Holy Prison

Chapter 2073: base

"Chu Feng, I didn't find it" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. At this time, Tianyan had scanned for ten or twenty minutes.

If there is a discovery, it should have been there long ago. It hasn't been discovered for ten or twenty minutes. Even if the time is increased tenfold, there will be basically no discovery.

Chu Feng frowned slightly, his instinct told him that there should be something wrong with Nikas, but Tianyan didn't notice anything!

"Is my intuition wrong?" Chu Feng secretly asked, he asked himself, and soon he denied this idea of ​​his own, and he believed in his own intuition!

But even if he believed in his own intuition and didn't find anything, Chu Feng knew that he had to put Nikas out of intuition. Sometimes it was not so correct. He caught Nikas just because of his instinct. This is too overbearing, something that is not Chu Feng's style.

"Chu Feng, is it all right?" Nikass smiled slightly, "I am not parasitized. Don't you give me a result that I was parasitized."

"You are not parasitized, well, Nikas, you can go out now, sorry." Chu Feng said, he and Nikas appeared outside in an instant.

"Chu Feng, it's nice to meet you, I think we will meet again." Nikasi smiled, she disappeared in the blink of an eye after saying a word, leaving only a faint fragrance.


The Nether Warlord appeared next to Chu Feng, "Boss, it's just over ten minutes. Is this duration too short? I know a good doctor for that."

The next words Nether Warlord did not go on, because Chu Feng was staring at him viciously at this time. When the Nether Warlord, when he was not familiar with him, he thought he was a very indifferent and arrogant person. After that, he made such jokes.

"Ah...Boss, I won't tell you anything that only lasts more than ten minutes." Nether Warlord said with a smile. "Shut up!" Chu Feng shouted.

The Nether Warlord kept silent, but seeing the expression in his eyes and expression, he seemed to be saying: Boss, don't you want to kill someone?

"Netherworld, would you like to take a closer look at the heart of death?" Chu Feng said, and he approached the heart of death, and soon he was only a thousand meters away from the heart of death.

One kilometer, this one has been reached by a lot of people, and it has been proved to be a relatively safe distance. If you get closer, it will be very dangerous.

Chu Feng transmitted sound to the death heart. When he returned here last time, the sound transmission death heart did not respond. This time Chu Feng wanted to see if a miracle would happen.

As expected, miracles are not so easy to appear, Chu Feng transmitted the sound, but the heart of death did not respond at all. "Lin Kong, Lin Shi, be careful." Chu Feng sent the message to Lin Kong and Lin Shi.

Space and time, these are the two most powerful laws. Combining space and time, Chu Feng's fear of death is much smaller than before.

After confessing to Lin Kong and Lin Shi, Chu Feng slowly approached the Heart of Death, and the Nether Warlord reached a kilometer away from the Heart of Death, but then he dared not move forward.

Nine hundred, eight hundred, seven hundred.

The distance between Chu Feng and the Heart of Death was constantly shortening, and the effect of Tianshou would be greatly reduced if they were far apart. If Chu Feng were closer, Tianshou might be able to directly put the Heart of Death into the sacred prison space!

"Chu Feng, it's near danger!" Miao Xian'er's worried voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Don't worry, even if it is a quasi-dominant power, it is impossible to kill me with a single blow. I can't die in a single blow, don't I know how to escape?" Chu Feng said, such a risk, it is still possible A little bit.

If the Heart of Death is taken by someone else, then the mission will fail when the mission time is up. Failure will deduct a lot of merit points, and if you win, you will get a lot.

As you come and go, there is a big difference in battle points and domain tower values!

The speed of Chu Feng's advancement was not very fast, but it was not very slow either. A few minutes later, Chu Feng was only about ten meters away from the heart of death.

With a movement of his mind, Chu Feng made the Heavenly Hand appear outside. In Chu Feng’s eyes, the golden Heavenly Hand had terrifying power and caught the Death Heart. This time, the Heaven Hand did not immediately disappear, but the Death Heart did not move. , In the past two seconds, Tianshou turned into nothingness in front of Chu Feng!

"Chu Feng, withdraw!" Miao Xian'er persuaded. "Wait a moment." Chu Feng said as he quickly improved his mood. This time, he was lucky. One minute later, Chu Feng's mood was successfully raised to the fourth level of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth.


Chu Feng immediately let his mind spread to the heart of death, "Huh?" Chu Feng frowned as soon as he touched the heart of death, and immediately wanted to take it back, but he didn't succeed and died. At this time, the heart exuded a powerful devouring force, and it had only one target to devour, and that was Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng's eyes were still clear for the first one or two seconds, and soon his eyes became a little dangling. At this moment, most of his mind was absorbed in the heart of death.

"Chu Feng, wake up, you wake me up!" Miao Xian'er yelled in Chu Feng's mind, but Chu Feng didn't seem to hear him, and his steps moved towards the heart of death. .

The distance of ten meters is very short. Even if Chu Feng takes a step in two or three seconds, the distance of ten meters will be completed in less than a minute. At this moment, Feng Bingning and the others in the sacred prison space woke up.

"Cause, 100%." ​​Lan Wen said blankly.

Feng Bingning said anxiously: "Sister Wen, what do you mean? What disaster is 100%?" Lan Wen took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Sister Bing Ning, we can only see that there is nothing we can do to help. Hundred, it shows that the current situation cannot be changed. Brother Feng will definitely suffer some catastrophe."

"Lan Wen, what's next? Is Chu Feng in danger?" Yilian said.

Lan Wen shook her head: "I don't know, Brother Feng's fate is hard to calculate. The nearest one can be counted a little bit, and the farther ones can't be counted at all."

Miao Fei doubted: "Xian'er, or use the holy prison heavy artillery to attack the heart of death? Maybe it can be broken with violence." "No." Feng Bingning and Yin Qianqian said in unison.

"Feiying, this may cause Chu Feng to die." Yin Qianqian said.

Feng Bingning and the others quickly discussed that when Chu Feng's hand was grabbing towards the heart of death, a follower appeared outside and wanted to pull Chu Feng back, but that follower died instantly.

The dead entourage was an immortal level cultivation base. Just after he died, a Tianwei who had no innate treasure appeared outside. When he appeared, he was lost in the same way as Chu Feng, and he was lost in an instant!

"Don't let people go out, it might be counterproductive." Feng Bing said solemnly, and Chu Feng's hand grasped towards the heart of death. At the same time, the hand of the sky hand that appeared outside was also towards the heart of death. Caught it.

Chu Feng's hand and Tianwei's hand finally touched the heart of death, as if they had never been there at all, and their figures disappeared silently.

The Nether Warlord yelled, and the eyes of a large number of strong men on this side were wide open at this time, "Chu Feng is not dead, he is included by the heart of death. Maybe if you want to control the heart of death, you must first Enter a special space. If Chu Feng can enter, we certainly can, and we may also get the heart of death."

"Chong, if you get the heart of death, then the treasure will be in your hand and give orders to the world, who dares not be obedient? Whoever is not obedient, let who die!"

In the crowd, many people yelled out, many people rushed towards the heart of death, and all of them disappeared when their hands touched the heart of death.


Seeing the situation before, more people from behind rushed over, most of them have the strength of high-level saints, but some have only the strength of upper saints, middle saints or even lower saints!

From a distance, the two women looked at each other with satisfied smiles, "Catherine, Chu Feng has already entered the base, he figured it out, the chance is slim, you can act, in the shortest time, control the entire underworld. When you provide me with things that are satisfactory, I will also satisfy you."

The one who was talking was a stunning woman, and if Chu Feng were here, she would definitely recognize that the stunning woman was Nikas who had just met before.

"Nikas, you have to agree to some of your other conditions at that time. Also, I don't want to see Chu Feng again. You say'the odds are slim', but what I hope is that it's impossible." Catherine said in a deep voice.

Nikas said with a chuckle: "Catherine, in fact, Chu Feng treats you pretty well, you don't feel a little guilty in dealing with him like this?" "So what? I want to be the master. Goodbye, Nikas, hope you There was good news that Chu Feng had died earlier." Catherine said solemnly.

"Entering that place, Chu Feng still figured it out? Impossible." Nikas thought to himself, thinking of that place, Nikas' eyes showed a little panic.

A crisp voice sounded, and Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes. In front of him was a bald man. He felt the burning pain on his face, and Chu Feng's eyes instantly became sharp.

Slap, the two sounds just now were actually the sound of two slaps, and he was slapped by someone else. Needless to say, the bald head in front of him was slapped.

Chu Feng slapped a palm to the chest of the bald man in front of him in an instant. With this palm, Chu Feng immediately discovered something was wrong, his speed was countless times slower than his usual speed!

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