Holy Prison

Chapter 1896: Push back the emperor

"Old Ancestor!" Just when the Great Reincarnation was about to make a move, a voice came over, and in a short period of time several immortal powerhouses appeared in front of the Great Reincarnation.

It was from the Hao family. Five immortal-level experts in the Hao family were taken away by the reincarnation, but they were divided into two teams at the beginning, and now there are also five immortal-level experts who have come here!

"Where is Hao Ding?" The Emperor of Life and Death frowned. "He" an immortal powerhouse hesitated, "Great Emperor, he was imprisoned by a large formation, we did not rescue him, we rushed to this side after receiving the message from the Great Emperor!"

The face of the Great Emperor of Life and Death changed slightly. At this moment, a piece of jade slip in his treasure space shattered, and that piece of jade slip was Hao Ding's soul jade slip!

"Hu" The Emperor of Life and Death let out a long sigh, "Brother Samsara, I don't want to say anything more. Give us something and you can leave safely, otherwise don't blame us for being polite! I don't want to be here with you too much. Fight, but if you don’t give anything, then I’m sorry!"

In the holy prison space, Chu Feng snorted, this time it was fortunate that the Samsara Emperor followed and he had already merged with the Ghost Order, otherwise it would be very troublesome to encounter the life and death Emperor at this time!

"Brother Samsara, if the news I know is true, the people of your Shen family have not entered here! Your heart is still too soft!" The Great Emperor of Life and Death said indifferently, it is very dangerous inside, he will let the Hao Family The strong man from enters it, but the Samsara Emperor probably won't let the strong man from the Shen family do so.

The Great Emperor Samsara hummed: "The Great Emperor of Life and Death, are you sure you want to fight with me here? That will not do you any good! Perhaps most of the top powerhouses of your Hao family are here!"

"Joke, with you, can most of the top experts in my Hao family be here? Most of the top experts in my Hao family are not here at all!" The Great Emperor of Life and Death said coldly, "Brother Samsara, here you are. In ten seconds, hand over Zhang Xu's time treasure and the ghost order!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng sneered and started his hands. A wisp of black corpse secret poison that could infect ten or so indestructible powerhouses instantly left the sacred prison space and entered the body of an indestructible powerhouse next to the Great Emperor. within.

The Great Emperor of Life and Death took a look at the indestructible powerhouse. He just felt a little strange, but it was not clear that the Holy Consciousness was greatly suppressed here!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng controlled, the black corpse secret poison under his control quickly invaded the bodies of five indestructible powerhouses besides the emperor of life and death!

Chu Feng did not allow the black corpse secret poison into the body of the Emperor of Life and Death. The last time he used it, he had a better understanding of the power of the black corpse secret poison. It might be okay to deal with the power of the holy king, but against the sage. For level powers, the power of the black corpse secret poison is probably not enough!

The Great Emperor of Life and Death is not only a Saint-level powerhouse, but also a Saint-level powerhouse with a ghost order. The black corpse secret poison has a small chance of poisoning him!

"Emperor Life and Death, let us leave, otherwise, they will die here by then." Number One said indifferently, he has received information from Chu Feng that the black corpse secret poison has entered the bodies of several immortal powers around the Emperor Life and Death. within!

"Chu Feng, you are in the Yang Realm, and you may still have some right to speak. In your Yin Realm, you'd better be honest with this seat!" The Great Emperor of Life and Death glanced at Chu Feng. He could see that Chu Feng was just immortal. Level cultivation base, the strong in the Yang world should not even be able to display the strength of the Immortal level in the Yin world!

"City Lord Chu, this is the Yin Realm, hahaha! The Yin Realm is not your territory, your realm is only the God Realm of the Yang Realm and the Mortal Realm!" said an immortal powerhouse beside the Great Emperor.

"The people of the Yang Realm, who speak so arrogantly in the Yin Realm, simply don't want to live! Great Emperor, this Chu Feng, it is better to kill him in the Yin Realm!" said another indestructible powerhouse.

No. One's icy gaze fell on the indestructible powerhouse who spoke first: "My territory is indeed not the underworld, but it is more than enough to deal with you in the underworld!"

"You" that indestructible powerhouse was furious and wanted to say something, but when he just said the word "you", his face changed a lot and foam came out of his mouth!

"Three elders!" The Great Emperor of Life and Death immediately checked the situation of the indestructible powerhouse. After checking, he did not know that the indestructible powerhouse had been poisoned.

The black corpse secret poison erupted in the body of the immortal-level powerhouse. Although the immortal-level powerhouse had a fifth-level immortal cultivation base, it could not resist the power in the body and quickly disappeared from the body surface. Turned into a black color, "Great Emperor, save me, save me!" The indestructible powerhouse said in horror.

"Black Corpse Poison, Chu Feng, solve it immediately, otherwise don't blame me. You're welcome!" The Emperor of Life and Death looked at Chu Feng with cold eyes, and a huge blood cell appeared in front of him. The blood cell had not exploded to number one of them. You can feel the terrifying power contained in that blood cell! "The Great Emperor of Life and Death, you'd better not take action!" The Great Emperor of Reincarnation said indifferently. He said that six reincarnation mirrors appeared in front of him. It was a square mirror with a faint white light emitting from it, which seemed very mysterious.

"Brother Samsara, it seems you really want to fight me." The Emperor of Life and Death said in a deep voice, as he said a broken book appeared in his hands. "Life and death is thin!" The Emperor Samsara's eyes narrowed slightly. This life and death is the treasure of the life and death, that is, because of the life and death, the life and death is respected as the life and death. Before the life and death is not obtained, the life and death is nothing but A Saint King-level powerhouse!

The Great Emperor of Life and Death said coldly: "Brother Samsara, you should know that I may not kill you, but as long as you write Chu Feng's name on this life and death book, Chu Feng will definitely be dead! Chu Feng, immediately let me Hao Jiasan The elder recovers!"

"I hate to be threatened!" Chu Feng muttered in the holy prison space and immediately caused the black corpse secret poison in the bodies of the other four immortal level experts to erupt!

The secret poison of the black corpse erupted in the body within a short period of time, and the four immortal powerhouses around Life and Death Great that had no problem immediately felt their own changes!

As if something had taken away their power, the four immortal-level powerhouses and the previous immortal-level powerhouse did not lie down to the ground by supporting each other. If they were not in this core area, their situation would be much better, but in Here, it is not easy for them to support it without falling down!

"You!" The Emperor of Life and Death was furious, "Chu Feng, you are looking for death!"

The Samsara Emperor said indifferently, "Life and death, don’t get angry. How bad is your body if you are angry? They are not dead yet, but if you mess around, they will probably die! By the way, let me tell you a piece of news. Five powerhouses have entered here, they guess it is not so easy to leave!"

"Huh?" The life and death emperor's face sank. He thought that the five immortal-level powerhouses had not entered it, but after hearing the words of the reincarnation emperor, the five must have entered!

One died, and if none of the ten immortal-level powerhouses who entered it could get out, then the strength of the Hao family would be greatly reduced!

Hao Jiaqiang has a lot of people, and the death of one or two life and death emperors doesn't care much, but if eleven die here, he can't care less!

"The Great Emperor of Life and Death, if you still don't give up, look at this!" The Great Emperor of Reincarnation smiled lightly, and he said that the ghost order appeared in his hand. "Ghost Ling...Huh? You already recognized the Lord!" The life and death emperor's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that the Great Reincarnation "just got" the ghost so that he would recognize the Lord.

"Hmph, since the ghost has made you recognize the Lord, I won't take your ghost order. The treasure at that time belongs to me, and you can leave safely!" The King of Life and Death said in a deep voice, "Brother Samsara, you can get the ghost order and the ghost. It made a lot of time that was very different, you are not my opponent now!"

"Is it?"

The Great Emperor Samsara said that a force was injected into the ghost order, and after receiving the power of the Great Samsara, the ghost order in the hands of the Samsara Emperor immediately emitted a gray light.

"Brother Life and Death, you also have a ghostly order, it is better to show it, and see if you have a high degree of integration with the ghostly order, or if I have a high degree of integration with the ghostly order." The Great Emperor of Samsara chuckled.

According to the actual time, it is only a short time for the Emperor Samsara to merge the ghost order, but the time accelerated by time, the Samsara Emperor's integration of the ghost order has been more than ten thousand years!

The Great Emperor of Life and Death received the Ghost Order only five thousand years after entering the Ghost City. It hasn't been 10,000 years since now, and the degree of integration is naturally not as high as the Great Emperor of Samsara.

"How...how could it be?" The life and death emperor's face changed, and he also had the ghost order. At this time, it was natural to see that the degree of fusion between the reincarnation and the ghost order in his hand was already very high. In a short period of time, your fusion with the Ghost Ring has been raised to this level!"

The Samsara Emperor did not deny that he said indifferently: "The Emperor of Life and Death, do you still have to try to grab the time treasure from me and the ghost order? The abyss invasion, I don't want internal chaos in the underworld, but if you are still entangled, don't blame me for shooting Ruthless, if you still think that your strength surpasses me, you can give it a try!"

"Bastard!" The Emperor of Life and Death cursed in his heart. He thought he was stronger than the Emperor of Samsara, but now he doesn't have that confidence!

The degree of integration with the Haunting Soul Order is even higher, and in his opinion, the Samsara Emperor still possesses time treasures. At this time, if you fight with the Samsara Emperor, he will definitely die!

Number One said with a faint smile: "The Great Emperor of Life and Death, you can take them out of the One Billion Yinshan Mountain. Then you can go to the City of Life and Death, and they can recover!"

"Let them restore some mobility first!" The Great Emperor of Life and Death said coldly. "As you wish." Number One chuckled quietly, Chu Feng pinched the tactics in the holy prison space, and the situation of the powerful people in the Hao family who had been poisoned by the black corpse was soon better!

"The Great Emperor of Life and Death, I hope we don't become enemies, otherwise, the Hao family may suffer a lot of casualties!" Road One. "Let's go!" The Great Emperor of Life and Death immediately turned and left with a cold snort, and the five immortal-level powerhouses that he turned and left the Hao family immediately followed and left quickly!

"Brother Chu, that poison is really powerful! However, there seems to be a little bit of evil, is it something to do with the black corpse virus back then?" Samsara said, he thought there would be a hard fight today, but he didn't expect to fight it. , This situation is naturally the best, and now the abyss invasion is not the time to fight!

Number One nodded slightly: "Well, there is something to do. That poison is the spoils I got after I caught a poison master, and the effect is okay!"

"Where is it okay, it is extremely overbearing!" Samsara said, "Zhang Xu, our attack was not resolved before, and I didn't expect it to be easily resolved by your poison!"

"Hehe, Zhang Xu, I didn't think about it either." No.1 Road, when the attacks of the Samsara and the five powerful men of the Hao Family didn't have much effect, No.1 thought Zhang Xu would run away again. Well, I didn't expect that the secret poison of the black corpse that entered Zhang Xu's body broke out and killed him!

The Great Emperor of Reincarnation said: "It's your poison, other poisons, if they haven't entered Zhang Xu's body, they will be discovered and stopped outside the body!"

"Brother Chu, what plans do you have now? Didn't you say that there is something you are looking for in the core area, and now we are looking for that thing?"

Number One shook his head slightly: "Brother Shen, let's not look for that thing for the time being. Let's leave this core area first, and then spread the news that Zhang Xu is dead! The Emperor of Life and Death may not necessarily share this news. If this news is not spread, it is estimated that many people will die within one billion Yinshan!"

"Well, what you said is reasonable. This news should be spread. There are still many people in my Shen family who are among the billion Yin Mountains. They have to be withdrawn!" Samsara said, "Go," This place can’t be stayed anymore. The King of Life and Death made some hands and feet when he left. This place will soon collapse. Once it collapses, it is estimated that it will immediately attract a lot of fierce beasts to this side!"

Number One responded, and he and the Great Emperor of Samsara left quickly. They had just left ten kilometers away and they heard the sound of collapse from the place they had just stayed.

"Roar!" "Woo!"

The sound of the collapse immediately attracted many fierce beasts, and the No.1 and Samsara Emperor hurriedly left, but half an hour later, No.1 and Samsara Emperor frowned.

"Brother Chu, it seems we are lost!" Samsara said. Number One said helplessly: "It doesn't seem to be lost, but 100% lost, we seem to be trapped in a space puzzle!"

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