Holy Prison

Chapter 2008: Horror Hono

Chu Feng released dozens of followers, and each of them had an immortal level of cultivation. Dozens of followers appeared outside, and they directly used the strongest attack to explode!

The self-destruction of the immortal-level powerhouse, even if it is the immortal-level powerhouse, you have to be careful, dozens of immortal-level powerhouses blew themselves together, the power is extremely terrifying!

Huo Nu was also slightly stunned. He didn't expect that so many followers appeared at once, and he chose to blew himself so decisively!


A flame ignited on Huonu's body. Although he was stunned for a while, the self-detonation of those followers did not cause Huon to suffer any harm! However, Chu Feng's original intention was not to let them kill Hono but to delay their actions to kill Hono!

The lives of dozens of followers gave Chu Feng less than a second of escape time. The one-eyed lion king camel, and in one second, Chu Feng and the one-eyed lion king had penetrated into the profound cold water for thousands of meters!

A few kilometers, this is extremely short for an indestructible powerhouse. In one second, an indestructible powerhouse shouldn’t just escape that little distance, but you need to know where Chu Feng is. It is Xuanhan heavy waters!

The Xuanhan heavy waters are filled with extremely dense heavy water. The lower the Xuanhan heavy water, the denser it becomes. In such heavy water, it is not bad to go several kilometers in one second! Here, there is also the function of the heart of space. If there is no heart of space, it is only the power of the one-eyed lion king, and the time to advance in one second is estimated to be one or two kilometers less!

"Little guy, you can't escape!"

The sound of Huonu’s weird laughter sounded in Chu Feng’s mind and immediately entered the profound cold water and chased Chu Feng and the others. The speed of Huonu was faster than that of Chu Feng and the others, but the fire was in the profound cold water. The slaves were greatly affected, and their speed was not much faster than Chu Feng's speed!

"Damn it, I still can't enter!" Chu Feng cursed in his heart. He tried to enter the Holy Prison, but the Holy Prison issued a reminder that if he chose to enter the Holy Prison at this time, the probability of death would still reach 40%!

The probability of 10% is too high, not to mention the 40%, such a high mortality rate, Chu Feng is more willing to fight outside!

"Little guy, within half a minute, I'll catch up with you!" Huonian said, "You can choose to stop. In this case, you can't survive then, but your relatives and friends can survive! They and I I didn't see it in my eyes, so you don't have to worry about me cutting the grass and roots, and they can't find me!"

"If you don't stop, your relatives and friends will not stay at that time!"

Chu Feng sneered and said, "Huonu, you should just be good at fire. In this profound cold water, you are greatly affected, so don't brag."

"The more you get below, the more you will be affected. Don't say half a minute, give you five minutes, you may not be able to catch me!"

"Little fellow Chu Feng, this is not good!" Hunu said, the temperature around Chu Feng reached a terrible level.

"Thanks, very warm!"

Chu Feng resisted the burning pain and said, even if the one-eyed lion king blocked a part of the temperature, even if he had the influence of the profound cold heavy water, even if he had the dark chaotic lotus and the chaotic scarlet armor, Chu Feng felt the terrible temperature!

"Really? Let you warm up again!" Huonu said. Although he couldn't catch up in speed, his attack could reach De Chu Feng at such a distance!

Chu Feng cried out in pain, and the temperature of the surrounding Xuanhan heavy water was much higher than the previous foundation. At this time, the Xuanhan heavy water around him could no longer touch the cold!

"Little fellow, is there a little bit of pain?" Huonu said with a strange smile, "Let's surrender obediently, and surrender obediently, you can avoid the pain!"

"Honu, listen to your name, you are just a slave of a person, which dominion-level master's slave are you?" Chu Feng said loudly. At this time, the distance between Huon and him is only 5,000 meters. It is shrinking, but the speed of shrinking is constantly decreasing! If this continues, Huo will definitely not be able to catch Chu Feng in half a minute, but ten minutes is unnecessary!

Huonu said indifferently: "Little guy, the servant of a master-level powerhouse, is also countless times stronger than an ant like you! You are the most, you can hold on for five minutes!"

Chu Feng hummed coldly and said nothing, and quickly provided power to the heart of space so that the one-eyed lion king could advance faster! "Damn it, you dare to chase it deep, Lord Chu has ended up with you!" Chu Feng sneered in his heart. The large number of strong men in Shenchu ​​City are not in the sacred prison space, but there are still many strong in the sacred prison space. Of the person!

The more than ninety heavenly guards are all immortal-level cultivation bases, and the ghost city has collected a lot of powerhouses if they go out, their strength will be greatly suppressed.

In addition, many of Chu Feng's followers were in the sacred prison space, if Huo kept chasing them, it would really be possible for Chu Feng to deal with them!

"Ring of Flames, go!"

Another minute passed, and Huonu became angry. He thought of moving a fire ring with a diameter of 30 or 40 centimeters towards Chu Feng and the others quickly! "Be careful of the lion king!" Chu Feng reminded that the speed of the ring of fire was much faster than that of Hono, and it was only a few seconds before it was close to Chu Feng and the others!

The ring of fire approached, and Chu Feng felt a strong threat of death. This ring of fire definitely had the terrifying power of turning him into nothingness at once!

"Master, I can't resist this!" Chu Feng just reminded, the one-eyed lion king's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Damn, fight it!" Chu Feng's expression changed, and the four beast seals appeared in Chu Feng's hands instantly. At this time, the ring of fire was only ten or twenty meters away from Chu Feng and the others!

"Look at my magic weapon!"

Chu Feng grabbed the Four Beast Seals and hit the nearby ring of fire fiercely. "Om!" The four beast marks trembled, and at the same time, the flame on the ring of fire was instantly extinguished!

After dozens of Immortal-level followers blew up, Huo didn't suffer any injuries, but at this time, he spewed blood! The ring of flames is indeed powerful, especially in the hands of a strong man like Huo Nu, but what Chu Feng has in his hands is a genuine dominating tool, although the power of the Four Beast Seals is damaged!

Ring of Flame is not a weapon of Domination. It's normal to be affected by some impact with a weapon of Domination, and it is normal for Huo, as the owner of Ring of Flame, to be affected a little!

On the one-eyed lion king's back, Chu Feng was faltering. Just after this blow, Huo Nu was indeed injured a little bit, but Chu Feng suffered even more serious injuries!

After the collision, the temperature of Chu Feng's body rose a lot on the basis of the previous one. The hair of his whole body was burned in an instant, and the skin on his body was burnt red!

"Master, are you okay?" The one-eyed lion said, it felt that the temperature of Chu Feng **** on its back was too high!

"I'm not dead yet!" Chu Feng said, holding back the pain. At this moment, the medical clinic was fully activated, but the injury was too serious, and the medical clinic's treatment was slow!

Chu Feng called out in his mind. A few seconds later, Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, what's the matter?"

As soon as Miao Xian'er woke up, she knew that Chu Feng was in an accident. If Chu Feng hadn't had an accident and there was nothing very important, she would definitely not wake up Miao Xian'er right now.

"Xian'er, you can check my memory in the last few minutes." Chu Feng said. With Chu Feng's permission, Miao Xian'er immediately checked Chu Feng's memory for the past few minutes, and she was taken aback when she checked.

"I will buy you something with the cold attribute immediately." Miao Xian'er said, she quickly bought a suitable item from the store in the holy prison.

"Chu Feng, it's something to drink!" Miao Xianer said.

As soon as Chu Feng's thoughts moved, a jade bottle in the holy prison space appeared in his hand. The jade bottle was filled with light blue liquid, and the jade bottle was warm jade, but the liquid inside was terribly low in temperature. Cold spring!

"Chu Feng, don't take a sip, one drop of this cold spring is enough to freeze thousands of miles in the holy world!" Miao Xian'er exhorted.

However, Miao Xian'er's advice was instructed, Chu Feng got the jade bottle in his hand, raised his head, and immediately drank the bottle of ice-free cold spring into his stomach.

The ice-free cold spring entered his body and Chu Feng's body trembled slightly and felt the pain of low temperature, but within half a second, the ice-free cold spring in Chu Feng's body was turned into warm water!

"Cool!" Chu Feng felt comfortable all over, but this kind of comfort did not last for a second and was pressed tightly by the burning sensation!

"What a terrible flame power!" Miao Xian'er said, she quickly purchased a few more bottles of non-freezing cold springs, and drinking a total of four bottles of non-freezing cold springs, Chu Feng felt the burning pain subsided.

"Master, Huonu hasn't chased it!" The one-eyed lion king's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind. Huonu chased for some time after the blow, but his flame ring was affected and could not be used for a short time, so he gave He gave Chu Feng some opportunities, otherwise, Chu Feng would not be able to bear it any more.

"Honu, why don't you chase it?"

Chu Feng turned his head and said loudly. Although he was a few kilometers away, he could see Hono, and Hono, of course, could also see him and hear his voice!

"Little guy, you can't hide underneath all the time! Give you a day to think about it. If you don’t come up from below in a day’s time, I will spread the news about you here. There must be many people in the temple. , I am very willing to come here to chat with you!" Huonu said lightly.

"As it was before, you come out, you die, and your relatives and friends live; why don't you come, you and your relatives and friends will all die by then!"

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