Holy Prison

Chapter 1872: Heart of Darkness

Venerable Array roared, after he roared, many people also roared! Three thousand people, nearly three thousand people were swallowed by the darkness just now!

Thirty or so immortal-level powerhouses, nearly three thousand immortal-level powerhouses died in the darkness! Darkness swallowed for the first moment because of the small swallowing range. There were not many people swallowed, but after the first second, the darkness expanded a very long distance. There were more than 2,000 people who died in the first second. !

The immortal-level immortal-level powerhouses react quickly, but the speed of the darkness is too fast, and many powerhouses have been involved in the blink of an eye!

"Bastard, bastard!!" Quite a lot of people cursed, even many female powerhouses like Venerable Bing also scolded them. This one has suffered too much!

Three thousand people have died, and in the eyes of Venerable Ice and others, what is more important is that the space with the power of time must have been destroyed!

The time goes forward ten seconds.

"Stop, something happened on that side." Hongjun said. He said that Chu Feng and the others stopped and looked in the direction they came. At the beginning, they hadn't seen anything, but soon they did. Some things, black, pure black, and black in the distance expand rapidly!

"Chu Feng, the second 4S-level mission appears." At this moment, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "The second mission, find the heart of darkness!"

"Same as the previous mission, the mission time is one billion years, the successful mission rewards one trillion battle points and 10 billion domain towers; if the mission fails, 500 billion battle points are deducted, and 5 billion domain towers!" Miao Xianer said. "Another 4S-level mission." Chu Feng's eyes lit up. He didn't expect to trigger a 4S-level mission on this side!

A total of three 4S-level tasks are required to upgrade the Holy Prison. These 4S-level tasks are not easy to complete, but the trigger also requires luck. Chu Feng did not expect that his own luck would be fine. On this side, the people in the temple suffered a big loss and This is a 4S-level mission to find the Heart of Darkness!

"Finding the heart of darkness was the heart of time before, but now it is the heart of darkness. Could it be said that there are other tasks in this area? The heart of space and the heart of light may all be tasks!" Chu Feng said in his heart.

"Look, the darkness has receded. A lot of people must have died in the temple." Pangu looked into the distance and said, "It seems that many people have not escaped and been swallowed by the darkness. Fortunately, we just came out from there. There is something weird in a space, with all the power of time appearing, and there is such a black light!"

Chu Feng said: "Master Hong, Master Pan, and Wukong, let's take a look at the past. If there are many people who die in the temple, maybe we can pick one for a cheaper one!"

"It's okay to look at it, but the Ice Venerables on that side are definitely in anger, we have to be careful and careful, otherwise it would be bad for them to fight hard with us." Hongjun said.

"Well, let's take a look from a distance!" Chu Feng said.

Soon Chu Feng approached a lot of them and stopped at the top of a huge mountain. Except for Chu Feng, with the eyesight of the three of Hongjun, the Ice Venerable could be seen relatively clearly from here.

"Xian'er, can you sense the people on that side? Lock a few!" Chu Feng said in his mind. Now the distance is not too far, it should be possible to lock it.

"No problem." Miao Xian'er said and immediately locked a few immortal-level powerhouses on that side, "The lock is complete, do you need an image?"

Chu Feng didn't know how to express himself in his mind. Hongjun and the others had high strength and strong eyesight. He could see that side more clearly, but he couldn't see it. However, if the sky eye was locked and the image was displayed in his mind, it would be better than Hongjun. They see more clearly, but in this way there are only images around the target.

"Three thousand people, we actually died nearly three thousand people! There are more than 30 immortal-level powerhouses dead! In addition, more than a hundred immortal-level powerhouses that have disappeared before, 1,000 immortal-level powerhouses , Our immortal-level powerhouse lost nearly 150 people, and the immortal-level powerhouse lost nearly 4,000 people!” An immortal-level powerhouse had an ugly expression.

"Chu Feng first entered there to capture those of us, and then let us chase them out. After we chased them out, they returned and destroyed that space!"

"It must have been a time bomb or something, otherwise, it would not happen that we arrived in this space! We are falling into the calculation step by step, terrible!"

A Saint King-level expert said in a deep voice: "This time it is our carelessness. From now on, Chu Feng and the others will not be so easy to calculate us!"

"Venerable Jin, someone is peeping!" Venerable Ice's voice resounded in the mind of Venerable Jin. "It must be Hongjun and the others, leave them alone, they are definitely beyond a safe distance, we can't catch them!" Venerable Formation said through a voice transmission, "Should you try to enter that space again? Or you can still enter. "

"Try it." Venerable Bing said, her words were not used for sound transmission.

Venerable Formation and Venerable Ice tried it personally. After a try, they all shook their heads secretly and destroyed it. The previous space was completely destroyed!

"There is a lot of time power in there, it's a pity!" Venerable Bing said with an ugly expression. Chu Feng and the others went to the side of the Most Sacred Mountain, but it was not enough for Venerable Bing to gain time when they entered there. How much time? Venerable Ice has also gained some power of time because of the wide range of sacred knowledge, but the amount of power of time gained is very small!

Before that, the five-level immortal powerhouse was still thinking about getting a hundred strands of blue time power. Now, if you divide it up, a fifth-level immortal powerhouse might not get a single strand of blue time power. !

"Venerable Formation, so many people have died and disappeared, we may need to talk to the Lord and the others!" Venerable Ice said. "Go back, let's talk about it again!" His face was gloomy and authentic. This time he suffered a great loss. If they returned to the Most Sacred Mountain, they didn't know how to confess. What they didn't know was that the current Most Sacred Mountain had been destroyed by Chu Feng and others. !

"Those powers of time" said Venerable Ice.

"What I got belongs to me. As for what other people get, I don't mean anything if the Lord of the Palace will divide a part of it." Venerable Formation said.

"Let's go back then!" Venerable Bing said and glanced at the direction of Chu Feng and the others. She knew that Chu Feng and the others were in this direction, but she didn't chase him. She knew it too. At this time, chasing him was useless. , The possibility of being caught without being surrounded by Hongjun's strength is very low!

After receiving all the immortal level powerhouses, hundreds of immortal level powerhouses all flew towards the side of the holy mountain! "It's a pity." Chu Feng sighed softly.

"Chu Feng, the results are pretty good!" Pan Gu said with a smile. You kept those bombs well, and you actually exploded such terrible black things. Immortal level people, we have worked hard to get two thousand together before, and the black thing appeared, directly engulfing the three thousand immortal level powerhouses in the temple! "

"I didn't catch Venerable Ice and Venerable Formation, I still felt a little unhappy." Chu Feng said, he said so, but there was a smile on his face.

This time, it can definitely be described as a big victory!

They also lost a lot of people on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain, but on this side, they did not lose a single person. They captured a hundred or so immortal-level powerhouses and a thousand immortal-level powerhouses, and swallowed them in the darkness. The next three thousand people on the side of the temple were killed!

"Master, the old Sun thinks that the people from the temple should be the ones who are upset." Monkey King said with a smile. The Most Sacred Mountain was destroyed, and many people were captured alive and many people died. It is estimated that Long Yang and others know that the nose will Angry!

"It won't take long for them to receive some news from the side of the Most Sacred Mountain, right?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, knowing that they must have some soul jade slips on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. The distance is too far, the soul jade slip can not be broken all at once.

There is some time between the death of a person and the breaking of the soul jade in a distant place. The farther the distance, the longer the time, otherwise the shorter the time required!

Very far away from Chu Feng and the others, Long Yang and the others were advancing at high speed. Suddenly, Long Yang's expression became unstable and almost vomited blood.

"Brother Longyang, what?" Salmon said. Long Yang said in a deep voice, "Nothing, we rushed to the side of the Holy Mountain at full speed. It is estimated that something went wrong on that side!"

Long Yang prayed in his heart that the soul jade slip was broken only because of an accident, but it didn't take long for him to know that it was not an accident.

As the master of the temple, Longyang has many soul jade slips. Just now, the soul jade slips of two people shattered! "Hall Master!" Venerable Black Moon's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and a piece of soul jade slip among her space items was broken! The soul jade slips collected in the space items of Venerable Black Moon are not as many as the dragon anodes, but there are some.

Just now, Venerable Black Moon shattered the soul jade under one of his confidants, and that one of his confidants possessed a sixth-level immortal cultivation base. She still wanted to push that person to the Saint King level!

"What?" Long Yang said in a deep voice. Venerable Black Moon said with a sullen face: "Hall Master, you already know, there is a problem on the side of the Holy Mountain."

Salmon's face also changed at this time. A broken soul jade slip appeared in his hand, "Damn it, what's going on, there are not three Saint King level strong, 100 immortal level strong, 1000 immortal level in the Most Sacred Mountain. Is it a strong man?" Sammon said, the broken soul jade slip in his hand also belongs to his confidant!

"It's not three Saint King-level powerhouses, but four Saint King-level powerhouses." Long Wuji said in a deep voice. He quietly arranged the Saint King-level powerhouse in the Most Sacred Peak, "Hongjun and the others Participating in the establishment of the Most Holy Mountain, they know very well about the Most Holy Mountain."

"Hallmaster, but they are only involved in the establishment of the Most Holy Peak and Tianxian Peak. The Most Holy Mountain shouldn't have trouble so quickly!" Salmon said. "It is very likely that we underestimated the power that Chu Feng has gathered!" Long Yang said in a deep voice. He hadn't really regarded Chu Feng as an opponent before, but at this time, he already paid more attention to Chu Feng, and waited until he saw it. By the time the most sacred mountain was destroyed, it was estimated that Comrade Chu Feng would be paid more attention.

If Venerable Ice returned with the news, they would even think of killing Chu Feng in minutes, no, it should be to torture Chu Feng! !

As Long Yang and the others kept approaching to the Most Sacred Mountain, the sound of the broken jade slips in their space treasures sounded from time to time, and those voices made Long Yang's face more and more ugly!

"Brother Longyang, how many broken jade slips do you own?" Salmon asked. Long Yang said coldly: "Brother Salmon, don't ask now, you will know when you return to the Holy Mountain!"

Long Yang didn't want to say, he really didn't want to say, the broken jade slips in his treasure space reached 300 yuan! All those who stayed in the Most Holy Mountain, he had jade slips, and those jade slips were all broken!

They rushed in silence. After an hour, Longyang finally arrived on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. However, the place where there used to be the Most Sacred Peak, Tianxian Peak, Earth Magic Peak, and Human Emperor Peak is no longer there. There is only one huge magma. lake!

The magma lake was formed by the phoenix fire before Fengyao. It has not been long since the temperature of the magma hasn't dropped much, and it is still hot now!

The dragon anode roared, and some people came to watch the excitement on this side. Under the roar of the dragon anode, many people on this side turned into blood mist!

"Chu Feng, Hongjun, Pangu, my dragon anode swears not to be at odds with you!" The dragon anode roared, and he worked so hard to build the most sacred mountain, which was destroyed in such a short time!

The Most Sacred Mountain is very powerful. It was destroyed before. It was really wrong. One hundred immortal-level powerhouses and a thousand immortal-level powerhouses could not fully display the power of the most sacred mountain! If the Most Sacred Mountain has a thousand immortal-level powerhouses and ten thousand immortal-level powerhouses on this side, then even if Chu Feng's power increases twenty times, it will not be possible to destroy the most sacred mountain!

To be careless, Long Yang knew that he was careless. He never expected that Chu Feng could use such a large force to destroy the Most Sacred Mountain in a short time!

"Brother Longyang, judging from the temperature of this magma, it has been more than an hour since the Zhisheng Mountain was destroyed!" Salmon's expression was extremely gloomy. It has been a long time since the Zhisheng Mountain was destroyed, indicating that Chu Feng and the others destroyed the Zhisheng Mountain. Maybe not even an hour!

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