Holy Prison

Chapter 2109: Fair price

"With treasures, it is really very different from not having treasures." In the room, Chu Feng showed a smile on his face, accelerated by 10,000 times, and in a little over three years, Chu Feng's cultivation was successfully changed from five to five. The level of immortality has been upgraded to the sixth level of immortality!

The hand stretched out, and a Kodopan gem that Chu Feng bought before he thought of it appeared in his hand, "I don't know if Bi Ge and the others have received the Kodopan gem." Chu Feng murmured again to say that Kodopan. The gems were temporarily put away. If Bi Feng and the others found that the Kodopan gems had not yet been obtained, having such a Kodopan gem in their hands should be able to hold down a lot of prices.

The door opened, and Chu Feng arrived downstairs. Only Zhao Ling was in the large living room downstairs. "Zhao Ling, where are Bi Ge and others? Kodopan Gems, I don't know if there is any news?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Yes." Zhao Ling nodded, "The other party has asked Bi Ge and the others to go out. This is the third time that the other party has asked Bi Ge and the others to discuss the price!"

"Didn't agree?" Chu Feng said.

There was a trace of anger on Zhao Ling's face: "Well, the other party's offer is too outrageous. He actually offered 3 million points. This is simply robbery!"

"Three million!" Chu Feng frowned. If it were only two million, he would definitely buy it. But now that three million, Chu Feng might not buy it. Although he still has three million points, Buying a Cordopan gem for three million is too "two"!

Kodopan gems are expensive, but they were sold for 1.8 million before. Now two million are considered high prices. There is not much inflation in this paradise base.

"Zhao Ling, thank you for your help." Chu Feng said. There was a little smile on Zhao Ling's face: "Chu Feng, what you said has been out of the ordinary. If it wasn't you who was in the lead, we were the one who was beaten badly in the end."

"Zhao Ling, you really should smile more, it's pretty good-looking." Chu Feng smiled, and he walked toward the outside of the villa, "Zhao Ling, I'll go out to see Big Brother and the others, do you want to look at them together? Look?"

"Do you know where it is?" Zhao Ling said as she walked towards Chu Feng. "Don't know, don't you lead the way? Haha!" Chu Feng laughed.

"2.5 million points, nothing less!" A teahouse in the paradise base changed its appearance, changed its own breath Zhang Long firmly.

"I went from three million to 2.5 million. This is already a huge concession. If you don't want it, then I have kept my Kodopan gems!" Zhang Long said, he had a heart at this moment. A little bit nervous, he only has a few thousand points now, and these thousand points are still borrowed. There are no points before. Zhang Long asked someone to borrow 10,000 points. With his current quasi-dominant level of strength, he borrowed 10,000 points. Not too difficult.

At first Zhang Long didn't want to sell Chu Feng's Kodopan gemstones. Later, he figured out that if he didn't sell it to Chu Feng, it would take him a very long time.

And even if Chu Feng got it, even if Chu Feng reached the 9th level of immortal cultivation base by then, there was still a big gap between his own quasi-dominant level strength. Zhang Long didn’t know Chu Feng’s current strength. During the previous melee, Chu Feng first exploded with strong combat power, but it was Yin Ming's own blade storm. Although he also shot later, he hid a lot of strength.

Without knowing Chu Feng's strength, Zhang Long was naturally not afraid of Chu Feng's growth. If he knew Chu Feng's current strength, then he would definitely not give out the Kodopan gem.

"Brother Wang, 2.5 million, the price is too high, you must know that the previous transaction price was only 1.8 million!" Bi Feng shook his head.

Chu Feng needed a Cordopan gemstone. After more than three years passed, Bi Feng and the others also met such a gemstone. They naturally wanted to talk about this Cordopan gemstone, but the seller in front of him had that attitude. It was very tough, and after a lot of grinding, the price dropped from the initial three million to 2.5 million.

"Two and five million, one point cannot be less." Zhang Long said solemnly.

Chu Feng’s laughter came to Bi Feng and the others at this time, “If you can’t lose one point, then the friend will keep it and go back and play by yourself.” Chu Feng and Zhao Ling appeared at Bi Feng and the others. before.

"Bi Ge, I have worked hard for you, but don’t talk about it. Not long after you left, one person found Zhao Ling. He received 1.5 million points and received one." Chu Feng said with a chuckle. The Cordopan gem obtained by Ouyang Ming appeared in his hand, "A Cordopan gem, it's fine!"

"Who sold it to you? I've asked, no one else owns the Kodopan gem." Zhang Long looked at the Kodopan gem in Chu Feng's hand in shock.

He owns the Kodopan Gem, and Zhang Long can of course tell that the Kodopan Gem in Chu Feng's hands is definitely not a fake.

"My friend, you can't control where things come from." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Bige, let's go, invite you to drink. This friend, take it easy!"

"Two million, two million points. Take my Kodopan gem." Zhang Long said in a deep voice. Chu Feng's heart moved. His feeling was very keen. Zhang Long gave him a little familiarity. "Who is it?" Chu Feng quickly raised his mood, and in a short time, Chu Feng raised his mood to the third level.

The cultivation base reached the sixth level of immortality, and Chu Feng's mental state cultivation base did not improve much because he was stuck there, but the chances of his mental state successfully reaching the fourth level were much higher.

When Level 3 is immortal, Chu Feng has only one-third chance of success. At this time, Level 6 is immortal, his chance of success is more than two-fifths, only a little bit away from the half of the chance of success.

The chance of success is not small. Chu Feng had good luck this time. In a short time, he calmly raised his mental state to the fourth level.

"The strength of the quasi-dominant level...It turned out to be you!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, and his mood cultivation level was raised to the fourth level. Now Zhang Long's aura is not too good. Chu Feng recognizes that Zhang Longlai is not too difficult. .

"If it's someone else, I might sell it for two million. If you Zhang Long, you want to sell the Kodopan gemstone for two million, and you want to be beautiful." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he knew Zhang Long now. He certainly didn't have many points, and he knew that Zhang Long had not recovered from his physical injuries at this time.

With the strength of the quasi-dominant level, the chance of death even if injured in the mission is relatively small, but Zhang Long regards his own small life very seriously. If there is no way, he can even fight for his life, but now this situation Next, even if there is only a one percent chance of death, it is estimated that he does not want to take a risk!

"Chu Feng, two million, or?" Bi Feng said, they just wanted to talk about two million before, but they didn't succeed in talking for a long time.

"No more." Chu Feng shook his head, "This thing is really not cheap. I have already bought one. I don't have enough funds. It's better to keep a little more money.

"If it is missing, Zhang Long and the others will give us another time, we will not have enough funds to deal with it. And just received one of 1.5 million, this friend's Kodopan gem actually offered a price. Two million, can the second one be more expensive than the first one? My friend, keep it for yourself."

Chu Feng looked indifferent, and when he said this, he turned around to leave. "Slow, Chu Feng, how much can you sell? You said before you received one or two, but now you only received one." Zhang Long said solemnly.

"Friends, accept one or two, which means that one is fine, or two is fine. Now that I have received one, there is no need to pay a high price to buy another one." Chu Feng turned around impatiently Said, "My friend, if you are short of money, I will do something good, one million points, I will buy it, and everyone will make friends."

"One and a half million." Zhang Long said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "In this case, my friends should keep it for themselves. If it is kept for several hundred million years, someone might buy it for 1.5 million."

"Bige, let's go, my friend, business is not righteous, let's have a drink together?" Chu Feng smiled.

Zhang Long thought quickly in his heart, if he has one million points, his next time will be very moist. If not, even if he has the quasi-dominant level of strength, it is not easy to get one million points. He must enter the lost world under the circumstances of injury.

Zhang Long cursed secretly in his heart, took a long breath, and Zhang Long said solemnly: "Chu Feng, just as you said, one million points are sold to you!"

"Really selling?" Chu Feng hesitated a little at this time, "I will consider it again."

"What else to consider? One million points, this one is cheap enough." Zhang Long suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice. "Millions of points are given, I don't have a few points, nothing more, I bought your friend's Kodopan gems today." Chu Feng sighed slightly, still a little bit reluctant.

Zhang Long took out the gem, and under the witness of Wisdom, Chu Feng and the others quickly completed the transaction. One million points were credited to Zhang Long's account, and the gem was collected by Chu Feng.

"That, Zhang Long, thanks a lot." After the transaction was completed, Chu Feng smiled and said, Zhang Long's expression changed, and Bi Feng and the others were slightly taken aback.

"You lied to me!" Zhang Long turned back to his own look and his expression was extremely gloomy. "What do you mean? Thank you for selling me a gem with one million points. The price is very fair, haha!" Chu Feng laughed.

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