Holy Prison

Chapter 1920: Law of fate

"This mask is not ordinary." Ta Lao's eyes showed a look of surprise, "City Lord Chu, I may not be able to calculate an accurate result!" "It's okay, whichever step can be counted, no matter which step it is." Chu Feng Chuckle authentically.

Even if the result cannot be calculated, as long as Ta Lao has calculated that the greater possibility is in the land of nine yins, then the right lion pupil can basically be determined to be the land of nine yins!

"Then I'll do the calculation for you!" Ta Lao said, he closed his eyes and let it go. This time it took longer. It took about eight minutes for Ta Lao to open his eyes.

Opening his eyes, Ta Lao let out a long breath. "Lao Ta, are you okay? If you can't support it anymore, don't force it." Chu Feng was a little worried, and Ta Lao didn't look very good.

"It's okay!"

The old man shook his head slightly, "The result of the divination has come out, and there is a 80% chance that it is in the land of the nine shades!" "80%, then it is basically the land of the nine shades." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. The divination here, combined with some news he knew, the right lion pupil can basically be determined to be in the land of nine Yin!

However, the place in the Nine Yin Land is extremely dangerous, and it is too dangerous to go to the Jiu Yin Land with such strength now, at least it must be at least one level of immortality!

People at the Immortal level are easier to die, but if they reach the Immortal level, it is not so easy to die!

"Talao, thank you very much!" Chu Feng said.

"No! Cough, cough!" Ta Lao coughed, Chu Feng's face changed slightly with this cough, he smelled a little blood, "Ta Lao, you" Chu Feng exclaimed, although Ta Lao did not cough. Bleeding, but he smelled blood, Chu Feng couldn't tell that there was some blood in Ta Lao's mouth!

"It's okay." Ta Lao waved his hand. Chu Feng frowned and said: "Tao Lao, I don't think you look like you are all right now, Ta Lao, you can earn this."

Chu Feng said that a fruit appeared in his hand, and this fruit has a powerful healing power! "It's useless. Some time ago, my divination technique went further, but it was calculated that it was not too far away from death! Even with more elixir, I can't live for more than a million years. "Ta Lao shook his head.

"Old Ta, how come? You are so strong, how can you not live for another million years?" Chu Feng said in shock. "I have leaked too many secrets in my life!" Ta Lao sighed quietly, "It's very good to live to this day! City Lord Chu, I have calculated that there may be a little mentorship with one of your wives."

"Ta Lao, you mean Wen'er?" Chu Feng said, except for Lan Wen, Chu Feng couldn't think of anyone who would have a relationship with Ta Lao. "Your wife, Lan Wen, should be the Wener you are talking about." Ta Lao smiled slightly, "I don't have any apprentices in my life. I didn't care about this before, but after knowing that I won't live for a million years, But I suddenly cared!"

"I have no children in my whole life. If I don't even have an apprentice, then after I die, there will be no traces of me in this world. I think I'm free enough, but I didn't expect to have such obsessions." The old sighed and said, "I wanted to accept an apprentice in my heart, so I just let it go, but it turns out that one of your wife is predestined with me. After more inquiries, I'm sure, it should be your wife named Lan Wen!"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Tao, do you want to be Wener's master? For this, if Wener is willing, I think I have no reason to object!"

"City Lord Chu, thank you very much. My divination is not bad, do you know what am I?" Ta Lao smiled softly, Chu Feng answered, Ta Lao was happy in his heart, he seemed to be a little younger at this time. Up.

Chu Feng shook his head: "I really don't know this."


Ta Lao said, "I belong to the ancient war witch clan, but I am more interested in the arithmetic, so this aspect is much stronger than combat power!"


There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. Lan Wen is a witchcraft practiced, and if he owns the Taiwu Tower, if the Tower is always a witch, then Lan Wen really has a certain fate!

"Yes, witch!" Elder Ta nodded and said, "City Lord Chu, witchcraft contains several laws, and training is not so easy. I don’t know what your wife Lan Wen’s talent is now and how is her cultivation level today. You have reached the immortal level cultivation base, I don’t know if she has achieved it."

Chu Feng chuckled softly: "Ta Lao, can't you count this?" "Yes, but it is not necessary. You can ask with a long mouth, why count?" Ta Lao smiled.

"Wen'er's cultivation base has reached the immortal level, and now it is the fifth-level immortal cultivation base!" Chu Feng said. Ta Lao's eyes lit up: "Five-level immortality, great!"

"Tao Lao, Wen'er's cultivation base, does this matter?" Chu Feng said.

Ta Lao said with excitement: "Yes, of course. If her cultivation base is relatively low, I can't teach her some things, but it's basically okay when she reaches the level 5 immortal cultivation base! It seems, God I still feel sorry for me. I realized something when I was about to die. I thought I would go into the soil with me, but I didn't expect it to be passed on."

"City Lord Chu, there are many laws in witchcraft, such as the law of soul, the rule of five elements, etc., but you know, witchcraft has reached the depths, what is it?" Ta Lao said.

Chu Feng shook his head. Although he knows a little bit about witchcraft, he doesn't know much about it. It is estimated that Lan Wen doesn't know what Ta Lao said, let alone him.

"Fate!" The old man said with excitement, "Witchcraft reaches the depths, it is destiny! After practicing witchcraft, you are actually proving by fate!"

"Fate?" Chu Feng said in amazement, using fate to prove the truth. This is extremely mysterious. Hongjun and the others don’t know much. The only power that Chu Feng knows who may prove the truth by fate was calculated to his mind. The strong man who took the holy prison!

That strong man, countless billions of years ago, even calculated a lot of things before he was born, it is extremely terrifying, he should be proving by fate, other than that, Chu Feng still doesn't know who is the proof Tao.

Unexpectedly, I heard such news from the old man today, witchcraft, after arriving at the back, actually proves by fate! "Tao Lao, have you realized your fate?" Chu Feng said.

The old man nodded slightly: "Well, I understand a little bit, barely, it's a door! That is to say, I understand a little bit of the law of fate, so I can know that I have little time! I can understand a little of the law of fate. , My life is not in vain, Chu Feng, I am going to pass the seed of destiny to Lan Wen at that time!"

"Seed of Destiny, what is that?" Chu Feng asked.

Ta Lao said: "The law of fate is not so easy to get started, but if I give Lan Wen the seed of fate, she can get started with the law of fate earlier!"

"Ta Lao, what about you? If the seed of destiny is passed to Wen'er, what will you do?" Chu Feng said.

"Hehe, I won't live long, it's okay!" Ta Lao said with a light smile, "If Lan Wen can go far on the road of the law of destiny by then, I will be satisfied! City Lord Chu is afraid that I will be harmed. Lan Wen? If I’m not afraid, I want to see Lan Wen as soon as possible. As for the last question you have to ask, City Lord Chu, from now on, since Lan Wen has reached the fifth-level immortal power, the seed of destiny can be spread out. Still have to retain a little bit of strength!"

"Lao Ta, you should enter my treasure space first, I will enter the Yang Realm in a short time, and then I will let you see Wen'er." Chu Feng said.

Ta Lao replied, Chu Feng's mind moved and a suction force was applied to Ta Lao, and Ta Lao was included in the holy prison space in an instant. "Chu Feng, will there be some danger in this way?" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Will Ta Lao have a lot of life and want to take home something?"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Xian'er, you think too much. If Ta Lao wants to seize the house, won't he find someone else? Don't I look good to bully?"

"Uh, it's true, my fellow is not so good to bully. If it is really to take the house, unless the old man has a nerve problem, he will take the house to Lan Wen!" Miao Xianer said.

Soon Chu Feng gave Luohe and the others a sound transmission. After the sound transmission, Chu Feng left the Yin Realm and reached the Yang Realm!

In Deyang Realm, the place where Chu Feng appeared was not Tianyuan, but with the key of space, Chu Feng opened the door of space and returned to Shenguang City instantly.

Shenguang City, Hongjun and the others are all here, Ta Lao passed the seed of life to Lan Wen, if there is any problem, even if he can't see it, Master Hong and the others should be able to see it.

"Master Hong, Master Pan, Master!" Chu Feng appeared in front of Hongjun and the others. They had a comfortable time. Hongjun and Master Tianhen were playing chess, while Pangu was watching the game from the side.

"Good apprentice, I'll be back so soon!" Master Tianhen looked up and smiled, and he was quite satisfied with Chu Feng, this apprentice. "Master, you all know this person, right?" Chu Feng said.

Hongjun temporarily stopped playing chess: "God fortune teller, brother Pan and I know, I don't know the old demon, but fortune teller is not a reincarnation figure!"

"How do you say this?" Pan Gu said.

Chu Feng said: "Master Hong, Master Pan, and God fortune teller are now in my treasure space. He said that he has realized the law of life, and at the same time he knows that he won't live long. He thinks he has a fate with Lan Wen, so he wants to take Lan Wen. As an apprentice, what kind of seed of life should be passed on to Wen'er? It is very likely that he will have no small problems when passing the seed of life to Wen'er."

"That guy, is he going to die?" Hongjun said slightly in surprise, "How long does he say he can live?"

"Less than a million years." Chu Feng said.

Hongjun frowned slightly and said, "Million years is not very short. Why is that guy eager to give Lan Wen the seed of life? Chu Feng, are there other important things you haven't said?"

"Other important things, I asked him to calculate how high the chances of us getting four Tianxinzi are. As a result of his calculation, the chance of us getting four or more Tianxinzi is only 19%! Will it have any impact?" Chu Feng said. "That's it." Hongjun nodded slightly.

Pan Gu said, "Brother Hong, what's the matter? Can't you say it more clearly?" "Chu Feng asked him to count that. When he counted that, he probably sensed something else." Hongjun said. "Brother Pan, do you remember that incident that year? The incident about the divine calculation."

"Brother Hong, are you saying that God fortune teller wants to make up for his previous sins?" Pan Gu said suddenly. Chu Feng said helplessly: "Master Pan, you just said that Master Hong didn't make it clear. When you changed it, you didn't make it clear! What sin did the fortune-teller make up for? Has he done anything wrong before."

Hongjun's eyes showed a reminiscence: "The **** fortune teller had the ability to calculate a disaster to save many people, but that time, he did not try his best so he made a mistake. As a result, more than one billion people died because of this! After that time, the fortune teller was hit hard. About five years later, he never saw the fortune teller in the Yang Realm."

Chu Feng said: "Before the **** fortune teller said, ‘failures, tribulations!""

"Then there should be nothing wrong. The fortune teller estimates that there will be a large number of deaths on the side of the Yang Realm, and even the entire Yang Realm will have a big problem, so it is ready to change the number of days with oneself!" Hongjun said, "We The chance of getting four Tianxinzi on this side is only 19%. This chance is too low!"

"It is very possible that the fortune teller wants to change the number of days so that we can get more Tianxinzi, so although there are still a million years to live, he is not going to live for another million!"

Chu Feng was shocked. He felt that Hongjun's guess should be good. Ta Lao seemed to feel like he was at home! "Master Hong, then now" Chu Feng said.

"Since the **** fortune teller understands destiny, then his calculations should not be too different. If there is no change, the probability of us getting four Tianxinzi is really very small. Now, the **** fortune teller is ready to be alone. Changing the number of days, we can only expect him to change and succeed!" Hongjun said softly.

Pan Gu said: "The **** fortune teller actually wants to do that, but I am surprised at him. Chu Feng, let us enter your treasure space, let's see the **** fortune teller!"

"Don't...Chu Feng, you first ask for the advice of the **** operator." Hongjun said. "Okay." Chu Feng's sacred consciousness formed a body in the sacred prison space and soon told the old man that Hongjun and the others wanted to see him.

The muddy color in Ta Lao's eyes disappeared, revealing a complex look. After a while, Ta Lao sighed and said: "Let them come in. Lan Wen worships me as a teacher, and is also a person who needs a testimony. They happen to be a testimony."

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