Holy Prison

Chapter 1881: Secret Poison Power

The secret poison of the black corpse, this can infect a certain distance under control, but the distance cannot be too far!

Now Luoshan and the other eighteen indestructible powerhouses are not far away from the center of Heihe City. Under the control of Chu Feng in the holy prison space, the black corpse secret poison has only been infected in a short time. On the other eighteen immortal powerhouses!

"Sure enough, it can only infect twenty people." Chu Feng muttered in the holy prison space. Every strand of black corpse secret poison has a fixed amount of infection. Once the amount of infection is reached, it can no longer infect people. Chu Feng just tried In order to let the secret poison of the black corpse infect an immortal subordinate of those indestructible strong, the infection failed!

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Chu Feng, it is very good that the black corpse secret poison can easily infect twenty immortal level powerhouses. If its power can reach the height estimated by the poisonous dragon, then this black corpse Secret poison is really an excellent thing for you, you can easily take the lives of some indestructible powerhouses in the holy prison space!"

"The power shouldn't be too weak." Chu Feng said. He had read the information. The poisonous dragon Cherieman is indeed a genius in drug production. Of course, it needs to be able to make something like the black corpse secret poison. With no small luck, there are many people who make poison based on the black corpse virus. Some of them are no worse than the poisonous dragon Cherieman, but so far the only successful one is the poisonous dragon Cherieman. Maybe it will continue, and he is the only one. success!

Through the secret poison of the black corpse, the poisonous dragon Cheriman has already overwhelmed the poisonous girl, but now he doesn't care about this anymore!

"Black corpse secret poison, let me see your power!" Chu Feng muttered, his mind moved the secret black corpse poison in the bodies of all 20 people in Luoshan!

The method is different. After the black corpse secret poison is activated, the result is different. It can cause the black corpse secret poison to erupt immediately and cause death, or it can put the black corpse secret poison in a semi-explosive state, but let the black corpse secret poison. People lose their combat effectiveness but will not die in a short time. Chu Feng is naturally using the latter now!

Chu Feng aroused the secret poison of the black corpse, and the purple jade demon king and several indestructible powerhouses with lower strength immediately reacted. The purple jade demon just drank a sip of tea. The tea that went down suddenly poured out of his mouth. "Apprentice!" Luo Shan's face changed drastically. Ziyu Demon Lord appeared in this situation. He felt that there was also a force in his body affecting and destroying his body, and some of that force invaded him. Among the sages!

Under the sky's eye scan, Chu Feng saw that some of the powerhouses in Heihe City who reached the fifth level of immortality could still support a little bit of time, and those who did not reach the fifth level of immortality fell quickly one by one.

"Miao Xian'er, take it!" Chu Feng chuckled, and the sky hand appeared outside in an instant. If it is an indestructible powerhouse without the secret poison of the black corpse, it is impossible to directly enter the holy prison space like this. But with the secret poison of the black corpse, some indestructible powerhouses have not been able to resist for long!

In the blink of an eye, half of the twenty indestructible powerhouses were admitted to the holy prison space by Chu Feng, including the Purple Jade Demon Lord in front of Luoshan!

"Die to this seat!" Spatial fluctuations appeared when the Purple Jade Demon Lord was collected. Luo Shan did not escape the traces of space and enter the sacred prison space as Chu Feng hoped, but gave a vicious blow. .

After the blow, Luo Shan immediately gathered with the other strong men who still had a little resistance. When he attacked, three more immortal-level strong men were brought into the holy prison space by Chu Feng.

"Let's go!" Luo Shan sighed and hurriedly left Heihe City along with the other six Immortal Powers and a dozen Immortal Powers!

"Where to go?"

In the holy prison space, Chu Feng said indifferently, he was not too eager to chase, he had the sense of heavenly eyes, and those people were poisoned one by one, and he was afraid that they would escape.

When Luoshan and the others escaped for a certain distance, Chu Feng and Bai Wanli appeared outside and went forward in stealth. Chu Feng and Bai Wanli quickly approached Luoshan and the others. Luo Shan and the others actually fought right now. It's very simple, Luo Shan has a ghost order, and some of the others want to get a ghost order!

"Dead!" Luo Shan was furious when he was attacked by a combination of three immortal powerhouses. At this time, he didn't expect that these guys would actually do something to him!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Puff!"

Even if his strength has dropped a lot, Luo Shan still retains the power of the immortal rank. The three immortal rank powerhouses were killed by Luo Shan two in an instant, and the other one was hit hard and then blinked. Luo Shan was also killed in the palm of his hand!

"Damn things, this seat can be killed by your three immortal-level little things" Luo Shan cursed and stared at two of the immortal-level powerhouses with ferocious eyes. These three immortal-level powerhouses are that. Two immortal-level powerhouses, the three immortal-level powerhouses just shot must be instructed by these two immortal-level powerhouses!

"Brother Luo, this is not what I meant!" Seeing Luo Shan looked over, one of the two immortal level experts said immediately, "Brother Luo, I don't even have the immortal level strength now, so I won't let my disciples attack. For you, even if you get a ghost order from you, it will never fall into my hands!"

"Brother Luo, yes, these two evil barriers are so self-assured!" said another immortal powerhouse. "I hope so, if someone messes up again, I won't be so polite!" Luo Shan said in a deep voice. He doesn't want to be separated from these people at the moment. If separated, he believes that the strong one in the dark will definitely chase after him. Hold him!

And when Luoshan is not separated, the other people will not take the initiative to separate from Luoshan. Luoshan is severely damaged by poisoning, and the hope of getting a ghost order from Luoshan is greatly enhanced!

Luo Shan and the others hurried forward, and Chu Feng unhurriedly followed them and quickly left Heihe City to reach the wilderness. "Master Chu, we can do it now. If we take these people, the problem shouldn't be big!" Bai Wanli said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "You take action. Try to control some of them. After controlling, let them slow down. I will put them into the treasure space."

"Okay!" Bai Wanli said that the ghost order appeared in his hand, and a few gray rays of light in the ghost order immediately followed Luo Shan and the others.

"Crap!" As the gray light approached, Luo Shan was surprised that he also had a ghost, which made him react a little at this time. "It was the person who got the ghost order, who did it?"

In addition to him, there are only eight other people who have received the Shadow Soul Order. Luo Shan believes that Luohe Tang Jian and Step Fear should not appear here to deal with them. Luohe's strength is too low. As for Zhang Xu, he has time. Treasures are possible, but unlikely. Zhang Xu should be in a billion Yin Mountains right now!

Excluding the three of Luohe and Zhang Xu, only Catherine, Bai Wanli, Emperor of Life and Death, and Nether Warlord, these four people are of immortal strength, even if they are following Bai Wanli, Luoshan is in this state. There is not much confidence to get rid of, if it is the other three, then the chance of escape is extremely low!

"Luohe, the city of life and death, seems to have the same situation. It should be the same kind of poison, but it is countless times more powerful than the poison in Luohe back then!" Luo Shan thought to himself, thinking of this, he was basically sure that he should deal with them. It's Bai Wanli or Catherine in the City of Life and Death! "Don't be Catherine!" Luo Shan prayed in his heart. If it was Bai Wanli, he still had some confidence to run away. If it was Catherine, there would be no confidence.

Luo Shan is a powerhouse at the Saint King level, and Catherine, who is also a powerhouse at the Saint King level, without being poisoned, Luo Shan knows that he can't beat Catherine now, even more so if he is poisoned!

The gray light in the ghost order shot out extremely fast, but it didn't fall on those people. Luo Shan used his own ghost order, and his ghost order gave out the same gray light, and the ashes emitted from the Bai Wanli ghost order The light is offset!

"Very good!" Luo Shan's eyes lit up. With this shot, Luo Shan immediately determined that Bai Wanli should be chasing him, not Catherine!

Bai Wanli’s cultivation base is relatively low. Although he has a higher degree of fusion with the ghost order, Luo Shan can barely block the light that he shoots from the ghost order, and if it is Catherine's ghost order, Luo Shan can’t. That kind of confidence!

The control light was blocked, Bai Wanli snorted in his heart, and instantly he released the ten third-level immortal powerhouses controlled by his ghost order!

"Get trapped in front of Luoshan and the others!" Bai Wan's command sounded in the minds of the ten indestructible powerhouses, and the ten third-level indestructible powerhouses immediately chased those in front of them quickly.

"Damn it!" Feeling the ten tyrannical auras from behind, Luo Shan cursed in his heart. He has a very good escape treasure. He doesn't want to use it, but it won't work if he doesn't use it now!

"Luo Shan, listen, stop immediately, otherwise the poison will die, don’t blame me for not reminding you!" Bai Wanli’s voice rang in Luo Shan’s ears, “If you die from such a poison, you will be resurrected at that time. , The decline in strength is not a little bit!"

Luo Shan and the others did not have the speed of the third-level indestructible powerhouse at this time, but in a very short time, ten third-level indestructible powerhouses surrounded Luoshan and the others.

"Bai Wanli, I have no enmity with the city of life and death. This is too much!" Luo Shan coldly looked at Chu Feng and the others, who came over unhurriedly, "You can't cut us to the bottom. There are treasures that can let me go, but ten of them can't keep me! Detoxify me and let me go. We may be friends in the future. If not, don't blame me for killing the people in the city of life and death! You poisoned me well! , But it won't take my life!"

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