Holy Prison

Chapter 2114: Significantly improved

In the room, Chu Feng was practicing with all his strength. At this time, he didn't pay any attention to external affairs. Whether it was Hongtian Universe or this heaven base, his own strength was the most important thing.

Only with strength can he protect what he wants to protect. For Chu Feng today, only with strength can he survive, and only then can he leave the heaven base and return to Hongtian Universe.

Kodopan gems are ridiculously expensive, but its effect is indeed very powerful. The first Kodopan gem is integrated into Chu Feng’s body. With the acceleration of ten thousand times, the outside world is only one month away, before Chu Feng The sequelae of improving the body have been completely eliminated!

"Good stuff!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes and sighed with emotion. The effect of this thing is indeed powerful. If it is not integrated with the Kodopan gems, even if it is accelerated by a million times, it will not be possible for Chu Feng to completely complete the sequelae of his body in a hundred years. Eliminate, in this paradise base, that would consume more points.

Five hundred thousand a year, a hundred years, that's fifty million points, which is too scary. According to the regulations, 100 million points can leave the heaven base.

"Today's level 6 immortal cultivation base, one step up is level 7 immortality!" Chu Feng showed a smile on his face, "Zhi Brain, I want to buy something."

"If you don't buy something during the exchange, you need to pay ten points at a time." Some mechanical voices of the brain rang.

"I know." Chu Feng said. The previous dormitory did not have such a function. If you want to buy things, you have to go to the exchange center. Now this villa has such a function. You can buy things without leaving in the villa. , But you need to pay ten points each time, and everything you buy within one minute counts once.

In the past, when the points were low, you could save ten points. Chu Feng would definitely go to the exchange center, but this is not necessary. It takes ten minutes to go to the exchange center.

The redemption list quickly appeared in front of Chu Feng, and Chu Feng quickly selected two things. One cost Chu Feng 800,000 points, which was used to upgrade from level 6 to level 7. The other one, which cost Chu Feng 4 million points, was used to upgrade the seven-level immortality to the eighth level.

"Money is really not spent." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, two things cost Chu Feng nearly 5 million points. If Bi Feng and the others did not refuse before, then Chu Feng's points would not be left. , Today, Chu Feng's points are still more than five million!

Two things, 800,000 points is a bottle of pale golden liquid, estimated to be 20 to 30 ml, each ml is worth tens of thousands of points.

The other thing is a pill, packed in a wooden box, the pill is full of mighty power, such a pill, it is estimated that ordinary dominant-level powerhouses can't make it.

Putting away the wooden box containing the pill, Chu Feng opened his mouth and inhaled, the pale golden liquid was completely absorbed into his mouth.

The pale golden liquid was absorbed by Chu Feng's body. There was thunder in Chu Feng's body, and there was a trace of pain on his face. The power of this pale golden liquid was too domineering, that is, he had three sages. The physical strength is also very strong, changing to a lower physical strength, the pale golden liquid enters the body, it is estimated that the flesh will turn into mud in a short time!

Within ten minutes, Chu Feng's breathing was relatively rapid, and after ten minutes passed, Chu Feng's breathing finally calmed down slowly.

With one breath and another, the dark chaotic lotus loomed under Chu Feng's body, and the world swallowing gourd formed a phantom on top of Chu Feng's head. The dark chaotic lotus and the world swallowing gourd are the treasures of the last days. When Chu Feng's sixth-level immortal cultivation base, for them, Chu Feng's cultivation base was lower.

The cultivation base was lower, and even if the fit was not low, Chu Feng felt a little bit weak when using the Dark Chaos Lotus and the World Swallowing Gourd.

Now that Chu Feng’s cultivation base is indestructible from level 6 to level 7, the compatibility of Dark Chaos Lotus, World Swallowing Gourd, and Chu Feng has not improved much, but if the time comes to level 7, use Dark Chaos Lotus. World Swallowing Gourd will not have the feeling of being ineffective. This will not increase the attack much, but it is useful for continuous combat.

Day by day, the sound of thunder came from within Chu Feng's body from time to time, and the sound rang out, as if every level in Chu Feng's body was knocked open.

In the past two years, tens of thousands of times have accelerated. It has been the past 20,000 years. "Drink!" Chu Feng snorted, his eyes suddenly opened, and a terrifying aura suddenly rushed towards the surroundings, which was the villa he was staying in. Very sturdy, changed to a normal building, under the impact of Chu Feng's terrifying aura, it will definitely instantly become nothingness!

"The seventh level is immortal. Even if I am outside now, even if I don't use the power of the heart of space and the heart of time, my strength should be at the Saint-sovereign level." Ten seconds passed, Chu Feng's aura showed a little bit on his face. Smile, the sixth-level immortality and the seventh-level immortality are a threshold, and Chu Feng has now crossed that threshold, and his strength has improved a lot from the previous foundation!

Without leaving the room, Chu Feng thought of the second Kodoyan gem and appeared in his hand. It didn't take long for the Kodopan gem in Chu Feng's hand to be absorbed into his body.

When the sequelae disappeared, Chu Feng quickly adapted to his own strength. One year later, the sequelae in Chu Feng's body had completely disappeared, and at this time, he had also adapted to his own strength, and he was very good at swallowing the world. There is also the dark and chaotic lotus Chufeng.

However, what made Chu Feng a little uncomfortable was that his strength increased too fast, without a growth stone, Yin Ming was a little bit behind his cultivation base.

The growth stone is also available for sale at the base, but the price is really a bit cheating. A high-level growth stone that Yin Ming needs is actually sold for 100,000 points.

A piece of Innate Treasure only sold for 1,000 points, and a growth stone like that required 100,000 points. After checking the price, Chu Feng had the urge to swear.

Chu Feng could not get the 100,000 points, but he did not let the base pit him 100,000 points. There are high-level growth stone holy prisons. When the time comes to Lost World, let Miao Xian'er get it out. If you get it out, it won't be too difficult to find a growth stone in the Lost World.

The sequelae of his body disappeared, and Chu Feng naturally used the pill. The powerful power of the pill filled Chu Feng's body. Chu Feng's body shook, and his holy thoughts entered each cell in his body, cell by cell. , Seems to be a world, in those worlds, there seems to be life.

Infinite Divine Art is constantly running in the body, and Chu Feng's cultivation base is steadily improving. At the same time, his mood is also a little bit stronger.

Chu Feng's mental state cultivation base has reached the fourth-level high-level peak. To such an extent, it is extremely difficult to improve again. If there is an improvement, it means that the distance is not far from the breakthrough. As long as the breakthrough, the state of mind cultivation can be done. To reach the fourth stage of the fourth level, the perfect state of the heaven and earth sacred heart.

Beginner, intermediate, advanced, consummation, great consummation, five small realms, each of the small realms is very difficult to improve. When Chu Feng's cultivation base is immortal at level three, it is not far from high-level consummation, but at level 7 immortal fast Breaking through to the eighth level of immortality, the state of mind cultivation is about to reach completion.

Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart is advanced, there are still a few heaven bases for people with this state of mind, but the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart is perfect, and people with such a state of mind, there is no heaven base now!

"What is the heaven and the earth, the universe, and what is it?" As if it was just a moment, and as if in the past trillion years, a low voice sounded in Chu Feng's room.

There was no imposing surge, but at this time, Chu Feng's cultivation had reached the eighth level of immortality, and his eyes were scary at this time, as if there were thousands of worlds in his eyes and laws of billions.

The cultivation base has been promoted to the eighth level of immortality, Chu Feng’s state of mind, at this time, it is also the state of reaching the perfection of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart. It is because his state of mind has reached such a level that his cultivation base has not improved. When it burst out from the body, it was easily controlled by Chu Feng.

"No matter what the world is, what the universe is, I am me." Chu Feng smiled freely, and the deep color in his eyes disappeared instantly.

"The eighth level of immortal cultivation base, the perfect state of mind of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth, is not bad." Chu Feng stood up and stretched out, a little bit of thunder rushing out of his body, that is a powerful force letting it go. Chu Feng's body recovered after a long time, but his body was restored to its peak state in the blink of an eye.

"This time training, it took 20 to 30 years in total. I don't know what kind of bird looks outside." Chu Feng muttered and opened the door.

The door opened, and Chu Feng strode out. As soon as the door opened, he felt the breath of Bi Feng and the others. They were downstairs right now, and it seemed that there was something wrong with their breath.

"Brother Chu!"

Chu Feng appeared at the top of the stairs, and Bi Feng and the others looked over one by one, "Guys, what did you do?" Chu Feng's expression remained unchanged, but a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. There are injuries. He just felt that their breath was not right because they were all injured.

"Chu Feng, your cultivation base has reached level 8 indestructible?" Bi Feng said. "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Bige, who beat you like this?"

An embarrassment flashed across Bi Feng's faces, "Chu Feng, we also want to know this question," Bi Feng said helplessly.

"Uh... Big Brother, isn't it? You have been beaten, and you don't know who beat you?" Chu Feng frowned. He said that he looked at Cardi, who is a quasi-dominant powerhouse.

"That's it." Cardi nodded, "I don't know which **** is dealing with us. We went out recently and we were attacked many times. It is not difficult for these injuries to recover. We stayed on purpose and wanted to see See if we can find out who attacked us by studying these injuries."

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