Holy Prison

Chapter 2140: This knife was slaughtered

"Brother, help think of a way, you must help think of a way!"

"The third child, lend me some more points. Don't be afraid to borrow more. If you borrow too much, you just need to return it at that time. If you don't have it, your boss will lose my life!"

"Magic, first lend me 30 million points, is there any problem?"

Opposite Chu Feng and the others, several holy-class powerhouses and King Scorpion were all quickly spreading their voices through their points. The points were continuously transferred to their accounts, and then quickly flowed into Chu Feng in their bids. In the account!

Sixty million, seventy million, eighty million!

In front of Chu Feng and the others, the numbers on the light curtain were constantly refreshing, and the magicians were also a little frightened when they were refreshed. That was not a number, it was a real wealth!

However, part of those wealth is in Chu Feng's space treasure, and part is in Chu Feng's account!

After the lowest reached 50 million, in less than half an hour, the lowest bid reached 80 million. This is a terrible number, and the same is true for the six magicians. The number, but what he actually gave was three times the number, and it was only three times smaller for the sake of ranking!

"Chu Feng, let it be enough!" The magician said in a deep voice. He previously estimated that the magician and the others would give a total of 100 million points, but now, if the actual value of those treasures is calculated, each of them will give out. The value of all things is more than 100 million points, and the Scorpion King is far more than 100 million!

Chu Feng glanced at the magician. The expression in the magician's eyes was already a bit wrong. If he harvested for a longer period of time, the magician and the others would have a big opinion!

"King Scorpion, you have heard it too. It’s not that I don’t give you time to take your time. The magician has such a request. If this is the case, you still have one minute, one minute to arrive, the lowest ranked, die! Don't say it at the last second, if you are a little late, you will die!" Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Scorpion King and the others changed their expressions. Immediately, they tried their best to use more points within one minute. Forty seconds passed, and one of them spoke, and he added 5 million points when he spoke!

"Add six million!"

"Add seven million!"

"Add 25 million!"

In a short period of time, the rest of the people immediately added, Chu Feng collected points very quickly before, but compared to the last twenty seconds, it was really slow.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven" Zhong Tao counted unhurriedly. The King Xie and the others kept shouting. With their shouting, the points in their account decreased rapidly!

90 million, 100 million!

When the time was up to the last three seconds, the lowest bidder of the Saint-class powerhouse also bid more than 100 million!

"Add five hundred three six hundred thousand!"

"Add 8.3 million!"

"Add 27.3 million!"

In the last three seconds, the King Xie and their hearts all mentioned their throats. Without much thought, they added the most points they had in their accounts!

"Zero, time is up!" Zhong Tao said.

"no no!"

One of the five Sovereign-level powerhouses has a pale face. On the ranking list, his name is impressively ranked last. His bid is 106.82 million, and the Scorpion King is ahead of him. After shrinking three times, the bid was 107.5 million. Seeing that bid, King Scorpion was shocked, almost, only a little bit!

"That's it, let everyone go! You, go too!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Scorpion King and the others were all stunned, the last of the saint-level powerhouses in the line was stunned, and then his face showed ecstasy: "Captain Chu, you mean you don't kill me?"

"I won't kill you this time, but if you become an enemy to me in the future, then I'm sorry." Chu Feng said quietly, "Let's go, I don't want to kill you. There will be a lot of people looking for you. If you want an account, ask me for an account then!"

"Chu Feng, you!"

King Xie's face was so gloomy, everyone worked fiercely for so long, but Chu Feng unexpectedly came out with such a result! "King Scorpion, you have an opinion, do you want me to kill someone?" Chu Feng said quietly.

"King Scorpion, I don't usually provoke you." The saint-level powerhouse's expression changed, and Chu Feng let him go. King Scorpion said that, but he was unhappy!

"Magic, I didn't kill anyone, so I'm giving you a face." Chu Feng looked at the magician and said quietly. "Heh... I have time to ask Brother Chu for tea." The magician said that he disappeared in an instant. In this place, he didn't want to stay for a second. He just disappeared. The King Scorpion and many others It disappeared immediately.

The Sword Emperor smiled at Chu Feng and didn't say much, but he disappeared, "Chu Feng, well done." Mu Yun's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind, and within a few seconds, many of them quickly left!

Zhong Tao slapped Cardi on the back, "Zhong Tao, what are you doing, fat man?" Cardi stared, "Does it hurt?" Zhong Tao was very serious.

"Grass, do you think it hurts, is it light with your slap?" Cardi said in a puzzled manner. "Oh, then it seems we are not dreaming!" Zhong Tao said.

Cardi cursed slightly in a daze: "You bastard, you have to try to see if you are dreaming, can't you pinch yourself and hit yourself?" "Play yourself, I'm stupid!" Zhong Tao curled his lips.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Well, you two, let's talk about business first!"

Cardi and the others immediately became serious. "The harvest this time is really scary." Bi Feng felt authentic. "Indeed, I didn't even dare to think about it before. It's better to be the captain, but this time I harvest so many points and offend a lot of people." Qin Yue said.

If you just pumped the water from the King Scorpion and the others, you wouldn't be able to get so many points at all. That large number of points came from two to three thousand people in the heaven base!

The Scorpion King, they look for friends to borrow, they look for people they know, their friends, they look for their own friends, they look for people they know, and finally the number of people who lend money is impossible!

"Distribute the points." Chu Feng smiled. He said that his eyes fell on the eleven saints who came to help this time. These eleven people are basically their friends, and their hearts may not have been complete before. The earth is facing them, after this time, it must be towards Chu Feng and the others.

"Zhang Fan, thank you for coming to help." Chu Feng smiled. Zhang Fan was one of the eleven Saint-level powerhouses. Hearing what Chu Feng said, Zhang Fan quickly said, "Team Chu, we didn't help. How much, you can win, that’s because you finally came out of Team Chu to reverse the situation, and it was also Team Chu that you were so bold that you got so many points."

Speaking of this, Zhang Dan chuckled and said, "If I were to host today, even if we win, I would not dare to slaughter the Scorpion King and the others!"

"Zhang Fan, without your hard work, Big Brother and the others can't support me to leave the customs." Chu Feng said, "Well, you eleven, each of you has 10 million points. If you have any trouble in the future, just ask us. !"

"Ten million points!" Zhang Fan and the others were shocked. They did a lot this time, but they didn't expect to get 10 million points, eleven people, 10 million points per person. , That's 110 million points!

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Don't think it is too small. We have earned a lot of points this time, but we can't distribute all the points. Sword Emperor and others also scored some points."

"It's a lot, a lot, it's too much!" Zhang Fan said quickly, "To be honest, I estimated that we got 100 million points compensation from Scorpion King and the others is not bad. We shot, but nothing I think there will be such a generous return, two or three million is very good!"

Chu Feng said, "It's a little bit big. You have 10 million points. This is not high. You are probably tired this time. Let's go back and have a rest. Then I will invite you to drink!"

"to make!"

Zhang Fan and the others agreed, and the 10 million points per person had already been credited to their account. "Team Chu, let's say goodbye first. If you have anything, just order it." Zhang Fan said.

Soon, Zhang Fan and eleven of them left, "Captain, robbery is really a promising career, haha!" Zhang Fan and the others left, Zhong Tao laughed authentically.

"Do you think you can usually have this kind of income?" Chu Feng shook his head slightly, "This time these things are our lives!"

"Before the Scorpion King, they were definitely not as simple as teaching us a meal. They wanted to kill. Moreover, if they had the upper hand to kill us, the magicians would definitely not stand up, and even the Sword Emperor would not stand. Come out." Chu Feng said, his guess is basically accurate, the only thing that is not accurate is that the Sword Emperor will not let Zhao Ling die.

"If this is not the case, the magicians will watch us get so many points treasures? That is impossible. This time, it is the magicians and them who have lost their rationale. At the same time, their strength has fallen to a disadvantage. Land earns a fortune. No matter which of these two factors is missing, we cannot achieve such benefits."

Bi Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, it is impossible for a magician to tolerate such a large amount of tolerance for ordinary reasons. This time it is because we are all almost dead!"

"The magician knows in his heart that if we don't let our anger disappear this time, this heaven base, don't think about peace in the future!"

"That's it." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Well, let's first discuss how much benefit we will give to the Sword Emperor. This time, although the Sword Emperor in the middle can say that they watched us die, after all, there is no suppression by the Sword Emperor. It’s impossible for us to get such benefits this time."

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