Holy Prison

Chapter 1884: Billion Yinshan

In the Yin world, there are many peaks. In terms of danger, one billion Yin mountains are not necessarily the most dangerous, but this place is the most complicated, and it is really a good place for Tibetans!

Complex, dangerous, and chaotic, these are the labels that the people of the underworld put on the billion Yinshan mountains.

Because of the danger, not many people enter the One Billion Yin Mountain, but in the entire Yin Realm, there will always be some people who provoke an offensive person after countless billions of years. The powerful ruthless man, the complex environment and the many dangerous elements in it are even more complicated and chaotic!

It is said that although it is one billion Yinshan Mountain, there are far more than one billion peaks in the billion Yinshan Mountain. The entire one billion Yinshan area is surrounded by many huge mountain ranges, and there are only a few entrances and exits, Chu Feng Hebai Wanli is now one of the few imports and exports that have reached one billion Yinshan!

After leaving Heihe City, Chu Feng and Bai Wanli made a trip to the City of Life and Death. Chu Feng wanted Bai Wanli to stay in the City of Life and Death, but Bai Wanli had to follow him, considering his indestructible strength. Should be able to help a lot, Chu Feng agreed. Luohe and the others also wanted to follow, but they were strongly rejected by Chu Feng. Their strength is not weak, but it is still more dangerous to enter the One Billion Yin Mountain. Now the most important thing for them is to improve their strength!

"Two friends, do you enter the One Billion Yin Mountain? I have the most comprehensive map of the One Billion Yin Mountain for sale. Two friends, do you want to?"

"Friends who want to enter the One Billion Yin Mountain pay attention. The blood-sucking mosquitoes in the One Billion Yin Mountain are extremely scary. I sell the best insect repellent agents here. Those who enter the One Billion Yin Mountain must remember to buy more, otherwise it is estimated to use In a few days it will become a feast for blood-sucking monster mosquitoes among the billion Yin Mountains haha!"

"Selling a series of equipment suitable for use in the billions of Yinshan Mountains, everyone walks by, don't miss it!"

There are only a few openings in the billion Yinshan Mountains. Every year, many people enter the billion Yinshan Mountains. Some people among the billion Yinshan Mountains also come out to buy some supplies. A small town was formed, and Chu Feng and Bai Wanli are now in one of them.

"Wanli, are you sure you want to buy something?" Chu Feng said. Bai Wanli nodded: "Yes, it is necessary. Although our strength is relatively high, many things in the billion Yinshan Mountains are very difficult to deal with. If we don't have some things, we might have a hard time sometimes!"

"Then buy it, do you have enough money? If not, I have it here!" Chu Feng said. Bai Wanli smiled and said, "Master Chu, I still have some wealth, and it doesn't cost much to buy some things!"

Although Bai Wanli could not spend too much money, there was already a lot of money in half an hour. Those money may not be much for him, an indestructible powerhouse, but it is too much for an ordinary saint. Here you can often make a lot of money in a short time, but doing business here is equally dangerous!

Just when Chu Feng and the others had purchased their things and were about to leave, a louder voice sounded. Not far from them, a person's body was severely smashed to the ground!

"Bah, I want something, but I still dare to collect my money, I want to die, I will fulfill you!" A werewolf walked out of a shop with a smile.

"Immortal strength." Chu Feng narrowed his eyes as he looked at the werewolf. Bai Wanli said: "Master Chu, it is not uncommon to be killed when doing business here. Some wicked people will not pay. If the boss is willing to give it for nothing, then it will be fine. If not, the opponent's strength is extremely high. If this is the case, this is the situation! At other times, there are still relatively few strong people above the immortal level, and now there are more."

"Zhang Xu!" Chu Feng said softly. Bai Wanli nodded: "Well, Zhang Xu should have entered the One Billion Yin Mountain. He possesses the treasure of time, and he also possesses the Ghost Order. It is extremely tempting for many powerful people. These years, he has entered the one billion Yin Mountain. It is estimated that there are thousands of immortal and immortal powerhouses in China!"

When they heard Chu Feng talking about Zhang Xu, the immortal werewolf looked towards them, "You two, also want to enter the Billion Yin Mountain?" the werewolf asked.

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng said lightly.

The werewolf grinned and said, "You are richer in appearance. Give me a lot of money. I can tell you where Zhang Xu is hiding!"

"Let's go!" Chu Feng said to Bai Wanli. It is strange that the guy can tell him Zhang Xu's hiding place. In all likelihood, the guy told them a dangerous place and let them die in it!

"Two friends, don't you believe it? That's all, I will do good deeds and enter with you! I have been in it for hundreds of years, and you will definitely not suffer if you follow me in." said the wolfhead They walked towards Chu Feng, "Seeing that you also have immortal strength, the three of us just form a team! In it, if there are few people, you will suffer too much. You must know that there are many terrible things in the billion Yin Mountain!"

"A few friends, wait a minute, let me add things. When I go in, how about me?" A young man flew out of the billions of Yin Mountains, and the voice rang in Chu Feng's mind before reaching the town. Inside.

The werewolf snorted: "No, the three of us are enough, two of us, let's go in quickly, otherwise the treasure in Zhang Xu's hands will probably fall into the hands of others."

"Wanli, what kind of situation is this?" Chu Feng's voice resounded in Bai Wanli's mind. These guys were actually vying to form a team. "This... Master Chu, I don't know too well. I guess we two look more like fat sheep?" Bai Wanli said through a voice transmission, Chu Feng is only a first-class immortal cultivation base, and Bai Wanli will also have his own right now. The strength is suppressed to the first level of immortality, this strength is not low, but it is still a lot worse than that of the werewolf and that young man!

Werewolves are a seventh-level immortal cultivation base, and the young people who have just come out of it have stronger strengths with eighth-level immortal cultivation bases, such cultivation bases are already very high!

"Master Chu, let me control the two of them?" Bai Wanli said, "If you control the two of them, you can easily ask any questions."

"No need for the time being. I have to see what they are trying to do. Since they want to go in together, let's go in together with them." Chu Feng said through the sound transmission, "The two of them seem to have mixed up inside. A lot of time may also save us some trouble, anyway, the two of them can't cause us much trouble."

Bai Wanli nodded slightly, "My friend, I saw it, you nodded, wait a minute! One minute, just give me one minute!" The young man rushed into a shop immediately after laughing. Inside.

"Damn it!" The werewolf cursed secretly in his heart but did not leave. He was very confident of his own combat effectiveness. He didn't think it would be a big problem to win the eighth-level immortal powerhouse. If it becomes the main body, it will be in one billion. In a complex environment like Yinshan, even a ninth-level immortal-level powerhouse is not necessarily his opponent.

For one minute, no more, no less, that young man appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others. "Introduce yourself, Shen Yue." The young man glanced at Chu Feng and smiled authentically.

"Wolf three!" The wolf head said humanely. Chu Feng checked Shen Yue's information and found that Shen Yuebao's name is true. His kindness value is slightly higher than his sin value. He is not a good person, but he is not a villain; the name of the third wolf report is fake. , His guilt value is more than ten times the value of goodness, a complete villain!

"Bai Er!" Bai Wanli said.

A faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Chu Yi!" Shen Yue laughed and said: "The two friends are interesting, are you ready? If you are ready, let's enter the billion Yinshan Mountain! A few years ago, I I've also met Zhang Xu. He was injured at that time, and his injury is still not healed now! If we can meet him"

"Let's go!" Lang San said solemnly, his heart was darkly angry, and he himself reported the name of a Lang San, but he did not expect that Bai Wanli and Chu Feng would report the second one, but the other would report to Chu Yi!

If Langsan is a good person, Chu Feng and others would not be like this, but Langsan just didn't pay to kill people, even if Bai Wanli couldn't find his information, he knew that he was not a good thing. If you entertain him, he will entertain him. !

The Billion Yin Mountain is surrounded by huge mountains. The peaks on both sides of the mountain where Chu Feng and the others are located are as high as 10,000 meters, and the opening in the middle is the big mouth of the blood basin opened by an evil beast.

Chu Feng and the others flew close to the entrance, and a vast and mortal aura immediately enveloped Chu Feng and them, "Attention, you are entering the One Billion Yin Mountain. The One Billion Yin Mountain is extremely dangerous. If you enter here by mistake, return immediately. Don't Enter the one-billion-yin-yin mountain." When Chu Feng and the others arrived at Dekou, a solemn voice sounded in their ears.

"Master Chu, this is the voice recorded in the phonograph stone. As long as someone passes by the phonograph stone, it will be sensed and reminded that it was made by an ancient powerful man and has been in existence for a very long time!" Bai Wanli's voice sounded in Chu. In Feng's mind.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Shen Yue and Wolf San were in front of him. At this time, they were very close to the entrance, and the speed suddenly slowed down a lot. "There is actually a speed bump, but the ancient powerhouse wants to be thoughtful." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. , The speed bump on this opening is probably left by a certain speed-comprehensive person. As long as it passes through here, the speed will drop a lot, lest some people just hear the reminder and haven’t reacted to it. in.

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