problem, but if her demon soul controls the body? To make her launch a powerful attack, her cultivation level must be changed. It’s a lot of unblocking, she can’t help, it’s good to say that if she goes crazy and hurts Bing Ning, it’s not good for them!"

"What should I do? Do you want the heavenly guards to appear outside?" Miao Xian'er said. "No, use bombs, Xian'er, buy me a large amount of one-time treasures in the holy prison shop, don't buy top treasures, anyway, the goal is not to move, as long as the attack reaches a certain level!" Chu Feng Said in his mind.

"Chu Feng, there are too many treasures at once, maybe Tang Ming and others will be a little bit skeptical." Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng whispered in his mind: "That's better than Tianwei being outside. They won't be too confused. After all, Yin Xiao and them were all caught by me. How many treasures I have won, they can't know."

"Then buy it now? If you buy something below the top level, you need to buy five thousand pieces. This cost is not small!" Miao Xianer said.

Below the top level, that is also the level of the high-level sacred artifacts. The high-level sacred artifacts are not rubbish. Five thousand good high-level sacred artifacts are extremely valuable!

After so many years, Chu Feng still has a big pocket now. With the money he has, it is no problem to buy a few innate sacred objects. Now this time, the money that can afford one or two innate sacred objects is removed!

"Xian'er, buy it!" Chu Feng said in his mind. Although the defense of that blood ring will slowly decrease over time, the danger will continue to increase as time passes, although Chu Feng estimates It takes at least half a day for the people on the side of the Holy Mountain to come over, but God knows if they have any powerful means to make them reach this side in a relatively short time.

Miao Xian'er said, she immediately bought them as she said, and she kept buying pieces of sacred artifacts. "Roar!" Just when Miao Xian'er purchased a hundred sacred artifacts, a huge tiger roar came to Chu Feng and the others.

"Brother, who made trouble in our turf, actually made such a thing"

"The energy is terrifying. Except for the temple side, I can't think of any other forces that can create something like this on our side! Temple, huh!"

The tiger's roar fell, and two voices rang. "Xian'er, suspend the purchase." Chu Feng said in his mind hurriedly. Hearing what the two strong men outside said, they should not be from the temple. If they can call many strong men outside to cooperate, maybe they don't need to. Using too many treasures can also break this blood ring.

"Hey, brother outside, help!" Zhou Wen said loudly, he yelled very loudly, but it was a pity that the sound did not reach outside at all!

Tang Ming frowned and said, "Fatty, people outside can't hear your ghost call! Boss, what should I do?" "Don't worry, let them hear our voice, I can do it." Chu Feng chuckled. .

The holy prison could scan outside, and Chu Feng tried it. Heavenly guards could not appear outside, but there was no problem with the sound coming outside. "Two Tiger friends!" Chu Feng said, his voice sounded outside, and his voice sounded outside Tang Ming. They all heard clearly, and the voice was not affected from outside to inside.

One of the two tiger clan powerhouses said solemnly. Chu Feng's voice came up again: "Two Tiger friends, I don't know how many people you can call together? If you can help break this blood ring, I will be grateful!"

Chu Feng said: "Two friends, it doesn't matter who I am. This blood ring was made by the people of the temple. You should know that I am not a friend of the temple!"

"Brother, help? We are a little uncomfortable with the temple today, but if we get involved in the temple, we won't have a good life."

"Friend, sorry, we can't help with this favor!" The old Dadao among the two strong tigers. Chu Feng was anxious. These two tiger clan powerhouses are relatively high in strength. They should be able to call in many powerhouses. If this opportunity is missed, then he will have to waste a lot of treasures!

"Two friends, please wait!" Chu Feng said, "Two friends, please form a barrier around you. I have something to tell you!"

Bet, Chu Feng wanted to bet that these two tiger clan powerhouses were not parasitic. Judging from what they said, they should have not been parasitic.

If the bet is successful, then these two tiger clan powerhouses will definitely go to many powerful people to help. If the bet fails, then there will be many enemies outside the blood ring. When the blood ring is broken, you have to face the tiger clan. The powerhouse!

"Say something quickly." The boss of the Tiger Clan formed an enchantment around him instantly. "Two friends, it is not easy to transmit sound from the inside to the outside. I will make a long story short and swear by the sage that everything I say is true. If there is false, my strength will never be improved!"

Chu Feng's tone was very solemn, and the expressions of the two tiger clan experts also became solemn.

"The strong in the temple must be coming to this side. There will not be too much time. I will make a long story short. There is a big problem in the holy realm today. Most of the strong in the holy realm are parasitic. Basically all of the strong are parasitized!" Chu Feng said directly, "Things must start from the invasion of the abyss."

Chu Feng spoke very quickly, he didn't elaborate too much, he had finished speaking in just one minute. "Two Tiger friends, you are so busy, can you help?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Help, you must help, but what you say is best to be true, otherwise our Tiger Clan can't spare you!" Tiger Clan's old road. "Thank you, this blood ring is very strong defense. You'd better call more people over. By the way, don’t say goodbye to others. Just say, you see a treasure, and then this blood ring. It's okay to cover up that blood ring all at once!" Chu Feng exhorted, "About two-thirds of the Feng clan are parasitized, and I think many of the tiger clan are also parasitized!"

"Please wait for half an hour!"

After that, the two tiger clan powerhouses quickly disappeared. This is the tiger clan territory, but the site is not small, and it takes a lot of time to gather people.

"Half an hour!" Chu Feng said to Sun Wukong and the others, "If these two tiger clan powerhouses are not parasitized, we will welcome many helpers in half an hour. As long as one of them is parasitized, half an hour later , We will usher in many enemies, everyone must be prepared to usher in the enemy!"

Zhou Wen said: "Boss, can we break this blood ring by then?" "Yes." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "I can do it now, but it consumes too much! Although I waited for some people from Yin Xiao I got a lot of treasures, but it takes a lot of consumption to destroy this blood ring!"

"A lot? Chu Feng, this blood ring trembles so much by our attack. Shouldn't it be possible to break this blood ring without adding too strong an attack?" Feng Chen said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No... if the defense of this blood ring is 100, our attack will only reach about forty, not even half of it!"

Feng Chen and the others showed horror on their faces, "Boss, how could it be possible? With such a violent shock, how can our attack only reach 41%?" Zhou Wen said incredibly.

Tang Ming said solemnly: "It should be the ghost of Dragon Anode, deliberately letting our attack cause such a strong reaction. In this way, we are likely to waste a lot of treasures. If a lot of treasures are wasted, it will be impossible to go out. That's it!" "Damn, this shameless guy is really treacherous!" Zhou Wen cursed.

Chu Feng said quietly: "This is a clever method. Don't stop your attack, continue. Our attack can weaken the defense of this defensive cover!"

Half an hour is not long, half an hour has just passed. A little bit of tiger people have already reached this side. Those tiger people immediately let a lot of people appear outside, and they can see through the eyes of Chu Feng. There are tens of thousands of people on this side!

"Everyone, attack and destroy this thing together. If you get the treasure, then everyone will benefit!" one of the two white tiger clan experts who came before said loudly.

Chu Feng's heart loosened. The words of the strong white tiger clan indicated that he had made the right bet before, and neither of the two strong white tiger clan should have been parasitic!

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