Holy Prison

Chapter 1835: Chaos Stone

The Purple Jade Demon Lord was taken aback for a moment and then laughed wildly: "Such a little thing I can't appreciate? Then you will come up with something worth more than this magic eye!"

The things that Chu Feng possesses are basically those on the side of the Yang Realm. Before he caught the poisonous dragon, he was really not good at taking out things worth more than the magic eye, but he caught the poisonous dragon and got those things from the poisonous dragon. , Now it’s no problem to come up with something worth more than that demon eye, when the Purple Jade Demon Lord does not know the goods!

If the Purple Jade Demon Lord knows the goods, then the value of the Lion King's pupil will not be inferior to that of an innate treasure, and the dominating device is far from comparable to the innate treasure!

"Look, is that enough?" Chu Feng said faintly. A space ring appeared in his hand. The space ring contained many treasures from the poisonous dragon Cheriman. The sacred objects used by the poisonous dragon Cheriman were all in there. Inside, the sacred artifacts have changed a lot after leaving the owner, and most people can't recognize those things as belonging to the poisonous dragon Cheriman.

"This one"

A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the Purple Jade Demon Lord. He didn't expect that Chu Feng would actually bring out so many treasures. In his opinion, these things will not be long before they belong to him!

"Your stuff is about the same value as my demon eye." Ziyu Demon Jun said. Chu Feng's thoughts moved and closed the space ring: "Well, if you say so, it's not worth it! Do you think your demon eye is the innate treasure or not? If it is the innate treasure, the value is similar, let's go!"

"and many more!"

The purple jade demon king gritted his teeth and a stone appeared in his hand. Chu Feng's eyes lit up when he saw the stone. It turned out to be a growth stone, and it was a high-level growth stone. Now Yin Ming is just right to use it. Without a high-level growth stone, Yin Ming's growth would have to hinder his progress!

"You should also know the preciousness of this growth stone. I added this growth stone and bet with you!" The Purple Jade Demon said coldly, "Dare you gamble?"

Chu Feng faintly said: "I'll see you tomorrow morning in the sixth ring!" "It's just these things. I'm willing to bet and lose. What if I lose and don't hand over?" Ziyu Demon Jun said.

"Shengge is in the dust, never promote!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Purple Jade Demon Lord laughed and said: "Very well, this is our oath. If you lose, you will not be willing to bet and give up, the Saint Ge will be dusted and never promoted, hahaha!"

"Laugh, laugh a shit, tomorrow I will let you know how powerful Grandpa Fright is." Bu frightened. The purple jade demon swept away in shock: "Fright kid, tomorrow this demon will let you know what the gap is, haha!"

The Purple Jade Demon Lord left happily after speaking, he was already looking forward to tomorrow's duel, and he was already looking forward to winning the treasures of Chu Feng in his hands.

As for the failure, the Purple Jade Demon Lord did not expect that he would fail at all. In recent years, he is strange, and his combat power has improved a lot from the previous foundation!

"Master, what shall we do now?" Tang Jiandao.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Taobao, what else should I do? Could it be that if you agree to the kid's duel, even if you are not interested in Taobao?"

"Hey, of course not. We still have a little confidence in defeating him." Tang Jian smiled. If there is no power of time for only one year, then his improvement will not be much, but with the power of time, then Some time is not just a year, and a realization after ten days.

One comprehension is tens of thousands of days!

Under such teachings, Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun's combat power have been greatly improved. Among them, Tang Jian has the most improvement, Bu Jingxun is the second, and Luohe has the least improvement!

However, even Luohe, the lowest combat power, should not be much worse than Bai Wanli now!

"That's not the case, let's go, look around and see how your luck is today." Chu Feng said with a light smile, as he walked toward a stall first.

This underground trading market is divided into two parts. One part is the shop trading area, where there are shops one by one. The goods shipped in the shop are guaranteed, but it is also more difficult to find the baby from the shop. Quite a lot; besides the shops, there are many stalls. The things to be sold are on the stalls. It is easy for the practitioners to make a beautiful stall, so many stalls are beautiful.

Of course, there are also some stalls that are as simple as a wooden board or just a piece of animal skins on the ground, and then display their treasures.

There are also good things on the side of the street stall. Every day, there is no shortage of people to find some real treasures. In the short time they entered Chufeng, some people found real treasures. But here, more people come out. After spending a lot of money, it’s not a baby but a **** like a baby!

These days, the eyes of practitioners are extremely sharp, and even though the holy consciousness is restricted in it, the holy consciousness can still be released a few meters away from the body, which means that it can be tested by the divine consciousness. With extremely sharp eyes, coupled with divine consciousness, so many practitioners will not buy fakes? No, no.

There are fake certificates everywhere on the earth, and there are not a few people in the holy world who specialize in fraud in the **** realm, and it is the same in the underworld!

You have sharp eyes, and you think you have a treasure in your hand, but it is very likely that this "baby" is a so-called "baby" easily made by a counterfeit master, and the value may be only one hundred millionth of the value of the real baby. One, not even one hundred millionth of a real baby!

"This friend, what do you need? These things are all accidental. This...there is a little bit wrong, but it must be a good thing!"

"My friend, take a look, take a look at this sword. It is definitely a sword that can be used by upper-ranking saints and powerful! I came from my ancestors. In my generation, let alone upper-ranked saints, even middle-ranked saints in the family. It’s all gone, so this sword won’t be left in the family, so I reluctantly parted with it.

"Friend, look, they are all good things!"

After walking and watching, Chu Feng shook his head secretly. There are quite a few people selling fakes in this underground market. There are some genuine ones, but the real ones are basically not cheap. If you want to find good things, one word: difficult !

Although he knows that some things are not good things, Chu Feng also bought a few of them, including high imitation rubbish. Of course it is not that those things are useful to him, and those things are not useful to him, but if they don’t do this , I have found a real good thing and want to buy it easily, I am afraid it is not so easy!

The people who buy are very skilled, and many of the people who sell here are also very skilled. If he finds that you haven't made a deal for a long time, and you transfer to him to make a move, then it is strange that you are not vigilant. For the buyers here, it is important to buy the baby. Rong, but for the sellers here, it is a shame that the baby has slipped away from him!

Like Chu Feng, if you look around and buy a few randomly, you will be able to buy valuable treasures at a low price when you arrive at the stalls where there are real treasures. Of course, this requires that you have that vision. If not, With that kind of eyesight, buying things like that, when the trash can only be thrown away, it's still oneself!

"Xian'er, the sky eye is open, pay attention, stop the sky eye when there are immortal-level powerhouses around." Chu Feng said in his mind, the immortal-level powerhouse can't feel the sky-eye scanning. I can feel a little bit, Chu Feng didn't want to attract anyone's attention because of the scan of the sky eye.

Miao Xian'er opened the Sky Eye's scan immediately, and instantly the Sky Eye covered the area of ​​100 meters around Chu Feng. "Chu Feng, the Sky Eye is also greatly suppressed, but the scanning range is still about 100 meters, which is pretty good. You go 23 meters, and there is a good thing in that goat mountain."

"Not bad, how valuable is it, can it be comparable to a high-level sacred artifact?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Uh, it can't be compared, but its real value is more than ten thousand times the price." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"Forget it, leave such things to others. I only want real good things. If I buy too many such things, the real good things won't have anything to do with me!" Chu Feng said.

Time passed by, and Chu Feng wandered around. Tianyan found a lot of good things, but the value of those things was not worthy of Chu Feng.

The underground trading market is relatively large, but Chu Feng's speed is relatively fast, the sky's eye scans the surrounding 100 meters, a few hours later, Chu Feng has already completed more than half of the stall area.

"Chu Feng!" Just when Chu Feng bought another piece of garbage, Miao Xian'er's excited voice suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Chaotic Stone, there is a Chaos Stone over there!"

"What?" Chu Feng asked quickly in his mind, listening to Miao Xian'er saying that he was unsettled in his heart, but others seemed to be very settled.

"Ninety-nine meters in front of you, in that strange stone booth, there is a chaotic stone among the stones, a larger chaotic stone!" Miao Xian'er said.

"How old?"

"It's the size of a basketball!"

Chu Feng was shocked. During the auction in the Holy Realm, Hongjun bought a fist-sized chaos stone. That chaos stone was auctioned for more than 43 trillion catties of void stone, a basketball-sized chaos stone. The Chaos Stone is ten times the size of a fist, and its value will exceed ten times!

"Xian'er, the Chaos Stone hasn't been discovered?" Chu Feng said nervously in his mind. He needs the Chaos Stone. If he is discovered, he will have to grab it by then!

Of course, if you can buy it without using that method, it is naturally the best. "No, the chaotic stone is surrounded by a stone shell, it is difficult for people to find such a large chaotic stone inside!" Miao Xianer said.

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