Holy Prison

Chapter 2075: Sorrowful Lord

"The difficulty is that there are some difficulties. If you want to leave, don't think about it. Do you think you are the only one who wants to leave?" Zhong Tao said lazily, "Brother, listen to my persuasion, when you get to this place, be obedient. Otherwise, just With your strength, I don’t think you’ll be able to survive ten days, and we will have a mission tomorrow."

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Is there a mission?"

Zhong Tao took out a biscuit-like thing and took a bite: "If you don't have a mission? It's okay, but in that case, you will starve to death in about ten days."

"Brother, this place is called the base of heaven. Do you really think this place is heaven? This place, that is a complete hell, you are unlucky if you come in." Zhong Tao said.

At this time, Bi Feng, a young man in his twenties, opened his eyes again and said indifferently: "The newcomer takes care of it. This is a tradition. You can bring something to Chu Feng."

"Brother Feng, thank you very much. I'm not hungry." Chu Feng said. He didn't want to accept people's things casually. Favors are easy to owe, but difficult to return!

Bi Fang stared at Chu Feng's eyes and whispered, "You will be hungry in less than a day. I don't want to be hungry when you go out on a task. It will hurt us!"

"Since you have appeared in our team, you can die. I just came to die because I was hungry.

"Chu Feng, take it!" Zhong Tao threw a bag of biscuits, and the rest of the people also lost some things to Chu Feng, even Zhang Long who beat Chu Feng in the first place, but Chu Feng looked like him. Not very willing even though he gave only a packet of biscuits, and only a small packet of biscuits, you can swallow it in one bite or two.

Chu Feng looked at the things on the table in front of him. There were two bottles of water, three bags of biscuits, and one small bag of candies. Such a little thing could be bought for more than ten yuan in the Mortal Realm, but what he gave him was There are five strong men at the holy-sovereign level, and some of these five holy-level powerhouses still have reluctance in their eyes.

"Crazy crazy"

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, either he is crazy, or this world is crazy. When will the power of the saintly rank be so poor that even beggars can't compare with him?

Bi Feng and the others looked at Chu Feng with interest, "Well, when we first came here, it was probably like this bird, it's incredible, it's incredible." Cardi had made fun of Chu Feng deliberately, but said. Speaking with emotion, Chu Feng is miserable now, and they are not much better now!

"Zhong Tao, you can talk to Chu Feng about the task." Bi Feng said quietly. He closed his eyes and practiced after he said this. He should hurry up to practice every minute. This is probably his strength. Tao is one of the strongest reasons among them!

"Yes, boss."

Zhong Tao beckoned as he said, Chu Feng approached a little and sat down in front of Zhong Tao, Zhong Tao shook his head and said; "I really don't know why you entered this place, Chu Feng, how high is your cultivation level? "

"The third level is immortal." Chu Feng said truthfully.

Zhong Tao exclaimed, Bi Fang, who had just practiced, moved slightly, but he still did not open his eyes. "You, I said, brother, what big man have you offended?" Zhong Tao said helplessly: "If you have a level 6 or 7 immortal cultivation base, it is still possible to survive. If level 3 is immortal, it is estimated that you will be tomorrow. died!"

Chu Feng frowned. He didn't really like to hear Zhong Tao's words, but he was a newcomer who didn't know anything about it, so he didn't refute anything.

"Brother, don't blame Brother for saying bad words. The tasks here are not so easy to complete, and the difficulty will not be reduced because of your low strength. We are often in danger now when we get through. If you say, I guess you can be a C-level. Or D-class danger can leave you dead without a place to bury you." Zhong Tao shook his head slightly.

Chu Feng Yuguang paid attention to the situation of the rest of the people. After knowing that he was only a third-level immortal cultivation base, Zhang Long's eyes flashed a hint of joy, a little smile appeared on Cardi's face, and Zhao Ling showed a little sympathy. He immediately returned to his indifference. As for Bi Fang, his eyes did not open, and his face did not change much.

"Brother Zhong, I don't know what kind of tasks are they, and what is the level of danger?" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao said: "Our mission is to go to the Lost Worlds one by one. The danger level is divided into seven levels, the highest is level S, and the descending order is A, B, C, D, E, F. E, F. It is a small danger. The dangers of C and D are the dangers of serious injury, and the dangers of A and B are the dangers of death!"

"But for you, you have to drop a level. The dangers of E and F levels may cause you serious injury, and the dangers of C and D levels may cause you to die." Zhong Tao said.

"What is the Lost World?" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao said: "The saint is the ruler, do you know this one? All rulers own the world. Some rulers die, but their world will not be destroyed for some reasons. Those worlds are called lost worlds. Lost worlds are dangerous. Layers, but there are many treasures in it. Our goal is to get the treasures in the lost world."

"What about after you get the baby?" Chu Feng said, "Since there is a baby, there should be food or something? Why don't you get some food? You should have both food and drink."

A cold light flashed in Zhong Tao's eyes: "The treasures we get must be handed in. The manager of our paradise base is a master who dominates. All the treasures we get must be handed over. We exchange the treasures for points, and then We exchange points for food. No one can hide treasures privately without being known. We use our lives to exchange a little bit of poor food."

"The role of points is still good. If you have enough points, you can redeem them for things that can improve your cultivation base. You can quickly upgrade your own cultivation base. You can buy houses in the base, and you can have women in the base. You can exchange points for a chance to leave, but it takes a full 100 million points to leave!"

"We are a little bit reluctant for this small package of biscuits, Chu Feng, do you know how many points are needed for the package of biscuits I gave you? Ten points are needed, and we get a treasure of innate. If we sell it, we can only get Thousands of points, we have a mission, very rarely when we get a thousand points!" Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng was shocked, this is really more Zhou Pei Pi than Zhou Pei Pi, an innate treasure, can only be exchanged for one thousand points, can only be exchanged for a hundred bags of biscuits!

If the biscuits have any special effects, that's all, but they only have the effects of ordinary biscuits!

"Brother Zhong, do you have to stay in the base for a period of time if you leave the base for a while?" Chu Feng said, "If you leave the base for a mission, you should be able to eat whatever you want?"

"After you leave, you can only eat what you have exchanged in the base. If you find something privately hidden, you will be executed immediately, because there are not a few people who have been executed!" Zhong Tao said, "Some people rely on their ability to steal. Hidden something, but in it, it is easy to be discovered. The strength of the guards inside is much stronger than ours!"

"If you can join the guard, then you can live a little easier, but the guard is not so easy to enter, even if you want to enter the guard with the strength of the boss, it is almost a bit."

Chu Feng thought about it. He originally thought this was a base created by a master. Now it seems that it may only be a base created by a master-level power. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there will be support from the master behind.

"Brother Zhong, the Lost World, why don't those who dominate the world enter it by themselves? Wouldn't it be more convenient to search for things if they entered by themselves?" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao whispered: "Because even a strong master at the dominance level may die if it enters it. Moreover, let us enter. We act again and again, and we will accompany death again and again. It is possible to break through and become a master! The strong, I heard that this is the main significance of the existence of these bases, but I think it has changed a little now."

"Zhong Tao, I want to live a few more years and talk less." Bi Feng said quietly, "Chu Feng, what you heard today, if you leave here, you must not tell anyone to know, otherwise I will kill you by myself."

Chu Feng nodded slightly. In this situation, he didn't want to make trouble.

Zhong Tao sighed and made a cigarette and smoked with a little excitement. The powerhouses of the dignified sage level fell to such a point, and what supported them to survive was only the hope of breaking through the dominance.

The rest of the people did not speak, and Chu Feng did not speak either. He closed his eyes and carefully checked his situation. After half an hour, Chu Feng finally had a detailed understanding of his current situation.

"Cheating, too cheating." Chu Feng felt helpless. Now his physical condition is a bit too bad, but there is one thing that Chu Feng is more pleased. The heart of time and the heart of space can be used even on this side, but is his ability? , That's a huge discount.

Before Zhang Long shot, Chu Feng estimated that after he was familiar with it, even if he couldn't beat Zhang Long, he should be able to fight for some time, but with Bi Feng, Chu Feng estimated that he would not be able to fight him for ten seconds now. . In terms of cultivation base, Chu Feng suffered too much, and now he is only a third-level immortal cultivation base!

If you are outside, Chu Feng, a Saint-level powerhouse, is not at all shocked, even if the power of a Saint-level powerhouse is much higher than him, but the Holy Prison cannot be used here, Chu Feng's power is greatly weakened!

"You can't use the Holy Prison, either! It's okay! I have always relied on the Holy Prison too much. If I always rely on the Holy Prison, I am afraid that there is not much possibility to become a dominant power." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He calmed down in embarrassment, and he was at ease when he came. He didn't believe that without the help of the holy prison, he couldn't live in it!

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