Holy Prison

Chapter 1891: King of Life and Death

"How strong?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Quite a few Miao Xian'er answered, because the next moment Chu Feng and the others already saw those strong men who came over. "The Emperor of Life and Death!" Shen Yue exclaimed.

Through the deformed stone, what Chu Feng and the others saw right now was not just the Emperor of Life and Death and others.

The Great Emperor of Life and Death is in front, besides him, there are more than a dozen strong men, and all of them have indestructible strength. "Master Chu, are all strong in the Hao family." Bai Wanli whispered, he was afraid that the voice would be heard by the Emperor of Life and Death, but in fact this is impossible, and the voice is absolutely impossible!

"Emperor Life and Death, they actually came to this side." Chu Feng frowned slightly. He estimated that Zhang Xu was in this area, and Emperor Life and Death and the others happened to have arrived in this area. Chu Feng believed that this should not be accidental. Maybe you also know that Zhang Xu is in this area!

"The Great, there is a grotto on the other side!" An Immortal-level powerhouse beside the Great Emperor of Life and Death said. "Yeah." The Great Emperor of Life and Death nodded slightly. He glanced at Chu Feng and the others, and entered a grotto not far from Chu Feng with those immortal powerhouses, even with their cultivation at night. I don't want to go around randomly.

"Did the Emperor of Life and Death see us?" Bai Wanli frowned slightly, and the three of them naturally saw the Emperor of Life and Death glanced towards them.

Shen Yue said: "He should know that there are people hiding on our side, but he shouldn't know that it's us on this side." "That's for sure." Bai Wanli said, if the Great Emperor of Life and Death knew that he was on this side, he wouldn't be stunned. Going into that grotto at a glance will definitely take him down!

Although the Great Emperor of Life and Death had already obtained a ghost order, but this thing, he would think that even if he has eight in his hands now, he would not be too much!

"Wanli, you enter my treasure space." Chu Feng said, the Emperor of Life and Death is on this side, and Bai Wanli is easy to find out if he is outside!

"Yes, Master Chu!" Bai Wanli said, Chu Feng activated the holy prison to absorb Bai Wanli, and Bai Wanli disappeared and entered the holy prison space after twenty seconds passed!

"Fortunately, it won’t take much time for the people in the holy prison space to come out. If it takes so much time to come out, then it will be a cup." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. There is the Samsara Great Emperor in his holy prison space. Such a strong man, at a critical moment, letting the Samsara Emperor appear outside all at once can save his life!

And if it takes more than twenty seconds to come out, perhaps Chu Feng would have died in those twenty seconds too! "Master Chu, the Great Emperor of Life and Death appears here, and Zhang Xu is more likely to be on this side." Shen Yue said softly, and he was a little surprised that Chu Feng actually came to this side before the Emperor of Life and Death. Is this just a coincidence .

The One Billion Yin Mountain is huge, just as Chu Feng didn't believe that it was just a coincidence that the Great Emperor of Life and Death appeared here, and Shen Yue didn't believe that Chu Feng's arrival was just a coincidence!

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, closing his eyes and thinking. "Chu Feng, do you want to change the power of time for the Great Samsara?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

The power of time used by Samsara the Great is only 60,000 times faster, but in fact, the power of time that Chu Feng has has the highest acceleration of almost 2 million times!

With the strength of Samsara the Great, naturally it is no problem to withstand such a time acceleration. With a time acceleration of nearly two million times, the outside day will be thousands of years under the time acceleration. As long as one day, perhaps the integration of the Samsara and the ghost order It surpasses the degree of fusion between the Great Emperor of Life and Death and his Ghost Order!

"Change, Xian'er, I'll do it!"

Chu Feng said in his mind that a strand of holy consciousness formed a body in the holy prison space. "Brother Shen!" Chu Feng appeared in front of the Samsara Emperor and said.

"Brother Chu, what's the matter?" The Samsara Emperor instantly emerged from the power of time. "Brother Shen, I'll give you a time training." Chu Feng said, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand. In the jade bottle was a ray of silver time power, the previous silver time power. With an acceleration of 60,000 times, the acceleration of this silver wisp of time is astonishing 1.5 million times!

Accelerated by 1.5 million times, it takes about four thousand years to accelerate in a day of normal time! "One and a half million times!" The emperor Samsara took the jade bottle with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Brother Chu, did something happen outside?" Samsara the Great said quickly. He estimated that Chu Feng didn't have much time for such a strong acceleration. If he took it out at this time, it was probably because something went wrong outside, otherwise. , Chu Feng had no need to use such time strength!

Chu Feng spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "We are fate, we just hid away, and some people such as the Great Emperor of Life and Death appeared nearby. Now they are resting less than ten kilometers away from us! The Great Emperor of Life and Death should not know ours. Identity, but he should feel our existence!"

"The Great Emperor of Life and Death, they are nearby." The Great Emperor of Samsara frowned slightly. "The Great Emperor of Life and Death senses that your existence is normal. What he understands is the law of life and death. As long as the distance is not far, he can certainly sense the breath of your life, except for him. There are other people from the Hao family, but there are some problems."

"Brother Chu, is Zhang Xu nearby?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It may be nearby, Brother Shen, you use the new power of time to practice, I will remove this ray of time first!"

"Yeah." Samsara the Great nodded. He can only use a ray of time at a time. That silver ray of time can't make it empty here, move to the side of the holy prison heavy artillery, just to speed up the holy prison heavy artillery Charge up!

"The emperor, is there anything on that side?" said a fifth-level immortal strongman in the Grotto Hao Family, not too far from Chu Feng and the others. "There are two little things of Immortality on that side." The Great Emperor of Life and Death said quietly.

Another immortal rank powerhouse said: "Great Emperor, do you want me to deal with those two little things?" "No, immortal rank little things can't do our business!" The Great Emperor of Life and Death said indifferently, if it is immortal. People at level, he is estimated to be able to shoot, immortal level, the emperor of life and death is really not in his eyes!

Time passed slowly, nothing happened in the first half of the night. Although there were quite a few blood-sucking monster mosquitoes flying around outside, this was normal.

Later in the night.

Chu Feng opened his eyes suddenly, and a few seconds later, the closed eyes of the Great Emperor of Life and Death also opened suddenly. "Miao Xian'er, how far is Zhang Xu from us?" Chu Feng quickly said in his mind. Just now, Miao Xian'er told him that Zhang Xu's induction had reappeared, and there was a clear image on that side!

"The sensed image is very clear, the distance is not too far, it should be less than one hundred thousand kilometers to the core area!" Miao Xianer said, one hundred thousand kilometers, this is indeed not far away for a strong like Chu Feng and others. Although the speed here is greatly affected, Chu Feng is also confident that it will pass within three minutes. Of course, this has to be done during the day. At night, it is estimated that the Emperor of Life and Death will not be able to travel 100,000 kilometers in three minutes!

"Hidden breath, let's go!"

The Great Emperor of Life and Death said in a deep voice in the grotto, and the faces of the other ten or so immortal experts showed joy. When the Great Emperor of Life and Death said so, it was very likely that Zhang Xu's existence was sensed!

Converging their breath, the Emperor of Life and Death immediately dived in the direction where Zhang Xu was. Behind them, some vampire mosquitoes followed. Although their strength was low, they felt a little bit!

Soon, "shoo!" "shoo!" "shoo!"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the first group to attack the Emperor of Life and Death was the golden thread snakes. This thing is relatively low in the rest of the Yin world, but among the billion Yin Mountains, the strongest money The strength of snakes can reach the immortal level, and their bodies are extremely hard, even if they are magic weapons, it is not easy to cut them off.

And if you are entangled by money snakes, they will immediately let you know what power is. The power of gold thread snakes is very terrifying. Even those with higher cultivation bases than them may use their bodies. Strangle!

The King of Life and Death gave a cold snort, and the golden thread snakes that were close to them fell directly to the ground one by one. This did not scare the things that were chasing behind, and soon some blood-sucking monster mosquitoes and human face spiders were going to life and death. The emperor launched an attack. Their strength is much lower than that of the Emperor of Life and Death, but their speed here is not lower than that of the Emperor of Life and Death. Otherwise, the Emperor of Life and Death can get rid of the blood sucking mosquitoes with speed. That's it!

All the things close to them were dead, and in a short period of time, there were a large number of corpses around them. "Go on." Those things were resolved in a short period of time. The Emperor of Life and Death snorted coldly, but unfortunately, there are many things that have launched an attack on the Emperor of Life and Death before they have advanced too far!

"Chu Feng, the Emperor of Life and Death, they are heading in the direction of Zhang Xu, the Emperor of Life and Death must have sensed Zhang Xu's position, what should we do?" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng frowned slightly. The Samsara Great Emperor only spent a few hours under the 1.5 million times acceleration. At this moment, the degree of integration between him and the Ghost Order is definitely not as high as that of the Great Emperor. Even the Great Samsara is a bit awkward outside, and if not outside, Chu Feng and the others can't beat the Great Emperor and the others!

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