Holy Prison

Chapter 2116: overbearing

Liu Qingyang begged for mercy, and his 1.8 million points were instantly transferred to Chu Feng's account, "Liu Qingyang, slap himself a hundred times, forget it." Bi Feng received Chu Feng's voice transmission indifferently. "Every slap in the face must satisfy us, and those who are not satisfied, start over!"

"Bi Feng!" Liu Qingyang said angrily, being beaten and beating himself, this is different, beating himself, it would be a lot of shame!

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Bige, Liu Qingyang seems reluctant. I think we should get tired. We haven't been active for a long time, so we just move our hands and feet!"

Chu Feng said that he was playing with the stigma carving knife in his hand, and seeing the stigma carving knife in Chu Feng's hand, Liu Qingyang's eyes flashed with fright and gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll fight!"

Liu Qingyang gave himself a slap in the face, "Liu Qingyang, did you not eat?" Zhong Tao curled his lips and said, "Brother, let me show you something?"

Zhong Tao is an honest person, but this time, his honest person was also on fire. Chu Feng was not beaten during his training, and the five of them were beaten more than once.

Zhong Tao didn't wait for Liu Qingyang to speak and instantly slapped Liu Qingyang's face with a slap. Liu Qingyang screamed and flew out five or six meters.


Zhong Tao took out a tissue and wiped his hands, "Unfortunately, Liu Qingyang, there is a little more blood on your face. If we do, our hands are dirty!"

The cold light flashed in Liu Qingyang's eyes, Zhong Tao was not afraid of him at all, Chu Feng and his team, usually Liu Qingyang was a little afraid of Bi Feng and Cardi, but Zhong Tao actually dared to smoke him like this!

A flash of praise flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. From his point of view, Zhong Tao's temperament was a little weaker. Zhong Tao was a saint-level powerhouse. This was definitely not the case before. After staying here for a long time, Zhong Yuan's confidence A lot of blood has been worn away, but now it is slowly recovering!

Confidence and bloodliness, such things are still needed. If a person does not have confidence and bloodliness, no matter how strong he is, Chu Feng does not deserve the word "strong"!

"Liu Qingyang, do you come by yourself or us? If we come, it won't be a hundred." Chu Feng chuckled.

Chu Feng said that when Liu Qingyang swiped the knife in his hand, a blood stain appeared on Liu Qingyang's body. The blood stain appeared so painful that Liu Qingyang screamed for several seconds.

"I'll come by myself!" Liu Qingyang said, he slapped his face hard as he said, and the power he used was much heavier than before.

There were many people around. Seeing Liu Qingyang's appearance, one of them flashed a fright in his eyes. They had also participated in the attack on Bi Feng and the others before!

After a hundred slaps, Liu Biaoyang’s face was already swollen, and the color was an abnormal purple-red color. "Liu Qingyang, welcome to trouble us again." Bi Feng said flatly, "but I will trouble us again next time, then It’s not that simple to pass, you know?"

"I know, I know." Liu Qingyang's eyes flashed with resentment, and there was hatred in his heart, but after this lesson, he would never dare to provoke Chu Feng and the others easily.

"Go away. Big Brother, it's the next one." Chu Feng said with a light smile. He glanced at the people gathered around him. At this time, there were as many as one or two thousand people gathered around. The waning moon Taoist who had attacked Bi Feng and them before was also in the crowd.

"The people who attacked Bi Ge and them before listen carefully. They take the initiative to stand up and accept the punishment. If they do not take the initiative to stand up, the punishment will be lower. If they don't take the initiative to stand up, then we will find Liu Qingyang's fate, even It's worse than Liu Qingyang!"

"Liu Qingyang is pretty good like this. After all, he has contributed more than 1.8 million points, and he has been beaten a little less. If he did it before, he would not take the initiative to stand up at this time, and he would not have points. A little bit of time will stretch your muscles and bones."

"Give you ten seconds to think about it. After ten seconds, we will start one by one. We may be short of other things, but no one is short of time!"

Chu Feng sensed the soul aura of those people, before only distinguishing three people, at this time Chu Feng distinguished two more.

Ten seconds was very short. Ten seconds passed and no one stood up. At this time, all those people were lucky. After all, they didn’t use their original appearance when they took the task, and they attacked. It is also a popular means, and unique weapons or the like will not be exposed.

"It's really good." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "I can tell you a good news. I am now the captain of the team. I like everyone's temper!"

"If you take the initiative to stand up, it's not easy to start, and in that way, you get less punishment! Daoist Moon, what do you think?"

A little bit behind the crowd, the expression of Dao Ren Wan Yue changed, and the faces of the few people around him also changed slightly. They were Dao Ren Wan Yue's teammates.

After hearing what Chu Feng said, there was a look of surprise in Bi Feng's eyes. They didn't expect Chu Feng to disclose the identity of their captain.

In this way, the pressure on Chu Feng would be much greater.

"Wang Yue Daoist, come here." Chu Feng beckoned, "You can't come, but you have to think about the consequences more or less."

Daoist Wanyue looked at his teammates. Each of his teammates were strong at the Sovereign Level, but none of them could compare with Bi Feng, let alone the Quasi-Dominant-level Kadi.

"Chu Feng, congratulations on becoming the captain." The Taoist Cao Yue approached Chu Feng and said with a little reluctant smile on their faces. "Thank you, you didn't make a move before, did you?" Chu Feng smiled softly.

"I...I made the move." Taoist Wanyue looked at Chu Feng's smile with a bit of chill in his heart. There were a thousand or two thousand people around, and Chu Feng called him directly. Taoist Wanyue really couldn't convince himself that Chu Feng was just lucky to call one. It was called.

"Wang Yue Taoist, it's boring, you're boring like this." Chu Feng shook his head and said.

After saying a word, Chu Feng made an instant shot. His shot was very fast, and Daoist Wanyue didn't go away, and a slap was slapped on Daoist Wanyue's face.

"Wang Yue Daoist, just now I asked you to stand up, can you be deaf?" Chu Feng said coldly.

"Bige, you guys do it, don't talk about anything else, just make sense after you fight!"

Bi Feng and the others were beaten before, so how could they be polite at this time, Chu Feng's voice fell, and Bi Feng and the others were a fierce attack on the waning Taoist!

Daoist Wanyue’s teammates were also here at this time. Half a minute after Daoist Wanyue was beaten, one of his teammates stood up: “Team Chu, is that okay? It’s him who attacked you before the waning moon, but now you guys It's been a lot of time to beat him."

"Did I ask you to speak?" Chu Feng swept his eyes and frowned.

The speaker was the captain of Wanyue. He was furious when he heard what Chu Feng said, but he didn't show it. Their team didn't even have a ranking of 500. Chu Feng and his team, Kadi is a quasi-dominant strong However, Bi Feng is a strong ranking of about 200, Qin Yue is ranked about 500, Zhao Ling is ranked about 1,000, Zhong Tao is unknown on the list, and Chu Feng’s words are also unknown on the list, but Chu Feng has actually become Bi Feng and the others. The captain of a small team!

Those who don't have the ability, can they become the captain of Bi Feng's team? Therefore, the captain of Wanyue did not dare to send it out even if there was fire in his heart.

"Missing moon, think about it yourself, how many points are you going to spend on this matter, if there are too few, you should not speak. You'd better give us an explanation about this matter, otherwise, you will walk in the base in the future. Then you have to be careful." Chu Feng said lightly.

Threat, Chu Feng, this is Chi Guoguo's threat, but the waning moon has nothing to say, the members of the guards are not easy to intervene at this time, but the waning moon is at a loss!

The waning moon secretly attacked, and in the case of a loss, as long as Chu Feng and the others did not kill him, there would basically be no problem! If the Wanyue's strength is stronger, then Chu Feng and the others will only suffer a dumb loss if they are beaten, but Chu Feng and the others are stronger, and the Wanyue was found by Chu Feng and the others!

The sneak attack is not wrong, but after the sneak attack, you are still found out. This is your fault. If you are not unlucky at this time, then who is unlucky.

"Ten thousand, I will give out ten thousand points." Enduring the pain, Wan Yue shouted, ten thousand points, this is no small sum for him.

"Send a call to send a child?" Chu Feng said coldly, "If you stood up before, let Brother Bi and the others give 10,000 points after a sigh of relief. At this time, it's only 10,000 points. You think Brother Bi Is it hard for them to beat people? Think it’s hard for me to waste saliva?"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the corners of the mouths of many people around him twitched and beat people. This was hard work, too hard.

"Twenty thousand, twenty thousand points, Chu team, 20,000 points are already most of the points I have." Wan Yue said loudly, "I also received 1,000 points before."

"One hundred thousand points." Chu Feng said lightly.

Wanyue's face flushed: "Team Chu, it's impossible, that's impossible, I only have more than 30,000 points, I can't get 100,000 points at all, you are difficult for a strong man."

"If you don’t have one, borrow it. I don’t care what you use to get one hundred thousand points. If we can’t get it, you don’t have to give points. You can leave after we beat you for half an hour. Yes, but there will probably be a little bit of body parts left. In the future, when there is nothing to do, I will talk to you until the points you spend on recovering your body reach 100,000 points." Chu Feng said quietly.

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