Holy Prison

Chapter 1869: Dive into the cave

There are more than three hundred close to four hundred immortal-level powerhouses, among them there are saint-level powerhouses like Hongjun, more than two thousand immortal-level powerhouses, and there are 30 immortal-level powerhouses to get a saint king. Problem?

The answer is obviously no. Hongjun and the others waited for the strong to make a move. In an instant, the 31 immortal-level strong who were drinking and chatting outside the Baihu Clan's Dongtianfudi in the temple were all imprisoned and sealed!

Chu Feng's World Swallowing Gourd appeared in his hands and immediately included the thirty-one powerhouses in the holy prison space. If they were taken away, the strength of the holy temple could drop a little bit. In addition, if their parasites were removed, then Their strength on this side can increase a bit, one will rise and the other will disappear, and then it will not be impossible to win the temple!

"Chu Feng, it is not blocked from the inside, you can enter inside!" Hongjun said. If this place is inside, it is very suitable to defend against attacks from the outside. If there is a defensive barrier inside, it will be troublesome. The good thing is that the people in the temple never thought that they would kill after they left!

In the eyes of those in the temple, if Chu Feng and the others escaped, they would definitely escape as far as possible. If they didn't escape from there, it would be of no use to guard against the outside.

"If you feel the suction, don't resist." Chu Feng said that in the blink of an eye, most of the people who came out of their side were collected into the sacred prison space. Only Hongjun Pangu and Monkey King appeared outside the Skyscar Master. After recovering in the sacred prison space, there is no need for him to take action in the actions of those who just captured the thirty-one temple.

Nowadays, the most important thing for Master Tianhen is that his strength recovers. If it recovers, Chu Feng and the others will have one more saint-level powerhouse!

"Let's go in, if there is the power of time inside, the saint-level powerhouse on this side must have entered the inner cave heaven and blessed earth." Pangu said.

Chu Feng nodded. He didn't go to interrogate the people he caught. They were so powerful that they couldn't find lying. Although they could be interrogated separately, what if they had colluded long ago? If you ask a wrong piece of information that affects your judgment, you might as well be careful not to ask those people's information!

Hongjun's good fortune jade disc appeared in his hands, and a faint purple light from the good fortune jade disc enveloped Chu Feng and the four of them, and then the purple light disappeared in a very short time, and Chu Feng and the others disappeared. Of course, It's just that outsiders can't see them, and Chu Feng can see each other.

"I hope I won't be discovered." Hongjun said with a light smile, as he squeezed the method, and it didn't take long for him to open the natural restriction and enter the space inside.

In the outer layer of Dongtianfudi, a sixth-level immortal strong frowned slightly. He seemed to feel a little bit just now, but at this moment, the holy consciousness exuded and felt it carefully but did not feel it.

"Pharaoh, what's the matter?" Another immortal-level expert said, he is a fifth-level immortal cultivation base, and he didn't feel anything just now. "It seems that the space fluctuates a little." said the sixth-level immortal strong man.

"Normal...This space is broken like this, and the space inside is even more destroyed, occasionally there is a little spatial fluctuation, it is a normal thing! I heard that the cracks in the space inside often appear, I guess the space inside. It will be destroyed if it lasts for a few hundred years at most!" The five-level immortal strong said, "Oh, they have the power of time inside. We people are guarding here. It is really unreasonable. If time comes, No part of the power is given to us, but I will not agree!"

"It will definitely be divided, don't worry, if it is not divided, we will report to the palace master at that time!" The sixth-level immortal strong said indifferently. "Pharaoh, I don't know how much time power Chu Feng and the others have gained. Venerable Formation and the others have gained a lot of time power inside. Chu Feng and the others are afraid they will get more!"

"Definitely, Venerable Formation only took a while for them to enter, but Chu Feng and the others must have been there for tens of thousands of years! Chu Feng and the others are big fat now, if they can be caught, they will be blue by then. The power of time is estimated to be a lot!" said the sixth-level immortal powerhouse.

"A single strand of blue time power contains millions of years of time power, and some accelerations can be as high as thousands of times. I don't want too much. I am satisfied with such a hundred strands of blue time power." The immortal strong man smiled.

Not far away, Chu Feng and the others looked at each other, and the power of a hundred wisps of blue time was satisfied. This five-level immortal powerhouse is really easy to satisfy!

A hundred strands of blue time strength is equivalent to a strand of purple time strength. Chu Feng secretly shook his head, so a little bit of time strength can satisfy a fifth-level immortal powerhouse!

"Chu Feng, you are a full man and you don't know how hungry you are." Miao Xian'er's smiling voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "One hundred wisps of blue power of time, this is quite a lot. At the beginning, a wisp of green time power was used! A hundred wisps of blue time power may save a lot of life for a fifth-level immortal powerhouse!"

"I didn't say that the power of blue time is not precious." Chu Feng smiled in his mind. The power of blue time is indeed precious, but it is nothing in the eyes of Chu Feng today. The power of golden time is equivalent to ten thousand threads of blue time. His golden power of time has 300 thousand threads, the power of silver time is several million threads, and the power of purple time exceeds 30 million. thread!

A strand of golden time is equivalent to ten thousand strands of blue time, and thirty thousand strands of golden time is equivalent to three billion strands of blue time. This is just from the time contained In terms of strength, in fact, the power of 300,000 strands of golden time is far more precious than the power of 3 billion strands of blue time!

The force of blue time is accelerated by tens of thousands of times at most. Chu Feng has not discovered the force of blue time with an acceleration of more than 50,000 times, and the force of golden time, Chu Feng has an acceleration of nearly two million times. force! The acceleration is different, the preciousness of the power of time is naturally very different!

Hearing that the fifth-level immortal strongman said he wanted a hundred wisps of blue time power. The sixth-level immortal strongman laughed and said, "Brother Liu, a hundred wisps of blue time power, do you think It's beautiful! There is very little blue time power in it. By then, we can get ten wisps of blue time power and ten wisps of green time power, which is very good!"

"Isn't it okay to think more beautifully?" The fifth-level immortal powerhouse smiled, "Old Wang, do you think there is a higher level of time power in it?"

"It's hard to say that the damage inside is too serious. The amount of time power in blue is very small, and the power of time of higher level is estimated to be few, and the probability of falling into our hands is extremely low! It is too unrealistic for us to get the power of time. It is serious to try to get a few more blue time powers and some less time powers at that time!"

Chu Feng and the others looked at each other, and Pan Gu smiled and said: "Chu Feng, it seems that your previous destruction was very effective, and there is actually very little blue time force inside!"

"If the power of blue time is very small, they will use the steel plan and the time power of the angel plan will certainly not be much, we still have some time!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, even if the temple provokes the Three Realms War, they still have some time, but the angel plan and the steel plan have not completed the temple to invade the gods and the mortal realms, it will be greatly affected!

"It's a pity that the Steel Project and the Angel Project were carried out by those strong men among their space items. It would be great if they were carried out on the Most Sacred Mountain." Chu Feng said.

"You want to be beautiful too." Pangu smiled.

Hongjun opened his mouth and said, "There are not many strong players in this outer space. We should be able to take them all down. Even if the fight is a bit fierce, as long as no one is dead, the people in the inner space shouldn't know! Guard that pool at the time, we can catch one as soon as we come out!"

"Master Hong, how many people are in this outer space?" Chu Feng asked. Hongjun said: "Thirty immortal-level powerhouses on the bright surface, three hundred immortal-level powerhouses, hidden 20 immortal-level powerhouses, and two hundred immortal-level powerhouses. In addition, some people are in Maybe there are strong ones hidden in it!"

"Fifty immortal-level powerhouses, 500 immortal-level powerhouses...Even if there are hidden in the dark, it shouldn’t be too much. We have nearly 400 immortal-level powerhouses, and more than 2,000 immortal-level powerhouses. , It should be no problem to take down these people.” Chu Feng thought for a while, “Master Hong, move to the water pool. Before you do it, seal the place first, or let people enter it to inform you! If there are a large number of people inside Come out, we may not be able to fight!"

Chu Feng and the others are very powerful people, but they really can’t compare to the strength of the temple on this side. The temple has more than a thousand immortal-level powerhouses, and there are 10,000 immortal-level powerhouses. .

There are also the saint kings. The temple has two saint-level powerhouses, the ice-venerable formation, and the saint king-level powerhouses, one of ten has been captured by Chu Feng!

"Well, let's go over here." Hongjun said, as he carefully controlled the power of good fortune jade disc and led Chu Feng and the others to move towards that pool.

"Where did Saint King Chen Lin and the others go? They were drinking outside when they first contacted them." A voice came to Chu Feng and the others.

Chu Feng's hearts were tight, they didn't expect someone to contact outside in such a short time. "They're gone? They won't be caught, will they?" The other person's heart was tight.

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