Holy Prison

Chapter 2084: Save people, return

"Can Wolf, killing Zhao Ling will not do you any good, but there are a lot of disadvantages. It's good to have this good. This thing can also be exchanged for a bag of biscuits." Bi Feng said flatly.

Can Wolf sneered: "If this is the case, then there is no need for Zhao Ling to live. I will kill in front of you. I will give you ten seconds to consider again!"

"Ten, nine, eight" A little brother of Can Wolf unhurriedly counted, with a smile on his face, his side now has the upper hand!

"Zero!" The little brother counted to zero, but Bi Feng still did not speak, Can Wolf's face suddenly became ugly, "Bi Feng, you are cruel, such an ugly ghost, it's okay to die!" Can Wolf said. The right paw was messed up with the scarlet color, one paw down, Zhao Ling, who was imprisoned by power, had to die!


Chu Feng said, he said that a small knife appeared in his hand. Although the small knife was only a little bit, there was a solemn aura from it.

"The treasure!" Can Lang's eyes light up. The knife that Bi Feng threw on the ground before is only worth a few points, and the innate treasure that Chu Feng took out is worth at least a thousand points!

It is rare for a team like Canwolves to perform a mission and get a thousand points. This innate treasure is very attractive to Canwolves!

"I will give you things and people will come back." Chu Feng said solemnly. If there hadn't been Zhao Ling's words before, Chu Feng would not have come out.

But with Zhao Ling's words, it is different. Chu Feng's principle is that others' good will be paid back twice, and the evil of others will also be returned twice!

"Hey, my little brother is good, I have a vision!" The Cannibal Wolf said with a smile, "Good luck, I actually got a treasure, my little brother, although Zhao Ling's length is a little short, but his body is still good, you are a deal No loss or loss. Since my little brother has such sincerity, I am not a greedy person."

"You let things fly towards me, and I also let Zhao Ling fly towards you."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and Bi Feng and the others were silent, but they all took out their weapons. As long as the remnant wolf and the others engage in ghosts, a fierce battle will be inevitable.

Without such an accident, I would definitely dare to kill Zhao Ling Can Wolf in private, but in the face of many people on Chu Feng's side, Can Wolf had stepped down but did not want to kill. If you kill, it would damage the interests of the base. There is really no good fruit to eat when I go back!

Zhao Ling said softly, Chu Feng nodded slightly and said nothing, "Boss Bi, then we will withdraw first, you talk slowly, hahaha!" Can Lang laughed and said, in the confrontation with Bi Feng, I haven't taken much advantage before. This time I can take advantage of such a big advantage.

"Is my stuff so good?" Chu Feng looked at the distant figure of the Can Wolf, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "If you eat a baby, you will spit it out ten times a hundred times!"

Bi Feng swept Chu Feng and Zhao Ling said in a low voice: "The time has passed for ninety years. It takes a lot of time to untie the seal on Zhao Ling. I haven't got much in the last ten years. If you don't get much, let's go back!"

"Then go back, don't we have worked hard for decades, but died in it in the end." Cardi said with a light smile. He was in a good mood at the moment. This time he got here, and the harvest was still very good.

Bi Feng and the others, the natural gains will not be so bad, as for Chu Feng, his harvest this time, I guess Bi Feng and the others will not believe it!

No one had any opinion, Chu Feng and the others were silently returning to the bitter ground. After more than ten seconds passed, their figures had disappeared in the world of bone demon!

The place of return is still the second channel, but the departure channel that is not the second channel is the return channel of the second channel, and the two are not far apart.

"Boss Bi, you're back, how did you get this trip?"

"What's the matter with Sister Ling, it looks like something is wrong!"

"Boss Bi, it's a pity that we are leaving. When we come back, we will gamble together, haha!"

Quite a few people greeted him, and Bi Feng just nodded slightly. His strength ranked about two hundred in the heaven base. There were 100,000 people in the heaven base. It is normal for many people to be close to him.

As for Chu Feng, at this moment, it is good to ignore Chu Feng. If you meet some people, you have to laugh at it!

"Chu Feng, remember, after returning to the base, you must go to the exchange center to redeem all the things you get into points within ten minutes. If you want to keep a certain thing, you can only use the points to buy it after redeeming it! There are still relatively big discounts when you buy things," Bi Feng said quietly.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and the five people immediately walked towards the exchange center. The exchange center of the heaven base was next to the tower where Chu Feng and the others were located.

The exchange center is relatively large, and there are many people coming and going here, most of them come to use their points to exchange for other things, for example, the resurrection pills are exchanged here!

Chu Feng and the others came to the area where the treasures were exchanged for points. There were also a lot of people in this area, but in comparison, there were fewer people on this side.

"Let's go, Exchange Hall No. 88."

Bi Feng took a number, and soon Chu Feng and the others arrived at the exchange hall on the 88th. There are a hundred exchange halls like this. There are one hundred exchange halls in every one hundred exchange halls. Accommodate 10,000 exchanges.

I heard Zhong Tao said that there used to be 300,000 people in the Paradise Base. At that time, even 10,000 exchange rooms sometimes needed to line up. Now there are only 100,000 people in the Paradise Base. There are 10,000 exchange rooms. There is a chance of queuing. The odds of winning the jackpot are lower than buying the lottery!

"The lost crystal we got together before, after the exchange, I will transfer the points to you when I go back." Bi Feng said that he was the first one to enter an exchange room, the whole exchange hall on the 88th, most All exchange rooms are empty.

"Go in first." Cardi smiled lightly, as he said and entered another exchange room. "Chu Feng, after redeeming the points, how many gambling will be there?" Zhong Tao said with a smile, as he said that the third one entered the exchange room.

Chu Feng was about to enter an exchange room, Zhao Ling's voice rang, Chu Feng turned his head, and there was an innate treasure in Zhao Ling's hand. It gave Chu Feng the feeling that this inborn treasure was no better than before. The one given is the innate treasure, "Chu Feng, thank you before, you have to earn money for this."

"Perhaps if I don't get ahead, you will lose less." Chu Feng said. Zhao Ling threw the innate treasure over, and Chu Feng put away the innate treasure without being polite.

"I know that the remnant wolf is truly murderous."

Zhao Ling said that he entered the exchange room before Chu Feng. At the time, the murderous intent of the remnant wolf was hidden. Zhao Ling felt it, Chu Feng felt it, but Bi Feng and the others did not feel it. .

"How many points can there be?"

Chu Feng didn't think much about Zhao Ling's affairs. He muttered in his heart. Chu Feng immediately entered an empty exchange room. The door of the exchange room was closed. Unless he said it himself, it is basically impossible for others to know that he has How many points.

"Student SA5032, please take out all the things you get in turn." An old man appeared behind a desk in the exchange room.

Chu Feng looked at it, and the exchange room was only thirty or forty square meters. The old man shouldn't be a real life but an intelligent life, but in this room, he was not much different from the real life.

"Can you sit?" Chu Feng asked, but before the old man could answer, he sat down opposite the old man. "It takes a long time to take them out one by one." Chu Feng said as he took off a space ring in his hand and placed it on the table in front of him. The space ring contained all his gains this time!

"The old man's identification is quick, and it doesn't take much time to take them one by one." The old man glared at Chu Feng, but the next moment his eyes straightened.

Generally, the people who come to exchange don't have much at all, but there are definitely not a few things in the Chu Feng spatial ring!

Chu Feng didn’t get the thing of Domination, but Chu Feng, the lost crystal, got a hundred pieces, and Chu Feng got a dozen pieces of supreme treasure. In addition, there are a lot of innate supreme and lower things, and those things are valuable. It's a lot lower, but if the number is large, you can get a lot of points.

"It's a good guy, he actually got so many things. Young guy, are you interested in looking for the old man to appraise him? Mr. Ouyang Ming, if you keep going here for the appraisal in the future, he can give you a five percent discount!" Chu Feng The old man on the opposite side smiled honestly.

A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes: "There are many identifications, is this good for you?" "Not big, but it has a little bit of benefit." Ouyang Ming pretended not to care about it, but his ability to deceive was bad. One point, Chu Feng's feeling became more acute, and Chu Feng estimated that it was not only a small benefit.

"Five percent, too little. I think I should change to another person this time. This should not violate the regulations? Ouyang, goodbye!" Chu Feng grabbed his space ring and stood up.

"Don't, what do you call my brother?" Ouyang Ming said quickly. Chu Feng said quietly: "No name, I'm student SA5062, I have to go, goodbye."

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