Holy Prison

Chapter 1827: Knot

"Knot... I don't seem to have any knots." Bai Wanli frowned slightly. Chu Feng chuckles and said: "It depends on Brother Bai that you find out by yourself. If you don't know where your heart is, then it is very difficult for outsiders to help! The first step is to find the heart. Then I figured out how to open my heart knot!"

"Brother Chu, thank you!" Bai Wanli said, and Chu Feng waved his hand: "No, you may already be aware of this, maybe someone else has told you! I can't help you find the knot, there is nothing to thank !"

Luo He coughed lightly: "Second brother, I may know where your heart is." "Luohe, what is my heart, please talk about it." Bai Wanli said quickly.

"Some people don't dare to reach your second brother. Tang Jian is shocked. It is estimated that no one dares to talk to them, but I have a low cultivation base. Some people talked about it in front of me." Luohe said, " Second brother, you shouldn't have a woman? Some people talk privately that you don't like women like men."

"Which **** said that?" Bai Wanli got angry and liked men. What about that, when did Bai Wanli become a gangster?

Chu Feng's heart moved, Luo He said so, he also guessed a little bit of Bai Wanli's heart. "Second brother, don't get excited. It should be fake to like men. If you don't have women yet, then your heart knot should be on women." Luo He said.

Bai Wanli's body was furious and fell quickly, with a memory of memories in his eyes. After a long time, Bai Wanli smiled bitterly: "Perhaps, my heart is really in this respect!"

"Let's talk about it. Tell me about it, even if you can't open your heart knot, maybe it can make you more comfortable." Chu Feng said softly. Bai Wanli nodded slightly: "A long time ago, I met a woman. At that time, I was the cultivation base of the lower saint. She was also the cultivation base of the lower saint. We love each other. We have been together for many years until the middle position. The saint’s cultivation base! For whatever reason, her attitude towards me suddenly changed."

"It makes me feel that I don't know her! She was very kind before, but after the change, she is no longer connected with the word kind. I checked it privately, and she quietly killed a lot of innocents. People sucked their blood! Maybe she noticed my investigation, and then she disappeared, and after that, I never heard from her!"

Tang Jiandao: "Second brother, such a knot is very obvious, why don't you know that you have such a knot?" "That is a painful memory, I have sealed this memory in dust, if it weren't for Luo When He talked about it, I couldn't remember such a thing at all. Although the memory was sealed, my subconscious told me that I would no longer enter into feelings. Therefore, there were such speechless rumors from the outside world." Bai Wanli said .

Chu Feng shook his head slightly and said, "Brother Bai, sealing up the dust does not mean letting go. If you really let go, your mood should have a breakthrough!"

"Let it go, how easy is it?" Bai Wanli smiled bitterly.

Chu Feng said: "Brother Bai, you just said that the woman has changed so much that you don't know her? Do you feel that way, she is not her?"

Bai Wanli said: "Brother Chu, do you mean that she is controlled by others? It shouldn't be. I spent a lot of money to get someone whose cultivation base is much higher than me to check. She has no trace of being controlled by the strong!"

"Brother Bai, you haven't answered my question yet. My question is how you feel. You don't care about what others say." Chu Feng said. Bai Wanli frowned and said, "Sometimes I feel that she is her, but sometimes, I feel that she is not her. It is a little weird. Brother Chu, do you know what?"

"Perhaps you know some." Chu Feng said, "You enter my treasure space first, and tell you a little bit! Tang Jian, stay outside!"

Chu Feng said that a suction force was applied to Bai Wanli, and Bai Wanli entered the holy prison space with Chu Feng the next moment without resisting it.

"Brother Chu, you know what the trouble is, please tell me." Entering the holy prison space, Bai Wanli said anxiously. "Sit down." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, as he said that he sat down first.

Bai Wanli sat down and Chu Feng said, "Brother Bai, what is the name of that woman?"

"Su Yan!" Bai Wanli said. Chu Feng said calmly: "Brother Bai, maybe it was not Su Yan's intention to make such a move back then. She was not her then."

"Brother Chu, but once when she killed someone, I could still feel that she was her, she was Su Yan, and no one else controlled her!" Bai Wanli said with excitement.

Chu Feng said, "Brother Bai, your feeling is probably wrong, and there are some things you can't feel!" Hearing Bai Wanli talked about his previous woman, Chu Feng's intuition, that woman should be parasitic. It is strange to be parasitized by the strong of the abyss, usually Bai Wanli can feel it!

On the side of the Yin Realm, Chu Feng has not found any parasitized people. It is estimated that there are very few parasitized people on the side of the Yin Realm, but even if this is the case, Chu Feng wants to find them out!

If you can find Su Yan and make sure that she is parasitized, then maybe you can find some other parasitized people. This thing must be done sooner or later!

"Brother Bai, if you do your best to search, can you find Su Yan?" Chu Feng said.

Bai Wanli hesitated and nodded slightly: "It should be possible! I was with her for a long time, and I had her soul jade slip. There is a soul induction tower on the other side of Shenwu City, and the soul jade slip is placed in that tower. , As long as Su Yan is not too far away, she should be able to sense her position!"

"Shenwu City... Shadow Soul City is opened, maybe Su Yan will also go to the side of Shenwu City, then he will feel it." Chu Feng said. "Chu Feng, Bai Wanli was not parasitized." Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind.

"Brother Chu, please tell me something, what do you mean when you said Su Yan was not her?" Bai Wanli said. Chu Feng raised his hand a little, and instantly a white light emerged from his fingertips into Bai Wanli's mind. This white light was about some information about parasitism in the Holy Realm.

After the information was absorbed, Bai Wanli's eyes showed horror. Chu Feng sipped the tea and waited for him to recover from the shock. "Brother Chu, are these true?" Bai Wanli's expression was a little ugly and authentic.

"It's not fake."

"Huh, I didn't expect such a problem to occur in the Holy Realm." Bai Wanli let out a breath, "Brother Chu, you mean, Su Yan is parasitic."

"Yes, in all likelihood, she is parasitized. There is also a deep sleep on the side of the underworld. The parasitic in the deep sleep has reached a certain level, you can't find it!" Chu Feng said, "Bai Wanli, I told you This, don't tell anyone, including Tang Jian, they now know that this kind of news will have some impact on their training! In addition, their cultivation base is relatively low, if they know, the possibility of this news being spread is relatively high! "

"I know." Bai Wanli nodded, he knew the seriousness of such news. "Brother Chu, if you tell me this, you must be asking for something."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "If your heart knot is untied, then you may be able to reach the immortal level cultivation base, the immortal level cultivation base, and sometimes you may be able to take care of Tang Jian and the others."

"The same people in the city of life and death, it is my duty to take care of them." Bai Wanli said, "Brother Chu, thank you for telling me this. I feel that my mood seems to have improved a little bit. If I can find Su Yan If she is confirmed that she is indeed parasitized, maybe my knot will be solved a lot!"

"Brother Bai, don't you want to try against me? When you get here, let's try it. Maybe if you fight against it, you can improve your mood." Chu Feng chuckled.

People like Bai Wanli have extremely high combat power and high combat power. It is inevitable that they will be a little arrogant. If they are hit, it will help Chu Feng improve their mood. Although the combat power is high, he is under extreme pressure. Big, arrogant, this Chu Feng is really too arrogant.

"Okay!" Bai Wanli agreed happily, "Tang Jian and the others have all worshipped Brother Chu as your teacher, so you must be sure that your combat power is not bad!"

"Let's change a place."

Chu Feng said that He Bai Wanli was in another small space in an instant, and this small space was specially prepared by Chu Feng for battle.

Bai Wanli was full of confidence in his own combat power. The two sides started the fight with the strength of a high-ranking saint. As soon as Bai Wanli opened the fight, it became clear that Chu Feng's combat power was definitely higher than him, and it was much higher!

Five minutes later, Bai Wanli lay on the ground and stared at Chu Feng blankly. He really did not expect that in five minutes, only five minutes, Bai Wanli was defeated by Chu Feng!

It’s not surprising that he defeated Bai Wanli Chu Feng in five minutes. Back then, Sun Wukong could only hold on to his suppressing power for ten minutes. Sun Wukong’s combat power was much stronger than Bai Wanli, and his combat power over the years was also impressive. Some improvements.

This time, Chu Feng Swallowing the World Gourd didn’t use it. The Dark Chaos Lotus’ defenses were used a little bit. If the two treasures were fully used, then Chu Feng could win faster, but that’s too bullying, Bai Wanli could There is no treasure at the level of Innate Supreme Treasure!

"Brother Bai, there are people outside the world, there is heaven outside the world, there is no end to the improvement of combat power, after this battle, I hope to help you." Chu Feng stretched out his hand to Bai Wanli and smiled.

Bai Wanli did not reach out and grab Chu Feng's hand, but turned around and knelt to the ground: "Chu...Senior, I know why Tang Jian and the others worshiped you as a teacher. Senior Chu, I have had it before. Master, but my Master is already dead, Master must also wish me stronger! Senior Chu, I want to worship you as a teacher!"

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