Holy Prison

Chapter 1866: Sun light

"Compared, two to one?" Zhou Wen said. Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "You are ashamed, my first-level immortal cultivation base, you are a third-level immortal and a fourth-level immortal!"

Zhou Wen shrugged: "What's the embarrassment, we probably can't beat you two-on-one. One-on-one, I don't have that interest in looking for abuse!"

"One-on-one wins count." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning smiled slightly: "Feng, it's alright, you guys don't fight about this now. Qianqian should be giving birth in just a few minutes. Be quiet!"

"Yes, my wife!" Chu Feng said with a smile, Zhou Wen didn't argue about this, but just said quietly.

"Yin Xiao, people who are fathers are not in a hurry, what are you anxious about here?" Pangu patted Yin Xiao on the shoulder and laughed, Yin Xiao was a little fidgeting at this time.

Yin Xiao coughed lightly: "Great Emperor, can this be compared? The child in Qianqiandu is already the seventh child of this kid Chu Feng, but it is my first grandson!"

Chu Han, Chu Xiang, Chu Yun, Chu Xin, Chu Shi, Chu Yu, Chu Feng had already had six children before, and the child Yin Qianqian was pregnant with was Chu Feng’s seventh child and eight wives. Seven of them are one by one, that is, Miao Xian'er has not yet been pregnant with Chu Feng's child. Her body is still somewhat different from a normal human being, and it is not suitable now!

Pangu laughed and said, "That's true. If you want to have more grandchildren, then you have to ask Chu Feng to work harder, haha!" "The Great" Yin Xiao was a little speechless, in front of so many juniors, Pangu was actually He made such a joke, "Great Emperor, you are not afraid of being laughed at by these juniors"

"It's okay, everyone is acquaintance, and none of them are children, haha!" Pangu laughed. Usually Pangu is more serious. I am happy today and made such a joke.

At this moment "Wow!"

A loud cry came from the delivery room, and Chu Feng and the others could hear it clearly. "Born!" Yin Xiao said in surprise.

Chu Feng was originally sitting, but at this moment he stood up, and just as he stood up, a strange sound came from the delivery room, and at the same time golden light shot out from the delivery room, Chu Feng and the others Feeling a faint coercion coming from the delivery room!

The midwife screamed, Chu Feng didn't move, but Feng Bingning and the other women around Chu Feng disappeared and entered the delivery room!

"Auntie, Erniang, Sanniang" The milky voice of milk sounded, Chu Feng and the others could hear clearly outside. "Husband, you can come in!" Yilian said.

Tang Ming and the others did not move. Chu Feng suddenly entered the delivery room. In the room, a little baby flew in the air. Behind his little head, there was a round of golden light. The golden light came from that light. Out of.


The little baby giggled and flew towards Chu Feng. Chu Feng quickly reached out and hugged him. When he hugged the little baby, the light circle behind the little baby's head disappeared.

"Husband, let me see." Yin Qianqian sat up and said. Chu Feng quickly hugged the little guy to the bedside: "Qianqian, our child, isn't it cute?"

"Husband, just now" Yin Qianqian had some doubts, and she could see the golden light behind the little guy's head just now. "Don't worry, the little guy is very healthy." Chu Feng said with a light smile. He was outside before, but Miao Xian'er Tianyan was always paying attention to the little guy's situation. If the little guy is in a bad situation, Miao Xian'er must have told him long ago. Up.

"Little guy, tell me, what is that golden light?" Chu Feng touched the face of the baby in his arms and chuckled. "Divine light, sun divine light!" The little guy said with pure eyes.

"The sun's divine light?" Chu Feng said a little strangely, "I seem to have heard of this before" "Husband, ancient data records that the sun **** king possesses the sun's divine light." Yilian said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, I remember, it is the Sun God King, how can this little guy have the Sun God Light of the Sun God King?"

"Husband, perhaps it is related to a marriage in ancient times. The Sun God King and a senior of the Ice Crystal Sacred Dragon clan have a twin monk, and once gave birth to a daughter, who is the senior of my Ice Crystal Sacred Dragon clan, perhaps in his blood. The power of the Sun God King." Yin Qianqian said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly; "It would be fine if that were the case. According to ancient records, the Sun God King is a powerful man at the Saint-sovereign level, and his sun divine light is extremely powerful and has the terrifying power of destroying the world!"

"Little guy, since you have the sun's divine light, then you will be called Chu Yang from now on!" Chu Feng looked at the little guy in his arms and smiled. "Chu Yang, Chu Yang."

The little guy in Chu Feng's arms blinked with a smile on his face, as if he was more satisfied with Chu Yang's name!

"Qianqian, you have been pregnant for such a long time, you have worked hard, you have a rest. I will take the little guy out first, the father-in-law is very anxious!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Okay!" Yin Qianqian smiled and nodded.

Holding the little fellow Chu Feng quickly got outside. "Little Chu Yang, come on, grandpa hug grandpa." Yin Xiao stretched out his hand and smiled, he looked like a kind elder at this time, where there was still a little bit of power from the Saint King level powerhouse.

"Chu Feng, Chu Yang has the divine light of the sun? Little Devil Chu Yang, let out the divine light of the sun for grandpa to see." Yin Xiao hugged Chu Yang and smiled. Chu Yang blinked, yawned and fell asleep without reason. "Little guy, don't listen to Grandpa, and see if Grandpa won't beat your ass."

Hongjun chuckled and said, "Yin Xiao, Chu Yang should have been born to cause the sun's divine light to consume too much power, so he is very tired now!"

"Well, Chu Feng, let Chu Yang go to rest first." Yin Xiao said. Chu Feng took Chu Yang and carried him into the delivery room, allowing Chu Yang to sleep beside Yin Qianqian.

"Xian'er, perform a comprehensive check on the little guy to make sure there are no problems." Chu Feng said in his mind, Chu Han had problems back then, and he didn't want Chu Yang to have problems too!

Of course, the probability of problems now is small. At that time, his strength was low, and the holy prison was not upgraded. Now his strength is higher, and the holy prison level is also higher. In addition, there are many strong players in the holy prison space. By!

"Don't worry, there will be a check before, so I will check again." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, her voice sounded a little bit envious, now Feng Bingning and the others The few daughters had not given birth to Chu Feng yet, which naturally made her a little depressed.

"Master Hong, I only know a little about the information about the Sun God King. I don't know if you have more detailed information about the Sun God King?" Chu Feng and Hong Jun said in a different place.

Yin Xiao said: "I know some information about the Sun God King!"

Chu Feng looked at Yin Xiao, and Yin Xiao drank a sip of tea ceremony: "Don't look at this universe, there are not many saint-level powerhouses today. In reality, there are many saint-level powerhouses that have appeared before, the sun god. The king is one of them, and the sun **** king should be in the forefront of the power of those who have appeared before!"

"In ancient times, there were more than so many saint-level powerhouses in the universe. There were 20 or 30 saint-level powerhouses in the age of the Sun God King!"

"The Sun God King challenged the twenty or thirty saint-level powerhouses back then, without fail, all the saint-level powerhouses back then were all defeated in his hands, and even some saint-level powerhouses combined in pairs were also defeated. In the hands of the Sun God King, the feeling of Invincible Under Heaven would be uncomfortable. The Sun God King finally disappeared. Rumor has it that he has entered the Land of Nine Suns!"

"The Land of Nine Suns?" Chu Feng said curiously.

Yin Xiao nodded: "Well, there are three strange places between heaven and earth, the Chaos Wasteland, the Land of Nine Suns, and the Land of Nine Yins. Three places, the Chaos Wasteland is in the middle, and the Land of Nine Suns is above the Chaos Wasteland. , The Land of Nine Yins is under the Wasteland of Chaos. To reach the land of Nine Suns, you must first get the Wasteland of Chaos."

"It turns out that there is also the land of nine suns and nine yin. As expected, there are still a lot of things I don't know about between heaven and earth." Chu Feng said, "Father-in-law, can you talk about this land of nine suns and nine yin?"

Yin Xiao looked at Hongjun with a smile and said: "I don't know much about the Land of Nine Suns and the Land of Nine Yins, so I won't thank Hongjun Dao Zun and Pangu the two great figures."

"Brother Yin is too modest." Hongjun smiled, "I know a little bit about the land of nine yin and nine yang. If you are interested in knowing, I'll talk about it."

"The land of the nine suns, there are nine rounds of scorching sun in the sky, and those nine rounds of scorching sun always burn the earth in the land of the nine suns. There is not only a paradise for practitioners of the Yang attribute, but also hell! The sun **** is here! Nine Suns in the Land of Nine Suns realized that the divine light of the sun had made him famous, but there were also many powerful men who burned to death in the Land of Nine Suns!"

"The land of Nine Yin, there are nine cold pools. The water of extremely Yin in the cold pond is an excellent material for refining. Unfortunately, the land of Nine Yin is more dangerous than the land of Nine Suns! There is no land of Nine Yangs. What monsters attack you, the only terrible thing is the scorching sun in the sky. And in the land of Nine Yin, some powerful people who died there turned into ghosts. The ordinary ghosts are not terrible, but the ghosts that reach the strength of the king are very scary. If I meet a Youhuang-level powerhouse, in such a place, even I don't have much chance of winning!"

A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, and even Hongjun was inferior to the Youhuang in the Nine Nether Lands. It is estimated that the Nine Nether Lands might be very powerful in suppressing outsiders!

"I still know some information about Chu Feng about the Sun God King, I will tell you later." Hongjun's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind at this time.

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