Holy Prison

Chapter 1936: bad news

The sound of "click", although it sounds like a rough sound, in fact, it is connected together several times. The first sound was that one of Chu Feng's one-time defensive treasure was broken. This one-time defensive treasure could block the full blow of the Saint King and even the Saint-class powerhouse, but it was a pity that it was broken in an instant!

In the second sound, the bone in the hand that Chu Feng stretched out was broken, in the third sound, Chu Feng broke his spine, in the fourth sound, one of his legs was broken, and in the fifth sound, the bone in his left arm was broken.

In just a moment, Chu Feng's bones broke 80%. At this time, Chu Feng was in desperation! That is to say, at this moment, the Heavenly Guardian that has not been activated much is activated instantly. The defensive power of the Heavenly Guardian is naturally much worse than that of the one-time defensive treasure before, but the little increase in defense makes Chu Feng got a glimmer of life!

Chu Feng fell heavily, and the heart crystal of the earth also fell heavily along with Chu Feng. The gravity that Lan Wen and the others felt suddenly became much smaller!

The gravity was much smaller, and when Chu Feng fell, Lan Wen and Feng Bingning's expressions changed and they ran to Chu Feng quickly! "Well" Chu Feng kept pouring blood out of his mouth, but with a pounce at that moment, the injuries he received were already extremely serious!

"Xian'er, do you hear? If you hear it, let us enter the treasure space immediately!" Feng Bingning lifted up Chu Feng quickly and said, one second, two seconds, three seconds and four seconds passed, and the suction of the holy prison appeared , Chu Feng and the three of them all disappeared and entered the holy prison space in the blink of an eye.

"Treat, treat immediately!" Feng Bingning said in a hurry. Actually, she didn't need to say that Miao Xian'er had already activated the medical clinic's healing power the moment Chu Feng entered the holy prison space!

"Chu Feng, this guy is hurt very badly this time!" Miao Xian'er appeared beside Feng Bingning and the others, frowning. "Xian'er, how is it?" Lan Wen said.

Miao Xian'er said: "His trauma looks terrifying, but in fact it is not a big problem. It will not take much time to recover under the treatment of the doctor. The main injury is the sage, and the three sages are in the terrible gravity. There are a little cracks underneath, and there are cracks in Sange. I believe you all know how powerful it is."

"The second is the state of mind. The moment he threw out, he sank into the infinite realm of his heart, and now his infinite state of mind is compressed under that terrifying gravity!"

Feng Bingning frowned and said, "The mood is compressed?"

Miao Xian'er nodded with some worry, "This earth heart crystal can stabilize the mood, but it is too late. This time it is too stable. Chu Feng's mood was swelling around before, but at the moment he threw out, The mood shrank instantly, like a black hole, collapsed toward the center!"

"Is there any harm?" Feng Bing condensed.

Miao Xian'er said solemnly: "It's hard to say that if Chu Feng can make it through, then his mood cultivation might grow a lot, if he can't make it."

"What will happen?" Lan Wen quickly said when Miao Xianer hesitated. Miao Xian'er said helplessly: "If you can't make it, Chu Feng will always fall asleep, never wake up! He is an immortal powerhouse, his body will not decay, as long as his body is not destroyed, he will always fall asleep until forever and always!"

Feng Bing said, "Xian'er, how long does the peak have? Will he always be able to wake up?" "No, if you can't wake up in a hundred years, it will be very difficult to wake up in the future! A thousand years! If you haven't awakened within the time period, there is basically no possibility of awakening." Miao Xian'er said.

"Brother Feng will wake up, definitely!" Lan Wen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, her eyes were already flashing a little bit of tears, "This guy, why should you be so anxious, why should you wait more time? If that's the case, maybe it won't be like this. Xian'er, what if Brother Feng dies? Resurrection Star can bring him back to life, right?"

Miao Xian'er frowned and said: "It's hard to say... Maybe he can only recover his body, but his heart can't recover. Lan Wen, no matter how long Chu Feng waits, I'm afraid the result will be the same!"

"Xian'er, what do you mean?" Feng Bing condensed.

Miao Xian'er said: "Before the Holy Prison monitored, Chu Feng's mood was affected the moment his hand touched the heart crystal of the soil, even if he could get closer, the moment he touched it, his mood would be affected. , It's like this!"

Feng Bingning and their eyes fell on Chu Feng. At this moment, Chu Feng could not see any trauma on his body. The bones in the body were also quickly recovering, but Chu Feng fell asleep motionless, his face was With a little smile at the time, but the little smile freezes!

"This is a trap?" Lan Wen said with a change of expression, "Except for Brother Feng, I don't think anyone can get close to the heart crystal of the earth even if one billion years pass!"

"Only Brother Feng can get close. The first person to encounter the Heart Crystal of Earth must be him, and he will definitely be affected by the Heart Crystal of Earth and become what he is now!"

Miao Xian'er said helplessly: "Although I don't know who made the ghost, this may be a trap, a very clever trap!"

"Lin Tian?" Feng Bingning's expression changed slightly. They naturally knew the name Lin Tian, ​​but Tang Ming and others didn't know it.

"Not necessarily." Miao Xian'er said, "Maybe someone has insight into some of Lin Tian's methods, so there is such an arrangement in advance!" "Those outside are not enemies, right?" Lan Wen said.

"That shouldn't be!" Miao Xian'er shook his head, "It's probably just a coincidence that they appeared here!"

Feng Bingning frowned and said, "Earth Heart Crystal, maybe someone moved his hands and feet! Space Heart Peak responded when he said the name Lin Tian, ​​but Earth Heart Crystal did not respond at all. This is not normal! If the heart of the earth is passive, maybe the heart of the water is the same!"

"Things are a bit troublesome, Feng wants to wake up with the other party's arrangement, I am afraid it is unlikely!"

Lan Wen said: "Bing Ningfeng, no matter what, we must leave and return to the holy world before speaking! We only have less than two years. If we can't leave, we will be trapped in it by the time! , To find Master Hong and the others, they may have some way of knowing more!"

"Yeah!" Feng Bing nodded, "Xian'er, you pay attention to the situation of the peak. Let's go outside first. We are going to leave the village outside immediately!"

"Good!" Miao Xianer said.

Feng Bingning and Lan Wen looked at Chu Feng deeply. At this moment, they didn't want to leave Chu Feng's body, but if they didn't leave, precious time would be wasted in this!

"Feng, we will definitely go out!" Feng Bingning said softly, she said and looked at Lan Wen once. The two girls both left the holy prison space and went outside!

"Fortunately, fortunately, I have become the tower master. Otherwise, in your situation, the holy prison will be temporarily closed... But I can't maintain it for too long, at most one thousand years, one thousand years Inside, if you still can't wake up, I will have to fall into an eternal sleep." Miao Xian'er stroked Chu Feng's face and muttered.

Outside, Feng Bingning and Lan Wen appeared outside. In a short time, Liu Shan and others waited for a lot of people to reach the side of the gravity field. Today's gravity field has lost its previous gravity!

"Miss Feng, Miss Lan Wen, where is Brother Chu?" Liu Jiang asked. Feng Bingning frowned slightly and said, "My husband has suffered some injuries, and he is now healing! Mr. Liu, we have to leave, and we must leave this gravity domain and return to the outside world immediately. Mr. Liu, I don’t know where to leave the gravity domain. Faster"

Liu Jiang said in surprise: "Leave now?"

"Yes, now!" Feng Bing condensed.

"Girl Feng, I can understand the urgency of your departure. After all, you don’t have much time here, but I have to say that it will be difficult for you to leave! There are too many sky-eaters outside. With hundreds of thousands of sky-eaters, it is very difficult for you to get out alive!" Liu Jiang said.

At this moment, someone ran over in a panic expression, and while running, the person yelled, "It’s not good, it’s not good, it’s a big problem! The rat group changes, and it is quite possible that a rat group is born. The existence of the mouse king class!"

The expressions of Liujiang and the others changed drastically, and Feng Bingning and Lan Wen also changed drastically.

"Dezi, what you just said, are you sure? Is there really a strong mouse king?" Liu Jiang said in a deep voice.

"Second uncle, how dare I lie about this? The village chief and the others were practicing, and they have now woken up. We are monitoring the rats, and many of them are changing! Many sky-eaters Become very excited, looking at their appearance, if they gather together, it will not take long to launch an attack on us." The young man who came to report was a little flustered. Although he is an Immortal powerhouse, at this time, no It's just him, even some of the indestructible powerhouses are panicked!

When the Rat King class powerhouse appears, it is very likely that the Sky Devouring Rats will be unified. If the Sky Devouring Rats are unified, where will their village be let go?

Over the years, there are not a few sky-eaters who have died in their hands, and have died in the hands of the flower in the blood!

"Don't panic, don't panic, we still have some time. Even if the rat king appears, it is impossible to unify the entire swarm of rats at once. Let's think of a way!" Liu Jiangdao, although he said so, he was really right in his heart. There is no good way. Over the years, they have discussed this many times, but they have not discussed a good way at all!

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