Holy Prison

Chapter 1837: Taobao harvest

"Master Chu, how did you gain?"

"Yes, Master, how did you gain?"

One day passed, Chu Feng and Tang Jian both left the underground trading market. Although that underground trading market was large, it could be seen in a single day. Of course, it’s okay to use it every day. Today, there are many people on the other side bringing out new things every day. There may be treasures among those new things.

"Go back and talk about it." Chu Feng said with a light smile. His harvest was naturally excellent. He got such a large chaos stone and got a high-level jade plate finger. That jade plate finger should have belonged to an indestructible one. Owned by the powerhouse of the rank, the internal space of the jade finger has been opened, and there are many good things in that jade finger!

In addition to the Chaos Stone and the ring, Chu Feng later made two more things. One was a bottle of Buddha statue that looked a bit tattered. The Buddha statue itself can no longer be said to be a treasure, but the material of the Buddha statue is excellent. Come to refine the top treasures and sell them to the holy prison pawnshop, which is worth a lot of money.

The other is a piece of jade pendant. The jade pendant looks like a fake but in fact it is a genuine one. Like the jade finger, this jade pendant is also a space treasure, but there are differences between the two.

The jade plate refers to a large space inside, but there are countless small spaces in this piece of jade pendant. The jade pendant is made from countless kinds of treasures. The countless small spaces can be used to store many kinds of things. Many things need jade bottles. What kind of stuff, with this jade pendant, basically you don’t need each jade bottle!

After leaving the underground trading market, Chu Feng and the others soon returned to the manor on the side of Shenwuchang in the City of Life and Death. "Master, I got a good harvest this time." When he reached the top of the mountain, Bu Jingxian first gave out some of the things he had found like a treasure. "Second brother, Brother Tang, Luohe, how about?"

There are a dozen or so items that Bu Jingxun found. Chu Feng first took a look at his eyes and then used his spiritual sense, and immediately discovered that three of the ten or so items were fakes.

"Scan." With a movement of his mind, Chu Feng asked Heaven's Eye to scan. This scan revealed that three of the dozen or so things were fake!

"With the shocking eyesight of the step, six of the eleven items found are fake, and there are so many fakes!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, some of the ones with poorer eyesight might have bought more fakes. , If the eyesight is poor and luck is not enough, then maybe a dozen or so items are fake!

"Scary, these two things seem to have some problems," Tang Jian said with a light smile, and he pointed to two of them, and Chu Feng could see the two things without divine consciousness.

"There are two more." Bai Wanli pointed to the other two and said, "Scary, you have missed these few things, they are fake fakes!"

There was limited divine consciousness in there, and the ability to scan the divine consciousness when going outside had increased a lot. At this time, he carefully identified the four things and found that one of them was fake.

"Master" looked at Chu Feng in shock. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Tang Jian, they said it was right. You are fake these four, and so are these two."

Bu Fright's face showed a depressed color, and he bought eleven pieces in total, and there were actually six fakes! "Grass, there are more and more fakers these years!" Bu said reluctantly. If he found fakes, he could only admit that he was unlucky. This is the case in such a trading market. It is not a regular store, if it is a regular store. If you buy fakes in the shop, you will be compensated!

"Master, I won't lose this trip, am I? These three items, I spent a lot of money to buy them!" Bu Jinghu pointed to three of the fake goods.

Chu Feng smiled and pointed to one of the five genuine goods and said: "It should not be. Your gourd is good. It looks ordinary, but it is a treasure. With this thing, you should not pay, but It is estimated that the amount of money won will not go anywhere." "It's fine if you don't pay it." Bu said with a sigh of relief, if he lost it, his face would not look good.

"Master, please help me with your palm." Luo Hedao, he took out five objects as he said, and his eyes scanned Chu Feng's eyes with surprise. Among the five objects Luo He obtained, there were three genuine ones. , Two of the three things are very good, deducting the cost, Luohe should be able to make a lot!

"Not bad." Chu Feng said and pointed to two of them. "These two are fake, and the other three are real. Your cost should not exceed 10,000 jin of middle-grade Saint Crystal? These things, The value is about ten million catties of middle-grade sacred crystals, and after deducting the cost, there are also ten million catties of middle-grade sacred crystals earned!

Luo He's eyes lit up. The five things he bought really cost You Yuan, and if they were folded into a sacred crystal, it would indeed not exceed 10,000 catties of the middle-grade sacred crystal!

"Luohe, 10 million catties of middle-grade sacred crystals, not bad, you can get a treat at that time!" Tang Jian smiled. The value of 10 million catties of middle-grade sacred crystals is about the same as 10 million catties of void stone. A good harvest!

"Tang Jian, look at yours. I guess you earn more than mine!" Luo He smiled, "Even if you don't earn more than I earn, Master will definitely earn more than I earn. !"

The things Tang Jian and Bai Wanli had found were also quickly taken out. The strength of a high-ranking saint and the strength of a nine-level immortal saint were very high in their eyesight. The things they found were worth more than The value of things found in Luohe is much higher! Tang Jian earned more than 500 million catties of medium-grade sacred crystals!

And Bai Wanli, deducting the spent, earned more than 3 billion jin of middle-grade sacred crystals this trip, this harvest is very good. "Master Chu, what about your things, let's open our eyes." Bai Wanli smiled authentically, Tang Jian and their eyes also showed expectation. They knew a question after the appraisal just now. Among the five people, Chu Feng's appraisal level Is the highest!

Chu Feng smiled slightly, but he didn't hide anything. Some of the things he just found out were all taken outside.

"Uh" They were startled for a while, with their eyesight they could see that many of the twenty or so items that Chu Feng had obtained were definitely fakes!

"These are fake." Chu Feng waved his hand and he swept aside more than ten of them. "Only these four items are genuine."

Tang Jian said in surprise: "Master, you know they are fakes and you bought them? These fakes will not be too cheap."

"Master Chu is confident in his own eyesight. These four items should all be very good and good things!" Bai Wanli said. He said that his spiritual consciousness scanned the four items carefully, and three of them were difficult for him to grasp. , But he could see the Buddha statue, the material used in that Buddha statue is excellent!

"Master Chu is really amazing. It's just this Buddha statue. The total cost of these things is estimated to be less than 1% of it!" Bai Wanli exclaimed, "This Buddha statue should be worth more than 50 billion catties of the middle-grade holy crystal! Master Chu, I'm not sure about these three things. Tell us about them?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "This jade pendant should be refined by the top refiner master, using many kinds of precious jade, but the value of those materials should be more than 100 billion catties of medium-grade holy crystals. There are more than one billion small crystals in it. Space, those small spaces can be used to store many things that need jade storage."

"This jade plate refers to a space treasure. It is estimated to be owned by a relatively powerful immortal class powerhouse in ancient times. The owner is estimated to die suddenly. There are many treasures in it. It looks like a middle-grade holy crystal worth eight trillion catties. . This piece of stone is worth about fifty or sixty trillion catties of middle-grade holy crystal!" Chu Feng said.

After Chu Feng finished talking about Bai Wanli, the four of them were all stunned. That one Buddha statue worth more than 50 billion catties was actually the worst among these few things!

Wang Pan pointed out that the value of the stone is 8 trillion, and the stone is worth 50 or 60 trillion. Although Chu Feng did not say the specific value, the value of the material is more than 100 billion. It is refined by the top refiner, and the value is definitely not Less than one trillion catties middle-grade sacred crystal.

"Master, I heard that right, right?" Bu was shocked. "This stone is worth fifty or sixty trillion catties of the middle-grade sacred crystal? It seems to be just a strange stone! Although it has a strong sense of sage Obstructing power, but there are many such things, it is not worth fifty or sixty trillion catties of the middle-grade holy crystal, right?"

Chu Feng slapped the top of the half-person-high stone, and suddenly countless cracks appeared on the top of the stone. After a few seconds, the half-person-high stone cracked into countless small stones, which were hidden in the stone. The Chaos Stone suddenly appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others.

"Chaos Stone"

Bai Wanli and the others were shocked and authentic, and a small chaos stone appeared in Bai Wanli's hands, which was the size of a soybean.

Looking at Chu Feng’s basketball-sized chaos stone and then at his own soy-sized chaos stone, Bai Wanli suddenly felt a little unbalanced in his heart, the gap, the gap, it’s too big!

Even a chaos stone the size of a soybean is of high value, but compared with a chaos stone the size of a basketball, it is far from the ground! "I really haven't seen such a big Chaos Stone!" Tang Jian exclaimed, "The value of this Chaos Stone can be compared to a good innate treasure, right?"

"Master, your luck is too good!" Luohe said. Bu was shocked and said: "Luo He, you are wrong. Master, this is not luck, but strength! It is impossible to get such four treasures with luck, Master, you can go outside every day for the next time. Turn, if there is such a harvest every day"

"Scary, you are dreaming." Chu Feng smiled softly. He said that with a wave of his hand, all four things were put away, and the flames on top of those rags were all turned into nothingness in a blink of an eye! "Bai Wanli, Purple Jade Demon Lord's combat power is likely to surpass you now, do you want to compare with him tomorrow?"

Bai Wanli said solemnly: "Compared, naturally better! Although his combat power is likely to be improved a lot, it is not that easy to beat me!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Since you want to take the stage and compare, I will give you a surprise training tonight. It should also improve your combat power!"

Soon Bai Wanli and Tang Jian both entered the holy prison space. "Second brother, your abuse time is up haha!" Tang Jian laughed authentically.

"Bai Wanli, I won't keep my hands much, be careful!" Chu Feng looked at Bai Wanli who was tens of meters away in front of him and said solemnly. As for Tang Jian, they are far away from Chu Feng at the moment.

"Master Chu, I am ready!"

Chu Feng's thoughts instantly appeared beside Bai Wanli and launched a storm-like attack. Bai Wanli desperately resisted, but this time he was defeated by Chu Feng without supporting him for five minutes!

"Understand now!"

Chu Feng said that on the side of the holy prison heavy artillery, a ray of time power immediately moved around Bai Wanli, covering Bai Wanli within the power of time!

"Bai Wanli, this is the power of time, which can accelerate 300,000 times. The battle just now will give you a normal one-minute summary and comprehension." Chu Feng's voice sounded in Bai Wanli's mind.

300,000 times the time acceleration, one minute outside, the time acceleration is 300,000 minutes, that is more than half a year, enough time for him to understand!

One minute later, Bai Wanli left from the acceleration of time. In this short time, he could clearly feel that his combat power had improved a bit!

"Continue!" Chu Feng said and attacked immediately. Bai Wanli was injured before, but he has recovered long ago as time accelerates!

Ten minutes, twenty minutes... one hour, two hours, the night passed quickly and the light fell to every corner of Shenwu City again!

"Let's stop here!" Chu Feng smiled in the holy prison space. The time of a night is too short, but the acceleration of time is very powerful. The battle power of Bai Wanli in this night has been improved a lot from the previous foundation. !

"Thank Master Chu!" Bai Wanli said respectfully. If he was a little bit uncertain about becoming Chu Feng's apprentice before, Bai Wanli had made up his mind to become Chu Feng's apprentice at this time! He can improve so much in one night. If he is allowed to slowly improve himself, Bai Wanli knows that he will not be able to improve so much even in tens of millions of years and 100 million years, and it will be very difficult to improve after reaching a certain level!

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Go out, with your current combat power, even if the Purple Jade Demon Lord's combat power has improved a lot, it shouldn't be that easy to lose!"

"Master Chu, I will fight for victory!" Bai Wanli smiled. Over the course of a night, Bai Wanli improved not only his combat power but also his self-confidence. With sufficient self-confidence, the chances of losing would be smaller, otherwise. It's a disadvantage before it starts!

"Let's go out. The Purple Jade Demon may have already waited until he was on the side of the No. 6 ring, and he may not have passed yet. He may think we escaped right away!"

Chu Feng said in the blink of an eye, Chu Feng and the four of them all left the holy prison space and appeared outside.

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