Holy Prison

Chapter 1807: Leave, nether

"The power of being robbed of more than five million strands of time?" Chu Feng's expression sank. Except for Lan Wen, all of Yilian's faces showed horror.

The power of more than five million strands of time, this scared them, and among them, the power of the most time did not exceed the power of 10,000 strands of time!

"Sister Bing Ning, did you get the power of more than five million wisps of time?" Qin Ying said incredibly, this number is really horrifying!

Zhou Wen took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Who has snatched the power of more than five million wisps of time? Grandma got the ball, and I got 2,000 wisps of time in a thousand years, which bastard? Taking away more than five million wisps of time from your sister-in-law, that is an impatient life!"

Tang Ming frowned and said, "Sister-in-law, are you from the Tiger Clan?"

Chu Feng hadn't spoken yet. Zhou Wen and the others spoke excitedly. Chu Feng received more than 80 million wisps of time power, and among them, there were a lot of purple, silver and gold time powers. He received more than 5 million wisps of time power. The stimulus was not so great, but Zhou Wen and the others were stimulated!

"I can't be sure that it is a member of the Tiger Clan, but that person should have indestructible strength!" Feng Bing said, "When I gained a ray of time power, it suddenly came out, that ray of time I gave out the power, and then was threatened to give out more and more time power!"

"Finally, I handed over 5 million wisps of time power, and then swear that I will not have more than 5 million wisps of time power before I retreat!"

Chu Feng's face was gloomy and authentic: "The blood snake, has the wisdom?" "Well, it can still talk!" Feng Bing condensed, she said some information directly to Chu Feng and others.

"The bastard, I actually took so much power of time!" Zhou Wen yelled, "That guy must have been made by a tiger clan, or he was raised by a tiger clan! That space white tiger clan knows For so long, if there is an indestructible powerhouse, how can the White Tiger clan know"

Tang Ming nodded slightly and said, "Basically, it is certain that the Tiger clan did it." Feng Bing stared at Chu Feng and said, "Feng, I will tell you about this matter, but I shouldn't trouble the White Tiger clan. This should be the personal behavior of a certain member of the Baihu clan."

"The Baihu clan is powerful, and our troubles are no small now. If there is a conflict with the Baihu clan, it is not a wise choice!" Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng frowned and nodded: "Well, we have eaten this loss for the time being, and if we have a chance in the future, we will definitely get back this loss!"

"Boss, that's the power of more than five million strands of time!" Zhou Wen was still a bit indignant. The power of more than five million strands of time was not obtained by him, but it was very painful to think about it!

"Needless to say, it is not suitable for conflicts with the Tiger Clan now." Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, forget about this, don't you understand, don't talk to anyone else, don't show it! Although! More than five million strands were robbed, but we still got a lot of time!"

Tang Ming nodded, Zhou Wen also nodded helplessly. "Boss, this place, we must find it back then! Grandma's, it is said that for ten thousand years, we have not violated any rules, and we actually took more than five million wisps of power. It is too shameless!" Zhou Wen still Some angrily.

The clone of Chu Feng’s divine consciousness was chatting with Feng Bingning and the others. Outside, the leader of the White Tiger clan’s tiger luck had already started politely: "City Lord Chu, we of the White Tiger clan are going to retreat and practice together. I think It's not suitable for you to stay with our White Tigers anymore!"

"Great Elder!" Hu Haihong's face sank, "Great Elder, you go to practice first, monkey, City Lord Chu, follow me!"

Chu Feng took a deep look at Hu Yun and Sun Wukong and followed Hu Haihong quickly to leave. Feng Bingning was robbed, and Chu Feng had a feeling that this elder Hu Yun should have done it!

When Chu Feng and the others left, the elder Tiger Yun gave a cold snort. The blood-colored giant snake was not transformed by him, but it was transformed by his battle pet. At this time, the power of more than five million time has naturally fallen into the hands of Tiger Yun. !

"Monkey, City Lord Chu, I'm sorry, the elder Tiger Yun is a man!" Hu Haihong sighed slightly. "Patriarch Tiger, we have a chance to visit again in the future." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Hu Haihong said a spatial ring appeared in his hand, "City Lord Chu, there are two thousand wisps of time in it, City Master Chu, please make money, you help me Tiger Clan, this is a little thank you!"

"No need!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and the power of more than five million wisps of time was robbed by people. Why would Chu Feng have any interest in these two wisps of time, "Patriarch Tiger, I helped Tiger clan, the tiger clan also helped me, there is no need for the tiger clan chief to give me time!"

"It's been a thousand years since we got here, I think we should leave, and the outside world doesn't know what it has become!"

"Brother Cat, let's go!" Monkey King said.

Hu Haihong nodded: "City Master Chu, monkey, then I won't leave you any more! City Master Chu, those of the White Tiger clan who are parasitized, I hope I can help."

Chu Feng nodded, and Hu Haihong pinched the tactics. In a short time, Hu Haihong, Chu Feng and Monkey King had already appeared in the Baihu clan's Dongtianfudi!

"Patriarch Tiger, please go back!" Chu Feng said as his body became smaller and fell on Sun Wukong's shoulders. "City Lord Chu, monkey, easy to go!" Hu Haihong arched his hands.

"What are the mother-in-laws doing? Grandson will go!" Monkey King said a somersault and disappeared in front of Hu Haihong in the blink of an eye!

When Chu Feng and the others left, Hu Haihong disappeared in the blink of an eye and entered the heaven and earth.

"Master, how much power of time did you get? The power of time I got, old grandson, is not bad." Flying far away, Monkey King asked with a smile.

"How much did you get?" Chu Feng asked. Sun Wukong was a little excited and said: "Master, I only got a thousand Dao Dao, old Sun, but I got a ray of silver time power and dozens of purple time power and hundreds of blue time power. Power! The silver power of time has a higher level than the power of purple time. A wisp of silver time is estimated to be equivalent to ten wisps of purple time!"

"A ray of silver time is one billion years, and the acceleration of that ray of silver time is 200,000 times! If it was before, let alone a billion years, even 10 billion years, grandson I can’t improve much, but now I have a lot of insights. If it’s a billion years old, then my strength will definitely increase a lot! Master, the power of cyan time and the power of purple time, some The acceleration is not too fast, Master, if you need it, just speak up!" Monkey King said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Wukong, the power of cyan time and the power of purple time are very precious. Are you willing to give it away?" "I really can't bear to give it to someone else, but to you, I am naturally willing to give it to the grandson. Without you, my master, my combat effectiveness cannot be improved!" Monkey King said.

"If you don't need to give it, just keep your time power for your own use. You have gained a lot of time power, but how can it be compared to the time power that I and Bing Ning can get together." Chu Feng smiled Said, "Although I have encountered a little problem, Bing Ning still has a lot of time power."

"That's OK, Master, just say if you need it. Master, where are we going now? The side of the holy mountain is very scary. If you get close, it will be a lot of trouble!" Sun Wukong said.

Chu Feng said: "Wukong, you find a place, inquire about the situation in the holy world today, and see if there is any major event happening within this thousand years. If nothing major happens, we will enter the **** world. There is far less security in the realm of God! Moreover, the power of time must be used by some people in the realm of God!"

Inquiring about the news, it didn't take much time, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng and the others to find out clearly that nothing major happened in this thousand years!

"Wukong, go into my treasure space, hurry up and practice, I look forward to the day when you reach the Holy Venerable!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Old Sun also looks forward to it!" Sun Wukong said. The next moment Chu Feng waved his hand, Sun Wukong disappeared in front of him, the space key appeared in his hand, the space door opened, and Chu Feng's figure disappeared in the holy world in the blink of an eye. Among.

When Chu Feng left the Holy Realm, he returned to Shenguang City. "Dad!" Not a few seconds after he appeared, Chu Han and Chu Xiang appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Han'er, Xiang'er." Chu Feng looked at Chu Han and they nodded slightly, "Yes, the cultivation level has improved a lot compared to before!"

Chu Xiang curled his lips and said, "Dad, you don't want to think about how long you have been out of the lower bounds. Can we not improve in that long time?"

"This time, it is certain that there will be no lower bounds for some time." Chu Feng said, "Han'er, for example, who are the people in the penalty city and the fairy city today?"

Chu Han said: "Dad, Xiaoyu and Zhou Qing are on the other side of Tianpuicheng, and Xiaorou is on the other side of Tianpuicheng. As for the fairy city, Xiaoyun is on that side now."

"Is he looking at the **** that side?" Chu Feng said in surprise. If it weren't the case, Chu Yun would not stay there.

"Yes!" Chu Xiang said with a smile, "It's time to talk about marriage, but dad, you don't have a lower bound, so things will be temporarily delayed!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Unexpectedly, I was delaying Xiaoyun's major event. You guys will gather some of the emperor's people together, and I will go to the fairy and the punishment!"

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