Holy Prison

Chapter 1940: Leave the village

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, in the village, the battle is going on fiercely. Naturally, there are many casualties on the sky-eater side. Feng Bingning and the others also have some casualties. Compared with the sky-eater side, people will have more casualties. It seems very rare, after all, the main force of the battle is those terrifying blood flowers!

The angry screams and screams of Sky Devouring Rat continued to sound, and the flowers in the blood were enjoying the feast of death, but this feast of death also included the death of many flowers in the blood!

There are a lot of flowers in the blood. It would be impossible to break the defense if only 20,000 to 30,000 sky-eaters attacked. However, there are too many sky-eaters attacking now, and flowers in the blood are constantly being attacked by some sky-eaters. damage!

"Two minutes, we can resist another two minutes at most!" Liu Jiang's voice passed into Feng Bingning's mind, "Feng girl, don't know how long it will take?"

"It should be soon!" Feng Bingning said through a voice transmission, adding that for the first minute, Lan Wen had already entered the holy prison space for four minutes!

"Damn bastards, go to hell!"

"Thirty-nine, brothers, which one kills the rat more than me? Hahaha!"

There were voices in the village, and many of them sounded a bit sad. They all knew that if Lan Wen was too late, no one in this village could survive!

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds and fifty seconds passed. In the infinite expectation of Liu Jiang and others, Lan Wen finally appeared in front of Liu Jiang and them!

"Alright?" Feng Bing condensed.

Lan Wen nodded and immediately released the mouse king. The mouse king just released it and immediately "escape" to the outside! A lot of attacks hit the mouse king, and the mouse king was not lightly injured, but he managed to "escape" out of the village!

"Squeaky! Squeaky!"

The Mouse King screamed immediately after escaping, and its screams spread out, and some of the Rats that approached quickly retreated, and then some of the Rats in the distance also retreated immediately after receiving the news!

"So effective?" Liu Shan asked in surprise, not far from Feng Bingning and the others. Lan Wen chuckled and said: "I asked the Rat King to tell them that there are traps in the village. If you enter, all the sky-eater rats will die! In such a short time, those sky-eater rats will naturally not realize it. The Mouse King is under control!"

After retiring, all the Sky-Eating Rats quickly retreated. The Mouse King became the hero who saved the Sky-Eating Rats, and he would naturally follow Lan Wen's order to unify the entire Sky-Eating Rats!

"Are we alive?"

"Seems to survive!"

Quite a few people showed ecstasy in their eyes. They thought that this time, it was too bad, but they didn't expect Lan Wen to take control of the Rat King and easily let the sky-eaters retreat temporarily.

"Village chief, forty-one people died!" He Hao walked towards Lan Wen and the others, and Liu Jiang reported quietly. He Hao nodded slightly: "Two girls, thank you very much!"

"Mr. He Hao is polite. Forty-one people died. How dare we take the responsibility of Mr. He Hao. Thank you." Feng Bing condensed. "Hehe, only forty-one people have died. This is beyond my expectation. The Sky Devouring Rats also attacked before, and they will also die. In the face of the violent attack just now, only forty-one died. Missing!" He Hao said.

"It's just that the Sky Devouring Rats are only temporarily retreating, and they may attack this village in the future. The two girls don't know what a good way to do?" He Hao said, his eyes fell on Lan Wen, the mouse king now But in Lan Wen's control!

Lan Wen said: "The village chief, those flowers in the blood should be able to recover?" "This is no problem. The corpses of the sky-eaters contain a lot of energy. They are the best fertilizer for flowers in the blood. In about half a year, the flowers in the blood will recover completely!" He Hao said with a light smile.

It is very good that the flower in the blood can recover quickly. If it were not able to recover quickly, this village would have long ceased to exist! "The village chief, even if I control the Rat King, it is impossible to let other Sky Devouring Rats die obediently. My plan is like this. Let Rat King help. I will control a few more powerful Rat King Rats. , They must all be the leaders of the original big tribe, and then, let the civil war of the Sky Devouring Rat tribe begin!" Lan Wen said.

"Civil war is very energy-consuming. At the beginning of the civil war, all the sky-eating rats will be pulled in. It is estimated that by then the sky-eating rats will die by more than half, and it should not threaten the village's ability for a long time!"

He Hao said in a good voice. Although this plan is simple, if it is implemented, it should be effective. After all, some groups of Sky-eating Rats have been fighting with each other before!

"Sister Wen, if you control it, will it?" Feng Bingning said in a voice transmission. "Sister Bing Ning, I removed some of the witch beasts I had previously controlled, and there is no problem with controlling two level 6 indestructible sky-eaters. They can make the sky-eater swarms fight, and you won’t have to control such strong ones in the future. It is to control some of the lower-strength Sky-Eater, so that something will happen, and some people who have not participated in the battle will be involved in the internal strife of the Sky-Eater clan!" Lan Wen said through a voice.

With a super spy, the mouse king, it is not difficult to control two level six immortal sky-eaters. It was only a few days later that Lan Wen had completed the control, and the controlled two level six immortal sky-eaters. Rats are the leaders of a large ethnic group, and both rats have tens of thousands of subordinates!

The two ethnic groups were inherently contradictory. The war took place naturally. In just three days, the war between the two ethnic groups killed more than two thousand!

The Rat King came forward to stop it without success. On the fourth day, the third race was dragged into the vortex of war, and then the fourth, fifth, and sixth.

If the relationship between some ethnic groups is poor, some ethnic groups have good relations, and the good relations are drawn into the war, can it not help? One by one ethnic groups helped, and the war expanded rapidly!

Lan Wen only controlled the first two Level 6 Indestructible Sky-Eating Rats, but did not control other Sky-Eating Rats at all, because there was no need at all!

In the first month, the death of the sky-eating rats reached 30,000, and in the second month it reached a new level of about 45,000. In the third month, the death rate dropped a little, but the number of dead rats also reached 30,000!

In the fourth month, the mouse king began to intervene vigorously and achieved some results. In the fourth month, only about 20,000 rats died. In the fifth and sixth months, there were many deaths of the rats, two In total, more than 20,000 Sky-eating Rats died each month. In just six months, the death of the Sky-Eating Rats reached half!

In the seventh and eighth months, there were some deaths, but the total number was only a few thousand. By the ninth month, the Rat King completely controlled the situation, with more than 100,000 sky-eaters under his control, and three or four. Ten thousand sky-eater rats were not under the control of the mouse king, they divided into small groups and left the gravity domain!

"Mr. He Hao, it's time for us to leave!" Feng Bingning said farewell. Now there is only a year or so before the ten-year period. If they don't leave, it will be too late!

He Hao nodded slightly: "Two girls, thank you for your help. Now the village is finally settled down!" There were 300,000 Sky-Eat Rats before, but now there are only a hundred thousand on this side, of which tens of thousands are Sky-Eater The rat was also included in the holy prison space, and the rat king is also in the holy prison space. The defense of the flower in blood has been restored, and the village is not difficult to defend against the attacks of the sky-devouring rats!

There are only about 90,000 Sky-Eating Rats outside, and there are no Level 6 Immortal Sky-Eating Rats. With He Hao's strength, it is not completely impossible to break through the blockade of the Sky-Eating Rats outside.

"Mr. He Hao, it's nice to meet you. This is a little bit of our thoughts, Mr. He Hao, accept it!" Feng Bingning said, waving a small mountain and appeared.

The hill is not made of stones or other piles, but made up of a large amount of wine and other materials. Seeing that large amount of materials, many people in the village have their eyes lit up!

"Two girls, you and Brother Chu are friends in our village. If there is anything useful for us in the future, just speak up." He Hao smiled.

"We won't be polite with you, the village chief." Feng Bingning said with a light smile, "the village chief, then we will leave now!" Feng Bingning said that she and Lan Wen disappeared and entered the holy prison space. Among them, after they disappeared, a Tianwei and the Rat King appeared outside.


He Hao and the others secretly said in their hearts that under their gaze, the Sky Guard instantly fell on the back of the Rat King, who had become much smaller, and the Rat King took the Sky Guard and left the village in a short time!

"Women don't let the eyebrows be shaved!" A Saint King-level expert beside He Hao said with emotion. "Hehe, who would say no? The problem that has plagued us for hundreds of millions of years has actually been solved like this! Now those sky-eaters have become a protective umbrella outside of us!" He Hao smiled and said authentically, after countless years, he Now it is rare to feel relaxed.

Liu Jiang smiled and said: "Miss Feng and the others are amazing, but brother Chu is even more amazing. It is not easy for such a woman to marry a wife. He actually has eight wives, and the other six are not bad! It's a pity! This time I just saw Brother Chu’s demeanor in the gravity field, and I hope he can recover soon."

"He wants to recover, it's difficult!" He Hao sighed softly, "His problem is very serious. Without external help, the chance of waking up on his own will not exceed 1,000, no, 1 in 10,000!"

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