Holy Prison

Chapter 2030: Bad luck

"Xian'er, how could it enter the sacred prison space so silently?" Chu Feng was shocked in his mind.

On the surface, of course, Chu Feng is very calm at the moment!

Miao Xian'er said: "It seems that when the flame attacked before, he found a way to enter the holy prison space after repeated temptations."

"Xian'er, since he can get in that way, that is, can he leave more easily?" Chu Feng said quickly. "This, it should be! Chu Feng, give me ten minutes, I have found a little problem, it should be able to block his access!" Miao Xianer said.

Ten minutes...Chu Feng looked up and down at the **** hand that was much smaller but also had a height of tens of meters. It was not so easy to hold it for ten minutes.

"I ask you, who are you and who is Lin Tian!" Seeing that Chu Feng did not answer, the giant black hand said again, this time its voice was much louder!

Chu Feng thought that the deity immediately reached another small space in the holy prison space, but in a short time, that black giant hand actually chased it!

"Little thing, if you run away again, then you die!" The black giant threatened. "How did your Excellency do it? You can go back and forth so freely in my treasure space!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Chu Feng asked if he was arrogant or had some IQ problems, and the giant black hand replied, "I studied the holy prison for a long time in this holy prison back then!"

"The master of the holy prison at that time was Lin Tian! Little thing, say, what is your relationship with Lin Tian, ​​a friend or an enemy, you have to answer it properly! The answer is wrong, your life may be gone! If I didn't kill you before, it doesn't mean I don't kill you now!" Mafia said.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Your Excellency is also a big man. I didn't expect to sneak into my treasure space. I wonder if your Excellency stole anything from me?"

Chu Feng asked in this way to determine whether the black hand had been to some other small space, and whether he knew the situation in the holy prison space now!

"Bah! What did this seat steal from you? Your things, besides the holy prison itself, what can this seat look upon?" Black Hand said angrily.

"Little thing, don't want to delay the time to block the way for this seat to leave! First, there is more than one way to leave this seat knows; second, even if this seat does not leave, how can you do this little thing?" Blackhand is undaunted and authentic.

Hearing what the black hand said, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, what the black hand should know about the situation in the holy prison space is not very clear, otherwise, Chu Feng believes it will not be so arrogant!

"Why do you have to take one seat at a time?" Chu Feng said quietly, "You should not be a human, but the arm of a strong man. How can there be a hand that claims to be a seat!"

There was a light of disdain in the one-eyed eyes of Black Hand: "Little thing, still playing tricks with this seat! What if this seat tells you?"

"This seat is not the arm of a strong man. You have never seen a life like this one, but you are ignorant!"

Chu Feng whispered: "Then how do you explain the wound? It looks like someone cut it off with a sharp blade!" Black Hand said angrily, "Little thing, you have too many problems!"

Chu Feng's heart moved: "I see, there should still be a small section of your body, and that small section was cut off with a sharp blade, right?"

Chu Feng said, the black hand was turned on, and the huge black palm hit Chu Feng's body, and Chu Feng rolled out several tens of meters in an instant!

After landing, Chu Feng didn't hold back, and a mouthful of blood came out.

Chu Feng was shocked, the speed of the black hand just now was too fast, even in the holy prison space, he couldn't escape that slap!

"Little thing, this is just a warning to you. If you say anything nonsense, I will slap you and kill you directly!" Black hand said coldly.

The strength of the Huonu Blood Infant had reached the Quasi-Dominator level, and the strength of the black hand in front of Chu Feng should also have reached the Quasi-Dominator level. Otherwise, with Chu Feng's strength, as the master of his holy prison, in this holy prison space, how could it be slapped so easily so far!

"Don't you want to get the holy prison? With so much nonsense with me, if I don't expect it, you know that even if you kill me, you can't get the holy prison!" Chu Feng smiled lightly, "What do you want to do? Is it possible to get the holy prison by doing something?"

In the black hand's terrifying one-eyed eyes flashed: "It is indeed much easier to talk to a smart person, but I don't like a little thing like you playing this smart in front of me!"

"If you take the initiative to cooperate, this seat can control the Holy Prison relatively easily, and will naturally become the new owner of the Holy Prison! With your words, the advantage you can get is that you can survive!" Blackhand said coldly, "Your relatives Friends, you can survive then, otherwise you will all be dead!"

Chu Feng frowned, "Black Hand... I'll just call you that! Black Hand, Huo is like this, so are you, you are all of the same virtue."

Chu Feng flew out again, and the black hand's attack fell heavily on him!

"Small things, don't compare this seat with that kind of servant. A servant like Huo, in front of this seat, doesn't even have the qualifications to lift shoes for this seat!" Black Hand said proudly.

Chu Feng got up from the ground: "Your strength is now at the Quasi-Dominator level, and his strength is now at the Quasi-Dominator level! Maybe you meet him, you may not be able to beat him!"

"Fart, even if the strength is not restored now, how can a servant like Huo be the opponent of this seat?" Black Hand shouted angrily.

"Little thing, you should make a choice, do you obediently cooperate with this seat to get the holy prison, or let this seat kill some of your relatives before you agree? Or, you want to show your backbone, when the time comes Let this seat kill all your relatives and friends cleanly." Black Hand said with awe-inspiring murderous spirit.

Chu Feng snorted and moved instantly, and he appeared in another space in the blink of an eye, but this time, Black Hand chased him even faster!

"Little thing, you can't escape! You are like this, but you are not good!" The black hand's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, and Chu Feng's figure disappeared again at the moment the voice sounded.

Once, twice, three times...Chu Feng escaped three times, and for the third time, he took the black hand into a huge encirclement!

The encirclement is composed of a large number of powerhouses, among them there are more than 90 heavenly guards, and thousands of immortal-level power followers; there are two thousand immortal-level powerhouses who came out of the ghost city and are now in the holy prison Two to thirty thousand immortal powerhouses!

The black hand just appeared, a huge voice rang, and the banned halo continued to fall on the terrifying black hand that was tens of meters high!

"Damn ants, you are all going to die!" Black Hand was furious. He didn't expect to chase Chu Feng to this side and fall into such a trap!

One by one, the banned auras were broken by black hands, but with so many people working together, the banned auras are also increasing one by one!

At the beginning, there were only dozens of banned auras on Black Hand, and half an hour later, his banned auras had reached hundreds!

One hour later, the banned halo on the black hand has reached the number of three thousand. At this time, it is very difficult for the black hand to move a little!

Ants often kill elephants. This sentence is sometimes not applicable, but it is obviously adapted to this time!

The strength of Black Hand is estimated to be no lower than that of Blood Infants, but they are imprisoned by many people whose strength is much worse than him!

"Black Hand, are you convinced?" Chu Feng smiled in front of Black Hand, and an enchantment was formed around him. Other people nearby could not hear clearly his conversation with Black Hand.

"Asshole, in the holy prison, why are there so many strong men?" Black Hand was extremely depressed and extremely angry. He considered the situation of strong men in the holy prison space, but he did not expect the number to be so terrible!

Among other things, it's just that there are 2,000 immortal-level powerhouses who come out of Ghost City, and there are even 20,000-30,000 immortal-level powerhouses!

If the black hand has the power of dominance, then Chu Feng and the others are scum, and they can easily beheaded all of Chu Feng!

However, the strength of the black hand is only the quasi-dominant rank. Although the strength may be stronger than that of the Hu slave, it is obviously impossible to compete with so many people like Chu Feng!

If the black hand does not enter the holy prison space, Chu Feng will not be able to deal with him, but he is really too confident, or too arrogant!

"Black hand, bad luck for you!" Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "You said, what am I going to do with you now? Should I just kill it, or save your life for something else?"

The black hand said coldly: "Do you want to kill this seat? Little thing, are you dreaming? The immortal-level strong can be resurrected from the dead, the master-level strong, can't it?"

"It's certainly possible, but it also depends on what kind of world you are in." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "If you die here in the universe created by Master Lin Tian, ​​are you afraid that you won't be able to come back to life?"

Black Hand was silent, Chu Feng obviously knew a lot more than he estimated!

"You can't kill me, otherwise, God's punishment will come!" After a while, the black hand whispered, "That's no good for me, and it's no good for you!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I also made this decision, so I decided to get you somewhere. When you get there, you have to behave well!"

"Behave well, there is no reward; if you don't perform well, just wait for punishment, black hand, threatening words, do you still use me to say more?"

The black hand said solemnly: "Where do you want to get this seat?"

"You'll know right away," Chu Feng said. In an instant, both he and Black Hand disappeared and appeared in another small space.

"Black Hand, from now on, that will be where you stay!" Chu Feng pointed to the Devouring Platform in front of him and said in a low voice. There was a trace of fright in Black Hand's eyes, but the trace of fright disappeared in no time.

"Hmph, Devouring Platform!" Black Hand sneered, "If the level of the Holy Prison is higher, this seat is somewhat afraid of this Devouring Platform, but what can the Devouring Platform now do?"

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