Holy Prison

Chapter 2078: Bone Demon World

Within a minute, Chu Feng and Bi Feng rushed to the second channel. When they got here, Chu Feng found that there were already twenty people here, and there were teams rushing over.

"Boss Bi, gain more Doha this time!"

"Boss Bi, come back this time and take a gamble?"

Quite a few people greeted Chu Feng and others. To be more precise, they greeted Bi Feng in the team of Chu Feng and others. Zhong Tao and others also greeted them, but few greeted them. Among Chu Feng's team, the one who could get it right was Bi Feng.

Chu Feng knew from Zhong Tao that the Paradise Base has a strength ranking list. The entire base has 100,000 people, and the strength ranking list is only 1,000. Those who reach the top have some benefits. Chu Feng and his team also Not bad, two people entered the ranking, Bi Feng ranked about 200, and Zhao Ling ranked at the end.

"There are a lot of people, and Ge is also here. It seems that it is not easy for our Sirius team to get something good." A somewhat cold voice rang.

Chu Feng looked in the direction where the voice came from. The one who had just spoken was a young man who looked a little thin. Seeing a group of them approaching, the voices of some people who were talking louder before were much smaller.

"Remnant Wolf, I didn't expect your team to pass too." Bi Feng said calmly. "Heh... I heard that the bone demon world has collapsed a lot. Maybe something good will appear. Let's join in the fun." The remnant wolf in Bi Feng's mouth said and his eyes fell on Chu Feng, "Bi Feng, I heard that Once one person died in your team, it seemed to be a waste, what a pity, haha!"

A cold light flashed in the depths of Chu Feng's eyes. Many people here are really welcome! However, this is also very normal. One by one, the saint-level powerhouses have fallen into such a place, and the gap in their hearts must be huge. After staying in such a place for a long time, it is impossible to think that no change is possible!

Strong and weak, this is actually relative. In other places, everyone here can maintain the mentality of the strong, but in such a place, maintaining the mentality of the strong is not easy; in such a place, generally The saint-level powerhouse is not a powerhouse at all, it belongs to the pride of the powerhouse, and it is basically worn out after staying in this place for a long time!

Like Can Wolf, in Chu Feng's eyes, he is not much different from a bullshit. The environment can slowly affect a person from the inside out.

"Hope I don't become such a person." Chu Feng was secretly wary in his heart, if he is changed by the environment like that, it would be a delusion to become a dominant power!

"Can Wolf, you ate **** and didn't wash your mouth?" Bi Feng said flatly. Can Wolf was taken aback for a moment and then furious: "Bi Feng, do you have something to say?"

Can Wolf really didn't expect Bi Feng to stand up for a rookie like Chu Feng!

Bi Feng ranks about two hundred in strength, and Can Wolf ranks about 200 in the strength list, and even Can Wolf ranks a little higher, but many people are more optimistic about Bi Feng because his strength is slowing down. The earth is rising, and the strength of the remnant wolf has basically stopped now!

Chu Feng glanced at Bi Feng, he didn't expect Bi Feng to stand up for him at this time, even if he was from this team, he and Bi Feng had no friendship now.

"In this case, someone actually wants to hear it twice. I said, you ate **** and didn't wash your mouth?" Bi Feng sneered. This time, he was not all helping Chu Feng. He and Can Wolf have always been They didn't look so pleasingly to each other, and they fought more than once in the base, and the two basically drew a tie.

"You're looking for death!" The brutal wolf invaded Bi Feng in an instant with a fierce anger, and he handed it out with a paw, but it did not fall on Bi Feng.

A silver armor warrior appeared in front of the remnant wolf. The hand that the remnant wolf stretched out was directly grabbed by the wrist by that silver armor warrior!


As soon as the silver armor warrior waved his hand, the remnant wolf was immediately thrown by him twenty or thirty meters and hit the wall heavily, "Remnant wolf, warn once, if there is another one, one thousand points will be deducted." The silver armor warrior was faint. typical.

"Yes!" The cannibal wolf just saw fierce flames, but when meeting this silver armored warrior, it was as if a mouse had seen a cat.

Chu Feng looked at the silver armored warrior with a little shock in his heart. Judging from the silver armored warrior's speed, the silver armored warrior might already have a quasi-dominant level of cultivation!

"Is this a member of the guards of the Paradise Base? It's really amazing!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he made up his mind, it is better to keep a low profile before improving his strength, otherwise, even if there is Bi Fengcan The strength of a wolf will be easily taken care of by those guards!

Of course, not all members of the guard have the silver armor warrior who has just shot. The weaker guard members are not much better than Bi Feng.

"The time is up, you are ready." The silver armor warrior said indifferently, "Different teams, standing in different apertures, I don't care if you fight inside, but you'd better not kill each other and damage the base. Benefits, otherwise it will be found out, and you will not have good fruit when you come back."

Chu Feng glanced at it. At this time, there were a total of forty-four people on this side, a total of seven teams, two of which had seven people, and the remaining five teams had only six people.

A team, as long as it pays a certain amount of points, can increase its own maximum number of teams, so a team of seven is not necessarily better than a team of six.

"Ten seconds countdown!" The silver armor warrior said faintly, his voice fell to Chu Feng and the circular channel where they were located immediately rang with a sweet female voice.

Counting down to zero, the circular channel exudes a bright light, and Chu Feng and the forty-four people disappeared.

As if it was only a moment, and as if decades had passed, Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and all six of them fell on the ground.

With a crisp sound, Chu Feng moved his foot away. There was a bone under his foot. This bone could not bear his weight and broke in two under his foot.

"Guilty, sin." Chu Feng said silently in his heart, the bone looked like a human. "Xian'er." The other Chu Feng contacted Miao Xian'er for a while.

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, but the voice seemed to be coming from the horizon, and it didn't sound too clear. "Xian'er, what's your situation? Can the holy prison heavy artillery be used, Tianwei's follower Can I appear outside, can I enter the holy prison space? Can things outside enter the holy prison, and can the things in the holy prison come out?" Chu Feng's question came out immediately.

"Chu Feng, contact now and consume your kindness range tower value, you can take a look." Miao Xianer said, Chu Feng quickly checked his own data, and when he looked at it, the kindness value still had a range. The tower value suddenly dropped a lot, "Chu Feng, our situation is okay, we are all training. The holy prison heavy artillery can be used now, but its power will be greatly reduced. If the Tianwei entourage appears outside, it will die. The chance is 80%."

"If you enter the holy prison space, the chance of death is 70%, and if you leave the holy prison space, the chance of death is also 60%!"

"It is estimated that things from outside will consume a lot of domain tower value when entering the holy prison. The worse the treasure, the higher the probability of damage. The innate treasure, the damage rate is about 50%, and the damage rate of the master device is very low. If the things in it appear outside, there is also a chance of damage. The chance of damage to the innate treasure is about 20%." Miao Xianer said.

Miao Xian'er's voice is not too clear, but Chu Feng can still hear clearly, "Xian'er, it consumes a lot of kindness range tower value." Chu Feng said in his mind, he said he tried divine consciousness Entering the sacred prison space, as expected, the divine consciousness still cannot enter the sacred prison space as before.

"Yes, Chu Feng, do you need anything? If you don't need it, let's not talk about it, otherwise you won't have a domain tower value to contact us!" Miao Xianer said.

"No need, good!"

Miao Xian'er’s words surprised Chu Feng slightly. Although there are still a lot of domain tower values, God knows how long to stay in this place. If you can’t receive any missions and you can’t get domain tower values, you can only When he can't get in or out, his domain tower values ​​won't last long!

I had a lot of chats with Miao Xian'er, but two or three seconds passed. At this moment, Bi Feng and the others were checking the surroundings and didn't notice Chu Feng's slight loss of consciousness.

"Bige, the universe owned by the Domination-level powerhouse should be huge? If we are searching in such a universe, how long will we spend this trip with us if we want to find a good treasure?" Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng said indifferently: "We have been teleported to this side. There is a greater possibility of treasures on this side. At least 30% of the probability is that there are treasures, but there are also good or bad treasures. The chances are higher, and the chances of getting top-notch babies are smaller!"

"As for going back, the longest time for each mission is one hundred years. Within one hundred years, as long as you want to go back, you can do it any time!"

"In my heart, we can return to the base of the paradise silently, but we are a team. If I did not say to return, it is strictly forbidden to return without permission.

"Of course, if there are special circumstances, private return is allowed, but if it is found that there are no special circumstances, it will be severely punished."

Zhang Long said, "Boss, Zhong Tao didn't seem to have any questions about the distribution of treasures with Chu Feng before. Would you like to add? Otherwise, if Chu Feng gets a great treasure, it would be no good for us to take advantage of him."

This is a bit weird, Zhang Long said. He still has opinions on Chu Feng. Chu Feng’s kick was too cruel before, but he didn’t want to think about it, if it wasn’t for him to bully the newcomer with his prestige. , How could Chu Feng deal with him?

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