Holy Prison

Chapter 2011: Nine-tier blockade

"Chu Feng, people from the temple are approaching" Miao Xian'er had a little anxious voice in Chu Feng's mind, "The closest one is only five kilometers away!"

"How long is there?" Chu Feng said.

"It looks like a minute, the speed of the mysterious turtle is much faster than the speed of the one-eyed lion king!" Miao Xian'er said, even if it is Huo, it is impossible to get closer to five kilometers in a minute at such a deep place. , But Black Tortoises can, this profound cold water is worthy of the Xuanwu clan's territory!

"In one minute, that can go on a lot!"

Chu Feng said in his mind. He said that he had communicated with the one-eyed lion king. The pressure on the one-eyed lion king was already very great at this time. Even if there is no influence, the one-eyed lion king cannot take him to the depths. many. "Hey, Chu Feng, it's only a few kilometers away to the bottom of Xuanhan Heavy Waters!" Miao Xianer said.

The waters of Xuan Hanzhong are extremely deep, but Chu Feng and the others have reached a million kilometers all the way down, and it is normal that they are almost reaching the bottom. "There are still 4,900 meters, to the bottom!"

"The estimated time is forty-five seconds, and it will reach the bottom before the Xuanwu clan can catch up!" Miao Xianer said. "Yeah." Chu Feng's heart felt a little loose. To reach such a deep place, it is not easy for the temple to take him down. Even if the mysterious turtles are powerful, but they are protecting many people, it is estimated that they cannot be so. Stay in the deep place for too long!

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, and thirty seconds, did not reach the bottom, and when there was more than a thousand meters from the bottom, Chu Feng decisively entered the holy prison space.

As soon as he entered the sacred prison space, Chu Feng let out a long sigh. Outside, although the one-eyed lion king blocked most of the pressure on him, the pressure he himself was under was not small!

"Xian'er, the Holy Prison shouldn't find it, right?" Chu Feng said. "This... shouldn't be possible, even if the powerhouses of the saints are very close, they can't find the holy prison." Miao Xian'er said, she didn't say too sure, because there are more than holy ones here. Noble powerhouses, and quasi-dominant-level existences like Huo!

"Well, you go and rest. I will not leave the holy prison space in the next few years! If other people want to enter the holy prison space, I am welcome." Chu Feng chuckled.

Outside, it is difficult for Chu Feng to deal with Huo Nu, but if Huo enters the holy prison space, he is looking for death! Entering the holy prison space, even if it is Huo, his strength will be suppressed to a certain extent!

In the sacred prison space, there are more than 90 immortal-level strength heaven guards, and thousands of immortal-level strength entourages; there are five thousand immortal-level sky-eaters, and there are two thousand from the ghost city. An immortal-level powerhouse, a powerhouse with 20,000 immortal-level strengths from the Ghost City!

Even if Huonu is more powerful, it is certainly not the opponent of so many powerful people. Of course, this has to be limited to the holy prison space. Outside, the powerful people who come out of the ghost city can not display that kind of strength and eat the sky. Rats would not be so obedient outside, and it would be much easier for Hono to escape!

"Okay, Chu Feng, then you be careful!" Miao Xian'er said, she immediately disappeared with a warning!

"Why there is no reaction!"

"Report, No. 25, the target signal is lost! Before the signal was lost, the target area was 5689 area!"

"Search for suspicious targets!"

"There is no suspicious target, the target should be to enter the holy prison!"

On top of the huge mysterious tortoises, a lot of temple powerhouses sent messages, "All groups pay attention, immediately set up a large formation and block 5689 area!" Soon Longyang's order was passed down, he At this moment, he did not go underwater but was the commander-in-chief above the water!

"Xuanwu cold sky wall!"

More than a hundred basalts breathed cold breath, and a thick ice wall appeared in a short period of time. The ice wall over a hundred meters thick blocked the entire 5689 area. The holy prison was now in the 5689 area. in!

"The first level of blockade is complete, and the second level of blockade will be performed immediately!"

Under the first layer of blockade, many temple powerhouses took action. A huge formation was formed outside the first layer of blockade, and the entire 5689 area was naturally under the cover of the second layer of blockade!

The third layer is the Xuanwu Hantianbi; then, the strong in the temple outside the Xuanwu Hantianbi builds a fourth-level big formation. This fourth-level big formation has a role. If Chu Feng dies, It can only be resurrected in the area within the big formation. As for the time of resurrection, this temple has no control.

However, the resurrection time cannot be too long. If there is no resurrection for a certain period of time, it will become difficult to resurrect in the future!

Fifth floor, sixth floor, seventh floor.

In terms of the temple, I really value Chu Feng. Nine blockades were made. Each blockade was able to withstand a powerful attack. In this, the attack would have been affected, even if it was hundreds of strong It is not easy for the person to be imprisoned in it to break a blockade.

What's more, there are nine ways in the blockade, which is too scary! The reason why it is so terrifying is because of the worries of the strong in the temple for the holy prison!

Chu Feng owns the Holy Prison, and the experts in the temple already know that the Holy Temple is the dominating device, and God knows what kind of power the Holy Prison has! Of course, in addition, there is another reason, that is, the pain that Chu Feng brought to the temple is too deep. In Chu Feng's hands, the pain of the temple power is not small!

"Your uncle, is it necessary to be so cruel?" In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng's face showed a look of helplessness, and the sky eye could not scan the entire 5689 area, but it was no problem to scan the blockade. He thought, It would be OK to get a three-layer blockade on the temple side, but I didn’t expect a nine-layer blockade on the temple side!

The nine-layer blockade is too strong. Chu Feng estimates that even if the holy prison's heavy artillery is full, at most it will break the two-layer blockade. He may not be able to escape after the three-layer blockade on the sanctuary. The nine-layer blockade, Chu Feng Only helpless.

"Such a blockade, even if Hono is trapped in it, it is estimated that he will not be able to leave!" Chu Feng rubbed his temples and had a headache. In the temple, this time it was really hot!

While Chu Feng had a headache, the Hunu who was observing secretly frowned. He didn't expect the reaction from the temple to be so intense!

Huonu hoped that the strong in the temple would put a strong pressure on Chu Feng, but he did not want the holy prison to eventually fall into the hands of the strong in the temple.

As a quasi-dominant powerhouse, Honu knows that some powerhouses in the temple have power stored in the chaos. If you borrow the power from the chaos, then even if it is weaker than him, it will not be too weak. , If the strong man in the temple gets the holy prison and then leaves the Xuanhan heavy waters quickly, he may not be able to stop it!

"Hall Master, the nine-layer blockade is complete!"

The Holy King of England was a little bit tired and sent news. Although it didn't take much time, the Holy Kings of England each consumed a lot of power!

"Very well, proceed to the second step. Divide the large space inside into small spaces, and then launch attacks on the small spaces one by one, locking down the location of the holy prison!" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

The 5689 area is relatively large. If the temple side launches an attack on this area, it will not have any effect on the holy prison, but divide this area into one thousand, ten thousand, or even one hundred thousand. Millions of copies.

It didn't take much time to divide it into zones. It didn't take long for the entire 5689 zone to be divided into a thousand small zones. After the division was completed, the strong from the temple immediately launched an attack!

Above the mysterious turtle, the immortal level powerhouse in the temple has reached 30,000, and there are so many immortal level powerhouses. With the order, the attacks of tens of thousands of powerhouses fell into one of the areas. !

In such a deep place, the density of the profound cold heavy water is very terrifying, but a single attack by the large number of experts in the temple has turned all the profound cold heavy water in the divided area into nothingness!

Turning into nothingness doesn't mean that it doesn't exist anymore, it just doesn't appear in the form of profound cold heavy water and is forcibly refined into pure energy by those attacks!

"Is there any abnormality?" someone asked, no one responded. When attacking, all the strong men paid careful attention, but there was no abnormality.

"Nothing unusual, rest for five seconds, and attack the second area!"

The terrifying attacks came out time and time again, and they quickly reached the area where the Holy Prison was located. After the attack, no one noticed the strangeness. The Holy Prison is at seventeenth level, but it is not so easy to find the strangeness!

"It's not very good to go on like this!" In the holy prison space, Chu Feng frowned slightly. He was confident that the outside attack would not make the holy prison even if it was ten thousand times stronger, but as long as the holy temple persisted. , The attack intensity from outside will definitely exceed ten thousand times! Not when it is ten thousand times, and when it is one hundred thousand times a million times, it is hard to say!

If the sacred prison is there and the sacred prison knows the specific location of the sacred prison, the attack will definitely become extremely terrifying. At that time, Chu Feng may not be able to stop the overflowing damage!

"Hey, go up, it seems that people from the temple side can't stay too long below here. If this is the case, it will take a lot of time for the temple side to know the specific location of the holy prison!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, Tianyan at this time Scanned many mysterious tortoises left and went upwards, of course, many mysterious tortoises stayed and continued to attack!

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