Holy Prison

Chapter 2149: Closed door

Zi Mengluo knocked on the door, and the sound of knocking on the door immediately spread to Chu Feng and their small courtyard. Other courtyards could not hear it. There are different areas above the castle gate, and when you tap different areas, the sound is heard. Different places in the castle.

Ten seconds passed, Qiuxiang and Xiahe did not appear; Zi Mengluo knocked again, and half a minute passed, Qiuxiang or Xiahe still did not appear!

"Two little things, what the hell!" Zi Mengluo frowned. Qiuxiang and Xiahe are like ants in her eyes!

Three minutes later, no one came to open the door. Zi Mengluo thought about knocking on another area. She must see Chu Feng as soon as possible, if Chu Feng died.

The sequelae of the pill is extremely strong. If it is eliminated in time, there is no problem, and if it is not eliminated in time, there is a 30-40% probability of death by then, and a 60-70% probability of being seriously injured. damage!

The serious injury is a little better. If Chu Feng died at this time, the fun would be great. If he died at this time, the base commander would definitely be under extremely terrifying pressure, and he might even die!

If the base chief died, she would definitely be dead.

"Master Zi Mengluo!"

The door was opened by one of Zhao Ling's maid, and the area where Zi Mengluo knocked, the voice spread to Zhao Ling's other courtyard.

"Yeah." Zi Mengluo nodded slightly, "I have something to find a Captain Chu, but he didn't expect that there would be no response on his side. Go back and I will go directly to Captain Chu's side."

"Master Zi Mengluo, I'd better inform you." Zhao Ling's maid, Xiao Ke, said a little embarrassingly. "Huh? Xiao Ke, I have been waiting outside for three minutes, do you mean, I should wait longer" Zi Mengluo raised her brows, "In this Blade Fortress, I can still face Captain Chu No disadvantage?"

"This... okay." Xiao Ke stepped aside. She was exchanged from the base. Zi Mengluo has a higher authority in the base. When Zi Mengluo was angry, she didn't dare anymore. Stopped.

"This is just like talking." Zi Mengluo gave Xiao Ke a sentence and rushed to Chu Feng's hospital. Xiao Ke quickly contacted Zhao Ling, but did not make contact. Zhao Ling and Chu Feng were doing luck at the moment. They don't want to be disturbed.

So now, the messages from Na Xiaoke and others can't be passed into Chu Feng's mind, but if Bi Feng and the others pass it, there is no problem.

"Qiuxiang, is the master on the side of Master Chu Feng?" Xiao Ke sent a message to Qiu Yin, and this time there was an answer quickly: "Xiao Ke, yes, sister Ling is on this side, Zi Mengluo Your lord is here, Xiao Ke opened the door, right? It doesn't matter, the door of our small courtyard is closed."

"That's good." Xiao Ke relaxed and immediately returned to Zhao Ling's courtyard.


Zi Mengluo slapped the door heavily. She was on fire right now, and she only came in at the gate for a few minutes. She didn't expect to go to the De Chu Feng Courtyard and ate the door again!

"Qiuxiang, Xiahe, open the door!" Zi Mengluo suppressed her anger. "Master Zi Mengluo, we can't open the door for you." Qiu Xiang said a little nervous voice through the door.

"If you don't open the door, you just wait for your master to die!" Zi Mengluo said in air. At this time, more than two hours have passed, and she is already nervous. Although the probability of problems within three hours is very small, if more than two hours, there is still a little chance of accidents.

Zi Mengluo is not worried about Chu Feng, she is worried about her own life. She is still in good condition, and there is no evidence in her belly. Chu Feng can't die at this time!

"Xia He, you are watching here, don't open the door, I will ask the master them!" Qiuxiang said.

Qiu Yin didn't enter the living room, knocked on the door outside the living room, and a little bit would be heard in Chu Feng's room. "Hu" Chu Feng attacked fiercely. A few seconds later, he shot a lot of bullets deeply into Zhao Ling's body for the third time. However, those bullets would not make Zhao Ling pregnant with a child.

"Listening to the sound, it seems that the girl Qiuyin knocked on the door." Chu Feng whispered, "Two hours have come, and it must be Zi Mengluo who has arrived here."

"She should be outside the other courtyard. I told Xia He and the others to close the door and not let Zi Mengluo come in." Zhao Ling's face was reddened and she was still a little shy at this time.

"Ling'er baby, is that enough? If not, let's go ahead and let Zi Mengluo hang out outside!" Chu Feng grabbed the jade rabbit on Zhao Ling's chest and rubbed a smirk.

Zhao Lingjiao panted: "Captain, get up quickly, if Zi Mengluo is on this side, Bi Ge and others will probably be here too... This time I have eliminated more than one obsession, and my mental state has improved a lot. I have a feeling that in a relatively short period of time, I can break through and reach the quasi-dominant level cultivation base."

"Are you going to break through?" Chu Feng said in surprise, "Then this can't be delayed. This time it seems that you have been in highs and tides, and the next time you fight, hehe!"

"Who will fight you again?" Zhao Ling gave Chu Feng an infinitely charming look.

"Of course it's you." Chu Feng squeezed a small grape of Zhao Ling, and Zhao Ling's body suddenly became soft. "Ling'er, do you want to be my wife?" Chu Feng said sternly.

If there were no Feng Bingning and others, Chu Feng would definitely say that I would be responsible, but with Feng Bingning and their eight daughters, they would not necessarily follow you.

"This, I have to think about it." Zhao Ling said in a daze. She knew that she was willing to be Chu Feng's woman. In this life, it is estimated that there will only be a man like Chu Feng, but whether she will become Chu Feng's wife or not I haven't thought about it yet, "Even if I think, Feng Bingning and the others may not accept me."

"Ling'er, Bing Ning and the others, you don't have to worry too much, they will definitely accept you, but I have eight of them, and I am a little wronged by asking you to follow me!" Chu Feng said.

Zhao Ling smiled slightly: "You want me to fail with other men?"

"Hey, if your heart is with me, I will never let you go. Which man robs my brother, and my brother slaps him one by one. If you don't want to talk to me, if your heart is not with me one day, then I You won't be forced to keep you, you have the right to choose." Chu Feng stroked Zhao Ling's perfect pretty face.

Zhao Ling said quietly: "My heart is very small, so I can only accommodate one person. If you don't want me, my heart cannot accommodate others."

"However, I haven't figured out whether to become your wife or not. Maybe it's good to be your teammate like now. Captain, if you enter the Lord's Purgatory, I will also enter."

Chu Feng nodded slightly and did not refuse. Zhao Ling could say that it scared Zi Mengluo and the good deeds of the base leader, and staying in the paradise base would be more dangerous than entering the Lord's Purgatory.

In the current situation, it is impossible for him to abandon Zhao Ling on the side of the heaven base alone. "Get up, now there is no monitoring by the brain on this side. Zi Mengluo is here. If she is outside for a long time, she will definitely let the brain on this side start the monitoring. I don't want you to be monitored by the brain on this side. "Chu Feng smiled.

Zhao Ling sent a sweet kiss, then immediately got up and got out of bed, her clothes flew to her automatically one by one.

"Let's go out." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, Zhao Ling would naturally not stay in bed when Zhao Ling got up.

Leaving the room to reach the living room, Zhao Ling hesitated for a moment and said: "Captain, do you want me to become the way I used to be?"

"No need." Chu Feng thought for a while and shook his head. Among the paradise bases, there is only one thing that needs to be defended most, and that is the base leader of the paradise base.

However, the base leader of the heaven base is a master-level cultivation base, as long as he is on the side of the heaven base, he can definitely see through Zhao Ling's disguise.

"Damn it, don't make a decision to hit Ling'er." Chu Feng was a little worried, Zhao Ling is too beautiful, this is God's favor, but sometimes, such favor can also be troublesome.

Compared with Zhao Lingcha's appearance, Zi Mengluo has become the woman of the Base Chief of the Paradise Base. There is no small possibility that the Base Chief of the Paradise Base will hit Zhao Ling.

"There is nothing to think about me. If you think about Ling'er, in the future, I will let you survive and die!" A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. It was not too urgent before. At this time, Chu Feng has a A feeling of urgency, self, it’s best to be the master in the shortest time!

"Bi Ge, they will laugh at me then." Zhao Ling said with a reddened face. The news of her relationship with Chu Feng would definitely be known to Bi Feng.

"Ling'er, I should have asked you to practice first on my side, but you can't get in touch with the intellectual brain. After you leave, you immediately return, speed up a million times, and first reach the quasi-dominant level cultivation base, understand?" Chu Feng said.

The door of the meeting room opened. Outside, Qiu Xiang sighed in relief and quickly saluted.

"Master, Sister Ling...Ah, Sister Ling, you" Qiuxiang bowed her head in salute. At the beginning, she didn't notice the change in Zhao Ling's appearance.

"Xia He, there is no need to bow, Qiu Xiang, you two are busy elsewhere." Chu Feng waved his hands, and Qiu Xiang and Xia He who came by nodded and hurriedly went to the backyard.

"Qiuxiang, Xia He, you two dead girls, don't open the door yet, your master is dead by then, but what you killed has nothing to do with me!" When Chu Feng and the others arrived at the gate, Zi Meng was outside the gate. Luo came in with an extremely corrupt voice.

"Zimengluo, Husanghou is in the wrong place."

The door opened, and Chu Feng's faint voice rang, but Zi Mengluo's gaze did not fall on him at all, but instead focused on Zhao Ling.

"How is it possible?" Zi Mengluo said incredulously.

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