Holy Prison

Chapter 1887: Shenjia

Shen Yue took a long breath and fought for three minutes. The two blood-eyed silver wolf kings retreated. Although they are not very intelligent, they also know that the ideas they encountered this time will not be able to hold their hands or even exceed them. In the end, they may be seriously injured. Under such circumstances, they are naturally unwilling to fight anymore!

"Bullying the soft and afraid of the hard." Chu Feng chuckled softly, like the blood-eyed silver wolf king, and many people in the training world are actually the same! "It's normal. Let's go. There is a fight here. It is estimated that there will be people or monsters on this side soon. Let's not get into trouble." Shen Yue said.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, not to cause trouble. He agrees with this one. Although his strength is not weak now, is it troublesome? Naturally, the less the better!

Now that there are many strong people in this billion Yinshan Mountain, if one is not good, a small trouble will develop into a big one!

One day, two days, and three days passed quickly. Ten days passed quickly. Chu Feng and the others drove during the day and rested at night. Ten days have passed and it is already a billion Yinshan!

In the past ten days, Chu Feng and the others encountered a lot of trouble along the way, but the four of them were not weak in strength and well prepared, and those troubles did not have a big impact on Chu Feng and the others.

"Xian'er, can't you still feel Zhang Xu?" Another night passed, and Chu Feng said in his mind as he moved forward. "It didn't work before, let me try it." Miao Xian'er said.

"Induced it?" Chu Feng asked quickly. "There are already a little blurry image." Miao Xian'er said, as she said some images into Chu Feng's mind.

"It's too vague," Chu Feng said. The image Miao Xian'er passed to him recognized that Zhang Xulai was a little bit reluctant. "Chu Feng, although it is not clear, one thing is certain, and that is that Zhang Xu has not been caught by other people at the moment. If this is the case, you still have a chance!" Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

"Hope to get it." Chu Feng said in his mind, "Miao Xian'er, do you have any hints about the heart of space? This promised billion Yinshan mountain wants to find the heart of space, so easy said than done! I understand it. It is the law of space, but it is impossible to sense where the heart of space is!"

"There is no way!" Miao Xian'er said straightforwardly, "If there is a way, I would have told you what you knew." "It's really hard to hurt, three 4S tasks, how year and month can I complete a 4S Level task." Chu Feng said helplessly in his mind, he knew he couldn't come to the underworld this time for too long!

What they said with Hongjun before, they took ten years of action, and they must return to the gods within ten years. If they all return to the gods, there will be no problem, if someone does not return to the gods. , Maybe there will be rescue or something at that time, he will stay in the underworld for ten years at most!

To get the heart of space within ten years, Chu Feng is really not sure about Zhang Xu. This Chu Feng has some certainty. After all, his holy prison heavy artillery is not a joke, even if Chu Feng uses the holy prison heavy artillery now It can also hit Zhang Xu accurately, but Chu Feng will not be so stupid to use the Holy Prison heavy artillery at this time!

Zhang Xu has time treasures and ghost orders on him. At this time, if he kills two treasures and bursts out and is obtained by others, it will be a cup!

In Zhang Xu's hands, Chu Feng can at least know his whereabouts. If it is obtained by another strong man, God knows which strong man he has reached. This time too many strong men have entered the billion Yin Mountain!

"Treasure of Time, Order of Shadows, Heart of Space" Chu Feng muttered and moved forward.

"Hold on!" Chu Feng said suddenly, and Shen Yue and the third wolf immediately stopped when he said. "Let's go around, there are some problems ahead." Chu Feng said.

"Second, there is a problem with your array layout, how could it be discovered?" A voice rang, and the voice fell, and instantly seven powerful men appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others.

The seven powerhouses are all immortal-level strengths, the high ones have reached the ninth-level immortality, and the low ones are also the third-level immortality. It is the ninth-level immortal power who speaks!

"Master Chu" Bai Wanli's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. These seven immortal powerhouses should be hunters in the billion Yinshan Mountains. If they don't burst out of higher strength, they can be with the strength of the four of them. Can't deal with these seven immortal powerhouses. "You guys, see clearly!" Shen Yue said a token appeared in her hand.

The token is a black token, and there is only a big heavy letter on it, and there is nothing else, from the black token that exudes a powerful momentum!

"The token obtained by the indestructible level powerhouse." Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. This token was definitely obtained by the indestructible level powerhouse, and it was a powerful immortal level powerhouse. It should have at least five levels. Indestructible strength, it is difficult for a strong person with the strength below level 5 immortality to produce such a token!

"Several people, I hope you retreat immediately, otherwise it would be more dangerous for you to become enemies with my Shen family even if you hide in the billion Yin Mountains." Shen Yue said solemnly.

The face of the seven immortal powerhouses showed hesitation. "Unlucky! I unexpectedly ran into the Shen family, brothers, withdraw!" The nine-level immortal strength powerhouse waved Chu Feng and the seven immortal-level strength powerhouses in front of them disappeared cleanly!

"You are from the Shen family." Lang San frowned. There were many people in the Yin Realm with the surname Shen, and most of them were not from the powerful Shen family in Yin Realm. Lang San did not expect Shen Yue. He is actually a member of the Shen family, if he had known it earlier, he would definitely not come in this time!

Chu Feng looked at Shen Yue with interest. If Shen Yue were just an ordinary Immortal-level powerhouse, then Chu Feng believed that Shen Yue was just kindly helping them, but he knew that Shen Yue was actually the powerful Shen family in the Yin Realm. People, Chu Feng had a feeling in his heart, it was not simple for Shen Yue to bring them in.

In the entire Yin Realm, the City of Life and Death can now be regarded as the first power, but there are also some very powerful powers. This Shen family is one of them!

The Shen family, the Hao family, and the Crow family, these are the three major families in the underworld, and these three families all have powerhouses at the holy level. Many forces in the underworld are secretly controlled by these three families, and they have The King of Life and Death of Yin Hun Ling and the Nether Warlord belonged to the Hao family and the Crow family, respectively, and the ancestor of the Shen family was the reincarnation emperor!

There is the Reincarnation Emperor in the Yang Realm, and the Reincarnation Great in the Yin Realm. They are not the same, but they have one thing in common, that is, they all control the power of reincarnation!

The reincarnation emperor possesses the reincarnation jade seal, which can release the fire of reincarnation, mainly the ability to destroy; while the reincarnation emperor has six reincarnation mirrors, the thing is mainly not destruction, but it can drive people into reincarnation! Entering the cycle of reincarnation, this is a bit more detailed. Under the mirror of the six reincarnations, a strong person can end this life and start the next life, and the next life may begin. It may not be reborn as a human but as a pig or dog!

The Emperor of Reincarnation seldom takes shots, but some of the rare shots are to shock the entire underworld. Back then, a holy king who somehow provoked the Shen family and killed many people in the Shen family. As a result, the Emperor of Reincarnation shot that holy king class. The strong man entered the reincarnation, and the strong man of the Saint King level never appeared again!

A person, from a very low cultivation base to a Saint King level, in addition to talents, there is also a factor of luck. After the reincarnation, there may not necessarily be luck in the previous life!

"Xian'er, can I resist the power of the six reincarnation mirrors?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "You? If you ride on the one-eyed lion king, maybe you can, otherwise, I am afraid it will be a little difficult!" Miao Xianer said, "Although you have two apocalyptic treasures and things like the holy prison, your strength It's really a little bit too low"

"That might be a little troublesome," Chu Feng muttered in his heart. "Shen... Young Master Shen, I think of something else, I'll leave first!" Lang San was a little depressed, and invited Chu Feng and the others together, and borrowed Chu Feng's strength on one hand, on the other hand, he really has Rob Chu Feng and their minds.

When he was in the town before, Lang San saw that Chu Feng and they bought a lot of things and knew that Chu Feng and them must be very rich. Although he is an immortal powerhouse, a lot of money was spent on training. Some things were not given money, it is not surprising that they were born to rob Chu Feng.

Although Shen Yue was following, the wolf three was confident that he would grab a fortune at that time, and even he planned to grab Shen Yue if he had a chance, but now he finds that Shen Yue is a member of the Shen family, where is he still like that? Shen Jiaming's courage, there are ten or twenty immortal-level powerhouses in the face of Shen Jiaming. Such a family is not something he can afford to be a small immortal-level figure.

Knowing that I can't afford to provoke them, where the wolf three would still be willing to stay in this team, if they stay in this team, even if they meet Zhang Xu, the probability of the treasure going to him is relatively low!

"Go? Wolf three, Bai Er, let him stay!" Chu Feng said. "Yes!" Bai Wanli nodded and instantly the pressure of the indestructible powerhouse fell on Langsan.

The wolf three is only the cultivation base of the seventh immortal level, and the pressure of the Bai Wanli immortal level powerhouse suddenly changed his face. "Indestructible!" Langsan said in shock.

"Don't resist, resist, die!" Chu Feng said indifferently. He said that World Swallowing Gourd appeared in his hands, and the suction power of World Swallowing Gourd appeared, and Lang San didn't dare to resist and was included in World Swallowing Gourd at once.

"Shen Yue, when did you recognize us? How about your adults?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

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