Holy Prison

Chapter 2021: Stigmata

Sage Tao Chen frowned slightly and said: "Brother Chu, there is something about this, we can discuss it carefully, you can kill the Sovereign Anze directly, it is always not good!"

Chu Feng sarcastically said: "Sage Tao Chen, according to your opinion, is it better to wait for him to make a move and I make another move? Don't talk such nonsense. If you want to be hard, I will accompany you! Yes, then there are only two paths. Follow me temporarily so that we can all be a little safer, or we can go our own way!"

No one said anything. Ninety percent of the people had agreed to Weichu Peak, but at this moment, the Lord Zongze died, and they did not have the guts!

As Chu Feng said, Chu Feng may not be able to kill all of them, but killing one of them is definitely not a problem!

There are 13,000 strong people. If they are familiar with each other and have joint defensive methods, it is better. Although they are strong, they are just a group of mobs, and they are still a group of selfish mobs!

If these people can completely obey one's orders and trust one person completely, it would be better. Under the sound transmission, it will not be necessary for everyone to learn a certain formation, even though it cannot be fully displayed. Power, but it's better than each, but these people, is it possible.

A saint-level powerhouse died, and now there is only Tao Chen a saint-level powerhouse, but he doesn't have the ability to let others listen to him!

They can't defend together, and they can't cooperate well, but Chu Feng and the others are okay, Tao Chen and the others, at this time, most of the people in their hearts retreat!

A small number of people still want Wei Chu Feng to even kill Chu Feng, but at this time, no one wants to be that early bird and be killed by Chu Feng!

"Ah, Brother Chu, Zongze, let's not talk about it, let's follow Brother Chu for now, Brother Chu, don't know what plans are there? Can't we walk outside at night?" Tao Chen said. .

Chu Feng looked at the sky and said quietly: "You can also walk outside at night. People who have just entered here have not yet adapted to the environment inside. Under the blazing cloudy day, they cannot walk at all. Three days later, the body It would be more suitable. At this time, the possibility of being attacked by Cang Yan Han Yan is much smaller!"

"However, even after three days, you have to avoid walking outside within ten minutes of just entering the night. At this time, the energy of the Cangyan Yin Sun is the most unstable and the most likely to drop the Cangyan cold flame!"

"If you want to block Cang Yan Han Yan, it's actually not very difficult. You can refine a piece of armor from the soil and rocks inside. When you go outside, call the armor out of your body. But there is a problem with such armor. You can't be attacked. A little attack is likely to shatter the armor. You should know the consequences of the armor shattering."

Sage Tao Chen nodded slightly: "Brother Chu, thank you for telling me, Brother Chu, this place is not a normal place, right? When we arrived at this place, the civil strife was not so good!"

"This place is called the Land of Nine Yin, one of the three most dangerous places in the entire universe! This place, in terms of weirdness, ranks first among the three places!" Chu Feng said.

Tao Chen's complexion changed slightly, one of the three most dangerous places, they were lucky to reach such a place!

"During the previous teleportation, it was originally intended to be teleported to the underworld, but it was strongly attacked, so some deviations occurred. I did not expect to reach this ghost place!" Chu Feng said.

Tao Chen said: "Brother Chu, can you please tell me a little about the land of the nine yin." "The land of the nine yin, throughout the ages, many saint-level experts have come to this place, but those who left, Very few! Basically, only those who live impatiently can get to such a place! There are some who get to this place, they must have strong belief in their hearts!" Chu Feng said.

"Very dangerous?" Tao Chen said.

Chu Feng said quietly: "What do you mean? I don't know much about this place, but I know one thing, even if it is a powerful person at the holy sovereign level, if one is not careful, it will die!"

"Friend Chu, what is Nine Yin? Cangyan Yin Sun, should it be one of the Nine Yin, right?" A sixth-level immortal powerhouse said. Chu Feng shook his head: "No, the nine yins in the land of nine yins refer to the nine cold pools! The nine cold pools are unpredictable. In the cold pools are extremely yin waters, and those who die there are strong. They are ghosts. Among them, the ghosts of the Youwang level are extremely terrifying, and the ghosts of the Youwang level may not be able to escape even if they are encountered by the powers of the holy sovereign level!"


"Nine cold pools?"

Tao Chen also curiously said the sixth-level immortal strong, "Brother Chu, is the power of Youhuang stronger than the saint-level strong?" said the sixth-level immortal strong.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Didn't you find out that after we got here, our strength was suppressed to a certain extent? You Sovereign has the strength of the holy superior class, and the strength of the holy superior class powerhouse who got here was suppressed. , Do you think you can play it? If you encounter Youhuang, it’s not a question of not being able to play, but a question of whether you can escape!"

"Brother Chu, don't you know where the nine cold pools are?" Tao Chen said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I don't know. Of the nine cold pools, five of them are fixed and four are mobile! There are no cold pools around us, but maybe there will be one in the next second. Appear on this side."

Chu Feng's words made many people feel tight. If a cold pool appeared here, the trouble would be great. They have not yet adapted to the environment here!

"I don’t know much about this! Okay, tell you this. I'm doing my best, don’t bother me. Finally, I’ll give you a piece of advice, stay away from the pools, especially the nine extremely cold pools. , Among the nine extremely cold pools, more than one of the Youhuang-level is so strong that Ken, and there are even terrible existences that exceed the Youhuang-level!" Chu Feng said.

As Chu Feng said, his foot lightly stepped on the ground, and suddenly a stone was shaken out of the ground. "Huh" a flame came out of Chu Feng's hand, and the flame enveloped the stone. In the flames, the stone quickly changed. It became a liquid, and in the liquid, many impurities in that stone were removed.

Under the gaze of Tao Chen and the others, the liquid quickly formed a small armor. Chu Feng bit his finger, and a drop of blood dripped onto the small armor.

Chu Feng said softly, that little armor no longer changed. A stigmata carving knife appeared in Chu Feng's hand, and the stigmata carving knife flew, and suddenly there were more stigmata on the little armor. The mark can increase the defense power of this extremely **** armor a lot, and ordinary attacks will not damage it!

"It's really **** material, it can't bear too much stigma!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

If there are a lot of materials, he is confident that this armor can withstand several immortal attacks by then, but now, it is estimated that a few attacks from the upper saint can make this armor shatter and withstand several attacks from the upper saint strong. It doesn't mean that this armor is the upper holy artifact, this armor, barely, can be regarded as the middle holy artifact!

When Chu Feng thought, the armor completed in an instant turned into yellow light and entered Chu Feng's body. "Come out!" Chu Feng called out in his heart. The armor that had just been incorporated into his body immediately appeared on the surface of his body, blocking every inch of his body and blocking his face, but it was transparent. It looks like nothing!

"Get a stone armor yourself!" Chu Feng's voice rang in the minds of half of the Tianwei and his entourage. Soon the half of the Tianwei and his entourage put down their guards and set it up. As for the other half of the Tianwei, there is still The followers naturally continue to be on guard, if Tao Chen and the others move, they can defend and attack for the first time!

Tao Chen and the rest of the people saw Tianwei and his entourage, and many people also obtained pieces of stone to refine. The cave is big enough, and it is completely no problem to get a little stone from the ground.

"Damn it, this thing is so crispy, it burns out all at once!"

Seeing those people's refining, Chu Feng shook his head secretly. Some of these people are doing well in refining, but there are many of them, which is really not good!

"Brother Chu, what's the matter with the scratches just behind you? With them, your armor's defense power is greatly improved, ours" Tao Chen looked helplessly at the ancient armor he had made. It can be seen that the stone armor refined by Chu Feng can withstand several attacks by high-ranking saints.

But my own, let alone the upper saints, the attacks of the lower saints are probably not defensible! "If you can learn it, you can do it yourself, if you can't learn it, no one will help you!" Chu Feng said indifferently, as he waved the stigmata carving knife, and quickly on top of a stone armor refined by a Tianwei next to him. There appeared a series of stigmata.

One, two, three Tao Chen and quite a few people watched Chu Feng's movements carefully, but what made them helpless was that even if they watched thousands of people, they didn't learn anything!

It seemed to be very simple to use by Chu Feng. With a wave of the knife, it ended with a lot of messy knife marks in just one or two seconds, but some of them tried it, and doing so would only break the stone armor!

The Tianwei and followers in the stone cave add up to a large number, but in just a few hours, Chu Feng processed all their armors!

"Brother Chu, do you think... can you help me?" Sage Tao Chen was kind of flattering. He knew that a stone armor like this was very important here, otherwise, Chu Feng would not Take a few hours to process all the stone armors of all subordinates!

Chu Feng looked outside and said quietly, "Holy Tao Chen, it's not impossible to help you, but I want to know what benefits I have. I don't know how to do things that are not good!"

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