Holy Prison

Chapter 2038: Training base

"Lion King, this way!"

Chu Feng got outside, and the one-eyed lion king got outside together with Chu Feng. "Lion King, go ahead at full speed while ensuring safety!" Chu Feng said.

"Master, if you still let me come out, you are not afraid that I will murder you?" The one-eyed lion king said as he hurried forward, his voice was a bit teasing.

Chu Feng curled his lips: "I can't help it. Who told your master that I am inferior? When I was an ordinary person, even though I knew that many restaurants might be cooking oil, I still have to eat it?"

"Master, what is waste oil?" said the one-eyed lion king.

"Good stuff," Chu Feng said. Back then, when he was in the holy prison, he caught a lot of people who made things like waste oil. "If you don't talk about this, you will be depressed when you talk about it, Lion King, you should be careful and don't cause any trouble. It’s best to get to a place within ten minutes, otherwise we may lose an opportunity."

"Master, as long as you don't meet the quasi-dominant powerhouse, you should be fine." The one-eyed lion king confidently said, anyway, he has been in it for hundreds of years.

The one-eyed lion king carried Chu Feng forward quickly. In just over ten minutes, Chu Feng and the others had reached the place Tao Chen and the others had been before.

"Chu Feng, it should be this valley." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng looked at the valley in front of him, and at the same time, the holy consciousness covered every place in the valley in front of him. "There is still their aura here, and the aura has not left, it should be no doubt this valley. Xian'er, use the function of the holy prison to pass through, immediately!" Chu Feng said solemnly in his mind.

"Okay, the image is directly in your mind."

Miao Xian'er immediately used this function of the Holy Prison, and Chu Feng's mind immediately showed a picture from eleven or twelve minutes ago. The picture was clearer, and Tao Chen and the others were in the picture.

Twenty seconds later, a brilliant light suddenly appeared in the valley, and the light disappeared. Tao Chen and the others had disappeared.

"Xian'er, have you seen anything coming?"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, it seems to be directly teleported out of the land of Jiuyin, but the destination is not clear where it is teleported to."

Chu Feng frowned slightly and entered the valley. The valley was not big, that is, two or three square kilometers. Chu Feng fell to the ground and soon arrived where Tao Chen and the others disappeared.

Before disappearing, Tao Chen and the others were drinking and chatting here while grilling game.

"Xian'er, scan this valley vigorously." Chu Feng said. At the same time, he also sent a voice message to the one-eyed lion king for the one-eyed lion king to inspect it carefully.

The powerful scan was ineffective, and Chu Feng himself found nothing, but the one-eyed lion king, with surprise in his one eye, it seemed that he had discovered something.

"Lion King, looking at you, you should have found something, talk about it." Chu Feng looked at the one-eyed lion king.

The one-eyed lion king hesitated and said: "Master, it seems to be a passage to the training base." "Training base?" Chu Feng said in confusion.

"Well. If there is no problem with my memory, this valley should be heading to a certain training base, a training base established by the master!"

Chu Feng was shocked: "The training base established by the controller? What did the controller create such a training base for?"

"Cultivating subordinates!" said the one-eyed lion king, "Master, I told you before, the master, at least controls a hundred universes, and at most tens of thousands of universes, one more universe, the strength of a master It will be stronger. Therefore, the masters are fiercely competing for each universe."

Chu Feng nodded slightly. With one more universe, in the endless years, there will be more master-level powerhouses and master-level powerhouses. After being the master of the universe for a long time, you can give up your position.

"In order to improve their own strength quickly, it is normal for the controller to create a training base. The training base is to help some people achieve mastery quickly!"

Chu Feng said in a puzzled way: "This is a good thing. In this case, why should such a thing get this ghost place? Wouldn't it be better to put it directly in the Holy Realm?"

"I heard that it was released publicly before, but there are many drawbacks, so it has not been disclosed." The one-eyed lion king said, "Master, don't think that this valley is so small, and the chance of someone breaking into this side is extremely small. The chances are still relatively small. The big one, as long as the holy ones are not too far away from this valley, they should be attracted to this side."

Chu Feng's heart moved. From ancient times to the present, many Saint-level powerhouses have disappeared. I am afraid that many of those who have disappeared are in the training bases!

"Master, you don't want to enter the training base now. You are not strong enough, and you should not be summoned. No one has ever come out of this cosmic training base." The one-eyed lion said.

"you sure?"

"Of course, it is obvious that this universe has not yet mastered-level powerhouses! Entering such a training base, there are only two possibilities to leave, the first is to become the master, and the second is to become a dead body!"

Chu Feng felt a chill in his heart, this was too terrifying. There are definitely not a few saints who disappeared from the universe, and many of them are probably dead!

Chu Feng immediately left the valley as soon as he moved his body. Now he doesn't want to enter such a training base by himself. It is absolutely extremely difficult to come up with such a place!

Moreover, he owns the holy prison and is tied to Lin Tian. Entering such a place may be a dead end!

"Tao Chen and the others actually entered such a place." Chu Feng frowned slightly. In such a place, the chance of death is extremely high. Chu Feng does not want Tao Chen and the others to die now!

For so many evils, Tao Chen and the others deserve to die, but if they die in such a training base, they are worthless in Chu Feng's view!

"The sky is not fulfilling everyone's wish!" Chu Feng sighed lightly. He originally wanted Tao Chen and the others to be able to help by then, but now such plans have been so ruined.

"Master, what the Lion King said, are you sure it is true?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "It shouldn't be fake, at least the memory he has should be like this. My feeling tells me that he didn't tell lies." Chu Feng said, before his mood improved, Chu Feng was not so confident about his own feelings. Very confident!

Miao Xian'er said: "This one is not an exit, so you need to find another exit channel. Don't stay here, and quickly find the exit channel."

Chu Feng Yinming appeared in his hand, and with a wave of Yinming, he cut out a flat surface of a 20 to 30 meter high boulder.

"Number two, I received your message, take care, and stay with number one." Chu Feng waved Yin Ming, and within a short period of time, ten or twenty vigorous characters appeared on the cross section of the huge stone!

"Chu Feng, just these few words?" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng said helplessly in his mind: "Whether Tao Chen and the others can come out will be a question. Just these few words, there is no need to leave too many words here at this time! If they come out, it is probably not. When you come out of this hole, the chance of seeing these words is extremely low!"

Tao Chen and the others couldn't come back in a short time. Chu Feng didn't stay on this side of this valley, leaving those words, and soon Chu Feng left that valley a long distance!

If there is no holy prison, if he has the strength of the saintly class now, if he has not much concern, Chu Feng is willing to enter such a training base to try whether he can become a master, but now, he absolutely does not want to, he has a lot of concerns. Moreover, Chu Feng didn't realize that he had lived enough!

The powerhouses of the saintly rank have generally lived for countless billions of years. They may be tired of ordinary life, but now Chu Feng wants to live a peaceful life!

If his strength is lower and he can live peacefully, Chu Feng would rather practice more slowly. Of course, this is impossible. Since he got the holy prison, Chu Feng will temporarily bid farewell to the peaceful life, unless one day , He can reach an extremely high realm, a realm that allows the Domination-level powerhouses to only bow their heads when facing him!

"Hope that the exit channel is still there!" Chu Feng said in his heart, riding fast on the one-eyed lion king. He knew the place to leave the channel, but the time has passed too long, or the exit channel is already Disappeared, or already destroyed!

A few days later, Chu Feng had reached a safer place to enter the holy prison space. Even without Lan Wen's influence, his chance of death in the holy prison space was less than 3%.

"Chu Feng, Sister Wen has woken up, and she has helped you change your destiny." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, and Chu Feng entered the holy prison space without hesitation.

"Huh, still alive, not bad!"

Entering the sacred prison space, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although Lan Wen helped him, there was still a chance of his death. At this time, if he died again, Chu Feng would be depressed.

"Xian'er, let the follower find the other side, I went to the domain tower first." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng didn't have much domain tower value, but he caught the blood baby and got him 10 billion domain tower value, which is enough to support him for a long time!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. In a few hundred years, Chu Feng has already used the ten billion domain tower value.

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