Holy Prison

Chapter 1889: call each other brothers

The Great Emperor Samsara sat down and drank a sip of the tea carefully, sipping it for more than ten seconds, then smiled authentically: "Not bad, not bad, you know how to enjoy it, Lord Chu."

"Haha, isn't this the distinguished guest here?" Chu Feng smiled, "Great Emperor, what do you think of the situation in the underworld and the invasion of the abyss?"

"Yin Realm...The City of Life and Death is the strongest now, but the Great Emperor and the Nether Warlord have the Soul Token. By then, the strength of the City of Life and Death may not be ranked first. My Shen family will be stronger than the Hao Family. The Crowe family is much weaker, and there may be some trouble in the underworld. As for the invasion of the abyss, there is nothing to say. After so many years of hiding and completing the control of so many powerful people in our universe, the abyss cannot stop here! "The Great Emperor said.

"In fact, we have no choice but to work hard. Countless people have already died, and it is difficult to live together peacefully!" The Samsara Emperor sighed.

Chu Feng thought that the ghost order he got from Luo Shan appeared in his hand. Seeing the ghost in Chu Feng's hand made the Samsara Emperor not surprised. Obviously he already knew some news that Luo Shan had fallen to him. In hand!

"Great Emperor, this ghost order seems to belong to you." Chu Feng smiled quietly, he said that he put the ghost order on the coffee table in front of him.

"Luoshan is not bad, I didn't expect it to be planted in your hands." The Samsara Emperor chuckled softly. He didn't immediately reach out to get the ghost order, "City Lord Chu, you can talk about the conditions first. If you don't say the conditions, I'm a little bit afraid to accept it!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "The Great, the conditions are very simple. I want to make a friend with the Great. I don't know if I have such an honor?" For the first time, Emperor Samsara's indifferent face showed a look of surprise: "City Lord Chu, this is what Your condition? Your condition, Weiming, is a little better!"

"Haha, what does the emperor think?" Chu Feng said.

The Samsara Emperor raised the tea cup in his hand: "City Lord Chu, I will substitute tea for wine. Thank you for your ghost order. I think we will be friends from now on! I don’t have many friends in Shencheng. Starting today, you Count one! Since you are a friend, don't call me the emperor. I guess you are older than you, so how about you call me Brother Shen?"

"Okay, don't call me City Lord Chu, Brother Shen." Chu Feng smiled. The Great Emperor of Samsara laughed and said: "No problem, I will call you Brother Chu from now on! Brother Chu, I have heard a little bit about you, and I really admire you. I was just a mortal, just tens of thousands of years. Time has reached the point where it is now, not easy!"

Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Brother Shen, this is a joke to me. I am no more than an immortal figure now, and I am only a first-class immortal!"

"Brother Shen, offend me, how about I check my body?" Chu Feng said. The Samsara Emperor nodded: "Naturally, there is no problem. I heard that you can check if it is parasitic. Please check it for me. By the way, Brother Chu, if you can, please give me some trouble for the rest of the Shen family. check."

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded and immediately moved a ray of time power over. If a powerful person like Samsara the Great doesn't have the power of time to accelerate, it will take a lot of time to check it out, and I have the power of time. If the time is accelerated, the inspection can be completed in a short time!

The acceleration of the force of time that Chu Feng took out was not very high, but the inspection of the Samsara Emperor was over in just a few minutes, and he was naturally not parasitized!

"Brother Chu, this, this is the power of time" told the Samsara Emperor the result of the inspection in surprise. "Well, Brother Shen, the power of time, I can give you a few strands at that time. Although you will get a ghost order later, I believe that the degree of integration will not be lower than that of the King of Life and Death and the Nether Warlord!" Chu Feng said .

"I just got your ghost order, and I got the power of time from you. Even though I have a thick skin, I am a little embarrassed." The Samsara Emperor laughed at himself, "Brother Chu, I still have myself in the name of the ancestors of the Shen family. Shengge swears that my Shen family will never take the initiative to be an enemy of you. If you break this oath, your ancestors will be ashamed, and my Shengge will never be able to break through the realm of the Holy Lord and reach above the Holy Lord!"

"Brother Shen, why make such a heavy oath!" Chu Feng said, "It is easy to disguise for a while, but difficult to disguise for a lifetime. Although you have rarely appeared, Brother Shen, judging from the Shen family motto and the words and deeds of countless children of the Shen family, Brother Shen, you are a worthy friend!"

"Okay, Brother Chu, I love to hear what you said!" Reincarnation said with a smile, "Brother Chu, you entered the billion Yinshan mountain this time because of Zhang Xu? Since I have already received the ghost order, then only Zhang Xu's ghost order There is still time that the treasure will not fall into the hands of the Hao family and the Crowe family, or fall into the hands of other people. I have no opinion."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Zhang Xu is naturally a reason. Brother Shen, you may not know, this Xu and I have some grudges!"

"I know this." The Great Emperor Samsara said, "I have also known about this Xu. He is not a broad-minded person. He has obtained the time treasure and the ghost order. It is indeed a big threat! Chu! Brother, since you want to catch Zhang Xu, maybe our Shen family can help a little bit. If you get him then, all the treasures on him will belong to you, Brother Chu!"

The time treasure plus the ghost order is naturally more valuable than just one ghost order, but if the Samsara Emperor chooses, he will naturally choose the ghost order in front of him!

The latter is definitely available, while the former, God knows if it can be obtained, Zhang Xu owns the time treasure itself is difficult to grasp, now there are many powerful people in this billion Yinshan mountains, like the Great Emperor of Life and Death, even the Great Emperor of Reincarnation There is no guarantee that he will be able to catch Zhang Xu and get his time treasure and ghost order!

Moreover, Chu Feng still has the power of time. If Zhang Xu is in Chu Feng's hands by that time, Emperor Samsara believes that Chu Feng will definitely not be too stingy!

"Brother Shen, thank you very much." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Brother Shen, I wonder if you have ever been to the center of this billion Yin Mountain!?

Samsara's face showed a solemn look: "Are you going to the center of this billion Yin Mountain? If there is nothing important, it is best not to go in!"

"What?" Chu Feng asked quickly.

The Great Emperor of Samsara frowned and said, "It's weird in there! I was there in the past, but I was enclosed in a different space, and finally got out of that different space! The strength of that place was suppressed. When I entered back then, I had the strength of the holy superior class, but it was a little difficult to fly there!"

"You can't fly below the Saint King level in the central area, and the ground formation is so powerful that I have personally seen a Saint King level powerhouse crushed by the power of space to the size of a soybean! That scene, When I think about it now, I’m a little bit shy. If I were slower, there would be more than one crushed by the power of space!"

Space power!

Chu Feng's eyes lit up. He wanted to find the heart of space. Listening to the words of the Great Emperor Samsara, the heart of space is very likely to be at the center of the billion Yin Mountain!

"Brother Shen, I have to go to the center of the Billion Yinshan Mountain." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "However, this is not particularly urgent. I'll talk about it if I catch Zhang Xu!"

The Great Emperor of Reincarnation frowned and said: "It is really necessary to enter there. If you don't enter it, you can't." "Well, you must enter. Brother Shen, don't worry, I won't die so easily." Chu Feng chuckled.

"At that time, I will accompany you on a trip, knowing that your strength will not be bad, but the central area is still too dangerous for you!" The Samsara Emperor said in a deep voice, he is not a person who likes to owe people. People of favor, for the sake of the Shen family, the ghost given by Chu Feng must be accepted by him, but even if the answer Chu Feng caught Zhang Xu and Zhang Xu’s treasure to Chu Feng, he thought he still owed Chu Feng a lot. Favor!

Chu Feng drank the tea and smiled and said, "Brother Shen, let's talk about this later. The most important thing for you now is to let this ghostly order recognize the master again. As long as the combat power is relatively high, you can believe that Brother Shen, you let this ghostly order recognize The main problem should not be big."

The power of Samsara and the others, their cultivation base has reached the apex. They must have spent a lot of time on improving their combat power, and their combat power is generally not weak, that is, the previous Samsara Emperor did not collect that one. Lively, if he participates, perhaps the Shenwu competition can also be ranked in the top 100!

The Great Emperor Samsara said that he picked up the ghost order. The Holy Consciousness quickly invaded the ghost order. The ghost order burst out with a gray light that resisted the recognition of the Lord Samsara, but the ghost order slowly passed by. The light that burst out from above gradually weakened, and there was a little smile on the face of Samsara Great Emperor!

Chu Feng drank the tea quietly, ten minutes passed, following the Great Emperor Samsara's deep sip, Yin Soul Ling trembled and then instantly entered his body!

"Brother Chu, thank you very much!" The Great Emperor Samsara breathed a sigh of relief, "Since the Great Emperor of Life and Death and the Nether Warlord have received the Ghost Order, I haven't been so relaxed for a while! Brother Chu, those people outside my Shen family, I trouble you to check it, and then see when Brother Chu you have time, there are still some people in the Shen family who have to trouble you, Brother Chu!"

"Brother Shen, these are all trivial things!" Chu Feng said with a wave of a dozen jade bottles and appeared in front of him. Each jade bottle contained a ray of space power!

Ten strands of space power, three green strands, three blue strands, two cyan strands, two purple strands, and a silver strand of time!

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