Holy Prison

Chapter 2018: Thrilling escape

"Venerable Formation, what's the situation below?" Long Yang said. At this moment, Venerable Formation and many powerful people in the temple have just emerged from the profound cold water.

"It's not the same as before." Venerable Formation frowned slightly. There has been no result for more than a thousand years, and some people in the temple actually have a little opinion.

However, a little bit of opinion belongs to a little bit of opinion, and no one raised it at all. The pain that Chu Feng brought to the temple was too strong, and the temple would miss such an opportunity!

"Venerable Formation, when we arrive, we will definitely catch Chu Feng's bastard! Several of his wives, Zhou Wen, Tang Ming and other people should also be with him. At that time, we will be able to catch Chu Feng in one fell swoop. Few core people! Tianxinzi is in his body nine out of ten, and Tianxinzi will also be in our hands!" Long Yang said with a smile.

"This time, Chu Feng cannot escape. As long as they are caught, the war is basically half completed! Although Hongjun and the others are powerful, they are much easier to deal with than Chu Feng! Without Chu Feng’s Shenchu ​​City, even if It's not that a disc of loose sand will loosen a lot. When that happens, we will not be able to end the war in much time!"

Venerable Formation nodded slightly: "I hope so, Brother Long Yang, we must be careful and careful. In the battle with Chu Feng, we never seem to have the upper hand. This time, I am also a little worried!"

"Venerable Formation, you worry too much. If Chu Feng could escape, he would have escaped long ago. He simply doesn't have the ability to escape!" Long Yang laughed.

"Drip!" "Drip!"

At this moment, a sharp voice came from an instrument not far from Longyang, "Report, there is also an abnormality, something abnormal!" A hurried voice came from that instrument!

Xuan Han is deep in the water.

Chu Feng used a lot of bombs, and those bombs appeared in a relatively large area around the holy prison. The explosion of those bombs immediately turned a large area around the holy prison into darkness!

The depths of Xuan Han's heavy waters were originally pitch black, but the strong of the temple illuminated the 5689 area very brightly. Under such circumstances, it was obviously not conducive to Chu Feng and the others to escape!

There are super smoke bombs for sale in the holy prison shop. Those super smoke bombs are very expensive, but the effect is also very good, not only can affect the line of sight, but also have a great impact on the sage!

"Attack, everyone, against the black area, attack with all your strength!" Above a huge mysterious tortoise, Venerable Salmon said loudly while attacking.

The strong man in the temple reacted very quickly at this time, and Salmon's voice fell, and immediately countless attacks were poured into the darkened area!

The terrifying attack madly fell to the black area. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng paid attention to the outside situation. He did not appear outside in the first few rounds of attacks. In the first few rounds of attacks, the strong in the holy prison will never Most of them must have erupted from the most powerful attacks. When they went out, the pressure was the most!

"Everyone, get ready!"

After five rounds of attacks outside, Chu Feng solemnly shouted, his voice fell, and a large number of powerful men and Axicheng appeared outside in an instant!

When Chu Feng and the others arrived outside, they appeared in the city of Axi. The terrifying attack came. Every one of Chu Feng and them was under great pressure, but the first round of attacks did not defeat them!

"Brother, I have forgotten one thing. We are now under attack. The space is turbulent. I can't leave in three seconds. It will take at least ten seconds!" Some crying voices of the ghost sounded in Chu Feng's mind. .

"Yin Mei, work hard, brother believes in you!" Hearing Yin Mei said that, Chu Feng's heart sank, supporting for three seconds and supporting for ten seconds, these are two different concepts!

"Miao Xian'er, the bomb just now, continue!" Chu Feng immediately said in his mind. The effects of the bombs just used can last for four or five seconds. If they leave for three seconds, it will be enough, but ten seconds. Time to leave, those bombs are obviously not enough!

Miao Xian'er responded, and within three seconds she bought a lot of bombs and then let those bombs leave the holy prison space and explode!

"Attack! Attack! Attack! Pay attention to the rhythm of the attack, one second, three attacks!" Salmon shouted.

At this time, the expression on the face of the Lord Salmon looked as if he was about to eat people. If such an opportunity allowed Chu Feng to escape, it would be too bad for the face!

"Everyone, defend well. I know that many of you are unhappy with me, and some people are unhappy with each other, but you have to know one thing, if there is no defense, everyone will die!" Chu Feng's cold voice sounded in Axi City. In the minds of 13,000 powerful people, "The time has passed for more than three seconds, and we have not left yet. That is because we made a little mistake. We need to support ten seconds!"

Quite a few people cursed secretly in their hearts, they weren't from Shenchucheng, and none of them were good people. Hearing what Chu Feng said, it was strange that no one cursed Chu Feng in their hearts!

Waves of terrifying attacks quickly fell on the defensive shields built by Chu Feng and the others. After a wave of attacks, the defensive shields built by Chu Feng and the others would have to break thousands of layers!

The defensive cover is broken, and many people are naturally injured, but even if they are injured at this time, they must immediately re-lay the defensive cover. If it is not blocked, everyone will have no good results!

Those people are not sure that Chu Summit will not die with them, but they know that if they don't block the attack, they must be done!

"Brothers, fight, everyone come up with the means of pressing the bottom of the box!"

"Yes, we finally got to Tianwaitian, Tianwaitian, there are so many treasures, some treasures we got before can be used at this time!"

"You fellow daoists work hard, this is definitely not the time to hide your own privates!"

It's useless Chu Feng said more, there were 13,000 powerful people and many people shouted. Some methods and some powerful people were reluctant to use them, but they were all used at this time.

On the one hand, life preservation is important. On the other hand, those who are strong think that there are many treasures in the outside world, and some of the treasures before them are nothing even if they are used up!

"Five seconds, six seconds, seven seconds!"

Chu Feng silently counted in his heart that if so many powerful men were obtained from the domain tower, the defense effect was really good. If they could leave in three seconds, they would have left by now!

There are the last three seconds, these three seconds are also the most difficult three seconds, because the attack from the temple is obviously more biased towards the area where they are!

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and many powerful men emerged from the holy prison space. Among them, the immortal-level powerhouses were only the more than ninety heavenly guards, and the immortal-level powerhouses had a lot more words. There are 10,000 followers in the space, and thousands of those 10,000 followers are immortal strength!

"King Kong Circle!"

Chu Feng said in a deep voice. In an instant, a huge golden ring appeared around Axi City. More than 90 heavenly guards, thousands of immortal-level followers, and Chu Feng were all provided for that diamond ring. Power!

The diamond circle appeared, and a wave of attacks immediately smashed over. Under that terrible attack, the sky guard and the entourage who shook a lot of diamond circle received some damage, but the wave of diamond circle attack was completely blocked!

The one-eyed lion king roared, and Chu Feng, riding the one-eyed lion king, appeared at the main position of the Diamond Circle. The moment he appeared at the main position, another wave of attacks surged in madly!

Chu Feng let out a deep cry, he was in control of the diamond ring, and for a moment he felt terrible pressure, but this wave of attacks was completely blocked by the diamond ring!

There are many strong people in Axi City. At this time, many of the strong people's eyes are shocked. They can only block the attack from the three thousand immortal level powerhouses, and the ten thousand immortal level powerhouses, Chu Feng There are more than ninety immortal-level powerhouses and five to six thousand immortal-level powerhouses that actually blocked it!

"Stupidly, are you looking for death?" Chu Feng's roar sounded in the minds of those strong men, "Hurry up and build a defense outside the diamond circle. The diamond circle is our last line of defense!"

Chu Feng said a lot, but he was a voice transmission, and the time spent was actually less than ten and one second!

"Everyone did it!"

Some strong yelled, layers of defensive covers appeared outside the diamond circle, and the third wave of attacks came, Chu Feng also suffered some pressure, but the pressure was much lighter than before!

At this time, eight seconds passed, and the last two seconds!

"It should be area 256286. Everyone is attacking and leaning toward these areas!" Venerable Salmon said solemnly, his voice fell, and immediately Chu Feng was under a lot of pressure!

There is no other way. Although Chu Feng and the others only defended a relatively small area, the attacks on the temple side were scattered, but the attacks on the temple side were too powerful!

Nowadays, many temple people are not near the domain tower No. 5689, but there are also many temple powerhouses on this side. There are more than 6,000 immortal-level powerhouses, and immortal-level powerhouses are few, but there are Three thousand!

This is not the main attack power, the main attack power is the formations one by one, and the strong of the temple has established many powerful and terrifying formations around here!

"Miao Xian'er, Holy Prison Heavy Artillery!" Chu Feng's voice sounded in his mind, and he didn't want to lose everything in the last second or so!

Miao Xian'er didn't answer Chu Feng, she just caused 800 of the eight hundred and twenty saint prison heavy artillery to launch an attack as soon as she received Chu Feng's order!

The recharge of the holy prison heavy artillery only took more than a thousand years, but under the speed of hundreds of thousands of times, the holy prison heavy artillery was fully charged!

The power of the holy prison's heavy artillery was soon felt by some temple experts!

Many people screamed, and they discovered that those purple thunder and lightning, who did not attack Venerable Salmon, actually attacked them who were not too important!

In an instant, one or two hundred indestructible powerhouses in the temple died! Their deaths caused many temple experts to weaken their attacks and strengthen their defenses involuntarily!

"Asshole, attack, attack!" Venerable Salmon was furious, and he instantly understood why Chu Feng didn't attack him and some important people in the temple and attacked the more ordinary people.

He also has some important people in the temple that have extra defensive protection. Attacking them will not achieve any effect, but if you attack those ordinary indestructible powerhouses, it will achieve results. In the case of many people's death, it can make Their attack slowed down!

The attack was so slow, which is nothing in normal times, but at this time, let Chu Feng and the others get a way out!

"Brother, let's go!" A yin and charming voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. In the next instant, Axi City shrank rapidly, and Chu Feng in Axi City shrank together, shrinking to Axi City. When it was just the size of a fist, Axi Cheng disappeared in place!

As soon as Axi City disappeared, a wave of terrifying attacks covered the place where Axi City was just now. The dark matter quickly disappeared at this time. Venerable Salmon and the others saw the scene of Area 5689.

"Where are Chu Feng and others?" A Saint King-level expert frowned.

"There seemed to be spatial fluctuations just now. Could it be that Chu Feng and others have broken through the space and escaped?"

"How could it be possible that we sealed the space? This is probably a play made by Chu Feng and the others. They just want us to feel that they have escaped!"

Many people talked, "Shut up!" Salmon roared, his face was very ugly at this time, he had a feeling that Chu Feng was no longer here, just now, Chu Feng has escaped!

"Everyone, watch carefully. If you find anything unusual, report it immediately!" Salmon said in a deep voice, and he picked up the intercom and said to Long Yang.

"What?" On the other end, Long Yin's face suddenly became ugly when he heard Salmon's words, "Brother Salmon, we're here right away!"

Riding on the black turtle, they quickly arrived at the area of ​​No. 5689. "Brother Longyang!" Venerable Salmon went to the mysterious turtle where the dragon anode was located and immediately passed some information directly to the dragon anode and the venerable array.

"You guys, do you think Chu Feng and the others are still here?" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

Venerable Formation, they all bowed their heads thinking and did not answer immediately. "Venerable Formation, tell me, do you think Chu Feng is still on this side?" Long Yang said.

"It's hard to say!" Venerable Formation frowned, "If the time is short, I guess Chu Feng and the others will definitely be here, but ten seconds is not short!"

"If Chu Feng has powerful means, ten seconds will be enough for them to leave! I am more inclined to Chu Feng and they have already left, but our attack must continue!"

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