Holy Prison

Chapter 1855: Horror Shadow Order

"Time treasure, it is really powerful!" Catherine said softly, Tang Jian and the others nodded slightly. In front of so many people, some of them also set up barriers. Zhang Xu actually left like this. At that time, there was no one in the time treasure. Can deny its power!

In a place relatively far away from Shenwu City, Zhang Xu spurted out a mouthful of blood. With his current cultivation base, he was still barely able to use time treasures!

"Damn things, on the day of my Zhang Xuxiu's ascension, I will take your head! And the city of Life and Death and others, I Zhang Xu has booked your heads!" Zhang Xu quickly disappeared in place with a cold snort.

Shenwu City.

Catherine and the others encountered a little trouble. Many strong men stared at Catherine and the others with unkind eyes, "The King of Life and Death, you have five people coming out of the City of Life and Death, is the number of people a little more?"

"That is, so many people who entered by the other forces died, and none of the people who entered the City of Life and Death died. This is too abnormal."

"The Holy King of Life and Death, the Shadow Soul Order, the City of Life and Death is worth two dollars. I feel pretty good. We will give the remaining three dollars to us!"

"This plan is not bad, three yuan will be handed over, 20,000 yuan for life and death, very good!"

Many powerful people talked a lot, among them there are many immortal-level powerful people, but no one speaks to the holy king, holy-superior-level powerhouses, but looking at them, they are not going to let Catherine and the others leave.

"Get out of the way!" Catherine said indifferently, "I'm not looking for your troubles, you don't want my troubles, you know the role of the ghost order!"

A third-level immortal strong man laughed and said: "The ghost order, we do know its power, but you can get the ghost order for only ten thousand years at most."

"If we get it for a long time, then we are still afraid. Now it's only ten thousand years. Can you still use the ghost to control us all."

A cold light flashed in Tang Jian's eyes. Without the power of time, they would really not be able to integrate the ghostly order with them too much within ten thousand years. In that case, the power they could exert was limited, but with the power of time, the ghostly order they got The effect that can be played is countless times stronger than those people estimate!

Luohe and the five of them, Luohe’s cultivation base was the lowest before, but even Luohe, under the acceleration of time, he has spent tens of millions of years, tens of millions of years is enough for him to get the ghost order Very good integration with him!

"This matter can't be done well, let's do it together to control many of them here!" Catherine's voice sounded in Luohe and the four of them.

"Some of the strongest ones are more difficult for you to control. They are controlled by me. I control the powerhouses who have reached the fifth level of immortality. Bai Wanli, you control the level 2 to level 4 indelible powerhouses. Tang Jian, your cultivation level. You have reached the first level of immortality, you should be able to control the first level of immortality, you should control the first level of immortality!"

"Scary, Luohe, you have all reached the strength of a high-level saint, you should be able to control the immortal powerhouse, and do your best to control it!"

Catherine's arrangement is very reasonable, Tang Jian and the others nodded slightly. "Well, I count three and two to one. When it reaches zero, we will do it together, how much we can control. As long as there are more powerful people under our control, there will be no problem when we leave, maybe we still Can greatly strengthen the power of the city of life and death!" Catherine said through voice.

"Three, two, one, zero!"

Catherine counted to zero, and Tang Jian and their ghostly spirits instantly appeared in their hands, and five ghostly spirits burst into their hands!


Many powerhouses immediately retreated when they felt that something was wrong, but the speed of light radiating out was extremely fast. In a very short time, the light emitted by the five ghosts was like a rope entangled with each powerhouse!

Entangled by the ropes turned into rays of light, those people immediately remained motionless. Among them were two powerful men with Saint King-level strength. These two powerful men with Saint King-level strength were locked by the light that burst out from Catherine's ghost!

Two Saint King-level powerhouses were locked, and there were even more immortal-level powerhouses. About a hundred immortal-level powerhouses were suddenly locked in place by the light. Among them, Catherine locked ten. Come on, Bai Wanli locked about fifty, and forty first-level immortal-level powerhouses were locked by the light that burst out from Tang Jian's Yin Soul Ling!

There are more than a hundred immortal-level powerhouses, and there are more immortal-level powerhouses. Step-scare is the cultivation base of the eighth-level high-level saints. The control light that bursts out of his ghostly command locks the two hundred immortal-level powerhouses. Luo He got the phantom spirit order and started training earlier. He is now the cultivation base of a seventh-level high-level saint. He also locked over two hundred immortal-level powerhouses, but the immortal-level powerhouses he locked. The overall strength of the player is weaker than the overall strength of the immortal powerhouse locked by the start shock!


Catherine and the five of them let out a deep sigh, and the powerful men under their control instantly moved and gathered around them to protect the five of them!

There were also three other strong men who possessed the Ghost Token. They looked at Catherine and the others in shock. Their cultivation bases were not weak, but the fusion with the Ghost Token was not high, and it was impossible for Catherine to be like this!

"Ghost Order, command the world, who would dare not follow?" Many strong men quit in a daze. They didn't expect that Catherine would be able to explode such power soon after receiving the ghost order!

Order the world, who dares not follow!

Many powerhouses were shocked, and this ghostly order was too terrifying. In an instant, Catherine and the others actually controlled over a hundred immortal level powerhouses and 400 immortal level powerhouses!

Those people were shocked, but Catherine and the others were surprised and inexplicably surprised. Although they knew the power of the Ghost Order, they were always a little worried when they hadn't tried it. At this time, those worries disappeared!

"Who will stop us?" Catherine said coldly.

No one screamed, "Let's go!" Catherine said in a deep voice. She said that a huge flying beast appeared in front of her. This flying beast was also immortal, but it was extremely fast, and it was good for transportation. of!

Under the control of Catherine and the others, all the five hundred powerhouses were above the flying beast, and naturally they were also above the flying beast!

"Holy King of Life and Death, do you intend to control these people to leave? I have no objection to the others, but my younger brother, I hope you can release the Holy King of Life and Death, but my younger brother didn't say anything just now." An immortal strong The person said in a deep voice, just now this undestructable powerhouse was relatively close and retreated quickly, so it was not locked.

"Although he didn't say anything, I understand his intentions. Since you are so close to your younger brother, then you come and be company with your younger brother!" Catherine said indifferently, she said that the ghost in her hand made a ray of light cross a long distance. It was shot on the body of the indestructible powerhouse who spoke.


Catherine ordered that under her order, the indestructible powerhouse who had just spoken flew over the strange beast where Catherine and the others were in a blink of an eye!

"Everyone, does anyone have any objections? If there are any, then raise them now!" Catherine said quietly, "If not, we can leave!"

The precedent was before, no one spoke again, the alien beasts under Catherine and their feet fluttered and disappeared into the distant sky in the blink of an eye!

"Soul Ling, is this the power of the Shadow Ling Ling? Too strong!" Countless people were shocked, and they had seen the terrifying effect of this Shadow Ling Ling!

"The City of Life and Death has risen. Five Shadow Soul Orders control the many powerful men. The City of Life and Death has become the most powerful force in the entire Underworld!"

"I don't know how long this control can last. If Catherine and the others can maintain it, it would be too scary!"

"Even if it can't last for a long time, it's terrifying. If you can control people all at once, it would be terrifying to control so many powerful people to attack together!"

Catherine and the others were together, and many people were talking about it. Above the strange beast, Catherine and the others who had left a long distance at this moment secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Big sister, what about these people?" Bai Wanli said. Catherine said: "With our current abilities, we can only control a dozen or so people whose cultivation base does not exceed their own for a long time. Choose ten or so. The ten or so selected will be included in the ghost order to become the ghost guard, and the rest will not be released. If you drop it, you can only kill it!"

"It's good to kill, so that they don't need to make trouble." Bai Wanli said. Bu was shocked: "This... Big sister, killing so many is not good? I don't think so. If they give us something that satisfies us, we will let them go. If they don't give us something that pleases us. The things that matter, then kill them!"

"The idea of ​​horror is good, it is more benevolent, we should stay on the front line, eldest sister, I agree with the idea of ​​horror!" Tang Jian chuckled.

Luo He said quietly: "If you don't give some good things, we will let them fight each other to death! This way they won't get our weapons!"

"I'll give it, let me go!" An immortal-level powerhouse said. Although controlled by Catherine and the others, these people still have their own consciousness. Compared with losing their lives, losing some treasures is nothing.

"Give it, I give it too!" Another humanity, this person is also an indestructible powerhouse, after the two of them spoke, many of the people above the alien beast spoke!

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