Holy Prison

Chapter 1805: Harvest time power (3)

"Brother Feng, a lot?" Lan Wen asked curiously.

Chu Feng took a deep breath: "Wen'er, haven't you watched it?" Lan Wen shook her head: "No, Sister Bing Ning told me not to watch it for the time being. There may be problems when I see it."

"Wen'er, since you haven't watched it yet, don't watch it for the time being, you can look after it outside!" Chu Feng said. Lan Wen said in surprise: "Brother Feng, it seems that there is a lot of time power in it. Sister Bing Ning said that there are more luck than the few lucks I met. If I usually have less, it is estimated that in this spatial ring, It also has hundreds of thousands of strands of time!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "How much is it, you will know when you get outside." Chu Feng said this way, secretly wondering in his heart, where is hundreds of thousands, there are tens of millions in that space ring, Chu Feng for the past eight hundred years He had gained over 24 million wisps of time power, but Feng Bingning's space ring had a total of 40 million wisps of time power!

Before Hu Haihong said that he had no power of 10,000 wisps of time. This may not be true, but it should not be much worse. The power of time that Hu Haihong and other powerful people of the white tiger clan now have is certain. It is far inferior to the power of time that Chu Feng has now, 24 million plus Feng Bingning's 40 million, that is more than 60 million strands of time!

"Chu Feng, Sister Bing Ning is afraid that she has given Lan Wen most of her time strength!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. "Yeah." Chu Feng replied, 40 million strands. If this is not the vast majority of the power of time that Feng Bingning has obtained, then the power of time that Feng Bingning has obtained is too terrifying!

"Wen, what else does Bing Ning say?" Chu Feng said. Lan Wen nodded slightly: "Sister Bing Ning said that there are more time power hidden in many places underground, and the quality is better! Most of her time power is obtained from underground, I will try I've tried to move from underground, but it doesn't work. My vision doesn't work underground, and my spiritual consciousness can only scan a distance of about ten centimeters around. It is too difficult to hit good luck!"

"Underground." Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he turned a lot on the ground, but he really hadn't been to the underground. The sky's eye could only scan a distance of ten meters under the ground. This range was too small. But if he advances at a fast speed underground, then it is still possible to gain a lot of time!

"Wen'er, let's go underground together! You are responsible for divination to see which direction is better, and the sky is searching for the power of time!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng said that the dark chaotic lotus appeared under his feet, and the dark chaotic lotus grew a little bit bigger, which made Lan Wen also appear on the dark chaotic lotus.


Chu Feng quickly descended with a soft drink, and the pressure increased a lot every 100 meters or so. When Chu Feng descended to three kilometers, the underground pressure was already very strong. If it weren't for the protection of the dark chaotic lotus, Chu Feng would have You can't reach a depth of three kilometers underground!

"Go on!"

Three kilometers underground, although the pressure was already very strong, Chu Feng let the Dark Chaos Lotus protect them and continue to descend. After more than ten seconds, Chu Feng and the others had already descended to 4,300 meters underground. What I know is that even if it is a strong man like Hu Haihong, he can only reach four kilometers below the earth!

This cave is very weird, no matter what kind of cultivation, if there is no special sage, sight, hearing and smell are basically the same. As for going deep underground, the stronger the person is, the stronger the pressure. Generally speaking, the stronger the person can go deeper.

But Chu Feng is a strange species. His Dark Chaos Lotus is a treasure of defense. It is protected by the Dark Chaos Lotus. He and Lan Wen descend deeper than Hu Haihong!

"Brother Feng, okay? It has reached 4,500 meters underground, and the pressure outside seems extremely terrifying!" Lan Wen said with a little fright.

"Some more."

Chu Fengdao, as the owner of the Dark Chaos Lotus, he naturally knew the current situation better than Lan Wen. Under his control, the Dark Chaos Lotus finally dropped to a shape of 4,800 meters!

"Wen'er, which direction? You can just calculate it casually, don't take too much effort! Next, you will have to search for a lot of time!" Chu Feng chuckled.

Lan Wen nodded and pinched her finger to forget it. A few seconds later, Lan Wen pointed in a direction and said, "Brother Feng, this direction, I feel better."

"Then this direction."

As Chu Feng said, he immediately controlled the Dark Chaos Lotus and fleeed in the direction Lan Wen pointed out. The Dark Chaos Lotus passed, leaving no trace at all!

A few minutes later, Lan Wen suddenly said: "Brother Feng, wait, turn around, you can try in this direction, this direction feels pretty good!"

"Yes!" Chu Feng said with a smile, he said that he was controlling the dark chaotic lotus and immediately turned around. It was only half a minute later that Miao Xian'er's surprised voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, Stop, the power of time, the place you just passed by has the power of time, not just a strand, and the level is very high!"

Miao Xian'er let the image appear in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng immediately stepped back a little bit, and the image of the power of time that had just been scanned appeared in his mind. There were three rays of time in the scan, two The ray is the power of time in cyan, and the other is the power of time in purple. The rich purple looks very attractive!

"I hope it's a nest!"

With a murmur in Chu Feng's heart, he immediately moved closer, and as he approached, more time power appeared in the sky-eye scanning, blue, cyan, purple, and a few wisps of time power. silver!

"Xian'er, this silver power of time" Chu Feng said with surprise in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said: "It should be the power of a higher level of time. From the perspective of energy induction, it should be the power of time of level 8 energy. The power of time contained is estimated to be ten times the power of purple time!"

"Sure enough, there is the power of time surpassing the purple. I don't know if the patriarch Tiger has received such power of time." Chu Feng said in his mind and immediately approached a ray of silver time power, a jade bottle. Appearing in his hand, Chu Feng held the jade bottle and sucked it lightly, and suddenly a ray of silver time was sucked into the jade bottle.

"What a terrifying acceleration!"

Chu Feng marveled in his heart. His hand is naturally less than ten centimeters away from the silver time power. Holding the jade bottle, Chu Feng can clearly sense that this silver time power can provide The time acceleration was as high as 360,000 times, and Chu Feng had experienced it three thousand times before. It was already very fast.

But three thousand times and three hundred and sixty thousand times, the difference is not one and a half, three hundred and sixty thousand times faster, one year of training, it is equivalent to three hundred and sixty thousand years, this is extremely cruel, it is a pity It is Chu Feng that can't bear such a time acceleration at all now, let alone a time acceleration of 360,000 times, even a time acceleration of 10,000 times, Chu Feng can not afford it now!

"Brother Feng, this ray of time is very powerful?" Lan Wen said. Chu Feng handed the jade bottle in his hand to Lan Wen: "Wen'er, give it a try, this ray of time power is very powerful! The silver time power has a higher level than the purple time power. , A wisp of time equal to ten wisps of purple!"

"Three hundred and sixty thousand times!" Lan Wen was taken aback when she took the Yu Ping. It was the first time she encountered such a terrifying time acceleration. The time acceleration that she had received before was more than 3,000 wisps of time. Fifteen thousand times, which is much worse than 360,000 times!

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Wen Er, you have the power to show the way. This side is not only the silver power of time, there are eight powers of silver time, and there are more than 100 powers of purple time. The power of time is hundreds of times! The power of blue time is more than 1,300, which adds up to two thousand times of power!"

"Brother Feng, really so much?" Lan Wen said in a pleasant surprise, adding up to 2,000 Dao, although it is not as much as the 3,000 Dao she got before, but the power of these time is worth more than the 3,000 Dao she got before. I don’t know how high it is. A wisp of silver time is equivalent to ten million wisps of red time!

"It's true!" Chu Feng said, his heart was also very excited at this time, the power of silver time appeared, perhaps, there is a higher level of time power behind!

He doesn't need those high-level time powers now, but the holy prison heavy artillery can be used, and sooner or later, their time will increase, and they will need it at that time! The same is the power of time, when their cultivation base is very high, the power of high-level time is countless times better than the power of low-level time!

For example, the power of silver time and the power of purple time. Chu Feng has received many powers of purple time. Those purple powers of time accelerate up to more than 70,000 times, and none of the purple time powers has reached 80,000 times. , The power of silver time can reach more than 300,000 times. If he can withstand the power of silver time by then, then using that power of time, training will be several times faster than using the power of top purple time !

One strand, two strands, three strands. Soon Chu Feng collected all the power of the eight strands of silver time. The force of the eight strands of silver time is more than 30,000 times the slowest acceleration. The fastest acceleration is not The acceleration of the 360,000 times acceleration, the fastest acceleration of the time, the acceleration reached 372,000 times, which is terrifying!

After collecting the silver time power, natural Chu Feng also collected the purple time power and the cyan time power. This nest of time power was quite satisfactory to Chu Feng!

"Wen'er, it's done, which direction shall we go next?" Chu Feng smiled. Lan Wen calculated for a moment and pointed in a direction: "Brother Feng, this direction, but I'm not sure!"

"It's okay to be uncertain, there are still more than two hundred years away, we can definitely get a lot of time power." Chu Feng said.

"Yeah!" Lan Wen nodded slightly. With the initial success, she has a lot of confidence in herself at this time. If she has gained just this way back, then one success in a thousand mistakes would be good. Up! Of course, this is basically impossible, it is impossible to have that kind of harvest time and time again!

Time passed day by day and year after year. Under the ground, Chu Feng and Lan Wen cooperated to find the power of time. That was a large amount of time. At the beginning, Lan Wen was shocked. She was shocked how she and Chu Feng could get so much. After the time came, she was already a little numb!

Chu Feng gained a lot of silver time power, and even the golden time power gained three wisps of time when Chu Feng and the others advanced three years underground. In the following time, on average, they can get a wisp of golden time a year. The power of time, as for the power of silver time, on average, you can get twenty strands a year!

The power of golden time is higher than the power of silver time. A wisp of golden time power is ten times the power of silver time and a hundred times the power of purple time!

And time acceleration, the golden power of time can reach even higher, more than a hundred years have passed, the more than 100 golden time powers that Chu Feng received, of which the highest acceleration reached 1.6 million times that of terrifying, then With high time acceleration, Chu Feng estimated that even if an ordinary Immortal level expert enters the time acceleration domain, his body will suddenly collapse!

While Chu Feng and the others quickly searched for the power of time, the rest of the people in the hole in the sky were also searching for the power of time with all their strength.

"The harvest today is not bad." Feng Bingning put a ray of time power into the jade bottle with a faint smile on her face. Before most of the time power was given to Lan Wen, but now it is more than 100 years In the past, she had millions of wisps of time on her body. Such a speed is really shocking!

At this moment, a blood-colored giant snake rushed to a place not far from Feng Bingning's eyes and stared at the jade bottle in Feng Bingning's hand.

Feng Bingning's heart tightened, she felt a strong pressure from the blood-colored giant snake, this blood-colored giant snake should have indestructible strength!

"How can there be such a fierce thing in there!" Feng Bingning was staring at the blood-colored giant snake, feeling that it was stunned. "Want this power of time? Give it to you!" Feng Bingning noticed that the blood-colored giant snake was mainly staring at the jade bottle in her hand and quickly threw the jade bottle towards the blood-colored giant snake!

The mouth of the blood-colored giant snake immediately swallowed the jade bottle, and the jade bottle swallowed it down. The blood-colored giant snake still did not leave, but instead condensed the phoenix ice with a movement of its body.

"Roar" The blood-colored giant snake roared again, this time the roar was much lower than before, but it was full of threats.

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