Holy Prison

Chapter 2124: Zhong Tao, quasi-dominant

"Zhong Tao, are you the hen who turned into a phoenix?" Cardi stared at Zhong Tao and said, the aura exuding from Zhong Tao's body is different from before.

Moreover, the temperament has also changed a lot. At this time, Zhong Tao is much more confident than before!

"Kadi, with your mouth, before, you couldn't make a fart for ten and a half months, but now you just opened your mouth." Zhong Tao stared at Cardi.

"I have become the bottom of our team." Zhao Ling said, she said so with a smile on her face. At this time, the worry was finally let go!

"Zhong Tao, when did you reach the quasi-dominant level?" Chu Feng stood up and punched Zhong Tao with a chuckle. "You fellow, these years have made us worry a lot. Let's talk about how to compensate?"

Zhong Tao said with a smile: "This universe is not very damaged. There are still places to drink. Go, I invite you to a place to drink."

"Captain, Brother Bi, Brother Qin, Zhao Ling, let's go, Kadi, if you say, how about you just basking in the sun? It’s also quite comfortable to bask in!"

"I can't pinch you!" Kadi said instantly, stretched out his hand to pinch Zhong Tao's neck, "I flash!" Zhong Tao was faster than Kadi, Kadi's hand touched Zhong Tao, but it was just the bell he had touched. The afterimage of Tao!

"Black Bit, take us to Haotian City!" Zhong Tao opened the mouth, sending Zhong Tao to the Black Bit to create a suction, and Chu Feng and the others were sucked into the huge mouth by the Black Bit without resisting.

When they didn't enter the black bite giant mouth, Chu Feng and the others looked that the giant mouth was a black hole, but after they entered, they discovered that there was also light in the black hole.

"Captain, you probably guessed something. Heizhe is father's favorite beast. It is not dead and has been waiting for my return." Zhong Tao said softly.

"I'll talk about it later when I drink." Chu Feng patted Bi Feng on the shoulder.

The black bite moved forward extremely fast, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng and the others to appear outside a city, a huge city that was not smaller than a city like Shenguang City.

People come and go at the huge gate of the city, and the strength is not very low. The lowest one is also a god-level cultivation base. "Captain, this city is one of the most well-preserved cities with a relatively large population. There are hundreds of billions of people in this city, but most of them are below the saints." Zhong Tao said.

Zhong Tao led the way, and soon Chu Feng and the others entered the city and got outside of an antique-looking restaurant. "I know a little bit of memory from the past. I used to visit this restaurant often. I remember the wine here is very good." Zhong Tao said softly, his eyes showing sentimentality.

"This restaurant is still there, but many people are no longer there, things are not human."

Zhong Tao entered the restaurant, and brought Chu Feng and the others to the top floor that he used to frequently visit. The top floor was not allowed by ordinary people, but Chu Feng and the rest of the people didn't dare to stop them from entering the top floor.

"Wine, the best wine!" Zhong Tao said solemnly. When he spoke, he was full of majesty. Even when he was not ready to dominate the cultivation base, he was also a powerful master at the holy level. It has a quasi-dominant level of repair.

"Yes Yes!"

Xiao Er from the restaurant quickly went to prepare, and while preparing, he spread the news of this side to the top.

The wine came quickly. Chu Feng and the others first made a bowl. The wine is indeed a good wine, at least much better than the 10,000-point pot of wine in the heaven base!

"Captain, you are afraid that you have guessed a lot of things, otherwise, you won't wait there anymore." Zhong Tao said softly, "I always thought that my father was just an ordinary immortal saint, and early He's already dead, I didn't expect that those memories are not real!

"Captain, I didn't mean to lie to you, and I didn't expect that my father is actually a master who dominates, and he is actually a master of the second rank!"

Speaking of this, Zhong Tao showed a wry smile on his face, what about the second-ranking master, now the same is dead. "Zhong Tao, did you get the inheritance?" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao nodded slightly: "Well, I have obtained the inheritance, and now I have reached the strength of the quasi-dominant level. If I dominate, there may be a little hope in the future, but the hope is not very large. Although this universe is not very damaged, But after all, it has been damaged a lot, and I don't have much confidence in it to recover."

"As long as you recover, you can become the master?" Bi Feng said in surprise.

Zhong Tao shook his head: "There is no such good thing, if it is restored, it is just possible...To restore this world, I need to increase my integration with this world, and the speed of the increase in integration depends on my state of mind. The level of cultivation is related to the level of cultivation. I am now the third level of Dzogchen."

"The cultivation base of the state of mind must reach the fourth level, and the fusion will be faster. The cultivation base of the state of mind must reach the Great Perfection of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, before it is possible to achieve the master!

"Thinking about it, it's really far away. I'm only on the third level, to Dzogchen on the fourth level. The gap in between is too big!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Zhong Tao, if you merge with this world, the improvement of your mood cultivation should also accelerate. You are complementary. The higher your mood cultivation, the faster the integration, the faster the integration, the faster your mood cultivation will be. The faster you will improve, I believe you will reach the Great Perfection of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth sooner or later!"

"Captain, then I will lend you good words." Zhong Tao said.

Cardi said: "Zhong Tao, what is the situation of your father's enemy now?" "Dead, but he should also have descendants not dead." Zhong Tao said.

Bi Feng and the others all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the enemies of the second-ranking ruler, and the people who let the second-ranking ruler of death like the Tyrant Sword, if they were still alive, it would be equivalent to a sharp sword hanging over their heads!

It's just that if future generations are still alive, Bi Feng and the others will not be afraid. The future generations have little hope of becoming dominant-level powerhouses. Perhaps at this time they don't even have the quasi-dominant-level strength or even the saintly-level strength.

"Captain, if I continue to be in our squad, will it hurt you?" Zhong Tao said, "The strong man who died with my father, it is very likely that there are friends who have not died, if the dominant strong makes us trouble."

"I'm tired." Chu Feng scolded with a smile, "If there are any troubles in the future, it will be me, you are not your troubles!"

"Tell you, there are a lot of dominance-level powerhouses I have provoked. If you are afraid, kick me out of the team quickly!"

Chu Feng's words were exchanged for Bi Feng and the others. "Captain, we are all people who have lived for a long time. We are afraid of shit!" Cardi said.

"That is, Captain, you don't have much time to enter the paradise base. You have a wife and children, and you have more concerns. For us, heaven and earth reincarnate, wives and children have long been" Qin Yue said with a light sigh. In addition to this lost universe, every universe There will be a reincarnation of heaven and earth. In the reincarnation of heaven and earth, even if Qin Yue and his wife and children were still alive before, they are probably obliterated in the reincarnation of heaven and earth at this moment. Even the general saint-level powerhouse cannot stop it. The reincarnation of heaven and earth!

Chu Feng said, "The universe where your wife and children live may not have entered the cycle of heaven and earth."

"That possibility is very small. I, Cardi, Big Brother, we have been in the Paradise Base for a long time. You and Zhong Tao and Zhao Ling have entered the Paradise Base in a relatively short time. Zhao Ling is an orphan, and Zhong Tao has nothing to worry about. Now it is clear that there is nothing to worry about, and that there is a lot of concern, and you are the captain." Qin Yue said.

Chu Feng was silent, and Bi Feng and the others were silent for a while, and all of them fell into memories. "I want to see, which **** dared to take my place!" A few minutes later, arrogant curses came from downstairs, and several people stepped heavily on the stairs towards the top floor where Chu Feng and the others were.

"Master Bao, the top floor is not just one location. Would you like to change another location? The small shop has invited you for today's wine." Another Zhong Tao said with a little familiar voice.

"Bah, I don't know there is a position? But which position is the best. It is a position exclusively for me. I dare to occupy my position and don't want to live!"

Chu Feng and the others woke up from their memories, "Interesting, they found us in trouble." Qin Yue said with a light smile. There were six of them, four of them at the Sovereign level, and two of them at the quasi-dominant level. Even in places like Paradise Base, this lineup is very strong!

"Reminds me of the previous years. When I think about it, we were still very young. We spent a lot of time in that ghost place in the base of heaven, and our hearts were a lot older." Cardi smiled.

"You guys, you are so courageous, you actually occupy the position of this young master!" The one who spoke was a silver-robed young man who looked more handsome, but with that expression, it would be a little annoying." Give you a chance, every time you hand over a treasure that satisfies this young master, then you can get out!"

"Boss Fan, long time no see!" Zhong Tao didn't even look at the young man, his eyes fell on the old man in black who came up behind.

The black-clothed old man looked at Zhong Tao. At the beginning, his eyes were still confused. After about two or three seconds passed, the black-clothed old man showed excitement in his eyes: "Young Master Zhong, are you Young Master Zhong?"

Zhong Tao was also called Zhong Tao before. His father transferred him to another universe, but his name was still not changed. Anyway, in a universe, I don't know how many people have a name like Zhong Tao!

"Boss Fan, time flies so fast. It's been such a long time. I didn't expect that this restaurant is still there and you are still alive." Zhong Tao said with emotion.

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