Holy Prison

Chapter 1942: Last resort

Hongjun and the others approached, and then they checked Chu Feng with all their strength, and it didn't take long for their expressions to change slightly. "Brother Pan, Old Demon, can you do anything?" Hongjun said, his voice can only be heard by Pangu and Master Tianhen, although others are around, they can't.

"Brother Hong, you are afraid that there is nothing you can do about it. Chu Feng's situation is quite serious," Pan Gu said. For the same reason, only Master Tianhen and Hongjun could hear him. Their discussions at this time were a little different. So that Feng Bingning and the others could hear it, otherwise they would feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

"Old demon, can you do anything?"

Master Tianhen frowned: "We are afraid that we are a little unsure... Chu Feng has been conspired by a Domination-level powerhouse. It's really shameless. A Domination-level powerhouse has actually calculated that Chu Feng is so indestructible. On someone with no strength! Don't let me know who he is, let me know, if you can't beat me, you will have to call him half dead!"

"Old demon, you are mighty, and the master-level powerhouse dare to scold you!" Pan Gu said. Master Tianhen snorted: "I have calculated it to my disciple, what do you guys do that I dare not swear? Old ghosts, Pan old ghosts, can you do nothing? If the three of us join forces, do you think there is The possibility of awakening Chu Feng?"

"One percent!"

Hongjun said, "On the basis of adding Ye Qingcheng, there is only a 1% chance of awakening. In addition, the chance of Chu Feng's death is about 1 in 10,000!"

"If you add more people, the chance of frightening Chu Feng will increase slowly, and the chance of Chu Feng's death will increase very quickly. The chance of frightening Chu Feng will reach 2%, and the chance of Chu Feng's death will have to be increased to one in a thousand. , The chance of fright can reach 3%, and the chance of death can reach 1%!"

"No, no, the chance of success is too low, and the chance of problems is not small!" Tianhen Shanghuan. "Old demon, do you have a better way? That's the way to dominate the strong." Pan Gu said.

Master Tianhen thought of something, but he really didn't want to go to that place again. If he goes again, he will lose nothing!

"Hongyun pawnshop." Master Tianhen said softly, his voice was still only audible to Pangu and the others. From Feng Bingning and the others, Hongjun and the others were carefully checking that they didn't speak at all.

"You are crazy!"

Both Hongjun and Pangu were shocked, "Old demon, a ghost place like Hongyun pawnshop, do you still want to go? Have you forgotten the consequences of going there before Hongjun said.

"You guys, do you have a better way? Needless to say, Chu Feng's importance to us. If he keeps on doing this, more than 95% of the wars may fail. Then one or two people will die. People." Tianhen went to humanity. "Old demon, when have you been so pitiful?" Pan Gu said.

"Go away, I've always been a good person!" Master Tianhen cursed. "Bah, you can just talk about these things in front of people you don't know well, just say a fart in front of us." Pangu stared, "Old demon, you really recruit!"

Master Tianhen rolled his eyes: "Pangu, you bastard... well, well, I said. This time, things are not that simple! Domination-level powerhouses, if you hear the wrong medicine, you can calculate that there is nothing for him. The existence of the threat, a master-level powerhouse calculated to Chu Feng, what does it mean?"

"Chu Feng may become the master, or may threaten the master!" Hongjun said. Tianhen said: "Yes, Chu Feng is calculated in this universe. It will definitely not be Master Lin Tian who will calculate him, but other masters. Other masters can calculate Chu Feng, indicating that Master Lin Tian will definitely come out. Some questions."

"Calculating Chu Feng's master must be Lin Tian's enemy. Lin Tian is kind to me and helping Chu Feng is equivalent to helping Lin Tian. What's more, Chu Feng is my good disciple and doesn't help him. Who do I help? If I go to Hongjun's pawnshop, I will definitely lose something, but I want to take a gamble, that my good boy can help me take back everything that I lost! If I can take it all back, I have earned it!"

Hongjun sighed and said: "Old demon, it seems that you value Chu Feng this disciple very seriously." Although Master Tianhen has said a lot, Hongjun and the others know that the most important reason must be Tianhen. People value Chu Feng more.

"Fortunately." Tianhen Shanghuan, he said with his beard curled up, "No way, you have never entered a Hongyun pawnshop. You can't enter a place you want to enter. Only I can enter the Hongyun pawnshop. I am afraid that only by entering the Hongyun pawnshop can it be solved!"

Pangu frowned and said: "Old demon, have you ever thought about it, maybe the master-level powerhouse behind the ghost is the owner of the Hongyun pawnshop?"

"It is possible, but what? We have other choices?" Tianhen Shanghua said, "Even if it is, we still have to follow the road now? If it is true, then it is certain to enter the Fortune Pawnshop. Chu Feng recovered!"

"What do you want to be this time?" Hongjun said, "Ordinary things are afraid that it won't work. You initially pawned your family affection, and now you have redeemed your family affection without love, but your family affection can no longer be considered. Now you have no relatives. You can be, mentorship, friendship, future, etc. What do you want to be?"

Hongjun frowned as he said, and Pangu frowned. "You two don't be like this bird, I am definitely not going to lose my old life. As long as my old life is still there, I will definitely be able to recover at that time! I have more confidence in Chu Feng!" Tianhen Master smiled.

"Master, how?" Tang Ming said at this time, "How is the boss's situation, can you bring the boss back to life?" "Don't worry, we need to discuss it carefully. There is definitely a way!" Hong Jun said, "Retreat a little bit first, don't disturb our treatment of Chu Feng!"

Soon Feng Bingning and the others retreated a lot of distance, and a barrier appeared in Hongjun's mind. "Old demon, let's think of another way! You enter the Hongyun pawnshop, this is really not very good!" Hongjun said.

Master Tianhen waved his hand: "No, we all know that there is no other way. The power of the dominance level can also be solved by the power of the dominion level!"

"Old ghost Hong, old ghost Pan, if I can't come back... Well, I mean if you don't look at me like this, let people see it, and think that your sexual orientation is abnormal! You yourself let people think that It’s not normal, don’t bother me!” Master Tianhen said a spatial ring appeared in his hand, “Old ghost Hong, old ghost Pan, if I don’t come back, you will give it to Chu Feng at that time, if I Come back, but the situation is not normal, you also give this to him!"

"Old demon, are you telling the funeral?" Pangu said.

"Bah, you can't say a few good things in your mouth!" Master Tianhen stared, "You just confessed the funeral, will I be so easy to hang up as a Saint-level powerhouse? Well, we won't Nonsense, the more time is lost, the more difficult it will be for Chu Feng to wake up when the time comes. I will take another trip to the bird's place of the Hongyun pawnshop. After this trip, I will definitely not go."

Master Tianhen asked to leave the sacred prison space, Miao Xian'er naturally immediately let Master Tianhen leave the sacred prison space to get outside, "Master Hong... Senior Tianhen looks a little abnormal, is it true? What's the problem?" Feng Bingning asked.

"He went out to find a way to save Chu Feng!" Hongjun sighed lightly, "Feng girl, let Chu Feng go outside, it will be easier for Chu Feng to recover!"

"Outside? Okay." Feng Bingning nodded. There is a medical clinic in the holy prison space, but the medical clinic has no effect on Chu Feng today.

Soon Chu Feng was transferred to Chu Mansion outside Shenguang City, and Master Tianhen left Shenguang City and went into the wild. "Fortune pawnshop, fortune pawnshop" Master Tianhen meditated silently in his heart.

One minute passed, Master Skymark chanted silently dozens of times, a group of golden light appeared around Master Skymark, the golden light flashed, and Master Skymark was already within three seconds Disappeared in place!

"Dear guests, welcome to visit Hongyun Pawnshop again!" Master Tianhen just appeared in the Pawnshop of Hongyun An old man in gold appeared in front of Master Tianhen.

The Master Tianhen did not appear in a small temple but appeared in a classical-looking pawnshop. Only when I entered for the first time, I found that I had entered a small temple. I would enter after the first time. It can be said that the real transaction is after the first time in the proper pawnshop. For the first time, a small amount of things to attract customers can get a higher return!

For example, the first time that Chu Feng went to Hongyun Pawnshop, he used some void stones to increase his strength a lot!

"Brother Tianhen, please take a seat. This time, I don't know what can help you?" The old man in gold sat down and smiled. Master Tianhen also sat down unceremoniously: "My apprentice Chu Feng is unconscious, don't you know this one?"

"Hehe, Brother Tianhen, you should know that the Hongyun pawnshop knows everything!" The old man in gold smiled.

"Knowing everything, this is too exaggerated." Master Tianhen said lightly, "I won't say more nonsense. I want Chu Feng to recover. I don't know if it can be done?"

"Yes, as long as there is a suitable pawn, the troubles of the guests here can be solved by the Fortune Pawnshop." The old man in Jinyi smiled, "Then, Brother Tianhen, what do you want to **** when you are here this time? ?"

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