Holy Prison

Chapter 1812: Tiger princess

Long Yang asked, no one spoke this time, Hongjun and the others were silent. Most people don't care much about Chu Feng. For them, it doesn't matter whether it is earlier or later.

There are still some people who want to find Chu Feng quickly and kill him, but they really can't think of any good way. If Chu Feng is not in the Holy Realm at the moment, what can be done? Although they can send someone to the lower realm, after the lower realm, they can beat Chu Feng.

"There is no good way?" Long Yang said with a deep glance at the saint in the hall. "Hall Lord, we don’t need to rush at this time. The Angel Project and Gangtie Project will be effective in six to seventy thousand years. At that time, we will have a large number of people who can execute orders in the lower realms. As long as the War of the Three Realms begins, I don’t believe in Chu. The peak is still shrinking and not appearing!" A Saint King-level expert said.

"Chu Feng is now a tortoise with a shrunken head. We can't deal with him with his head shrunk. It will be easy to deal with when his head is stretched out!"

Long Yang nodded slightly, and when someone replied, his expression finally looked better. "Everyone, don't know if you find the hiding place of the White Tiger? There is also the location of the Dragon Region, which must be found! The Xuanwu tribe is progressing well, so we must strengthen control!" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

"Back to the Hall Master, on the side of the White Tiger Clan, there is no news yet!" A Saint King-level expert said. Long Yang made a light hum to express his dissatisfaction. Now, on the side of the White Tiger tribe, there are three holy kings and three hundred indestructible powerhouses checking, and there is no progress yet!

"Language Saint King, on the side of the White Tiger clan, there should be some progress!" Long Yang said in a deep voice, "It has been 20,000 years, and there is no progress!"

"This" the greedy wolf holy king frowned slightly, "Hall lord, all the Baihu clan have disappeared, maybe, follow Chu Feng to leave!"


Long Yang said coldly, "Sage King Greed, you have been investigating for so long over there. You should have a deeper understanding of the Baihu clan. Many people in the Baihu clan are very proud. They follow Chu Feng, it is impossible. Chu Feng was able to gather those from the Feng clan because her wife Feng Bingning was a member of the Feng clan. In addition, he had a good relationship with Feng Chen in the early years. On the side of the White Tiger clan, who do you think he has a good relationship with?"

"What the hall master said is, but now the white tiger clan has completely disappeared, no one has come out at all. It is too difficult to find out! Even if there were a little trace in the past, now so many years have passed, that little trace is also All are wiped out under the strength of time!" Greedy Wolf Saint King said.

A voice came in from outside the main hall. "Come in!" Long Yang said in a loud voice.

Soon an old Taoist entered the hall: "See the Hall Master, sirs. The Hall Master, I caught a member of the White Tiger clan, and I was met by the old Tao when I just woke up. I saw her even the White Tiger clan. Without knowing where to blame, the poor took her in!"

"Who caught it?" Longyin's eyes lit up. If he caught an important person from the Baihu clan, it might be useful!

"Little princess of the White Tiger clan, Hu Yu'er!" The old man said in an instant a wild-looking girl appeared beside him.

The girl has golden hair, a vest and arms are exposed on her upper body, a pair of leather shorts on her lower body, and most of her slender and fit legs are exposed.

"You veteran, dare to catch this princess. If this princess tells her father, she will surely let you die! And you, who are you, let go of this princess quickly!" Hu Yu'er holds one. The whip throbbed angrily. "Hu Yuer, good, very good!" Long Yang laughed authentically.

Tiger Clan Hu Yuer, that is the daughter of Tiger Clan Chief Hu Haihong, Long Yang originally thought that Hu Yuer should be in the Tiger Clan now, but he did not expect to be caught here!

"Laugh, laugh!" Hu Yuer said with a whip and drew towards Longyang. "Bold!" Long Yang coldly snorted the whip back and slammed the whip heavily on Hu Yuer herself!

Hu Yu'er cried out in pain, wanted to get angry but some did not dare to get angry.

Long Yang said quietly: "Hu Yuer, even if your father dare not presumptuously in front of this seat! The greedy wolf holy king controlled Hu Yuer and attracted the tiger clan to appear. As for how to do it, you should not I need to teach you again? If you still can’t get news from the Tiger Clan this time, you three responsible Saint Kings will have to accept punishment!”

"Hall Lord, as long as the Tiger Clan members do not leave with Chu Feng, with Hu Yuer as a guide, they should be able to find the Tiger Clan members. If they can't be found, we are willing to receive punishment! If we find them, we also need some benefits!" The greedy wolf holy king said solemnly, "This tiger Yuer, I will take it then!"

Long Yang gave a little thought and nodded his head slightly: "Yes, my holy temple, you will be rewarded for merits, and you will be punished if you have done it! Sacred wolf holy king, for ten thousand years, I hope you don't disappoint this seat!"

"Senior Hongjun, Sovereign Formation, don't you know Yu'er? Senior Longyang, you should be Senior Longyang, my father has a good relationship with you!" Hu Yuer said loudly, she couldn't believe it. What she saw, some people in the hall had seen good to her before, but now they ignore her!

"Take it! Brother Hong, Venerable Bing, today's meeting is here, what do you think?" Long Yang looked at Hongjun and Venerable Bing.

"Let's stop here, if you continue driving, there is nothing to say." Venerable Ice said lightly.

In the domain tower, Chu Feng was practicing quietly, and if Ruowu's terrifying aura came from him, at this moment, Feng Bingning's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Xian'er, what's the matter?" Chu Feng didn't open his eyes and said softly in his mind. "Chu Feng, the power of green time, the power of blue time, and the power of cyan time are not much left. There are only 10,000 strands of each of these three! The purple power of time is now There are still sixty thousand strands, the power of silver time and the power of golden time have not been used, the power of silver time is 5,000 strands, and the power of golden time 200 strands." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly. Before, the green power of time was three to four million strands, the blue time was seven to eight million strands, and the blue time power was two to three hundred thousand strands. But there are too many people and the consumption is too huge. , Only 20,000 years of time that a large amount of time power was consumed to such a point!

"Green, blue, and cyan, the rest of the power of time of these three colors, most of them are those with slower acceleration, and the remaining ones with faster acceleration are only five hundred strands left. !" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes and said in his mind: "Xian'er, how about the power of time in red, orange, and yellow?"

Miao Xian'er said: "The power of red time was more than 3,000 wisps before, and now there are tens of thousands, but most of them are slower acceleration; the power of orange time was 2,000 wisps before, and now there is still It looks like five million strands, most of which have slower acceleration!"

"The yellow power of time was more than ten million threads before, and now there are still three million threads left, and most of the acceleration is relatively slow! Do you use the power of purple time in a large amount? It's just those low-level time powers, Even if the number is large, it won't last long!" Miao Xianer said.

The low-level power of time, like the power of red time, don’t look at it, there are still thousands of threads. One million of the power of red time can only be compared to the power of purple time. There are still ten million in total. The power of time can only be compared to the power of ten purple threads and the power of silver time!

"It's really fast!" Chu Feng exclaimed in his mind. "So many people use it, it's weird to use it slowly." Miao Xian'er said, "This is the reason why some people control the use. Otherwise, the low-level time power and many accelerating estimates are long gone!"

Chu Feng said: "Xian'er, how is the study of angels now? The holy prison heavy artillery, what is the situation now?" "The three hundred and twenty holy prison heavy artillery have been fully charged, and all of them have been charged. It’s more than half full, and at the current rate, two hundred of them will be fully charged within 10,000 years."

"The research on angels has made great progress, but we still need to continue research. I call you this time. One is to tell you about the power of time, and the other is to tell you about this situation. Research on angels is still needed. Catch more subjects!" Miao Xianer said.

"Xian'er, if you look at the power of time, you can use it. There is nothing to use the power of purple time in large quantities." Chu Feng said, "Below the power of purple time, save every power of time to ten thousand strands. , Maybe it will be needed sometime in the future. If the angel says, I will return to the holy realm to catch a batch! By the way, the second batch of nine sages should appear soon, right?"

Chu Feng said that he appeared on the edge of the holy pond in the holy prison space, and the wisp of time he used was also moved into the holy prison space by him.

"Almost, there are still one or two thousand years, and the second batch of sages should be able to appear." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng looked at the formed Saint Lotus and nodded slightly. There is no Miao Feiying on the side of the sacred pool. She has already purified all the energy water and led it into the sacred pool.

There is energy to form the third sage in the holy pool, but the speed of sage formation is only so fast, so let alone the third batch of sages, the second batch of nine sages has not yet formed!

"Xian'er, I went out. Unknowingly, so many years have passed, and it is time to walk around! Master needs to walk around. If Master needs it, time has to be given to Master. Yin On the side of the world, I have to go over!" Chu Feng said softly.

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