Holy Prison

Chapter 1825: Black Corpse Secret Poison Live Material

Under the threat of Chu Feng, the poisonous dragon Cherieman quickly issued a vicious oath and said viciously: "Boy, is it all right? Don't go too far!"

"My last name is Chu, you can call me Lord Chu!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Dulong, this is not the end, I still have something to ask! Answer it well, otherwise you will only be the one who suffers, understand? "

Cherieman snorted coldly. In his heart, he cursed Chu Feng viciously, but he was not good at this aspect, and now that his cultivation is suppressed to the lower position, even the curse of goodness cannot have any effect on Chu Feng!

"Before you said there was a secret on the side of Ghost City, what was it?" Chu Feng said. Cherieman snorted: "It was you who peeped before, but there are a lot of methods!"


Chu Feng said quietly, "Cheriman, remind you, whatever I ask, you should answer honestly. If you tell lies, then you will suffer from it. Then I will let you swear to confirm. Did you lie just now!" "There may be more than one phantom order!" Cheriman said.

"How do you know that there is a ghost order in the ghost city, what is the function of the ghost order, and how do you know that there may be more than one?" Chu Feng asked quickly.

Cherieman said: "Thirty thousand years ago, some people appeared in the minds of some people around the place where Ghost City was located. Cui Jin and his companions were on that side."

"They killed some of the others?" Chu Feng frowned. If there are a lot of people, then Tang Jian and the others should have known the news about the ghost order, but Tang Jian and the others did not know the news before.

"Not bad." Cherieman said indifferently, "Those with low cultivation bases, there is no need to know such secrets! Cui Jin and the others did not tell many people when they met, but the news of the ghost order still spread out, making the whole Yin now. Many people in the world know that this time there will be a ghost order!"

"The ghost order is a treasure of the most yin. It has the powerful power to control the ghost. The higher the cultivation level of the person holding the order, the greater the effect of the ghost order! If the person holding the order can have the strength of the immortal level, then have the ghost order There are not many people in the underworld that can not be controlled! Even if the people who hold the Ling are only immortal level cultivation bases, the general immortal level powerhouse may be able to control it!"

Chu Feng said: "This is the information that Cui Ling got back then? How do you know that this information is real and not a certain strong man is joking?"

"Hmph, with the old man's cultivation base, who can make such a joke without being known by the old man? The information that appeared in Cui Ling's mind contains a wonderful breath, and that wonderful breath is only available in Ghost City!" Liman said, "In addition to controlling the ghost, the ghost has another function, and that is to speed up your own training!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Zhi Yin's treasure can speed up the cultivation of the Yin Soul, which is normal. "If they can get this ghost order, Luohe and the others can practice in the holy prison space." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, now Luohe and the others can also practice in the holy prison space, but the training speed will be slow. Quite a lot!

"How do you know there may be more than one piece?" Chu Feng said.

Cherieman said: "Guess, there are four areas in the ghost city, and it is very likely that each area has a ghost order. In that case, there are a total of four ghost orders!"

"Cheriman, how did you get your black corpse toxin, what kind of conditions are needed to use the black corpse secret poison?" Chu Feng asked. Cherieman said indifferently, "I can't finish it in one shot."

Chu Feng thought that a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand and threw it to Cheriman: "Give me the information into this jade slip, don't have any falsehood, if there is falsehood, you will suffer!"

Cheriman hummed a large amount of information quickly into that piece of jade slip, "Okay!" Cheriman said and threw the jade slip back to Chu Feng.

The divine consciousness penetrated into the jade slip, and Chu Feng quickly read the information in the jade slip. As those information read, Chu Feng frowned. The black corpse secret poison is indeed very powerful, but Its refining is also very evil!

The black corpse secret poison refined by Cheriman is divided into five levels. The first-level black corpse secret poison can affect the lower saints and the middle saints. As long as they are contaminated, they will be infected with the black corpse secret poison. The first-level black corpse secret poison is the easiest to make, and the effect is the lowest. It is ineffective for the strong above the middle saint, and it is also invalid for the lower and middle saints with powerful treasures!

The second level can be used for high-ranking saints, third-level high-ranking saints, fourth-level immortal saints, and fifth-level immortal saints! Before Luohe was contaminated with the third-level black corpse secret poison, if it were not the third-level black corpse secret poison, it would not be possible to affect the high-ranking saint of Tang Jian!

The secret black corpse poison does not infect as many people as you want to infect. Each strand of the secret black corpse poison can infect how many people, it depends on how many "live materials" are used during refining!

The so-called living material refers to the living life! When a strand of black corpse secret poison is refined, it can infect more people. If it uses less, it can infect fewer people!

"Cheriman, you really deserve to die!" Chu Feng said coldly, and there was news like that when refining a wisp of secret poison from a black corpse. It is difficult for Chu Feng to estimate how many people were being tempered by Cherieman alive!

Cherieman said indifferently: "Friends, sympathize with those who died? They have no ability, and it is their fate to die in the hands of the old man! Friends, you let me go, how about I teach you how to refine the secret poison of the black corpse? If you can With this, if you get the ghost order, the entire underworld will be under your control!"

"Not interested!" Chu Feng said coldly, "Cheriman, how many strands of the black corpse secret poison of each level refined in your space treasure? How many other places are there in your lair? "

Cherieman chuckled and said, "My friend, do you want to use it? After using it, you will know that the secret poison of the black corpse is a good thing! The first level of the secret poison of the black corpse is more than 600 strands. A strand can infect a thousand people, and a few strands can infect a dozen or so people. In total, it will infect two or three hundred thousand lower saints and middle saints!"

"The second-level black corpse secret poison is five hundred strands, the more one can infect five hundred people, and the less can infect a dozen people! The third-level black corpse secret poison is three hundred strands, and more can infect Two hundred people, a few can infect five people; the fourth-level black corpse secret poison can infect immortal strong people, a total of five hundred strands, more can infect more than fifty people, and a few can only infect one person ."

"The best five-level black corpse secret poison is currently successful. There are only 51 strands. The more can infect 30 or 40 people, and the less can only infect one person. There is no problem in infecting a thousand or so indestructible strong people. All the secret poison of the black corpse is controllable. If it is not contagious, it will not be contagious. If you are close to each other, you will infect whoever thinks it is infected. It is difficult for the middle person to find a solution, friends, these black people You can’t control the secret corpse poison. If you let me go, then I can teach you how to control the secret corpse poison! Think about it, those secret corpse poison can infect thousands of indestructible powers. Thousands of immortal powerhouses, as long as you can control those things, then the entire underworld will be your sole authority by then!"

Chu Feng whispered: "Cheriman, a wisp of secret black corpse poison that can infect thirty or forty indestructible powerhouses, how many people will probably die after being refined?"

"A strand of black corpse secret poison like that, in fact, you don't need to prepare too many living materials. The immortal-level strong active material needs one. There are about 20 or 30 immortal-grade living materials, and the rest of the cultivation base is also OK. , The strength of the living material is high, so you need less, and the cultivation base needs more! You can use the living material that does not have the strength of the saint, and that kind of living material is easy to obtain." Cherieman said seductively," If there is a way to refine the black corpse secret poison, it won't be that difficult!"

"How much do you need below the saint?" Chu Feng asked.

Cheriman said: "To be able to control thirty or forty immortal-level powerhouses, below the saints, you need a little bit more living materials, about 100 million god-level living materials! These living materials, and then With a little bit of black corpse virus, you can refine the black corpse secret poison, isn't it easier?"

"One hundred million!" Chu Feng's expression became cold, and Cherieman didn't know how many people had been arrested for refining! Only the successful refining of the black corpse secret poison requires a huge amount of "live material", there must be countless failures before it succeeds, and the amount of "live material" wasted in those failures is definitely more terrifying!

"Friend, the black corpse secret poison I just said are in the two space rings. If you let me go, I will teach you how to control the black corpse secret poison and how to refine the black corpse secret poison... As long as you are in control, no one in your underworld will dare not listen to your orders by then!" Cherieman chuckled.

There was a "kind" smile on his face, but Cherieman was sneer in his heart at the moment. If Chu Feng agreed, he would really teach Chu Feng, but if Chu Feng used the secret poison of the black corpse, he would be very good at He has only secondary control authority over the secret poison of the corpse, and there is no problem if Cheriman does not interfere. If Cheriman interferes, then Chu Feng cannot control the secret poison of the black corpse he released!

"Poison Dragon, I am not interested in that right now, what I am more interested in is to teach you a severe lesson!" Chu Feng said that the whip that had disappeared before reappeared, whip after whip fell heavily on Cherieman. .

There is no doubt that Cherieman is a master of poison production, but he uses living people to refine the black corpse secret poison, which Chu Feng absolutely cannot tolerate!

"Xian'er, lock up this bastard!" Chu Feng said solemnly after taking a fierce breath. Cherieman can't cut him down yet. Chu Feng still wants to control the secret poison of those black corpses. !

The secret poison of the black corpse was made to kill a large number of lives, but it is undeniable that the secret poison of the black corpse is extremely powerful! Chu Feng will never create the secret poison of the black corpse, but he is not too pedantic to not use the things he has already done. At that time, being able to solve this cosmic crisis is also a bit of comfort for those who died because of Cherieman's refining the black corpse secret poison!

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