Holy Prison

Chapter 1862: Most Holy Mountain, kill (1)

Yin Xiao said: "Isn't it better for us to gather together and act together? If we act together, we can concentrate our efforts to quickly destroy the enemy in one place. After we destroy one place, let's kill another place!"

"Yin Xiao, you have been away from the Most Sacred Mountain for a long time, and the Most Sacred Mountain has changed a lot in recent years. Under normal circumstances, naturally what you said is better, but it is not suitable for the Most Holy Mountain!" Pangu Road , "If we attack one place and ignore the other three places, then the people in the other three places can fully activate the formation of the holy mountain! The defense of the holy mountain can be mobilized to the main peak and three guard peaks!"

Chu Feng said: "If we attack one of them with all our strength, then the result is likely to be unable to attack everywhere! Attacking all at once will prevent the four mountains from supporting each other!"

"Understood!" Yin Xiao nodded, "I'm afraid there will be a lot of casualties this time...Chu Feng, I don't want Qianqian to participate in the war, you know?"

Chu Feng said in a deep voice, Yin Qianqian and the others, Chu Feng would not let them participate in the war unless they had to do so. This may be selfish, but people, who are not selfish.

Constantly working hard is to make himself better for his relatives and friends. He doesn't want to let Yin Qianqian and the others die in order to be the savior. Besides, Yin Qianqian is still pregnant, and it is estimated that he will give birth in a few days. Previously, Chu Feng estimated that Yin Qianqian would be born within a few hundred years, but the little guy was actually reluctant to come out and practice in it. Now the little guy in Yin Qianqian’s belly has not been born before he is already a middle-ranking saint. !

Although there are still three resurrection stars now, three are not many. Those three, if you can use them, it's better not to use them!

"Are you ready?" Hongjun said, "If we are ready, we will enter the most sacred mountain now, and we will arrive at the foot of the most sacred mountain!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and at the same time his voice resounded in the holy prison space. In the holy prison space, the Phoenix tribe, the White Tiger tribe, and the powerhouses of Shenchu ​​City were all waiting quietly!

A jade dish appeared in Hongjun's hand. The jade dish was light green, with a circle in the middle, and six small triangles around it. Among the six small triangles, there were six ray of purple brilliance.

"Good luck jade disc, Hongmeng Purple Qi!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, Hongjun's hand was the innate treasure of good luck jade disc he controlled, and the six ray of purple brilliance was Hongmeng Purple Qi!

Hongmeng Purple Qi is many times more precious than Chaos Qi. Only a large amount of Chaos Qi can form a fist-sized Chaos Stone, and a larger number of Chaos Qi can form a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi, Chu Feng had long known that the good fortune jade disc had six great purple qi, but this was the first time he had seen good fortune jade storage and the great purple qi!

Taking out the good fortune jade dish, Hongjun stared at the good fortune jade dish and his fingers were swiftly swiping on the good fortune jade dish. With his stroke, the six ray of hongmeng purple energy in the good fortune jade dish was constantly swimming.

In the Most Sacred Mountain, with Hong Jun’s actions, a little bit of change has quietly occurred. If Long Wuji waits for a few saints to be on the Most Sacred Mountain, maybe you can find something, but now a saint-level powerhouse in the Most Sacred Mountain also No, there is still a gap between the holy king and the holy lord after all, and the three holy kings guarding the holy mountain have not found anything!

"Okay, let's go!" Hongjun said as the light radiated from the jade disc of good fortune, covering all of Chu Feng and the others, the sky was spinning, and in just two seconds, Chu Feng had discovered that he had arrived. At the foot of the Most Sacred Mountain, in front of him is the extremely sacred peak with a height of one million meters!

"Fucking tall!"

Chu Feng exclaimed in his heart. The Most Holy Peak is as high as one million meters. He is less than 1.8 meters and less than 1.9 meters. In front of the Most Holy Peak, he is just a trivial little thing!

In terms of height, this is the case, and in terms of aura, the same is true. The aura of an immortal powerhouse at Chu Feng is far from being comparable to that of the Most Holy Peak!

"Come out!" More than 100,000 people appeared outside at the moment of Chu Feng's thoughts. Among these more than 100,000 people, more than 100,000 are from Shenchu ​​City, and about 10,000 are the entourages he exchanged for. There are also some people from the Feng Clan and the White Tiger clan, but only those who have reached the strength of a high-ranking saint, do not participate in this action that does not reach the strength of a high-ranking saint!

"According to the plan!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Hongjun added: "Everyone, I have affected the sensing system of the Most Sacred Mountain, but it can only affect it for 20 seconds. Let's act now!"

The Sacred Mountain side suppresses speed, but not twenty seconds, ten seconds is enough time for Chu Feng and the others to reach the predetermined location!

More than 100,000 people moved, and more than half of them left in a short period of time.

"One, two, three, four" Chu Feng counted silently. Before he could count to ten, a huge explosion sounded in the distance, and the Jizhong team was discovered by the patrolling powerhouse as soon as it reached its destination. This is also God's will, and there happened to be a Saint King-level powerhouse over there to check it out!

"Destroy it!"

Chu Feng roared, and in an instant, the 50,000 powerful people gathered on their side started all together! There are 50,000 strong men, most of them are only high-ranking saints, but there are so many, and the power to gather together is absolutely terrible, not to mention the two old monsters, Hongjun and Master Tianshen!

The bright light bloomed, and the light was like a lover's hand stroking towards the top of the holy peak. Along the way, explosions continued. In a short period of time, several immortal powers received invitations from the **** of death in the light!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

A huge sound rang from the Most Holy Peak and three Weifengs, three Saint King-level powerhouses, as well as a hundred immortal level powerhouses on the Most Sacred Mountain, and a thousand immortal level powerhouses reacted instantly!

Long Xian, they had long passed the news that the most sacred mountain side would pay attention to the sneak attack. The most sacred mountain side was indeed prepared, but they did not expect that Chu Feng and the others would appear directly in the most sacred mountain, plus Chu Feng They were sneak attacks, so the battle had just begun, and on the side of the holy mountain, twenty or thirty immortal powers were lost!

Twenty or thirty immortal-level powerhouses died, and the world was abnormal in an instant. A billowing blood cloud appeared in the sky, and the black thunder and lightning criss-crossed in the blood cloud. It was not scary!

"Six slaughter!" Hongjun's voice sounded, and the jade disc of good fortune flew high from his hand and it became very huge in a short time. Six things emerged from the jade disc of good fortune, one each. A sword, a knife, a spear, a warhammer, a huge golden bow, and a treasure seal!

The jade disc of good fortune can produce and destroy all things. Now Hongjun is naturally using its destructive function. The six weapons are transformed by the six ray of purple qi in the jade disc of good fortune, and each has terrible power. !

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Six loud noises sounded almost at the same time, and all the six weapons transformed from the jade disc of good fortune slammed on the most sacred mountain! The Most Sacred Mountain has terrible defenses. If all the defenses are played out, let alone a Hongjun, even ten can't shake the Most Sacred Mountain. At this moment, the entire Most Sacred Mountain is shaking, and some magic circles are shaking. Some people lose their effectiveness directly in the middle of the game. Some people are directly shaken into fleshy Hongjun. Naturally, they are not casually shot!

"Listen to the emperor with an axe!" When Hongjun attacked, Pangu and the others also launched an attack. Pangu's great axe of opening sky became not much smaller than the earth magic peak they attacked. Above the defensive cover of the peak, the entire magic peak of the earth vibrated violently. A little attack broke through the defense and fell on an immortal-level powerhouse and several immortal-level powerhouses. As a result, the immortal-level powerhouse was Survived, but several immortal powerhouses were directly beheaded!

"Sword, listen to my orders!"

Ye Qingcheng also did it. Her sword was unsheathed, and many of the powerful swordsmen in the Tianxian Peak in front of her were affected. They felt that the sword in their hand was extremely disobedient at this time!

"Master Devourer!" Ye Qingcheng snorted coldly, and the swords of some people in the Heavenly Immortal Peak were cut to their owners! "Ah!" The masters of those swords tried their best to control. Some people escaped a catastrophe but suffered some injuries, but there were also several immortal powerhouses who were sadly beheaded by their own weapons!

"A sword of heaven and earth cold!" The sword in Ye Qingcheng's hand slashed out, and the sword light fell towards Tianxian Peak with the power of destroying the world!

"Listen to my old grandson!"

"Yin Xiao is here, is there anyone in Renhuangfeng? Come out to pick me up and attack! Hahaha!"

Under the powerful attacks of the Most Sacred Mountain, Heavenly Immortal Peak, Earth Magic Peak, Human Emperor Peak, and Chu Feng, in just half a minute, more than a hundred immortal-level powerhouses fell, and even the immortal-level powerhouses fell. Two of them are dead, they won't really die at this time, but it will take some time to resurrect after being dead!

"Chu Feng, you have to let the battle come to an end soon, Qianqian's stomach hurts. It is estimated that the birth of the child is only a few hours away!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"It's going to give birth!" Chu Feng's face showed surprise, and the son in Yin Qianqian's belly made him wait.

"Everyone listens, kill, kill everyone on the most sacred mountain, don't live!" Chu Feng's cold voice reverberated in the area around the most sacred mountain!

Yin Qianqian is about to give birth. This is a happy event. Such a happy event should not be killed, but if you don't kill it harshly today, then many of them must hang here!

The earth-shaking voice rang, and more than one hundred thousand strong roared in unison, that kind of aura even the tyrannical aura of the holy mountain was abruptly suppressed!

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