Holy Prison

Chapter 1845: Soul induction

In the blink of an eye, three months had passed, and Chu Feng, who had been practicing for three months in the holy prison space, appeared in Shenwu City outside the holy prison space.

They appeared in front of Chu Feng as soon as Tang Jian appeared. "Have you got enough points?" Chu Feng said with a chuckle. It's night, and it's normal for Tang Jian and the others to be on the mountain.

"Master, it should be almost done!" Bu said with a shocked smile, Tang Jian and Luo He also nodded. "Tang Jian, call Bai Wanli." Chu Feng said.

Tang Jian screamed, and Bai Wanli soon appeared on Chu Feng's side. "Master Chu." Bai Wanli said nervously, knowing that today is the day to take the soul jade slip to the inspiration tower to sense it!

"do not worry!"

Chu Feng patted Bai Wanli on the shoulder and put him into the holy prison space. "Tang Jian, you don't have to leave here, take a step out for the teacher." Chu Feng said.

Tang Jian and the others nodded, and soon Chu Feng left the manor. The manor is very quiet. As soon as you leave the manor, the noise of noise is heard. The Shenwu City during the day is very lively, and the Shenwu City at night is even more so. Many people who come here looking for fun prefer it. It's night!

The soul sensor tower is in Shenwu City, and Chu Feng's speed is not too slow before he has reached the area where the soul sensor tower is located.

"My lord, come in!"

After a little verification, someone immediately welcomed Chu Feng into the soul induction tower. "Master Chu Jiu, you have an hour's time. If the positioning fails within an hour, then the target is not nearby. You can only try positioning again next time!" A purple-clothed woman in the soul induction tower saw Chu Feng come in Weiwei Salute.

Chu Feng nodded, thinking that Su Yan's soul jade slip appeared in his hand, "I don't know where to put this thing?" Chu Feng chuckled.

"My lord, you can put the soul jade slip on that round table. If you sense it, the jade slip will emit light!" said the purple-clothed woman.

Chu Feng said that he placed the soul jade slip on a round platform not far in front of him. The moment the jade slip was placed on the round platform, Chu Feng felt a mysterious aura spread quickly away, that kind of aura. It can be sensed more clearly at a distance like him, even a little bit far away, even the strong of the immortal level can hardly sense it!

"This soul sensor tower is not bad." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He knew that if he sensed it, the jade slips might turn into three different colors.

The three colors are blue, purple, and red! If it is blue, it means that the target is far away, if it is purple, it means that the target is not far away, if it is red, it means that the target is very close!

If the jade slip appears in color, the color will not disappear within a few days. The color will also change as the distance between the soul jade slip and the target changes. There are different shades of the same color. Therefore, the person holding the soul jade slip can clearly know whether the distance to the target has increased or decreased!

"My lord, please use tea here!" The purple-clothed woman respectfully said. "Hehe, then I'm not welcome." Chu Feng smiled softly. He didn't refuse. It's better to wait while drinking tea than just standing here and waiting.

Time passed by, about five or six minutes. Under Chu Feng's gaze, the jade slip of the soul he had placed on the round table suddenly turned dark purple!

"Congratulations, there are results, deep purple, my lord, the person you are looking for is not in Shenwu City at the moment, if it is in Shenwu City, it should be in a different dimension!" The purple-clothed woman respectfully said.

"Thanks a lot!"

Chu Feng took the soul jade slip and quickly left the soul induction tower. "This thing is convenient, but it is convenient, but it is also convenient on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain." Chu Feng muttered in his heart, such things are also available on the side of the Holy Mountain, and the compass of the Most Holy Mountain is more domineering than this. !

Holding the soul jade slip and flying for inspection, Chu Feng quickly determined the direction of the target, which is very easy.

Fly hurriedly in that direction, and stopped before Chu Feng of Shenwu City, he found that the soul jade slip had just become darker, and the color has become lighter again!

"In such a situation, it seems that Su Yan has already arrived in this Shenwu City. There is only one possibility, and that is in the alien space." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that the so-called alien space is the holy prison space, but Su Yan The alien space in which it is located is definitely far less powerful than the holy prison space!

If there is, then with the power of the soul sensor tower, I am afraid that Su Yan's existence will not be sensed!

"It should be this area." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, the change in the color of the soul jade slip was extremely small, but it didn't take long for Chu Feng to determine the approximate area where Su Yan was.

"I hope it will appear in a few days." Chu Feng entered a teahouse, and made Bai Wanli appear outside to start the snake. In the past few days, he has to work hard!

If Su Yan came out in the past few days, it would be easy to handle. The light on the soul jade slip can quickly determine which one is Su Yan, but if Su Yan does not appear in the past few days, then there will be A little trouble! Su Yan’s strength is currently not lower than Bai Wanli’s. If she reaches the Immortal level, Skyeye’s scan will not be able to know her data. It’s not easy to know which one is Su Yan. There are several things that Zhetianyan can sense!

Just when Chu Feng entered the teahouse, Chu Feng felt the soul jade slip in his arms became hot. You don't need to look at Chu Feng to know that the soul jade slip has turned red!

"Xian'er, was there a strong person who suddenly appeared just now?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Yes, an immortal powerhouse, do you want to scan it?" Miao Xianer said.

"First confirm through the soul jade slip." Chu Feng said in his mind, "it seems that the target has sensed the soul jade slip, and it actually came to my side."

After exiting the teahouse, Chu Feng quickly shifted, and as he shifted, the person who came toward him also shifted direction. "It's her!" It didn't take long for Chu Feng to determine his goal. He stopped moving his eyes and fell on an ordinary-looking woman among the crowd on the street!

"Xian'er, scan that woman." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Okay!" Miao Xian'er said, Tianyan immediately scanned the body of the ordinary-looking woman that Chu Feng had identified.

"Chu Feng, that's right, she is Su Yan!" Miao Xian'er said, "It is actually only a third-level immortal cultivation base, which is six levels lower than Tang Jian. It seems that the powerful method that parasites her is not how about it."

"Xian'er, it's already pretty good, Su Yan's talent will drop a bit after parasitism." Chu Feng said in his mind.

Chu Feng saw Su Yan, and Su Yan also saw Chu Feng at this moment. When she saw Chu Feng, she turned around and prepared to leave. "Su Yan!" Chu Feng's voice resounded in Su Yan's mind.

Su Yan was shocked and did not leave immediately.

"Su Yan, there is a teahouse in front of me. I invite you to drink a few cups of tea." Chu Feng said through the voice again, "I hope you don't refuse, please!"

After Chu Feng finished walking towards the teahouse that he hadn't entered just now, Su Yan hesitated for a moment and followed Chu Feng to the teahouse.

Entering the teahouse, a pot of fragrant tea is quickly soaked.

"I know you, you are the master of Chu Jiu, Tang Jian and others, and one of the most famous people in Shenwu City today." Su Yan said solemnly, "I don't know what it is to find a little girl?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Su Yan, I am entrusted to look for you, and I hope you can meet Bai Wanli." "No, I have nothing to see with him." Su Yan said in her eyes. A trace of sadness flashed.

Chu Feng was surprised, Su Yan's eyes flashed that sadness, it didn't seem to be fake. "Is this Su Yan not parasitized?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Su Yan, if you are good for him, you must see him. His 9th-level immortal cultivation base should have broken through long ago, but he is stuck in the 9th-level immortal realm because of his mood!" Chu Feng drank the tea ceremony. , "Opening the heart knot can improve his mood. You are his heart knot. See you, maybe you can open his heart knot."

"No, I don't want to see! Seeing him is not to open his knot, it will only make his knot deeper!" Su Yan said, "Master Chu Jiu, he won't believe it, there is nothing to say!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Su Yan, what happened back then seems to be hidden, are you willing to tell it? What would he not believe? Tell me, if I believe, he will believe it!"

"I... I killed a large number of innocent people back then, but that was not my intention. I don't know what happened to me at that time. I was muddled for a long time." Su Yan smiled bitterly, "These years, I I have been making atonement, but there were too many people killed in the past, and the sins are serious. Where can I be redeemed!"

"Master Chu Jiu, Wan Li is a good person. He couldn't tolerate my behavior like that back then. Master Chu Jiu, I am leaving. I came to Shenwu City just to see him. I have already seen it now. I should leave. It's time! I believe Wanli will reach the immortal level someday!"

Chu Feng said, Su Yan who had already stood up suddenly stopped. "Su Yan, what you said, I believe it! I believe Bai Wanli will believe it too, don’t resist, you follow me into my treasure space! I will give you a test first, and you won’t see Bai Wanli immediately. , Okay?" Chu Feng said.

"What test?" Su Yan said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "A person who can convince Bai Wanli that you were muddled back then, those things are not from your original inspection!"

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