Holy Prison

Chapter 1933: Super gravity field

"No comment, no comment." After hearing Chu Feng say this, Liu Shan and the others hurriedly said even though they didn't want the women to leave their sight at all!

"Liu Shan, can you enter the top 20?" Chu Feng asked. Liu Shanshan smiled and said, "Almost almost."

Hearing Liu Shan's words, several people laughed, "Brother Chu, what Liu Shan meant, you know? Almost, he could make the top 40 meters, haha!" A young man with a cultivation level similar to Liu Shan laughed. .

"Damn, Obalo, you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!" Liu Shan stared, "You are not much better than me, and you can't be within 30 meters!"

"Hey, compared to four or five meters high, I'm content!" the young man laughed.

Lan Wen transmitted the sound to Chu Feng and said, "Brother Feng, why did you make me appear outside here?"

Lan Wen is not clear about the possible breakthrough here. Chu Feng said in a voice transmission: "Wen, this place is suitable for breakthroughs. You are already the pinnacle of level 9 immortality, but your mood is a little bit close. Entering this, under the terrifying gravity pressure, you can increase a certain degree of physical strength. That pressure can also improve a little mood!"

Lan Wen's eyes lit up. If she can reach the immortal level cultivation base, then her strength will be greatly improved. If the immortal level cultivation base itself, then if she can catch a holy king or holy witch beast.

In addition to combat power, the cultivation base is improved, and the speed of comprehending the law of destiny can also be much faster. What Lan Wen thinks is that if the cultivation base is improved, then he can help a little bit more.

In recent years, Lan Wen and the others have not helped Chu Feng much. Lan Wen and the others all know this, so the women have suffocated their strength to improve their cultivation. The immortality level has been lowered to reach immortality. Level, your own cultivation base, coupled with the ability to borrow the power of the domain tower, will become stronger!

"Brother Feng, walk towards the earth...that gem?" Lan Wen said. She originally wanted to talk about the heart of the earth, but she stopped after only saying a word of earth.

"Hmm! Try it? You can do it if you try, but be careful not to force it. This gravitational field has crushed many people!" Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen nodded and immediately moved forward, and Chu Feng and Feng Bingning also moved forward together. Liu Shan and the others followed them one by one in a daze.

"Brother Chu, please pay attention, the first three to four hundred meters is not a big problem, mainly in the last one hundred meters. When you get to the back, the front speed should be slowed down, and every step, the last should not exceed ten centimeters!" Liu Shan said.

Chu Feng nodded, and everyone moved forward. It didn't take long for them to reach a place only a hundred meters away from the Heart of Earth. At this time, gravity was several times stronger than outside!

"How is it?" Chu Feng looked at Feng Bingning and Lan Wen.

Lan Wen and Feng Bing Ning said, the two of them, Lan Wen practiced the art of war witches, although the body is not as strong as Chu Feng, but it is not weak, and Feng Bing Ning, the blood of the ancient Phoenix reaches 100%. Fire Heart Crystal, her bearing capacity is not comparable to that of ordinary people!

"Be careful!" Chu Feng said, stepping forward step by step. Although gravity is heavier at a distance of 100 meters, it is not too great for Chu Feng.

In terms of cultivation base, Chu Feng is only eighth level immortal, but in terms of mental state cultivation base, Chu Feng has reached the infinite state of mind. In terms of physical strength, Chu Feng has three sages!

Ten meters, 20 meters, and 30 meters. Soon Chu Feng and the others were only 50 meters away from the Heart of the Earth. At this time, some of the people who followed Chu Feng and them were already breathing heavily.

"Liu Shan, be careful, don't force it, don't let us have an accident here, you have an accident instead" Chu Feng reminded him that Liu Shan and the others came with them. If something happens here, Chu Feng They will feel sad, and will make their relationship with other people in this village worse.

Liu Shan took a deep breath and said in a solemn voice. When he got here, he felt a bit hard to speak! "Just pay attention!" Chu Feng stepped forward in small steps.

A minute later, Liu Shan showed a wry smile. He is now 36 meters away from the Heart of the Earth. When he reaches this point, he feels that his legs are already trembling, and sweat is dripping from his body. As soon as those sweat beads appear The earth is falling to the ground under terrible gravity!

Thirty-five meters, thirty-four meters, thirty-two meters, twenty-nine meters.

Most of the other people performed better than Liushan. About half of those people were 30 meters away, and the other half were within 30 meters, but all were only 20 meters away!

At twenty-five meters, Lan Wen showed sweat beads on her face. At this time, she could not bear it a little bit. At twenty-three meters, the sweat beads on Lan Wen's body had already emerged relatively quickly. When he reached 20 meters, Chu Feng had already seen Lan Wen's legs trembling constantly, he was obviously under tremendous pressure!

Feng Bingning’s situation is better than Lan Wen's. She merged with the Fire Heart Shard to get years, and her mood cultivation was higher than Lan Wen's, and her physical strength would not be much worse than Lan Wen. With her cultivation base lower than that of Lan Wen, she can naturally walk closer to the heart of the earth!

At nineteen meters and five meters, Lan Wen clenched his teeth, and Liu Shan and the others showed shocked expressions. At twenty meters, they did not expect that Chu Feng and the three of them would all be within twenty meters!

You know, there are more than 1,000 people in the entire village, not many can reach within 20 meters, and not one can reach within 10 meters!

"Wen, be careful!"

Chu Feng said softly, he was by Lan Wen's side at this time. As long as Lan Wen couldn't support it, he would immediately support Lan Wen, so that although Lan Wen might still be injured, the chance of death is relatively small! Some of the people who died in it were too eager to advance, stepping forward, and dragging eggs.

The other is that I came secretly by myself, and as a result, no one helped. After being crushed, no one took it out and was always sucked by that terrifying gravity!

19.6 meters, 19.5 meters.

Lan Wen moved her steps carefully. Under the pressure of horror, she felt that her mind was highly concentrated at this time, and the high concentration of her mind made Lan Wen's mood cultivation slowly and steadily growing.

Generally, gravity is only aimed at the body, even if the multiple of gravity is high, it does not have much effect on the improvement of the mood, but here, it seems that even the soul is severely pulled. Under such circumstances, the soul automatically adapts to the pressure. There are two types of suitable pressures, the first is that the soul becomes stronger, and the second is that the soul becomes more integrated with the world and weakens the impact.

In this place, persisting in the strength of the soul will slowly increase, and at the same time, the fitness for heaven and earth also increases, so it is strange that the mental state cultivation base does not increase.

One step was only ten centimeters or less. Lan Wen moved forward slowly. When she reached a point of nineteen meters, she was stopped by Chu Feng.

"Wen'er, right here, you insist here, for the first time, don't be too reluctant, persisting here can also improve your mental state cultivation!" Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen's thinking speed slowed down at this time. A few seconds later, she slowly nodded Liu Shan and their eyes were shocked. They were only 19 meters away from the heart of the earth, Chu Feng unexpectedly Can speak easily.

"Huh, huh, look, Brother Chu's forehead, he doesn't even have sweat!" said a sixth-level immortal strong man, he was more than 20 meters away from the heart of the earth, "for the first time under such gravity. , I don't even have sweat on my forehead, it's really abnormal. "Speaking is much smoother, because the sixth-level immortal strong man took two steps back.

"Wen'er, can you hold it up? If you feel you can't hold it up, just step back." Chu Feng said. "Yeah." There was a little voice from Lan Wen's mouth. If it weren't for Chu Feng's sharp ears, she wouldn't be able to hear it.

Chu Feng glanced at Feng Bingning. Feng Bingning started to move forward when she had stopped. Chu Feng had been guarding Lan Wen before, but at this time she had changed to Feng Bingning's side.

When Feng Bingning reached 14 meters, her legs were already trembling. She gritted her teeth and persisted. She moved to 14 meters. At this time, Liushan and the others were silent. Fourteen meters away from them. There are not many records in the village!

"Bing Ning, just come here, wait for me here." Chu Feng gasped for a while. When he reached this place, the pressure he was under was already a lot of sweat from his forehead. Just came out and was sucked away by the terrifying gravity!

Feng Bingning opened her mouth and there was no sound, but Chu Feng could understand what she was talking about. At a step of twenty centimeters, Chu Feng moved forward, and soon he arrived only eleven meters away from the heart of the earth.

The difference between eleven meters and the fourteen meters where Feng Bingning is is only three meters, but the gravity is much stronger! At this moment, "Boom!" A powerful momentum passed from Houshan, Chu Feng turned his head, the momentum was transmitted from Lan Wen, she was only one step away from the immortal level. At this time, it was easier to take that step under the terrifying gravity!

A step away, a world of difference, Lan Wen broke through to the immortal level, and her strength is no longer comparable to the previous immortal level. With the immortal level cultivation base, she can be said to have truly entered the ranks of first-class masters. The distance is extremely high. There is still a big gap between the masters, and the general indestructible level experts are considered second-rate masters.

As for the Immortal rank, it is considered a master, but in Chu Feng's view, it can only be regarded as a third-rate expert, and an Immortal rank expert with relatively low strength can only be regarded as a fourth-rate expert!

Chu Feng, Lan Wen, and Feng Bingning, three of them. With the ability to escape, Feng Bingning surpasses the top masters. In terms of attack, Feng Bingning is only a third-rate master; Lan Wen is now a top-notch master with comprehensive strength, if he can get the Saint King level or even the Saint Venerable Level witch beast, so barely able to squeeze into the top master! In Chu Feng's words, he can reach a second-rate master by using the world-swallowing dark chaotic lotus, and if he uses the mask of the lion king, he will suddenly become a master of the second-rate!

If you count the holy prison heavy artillery and other things, even if the top master and Chu Feng are singled out, then it is likely that the opponent will fall, not Chu Feng!

Affected by Lan Wen's aura, Feng Bingning's body softened, but after a distance of three meters, Chu Feng immediately reached Feng Bingning's side and supported Feng Bingning in a few strides.

Chu Feng helped Feng Bingning back a few meters quickly, and Feng Bingning's pressure was relieved immediately, "Feng, rest assured, I'm fine." A little smile appeared on Feng Bingning's face.

"Sister Bing Ning, I'm sorry, I just affected you." Lan Wen stepped forward and walked to Feng Bing Ning and Chu Feng's side, her strength improved, and her ability to withstand it was much stronger. "Sister Wen, what are you talking about? It's a good thing for you to break through. You didn't mean to scare me." Feng Bingning held Lan Wen's hand and smiled.

"Bing Ning, Wen'er, just stay here for a while, maybe you quit first." Chu Feng said, now it's about 17 meters away from the heart of the soil, Feng Bingning and Lan Wen should be here. There is no problem.

"Let's wait!"

Feng Bingning and Lan Wen said in unison, Chu Feng nodded and walked towards the Heart of Earth Crystal. This time, he quickly reached a place only eleven meters away from the Heart of Earth Crystal.

Ten meters five, ten meters three, ten meters one.

Liu Shan and the others mentioned their throats. Under their gaze, Chu Feng broke through the ten-meter threshold and reached a place less than ten meters away from the Heart of Earth.

"It's too strong. No one in our village can get within ten meters. Brother Chu can actually get within ten meters, so his mental state is definitely very high!"

"It must be the third level of mind. I don't know if his third level of mind has reached the point of completion."

"The third level of mental state is complete. It is estimated that it has been reached. If it is not reached, then his body strength must be relatively high, or more than one sage?"

"It's possible, isn't it that some people have two sages. In the past, a strong saint in our village had two sages, and he almost broke ten meters!"

Liu Shan and the others have all backed up a lot of discussions, and Chu Feng basically didn't hear their comments, his mind is already very concentrated!

Nine meters, eight meters, and eight meters, Chu Feng's legs were already shaking. "Chu Feng, there are still eight meters. If you don't use any means, you may not be able to reach it!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. There is no reason for the treasure of defense, would you like to try the Dark Chaos Lotus?"

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