Holy Prison

Chapter 1849: Re-enter the blessed land

The method of opening the restriction was quickly passed to Chu Feng by Hong Jun. With his strength, it was impossible for them to find out about the master array!

"Father-in-law, leave it to you!" Chu Feng said in the Yin Xiao treasure space. There is a problem with the holy prison. If Chu Feng enters the ordinary treasure space, he will not enter the holy prison. In this way, Chu Feng The mobile holy prison will not move!

Sun Wukong and their treasure space are impossible. They cannot leave the holy prison in when Chu Feng enters, but fortunately, Yin Xiao’s space treasures are very powerful. Chu Feng entered it, and the holy prison did not come from Yin Xiao’s treasure space. In this way, it will be much easier for Chu Feng and the others to enter Dongtianfudi!

Yin Xiao's voice sounded in Chu Feng's ears. Outside, Yin Xiao narrowed his breath and approached carefully. With his Saint King-level strength, it would be more difficult for them to find out unless they were too close to the Venerable. And Hongjun and Pangu, two saint-level powerhouses, are playing cover inside the enemy!

"Venerable Formation, can you be sure that we must break the ban within two to three years?" Hongjun said, Venerable Formation is breaking the formation with all his strength, a little bit of attention to the surrounding situation, I heard Hongjun say, Formation The Venerable's mind, paying attention to the surrounding situation, withdrew some and started talking with Hongjun.

"There should be no problem." Venerable Formation said with a light smile, "Brother Hong, should you be able to feel how many levels of restrictions are there?" "Those restrictions are just their own restrictions, I'm afraid there will be the Baihu clan after the channel itself. With the added restriction, if that is the case, it will take longer for us to break open!" Hongjun said.

Venerable Zhenzhen said disdainfully: "Brother Hong, although the Baihu clan has good combat power, they are still far short of banning these from the Clan Venerable! Moreover, Huhaihong has been captured by us, and now the Baihu clan is a powerful saint king. None of them. Brother Hong, you have been worrying too much. Within three years, we will definitely be able to enter!"

"I don't know what good treasures are in it." Pangu said, transmitting the sound transmission to the three sages. "Several ones, if there are good treasures in there, we will embezzle some of them, do you agree? If most of them are handed over. If that happens, the strength of the Lord Longyang will overwhelm us by then, and I don't want to have that day!"

Venerable Formation Bing, their eyes all light up, "Agree!" Venerable Bing's voice resounded in the minds of several sages, "I have no opinion." Venerable Formation spread the voice.

"It should be like this. The establishment of the temple is for the victory of our abyss, but we can't afford a dragon anode at the end! Don't let us want to leave the temple at that time!" Hongjun said through sound transmission.

The Abyss Clan used to be extremely united under common interests, but now, although united on the surface, there are already many conflicts in secret!

When several sages said such things, their vigilance was naturally lowered, "It's okay." Yin Xiao's heart moved and immediately pinched the tactics. With his strength, the magic tactics were quickly played. !

With all the spells played, Yin Xiao's figure suddenly disappeared and entered the heaven and blessed land of the Baihu clan.

"Huh?" Venerable Formation frowned slightly and looked in the direction where Yin Xiao was just now. At the same time, Hongjun also looked in the direction where Yin Xiao was just now.

"Brother Hong, do you also feel the abnormal movement?" said the sage, the sacred knowledge of both of them covered the area where Yin Xiao was just now.

Hongjun nodded slightly: "It seems that there is a little change, the space seems to fluctuate a bit, it may be affected by our breaking the ban!"

Venerable Formation's Holy Sense scanned it carefully, but he didn't find that he continued to crack the prohibition with Hongjun and the others. Yin Xiao is a Saint King-level powerhouse. After carefully converging his breath, Venerable Formation's Holy Sense scan could find The chance of a trace is extremely low!

Hongjun and Pangu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that at this moment, Chu Feng and the others should have entered the cave of the Baihu clan!

Yin Xiao entered the hole in the blessed land, and within a short period of time several powerful white tigers surrounded him, including the big elder of the tiger clan.

"Great Elder, it's been a long time!" Chu Feng's voice rang, and Yin Xiao made Chu Feng appear outside as soon as he entered it. If he was alone, it would be strange for the Baihu clan not to act on him immediately, he Yin Xiao In the cognition of the Baihu clan, it has been parasitic!

Tiger Yun, the leader of the White Tiger clan, his face sank, "Chu Feng, ten people for a thousand years, you have left with the power of time, what are you doing back to my tiger clan? We, the white tiger clan, and you have been separated!"

"Dachang, Yin, Yin Xiao Sheng Wang" A person beside Hu Yun looked at Yin Xiao with an ugly expression, Chu Feng appeared and Hu Yun directly noticed Chu Feng, Yin Xiao was ignored by him, but he knew that Chu Feng was following him. Many strong people, such as Monkey King, listen to what Chu Feng said!

"Chu Feng, you are parasitized!" Hu Yun's expression changed, and in an instant, many of the tiger clan's weapons appeared in his hands, "The patriarch fell into your hands?"

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Elder Tiger Yun, the patriarch Tiger has indeed been arrested, but it is not us who catches the patriarch of the tiger, but the powerful ones outside the temple."

"Someone is coming from the temple outside?" Hu Yun said solemnly.

Yin Xiao said politely: "Tiger luck, a little more brain, will it succeed? If we are parasitized, we will not only appear here, but a large number of powerful people from the temple! There are four temples outside! The saints, the three saints, and three hundred immortal powerhouses, if you don’t believe in Tiger Luck, you can go out and have a look!"

The strong men of the Tiger Clan took a deep breath, and they had never expected that so many strong men would come! "Everyone, the patriarch Tiger felt Hu Yuer's call, so he went out, and ended up in the hands of the people in the temple who had been ambushing outside. Now those temple powerhouses outside are forcibly breaking this ban on the world, if there are no certain measures. , The ban will be broken in about two or three years!" Chu Feng said lightly.

"That's right, let me tell you one more thing. The patriarch Tiger swears at Venerable Ice. Venerable Ice is furious. If the people of the temple are killed, it is estimated that Venerable Ice will directly kill many people!"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the tiger clan shook, but what Chu Feng said afterwards made them more tremble. Chu Feng said quietly, "You should know what the power of time will be if it falls into the hands of the people in the temple, as long as A part of the power of time falls into the hands of the people of the temple, and the War of the Three Realms will begin within a few decades."

"As the lord of God's First City, I declare that the White Tigers are temporarily controlled by me, and that the management of this cave world will be temporarily taken over by me!"

At this time, the Baihu clan already had dozens of people on this side, and those dozens of the Baihu clan were all taken aback. "Control my white tiger clan and take over this cave? Hahaha!" The elder Tiger Yun laughed wildly, "Chu Feng, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life!"

"Who do you think you are? The Lord of Shenchu ​​City, what is Shenchu ​​City? If you are the Lord of Shenchu ​​City, you are qualified to take control of my white tiger clan? Haha!"

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, Ye Qingcheng, Sun Wukong, the top powerhouses, and the powerhouses with the strength of a thousand high-level saints in Shenchu ​​City, all appeared outside.

Elder Tiger Yun's expression changed drastically, and the aura that erupted from Ye Qingcheng and the others was extremely terrifying! The Great Elder False Fortune is only a sixth-level immortal cultivation base, Zhu Bajie has a sixth-level immortal cultivation base, Ye Qingcheng, Monkey King, Yin Xiao, Feng Yao, each of them is much stronger than Tiger Yun!

It's just that Ye Qingcheng and the others are not something Tiger Clan can resist, not to mention the presence of a thousand high-ranking saints in God Chucheng!

"Elder Tiger Yun, do you think my God Chucheng has such strength now?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

The elder Tiger Yun said with an ugly expression: "Chu Feng, you must have gained a lot of time to improve the strength of God Chucheng. You have the benefits of my white tiger clan, and you actually brought people to my white tiger clan. Shameless, is God Chucheng acting like this? This elder is an insight!"

"Master, let my old grandson smash him. This is a **** thing! If it weren't for us, they would all be arrested by the people of the temple within two or three years. How dare you say this!" Sun Wukong said The golden cudgel appeared in his hands and scared the elder Tiger Yun a lot of back.

Monkey King, that is someone who dared to rush to fight even a strong man of the Saint-sovereign level. Elder Tiger Yun knew that his strength was far from that of Monkey King!

Chu Feng said quietly: "Elder Tiger Yun, didn't you just say that the white tiger clan has been separated from me? I don't owe you the white tiger clan, so why shamelessly say?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense, I will take over the White Tiger clan from now on. If you have any comments, you can discuss with Wukong, the elder Tiger Yun!"

Sun Wukong threw the golden cudgel in his hand and smiled: "Tiger luck, let's discuss and discuss, Lao Sun, I always like to convince people with reason, oh no, with force!"

Elder Tiger Yun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at Monkey King like that, he really didn't dare to say any more. "Where is Huzhuo?" Chu Feng asked.

Hu Zhuo is Hu Haihong's son, and now he has no immortal level cultivation base, but he is also an immortal level powerhouse. Chu Feng did not see him at this moment.

"City Lord Chu!" Hu Zhuo's voice came from a distance, and within a short period of time, he had already reached Chu Feng and the others.

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