Holy Prison

Chapter 1893: Core area (1)

The Great Emperor Samsara sensed someone coming, and Chu Feng and the others immediately hid it. Soon, the five indelible powerhouses of the Hao family came to this side.

"Just now there should have been a strong momentum from this side. It is very likely that someone has discovered Zhang Xu!"

"It's all gone, isn't Zhang Xu already arrested? If that's the case, then we have been in vain for hundreds of years when we entered the One Billion Yin Mountain!"

Several indestructible powerhouses of the Hao family were talking, "Brother Shen, you should be able to control these powerhouses of the Hao family now, right?" Chu Feng said.

The Great Emperor of Reincarnation nodded slightly: "No problem. Although there may be a problem with the strong people who do not have a deep fusion degree to control the Saint King level, there is no Saint King level strong among them!"

"Brother Shen, what are you waiting for? Control them first, then decide not to let them go depending on the situation!" Chu Feng smiled. "Okay." The Great Emperor of Samsara nodded. The Hao family's indestructible-level powerhouses are quite strong. It is much safer to enter the core area if you control a few of them!

Moreover, even if they control them, the Hao family will not find any problems for a period of time. There is a possibility that they will be trapped by the Great Array and cannot return for a period of time!

Five immortal-level powerhouses, one immortal at level 6, two immortal at level five, and two immortal at level four, the Samsara Emperor took action, but in a short time he had controlled them all and was included in the ghost order .

"Brother Chu, are we entering the core area now?" Samsara said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Wait for a few days! Don't worry for these few days!"

"Alright!" The Great Emperor Samsara nodded, and soon, Chu Feng and the three of them all entered the holy prison space.

Entering the sacred prison space, Chu Feng came to the side of his clone number one. This clone was his first clone. He is now just a clone!

With Chu Feng's strength, it is not difficult to have a few more clones, but ordinary clones have no effect at all for Chu Feng! For a clone like No. 1, it is great luck to meet one!

Number One is the body of reincarnation, and after reincarnation in this life, it is very likely to reach the strength of the saintly class. In addition, he has a treasure like the Swallowing Bowl!

It is not particularly difficult to find a strong person in reincarnation, but the chance of reincarnation is also high, and the chance of reincarnation is much smaller. The person of reincarnation has high talents and also possesses extremely powerful treasures and can wake up very quickly. Improved, this chance is extremely small! In the past countless years, Chu Feng has also encountered a superb clone like No.1!

Chu Feng nodded slightly. He looked at No. 1 with satisfaction in his eyes. No. 1’s strength has improved very quickly. Now he is a first-level immortal cultivation base, and No. 1 is already a fifth-level immortal cultivation base. If he If you let go, No.1's cultivation base can be even higher, but the consequence of doing that is that No.1 is out of his control!

"Number One, what happened to the Sky Swallowing Bowl?" Chu Feng said. The Sky-Swallowing Bowl appeared in the hand as soon as Mind No. 1 moved. Compared with before, the quality of Sky-Swallowing Bowl has not improved much, but the aura emanating from it is much stronger than before. When the gadget is fully restored, its power will not be inferior to the general innate treasure!

"Number One, you go outside for an interview. I want to see if you can keep your breath in the underworld!" Chu Feng said, as he said Number One suddenly appeared outside the holy prison space.

Appearing outside, Number One condensed her breath with all her strength, but the breath still spread out a little bit. "There is still a lot of aura spreading out." Chu Feng frowned slightly. The Sky Swallowing Bowl has a strong ability to condense those auras, but in this respect it is still not as good as the Dark Chaos Lotus. The Dark Chaos Lotus can help him. The breath is completely covered!

"Master!" Fei Lian's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Dark Chaos Lotus can separate a lotus leaf onto No.1. In that case, it should be able to cover the breath!"

Chu Feng said in surprise, he didn't know about this one, "Feilian, you haven't told me that there is this function before." "Not before, that is, this period of time, the master you and the dark chaotic lotus have reached the level of integration. It is 70%, that's why I have such an ability." Fei Lian explained.

"Feilian, if you have any new abilities, tell me earlier." Chu Feng said. "Yes, Master!" Feilian said, she was not so obedient before, and she wouldn't be called Master Chu Feng, but she knows more about Chu Feng, and both her and Tun Shi have changed a lot. They are the treasures of the last days. There are reasons for arrogance, but let alone the treasure of the last days, that is, Chu Feng has a few weapons of dominance. They are really not bullish in front of Chu Feng.

A lot of information came into Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng already knew how to separate the lotus leaves of the dark chaotic lotus. Soon, the lotus leaves of a dark chaotic lotus were separated by Chu Feng!

Chu Feng said softly, that palm-sized black lotus leaf suddenly appeared outside and entered the body of No.1 outside. The body of No.1 originally exuded some Yang world breath, and the black lotus leaf entered the body. After that, the yang world aura exuding from him in a very short time converged!

There was a smile on Chu Feng's face. If No. 1 appeared outside without revealing the breath of the Yang world, some things could be handled by No. 1 outside. He was safer in the holy prison space and had more time. For training!

Now the cultivation base is only the first level of immortality, but I am a little dissatisfied with this Chu Feng, Chu Han and the others are making rapid progress, maybe it won't take long for their juniors to surpass him!

Soon, No.1 was taken into the holy prison space by Chu Feng.

"Number One, you should know what I am thinking now." Chu Feng said with a light smile. No.1 nodded: "This deity, if there is nothing important, you can cultivate this deity here. If your strength of this deity increases, you can support the one-eyed lion king for a longer time. In addition, in the domain tower, I'm afraid you will spend a lot of time inside!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Number One, you are ready to enter the core area with Brother Shen in three days, you must catch Zhang Xu, and the heart of space!"

"Yes, the deity!" Number One responded, and Chu Feng's deity quickly disappeared and entered the domain tower. If you use the power of time in the domain tower, you can save a lot!

It is already a first-level immortal cultivation base, and now Chu Feng has no problem with 100,000 years of time acceleration. Under such a time acceleration, his 10,000 years of training is equivalent to a person who has an enchanting talent but no time. A billion-year training of such a treasured powerhouse, the speed of progress is absolutely terrifying!

In the blink of an eye for three days, Number One appeared in front of the Samsara Emperor. "Brother Chu...Huh, you are not the deity of Brother Chu, but a clone?" The Great Emperor Samsara left the astonished tunnel from the acceleration of time.

"Yeah!" No.1 smiled and nodded, his appearance is the same as Chu Feng, and his smile is the same, "Great Emperor, I have the memory of the deity!"

The Great Samsara waved his hand and said, "Since you have the memory of your deity, what is your name, Brother Shen, as before!"

"Okay... Brother Shen, enter the core area. I'm outside, and the deity is practicing here. In contrast, the deity's cultivation base is lower!" No.1 Road.

The Samsara Emperor nodded: "This is very good. I had some worries before. Now if your deity doesn't enter, I won't be so worried!"

"Brother Shen, if there is any danger, the deity will help as soon as possible." Number One said with a chuckle, "Nowadays, for the deity, the improvement of strength is very important! Brother Shen, there are countless convergent Yangs when I appeared outside before. Realm breath, it's all right now! Brother Shen, or else, don't you enter the core area, just me?"

The Great Emperor of Samsara slightly frowned and said: "Brother Chu, you just look down on me. Although the core area of ​​the billion Yinshan Mountain is dangerous, it is still more difficult to want my life. I got the Ghost Order from you and got a lot of time. Now the strength of Zhili is greatly improved, and the possibility of dying in it is even smaller!"

"It's you, Brother Chu, if you enter inside without my help, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. This time, I must go through!"

Number One shrugged and said: "Brother Shen, don't blame me if you have trouble in it by then!" "Haha, don't worry, I can't blame you!" The Samsara Emperor smiled, "If something dangerous happens , I won’t control the several immortal-level powerhouses of the Hao family? The Chaos Wasteland also entered back then. Am I afraid to enter the core area of ​​this billion Yinshan Mountain? Although it is dangerous, it will definitely not be dangerous. The side of the Chaos Wasteland!"

"Then we're leaving!" No.1 Road, he said and Samsara the Great appeared outside instantly. Number One can take the Holy Prison forward. Soon, Number One and the Samsara Emperor entered the core area of ​​the One Billion Yin Mountain!

As soon as he entered the core area, No. 1 felt a faint breath of danger, and it seemed that danger was everywhere in this core area. "Brother Chu, be careful, follow me closely. It's weird in this, the Holy Sense is greatly affected, and it's too hard to fly." The Great Emperor Samsara said, he is flying with Number One at the moment. Now, No.1 can't fly here at all!

"Brother Shen, just fly and stop. In this, Zhang Xu will definitely not be able to fly. It's not a long time. He shouldn't go too deep!" No.1 Road.

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