Holy Prison

Chapter 2042: Keep arresting

There are nine extremely Yin and cold pools in the Land of Jiuyin. Except for one Chu Feng who has not encountered it before, and has not heard of the previous strong man who has been in the land of Jiuyin for many years, the other eight are extremely Yin. Chu Feng knew it.

The Blood Baby Cold Pool, the Death Cold Pool, the Silent Cold Pool, these are three, the Flying Cold Pool, this is the first cold pool that Chu Feng saw when he entered the land of Jiuyin.

The other four are the dark cold pool, the toxic cold pool, the flame cold pool, and the misty cold pool.

Chu Feng encountered the dark cold pool and the flame cold pool, but at that time Chu Feng was not close, and he did not say "hello" to the big people inside.

Diablo Cold Pool, the surrounding area was pitch black, and the sacred consciousness scan could not scan far in there, even the scan of the Sky Eye was greatly affected.

The flames of the cold pool, the flames above the cold pool are burning all year round. The flames are not particularly terrifying, but if they cooperate with the cold pool, they will be terrifying.

The flames above the cold pool of flames can make the temperature of the people who enter it rise extremely quickly, and if they reach the extremely cold pool, the temperature will drop extremely quickly. This heat and cold will be terrible!

The toxic cold pool and the misty cold pool Chu Feng has never encountered before. He doesn't know if these two cold pools are still in the same place now. These two cold pools can leap over. Chu Feng knows some of their conditions. It was some records left by the powerful master at the time!

In addition to these eight, there is an extremely cold and cold pool. Chu Feng only knows that there is an extremely cold and cold pool, but he doesn't know what it is like, let alone where it is!

I've been to the dark cold pool and the flame cold pool before. It is relatively easy for Chu Feng to reach these two cold pools again. One month later, after ten minions died, one minion took him to the holy prison. This side of the dark cold pool.

"It's dark, Xian'er, do you think there are powerful experts in this dark cold pool, or are there no powerful ones?" Chu Feng chuckled in the holy prison space.

Miao Xian'er grinned and said: "Then do you want to have a powerful person? Or do you want to have no powerful person?" "I want to have, but not too powerful. If you have more treasures, you'd better have more!" Chu Feng said.

"You are beautiful, you want to be beautiful!" Miao Xian'er said happily, "The place covered by darkness is relatively large, and the sky eye cannot scan into the cold lake, nor can the bomb directly go into the cold lake. Should the entourage continue to enter? "

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, say hello first! If the host welcomes you directly, there is no need to go in!"

Miao Xian'er should have a bomb appeared outside immediately. The power of the bomb was not particularly great, but it exploded in the darkness, and it must have killed some creatures, while more creatures were injured. In the dark, there was a terrifying roar!

"Boom!" "Shoo!"

Quite a few monsters rushed out of the darkness, and their eyes flashed fiercely. Fortunately, the entourage who was outside was taken into the sacred prison space by Chu Feng. Otherwise, the monsters rushed out, it is estimated that the entourage It will be torn into thousands of pieces in less than a second!

"Xian'er, go on!"

Chu Feng said, his words fell, and Miao Xian'er appeared as a bomb again. The appearance of this bomb caused more monsters to leave the darkness.

When the third bomb appeared outside, a monster had already escaped the traces of the space and entered the sacred prison space. Needless to say, it must have been imprisoned and tragedy!

The creatures in the Land of Nine Yin, the quasi-dominant-level strong are wise, and the Youhuang-level strong do not have much wisdom. They are more of a killing instinct, so it’s nothing for Chu Feng to kill them with bombs. Psychological burden, death for them, or very good, is relief!

The fifth bomb appeared, and many ghosts had entered the holy prison space and were imprisoned. Just when Miao Xian'er was about to use the sixth bomb, the ghosts that had reached the darkness all retreated into the darkness.

"Hey, there's a show!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up. In this situation, it shouldn't be that the ghosts are scared, but the ghosts have been ordered!

There are several ghosts of the Youhuang level among the ghosts that come out, and the only thing that can make them obedient can only be stronger than them, quasi-dominant!

"Chu Feng" Miao Xian'er looked at Chu Feng. Chu Feng said: "Continue to explode, but be very careful. It is estimated that guests will enter the holy prison space soon."

The sixth bomb exploded, only the roar of the ghost, no ghost entered the holy prison space, the seventh bomb exploded, and the roar of the ghost outside was gone!

There was a cold snort in a small universe in the holy prison space, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of ghosts appeared in that small space, thousands of ghosts, of which the lowest strength reached the immortal level, and most of them were immortal. Class strength, among the ghosts is a black armored knight. The black armored knight rides on a horse full of scales. There is horror from the black armored knight and the horse. Breath.

"Who is he?"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in the blood infant, Hei Qing's mind, and the image of the black armored knight and the horse also appeared in their minds.

"The dark warrior dominated by darkness. The dark warrior is riding the Black Flame Pegasus. Both the dark warrior and the Black Flame Pegasus are now quasi-dominant-level strength. Chu Feng, you seem to be in a little trouble." Hei Qing said a little gloating.

"It's a dark warrior"

Blood Infant also answered. As for Abs, Chu Feng didn't contact him at the moment.

"Who is it that actually used this method to get this seat out of the darkness?" The Black Armored Knight said, without clarifying the situation, he did not let the thousands of ghosts attack immediately.

"Little dark warrior, in front of me, claiming to be my seat?" Hei Qing's voice resounded in the space where the black armored knight was. Of course, it was not Hei Qing who was talking at this moment, but Chu Feng was simulating. His voice.

Hei Qing's words fell, another voice rang, and he smiled lightly: "Hei Qing, can the strength of the Dark Lord be improved to reach the first rank? The next dark warrior actually dares to be arrogant in front of you and me!"

This second voice is the voice of Abs. Death dominates Abs. Like the Dark Dominator, it is also the Titled Dominator, both the second-rank dominator!

When he heard the voice of Hei Qing, the dark warrior was startled, and when he heard the second voice, he quickly got down and knelt on one knee.

"Under the Dark Lord, Mokaza, the dark warrior, has seen Lord Death Lord, and Lord Heiqing!" The dark warrior felt a little frightened in his heart.

He is just a dark warrior under the Lord of Darkness, a less powerful Lord, or he is not afraid, but Lord of Death is a Lord of the same level as Lord of Darkness, and Black Engine, a third-rank Lord, is extremely powerful. powerful!

Some people may wonder, how could this dark warrior easily believe that it was Black Engine and Abs that made the sound?

This is very simple. Chu Feng got the gaugeless, and some aura from the gaugeless Chu Feng made the dark warrior sense it! The dark warrior had never thought that someone would have won the Infinite Ruler from Heiqing, the third-rank master!

"Where's the Lord of Darkness, it's not there? We wasted a few bombs, but it wasn't to lead you out, but to see if the Lord of Darkness is on this side." Chu Feng said, his voice was that of Abs at this time, listen. It was very cold and cold, making the dark warrior a little frightened.

He only heard the voices of Hei Qing and Abs, that dark warrior was not surprising, he knew that he did not have that much face to make two dominance-level powerhouses appear!

"My lord, my master is not here." The dark warrior said respectfully. "No...then you stay in this space for a while!" Chu Feng said solemnly. With a move of his mind, a space barrier appeared around the dark warrior. He and the black flamed pegasus were separated, and the rest The ghost of nature is also separated!

Mokaza frowned slightly, he didn't want to be separated from his own Black Flame Pegasus, but Hei Qing and Death Lord were so famous that he didn't dare to have any objections!

Two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, a few hundred immortal-level powerhouses, and a few hundred immortal-level powerhouses, if they are gathered together, Chu Feng is really difficult to handle. After they are separated, it will be easier to handle.

In just a short period of time, including Mokaza, all the powerhouses who just entered were sealed by Chu Feng.

"Two adults, I don't know what this means?" Mokaza's face changed greatly. "I didn't show any disrespect just now. Two adults can't do this to me!"

Both Mokaza and the others were sealed, and Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. If they went crazy collectively, the trouble would be really big!


Chu Feng appeared in front of Mokaza, holding a measuring ruler in his hand, "You" Mokaza's expression changed, "Isn't the death ruler just now and the black engine ruler speaking?"

"Congratulations, you got the right answer. Now, hand over all the treasures you have, all of them, and you have half a minute to think about it!"

"What I need to remind you is that all the things about the ruler of the black engine and the ruler of life and death have been handed over. If you think that you are better than them, you can leave it!"

When Chu Feng was speaking, a bone ring appeared on his free right hand. This bone ring belongs to Abs, the ruler of life and death!

"Where are the two adults?" Mokaza stared at Chu Feng and said solemnly.

Chu Feng waved his hand, and the space barriers on the left and right of Mokaza suddenly became one-way transparent. Through the space barrier on the left, Mokaza saw Heiqing, and through the space barrier on the right, Mokaza saw Abs.

"You are great, but you will die, you will die!" Mokaza took a deep breath and sneered. He said a space token appeared in his hand, "The thing is inside, reward you, take it! "

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