Holy Prison

Chapter 2162: Fierce fight

"Chu Feng, show your true ability, I'm not like Fan Jian's rubbish!" Althorton said aggressively as soon as he reached the duel stage.

Poor Comrade Fan Jian vomited blood when he was shot out by Chu Feng with a sword on the duel stage. He just left the duel stage and heard Alsoton's words, it was an unbearable one, another mouthful of blood spurted out!

"Buckling!" Comrade Fan Jian cursed in his heart, but he didn't scold him. His Lao Tzu is the master, but he is only the seventh-rank master. He knows Althorton's Lao, that is the fifth-rank master!

Basically, each of the war script issuers in the Chu Feng spatial ring has a backstage. Without a backstage, they would not know Zhao Ling, nor would they know some inside stories. From the beginning, they would have nothing to do to challenge Chu Feng!

"That depends on what kind of ability you have!" Chu Feng said solemnly. "Huh!" Alsoton snorted a black spear and instantly passed through the space to Chu Feng!

"Space capable person!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and he himself understood the law of space. If he fights with someone who understands the law of space, he will get more improvement!

"Space twist!"

Alsoton shot it out, and he immediately felt that something was wrong. Under the twisting of Chu Feng's space, if his shot pierced in the original direction, it would definitely not be on Chu Feng!


Alsoton snorted softly, and the spear head of his spear separated from the body of the spear, changing the space, and continued to attack Chu Feng, "Spatial leap!" Chu Feng smiled slightly. It suddenly disappeared when it was about to stab Chu Feng, and when it appeared, it had already appeared on Alsoton's head!

Althorton’s eyes showed a solemn look. He just watched the battle between Chu Feng and Fan Jian. He felt that Chu Feng was nothing more than that. However, after just a short confrontation, Althorton knew that Chu Feng was a strong opponent. Probably not under oneself!

"Chu Feng, you understand the law of space, and I also understand the law of space, we mainly fight with the law of space!" Alsoton said with a pointed spear.

"That's what I meant!" Chu Feng said with a faint smile, as he said Yin Ming appeared in his hand.

"Space Cut!"

Chu Feng's words fell, and the two shot at almost the same time. At this time, the battle had begun. There was no sneak attack at all. Winning is winning, losing is losing!

"Endless space, sink!"

"Space mirroring!"

Althorton used endless space, and the black ball of light rushed towards Chu Feng. This black ball of light could lock Chu Feng into a space. If it succeeds in locking in, then Chu Feng wants to break through. It will be more difficult, will be suppressed in that space, and perhaps there will never be a day again!

As for Chu Feng, using spatial mirroring, hundreds of Chu Feng appeared on the duel stage in an instant. Among them, only one is real. Perhaps all of them are fake. Chu Feng’s real body is now. Hidden.

"Space storm!"

Althorton immediately used the space storm. This thing had average attack power, but it was an illusion to be able to quickly explore the people in the surrounding space!

"Black hole!"

A small black spot appeared, and the space energy generated by Alsorton's space storm was immediately absorbed by that small black spot.

Chu Feng said softly, and the small black spot flew quickly towards Alsorton, "Huh!" Alsorton's endless space opened up and swallowed the small black spot, but the next moment he opened it. Endless space was also swallowed by Chu Feng's spatial black hole, and the two came to an end!

"Captain and the others, what are they doing?" Zhong Tao muttered, "Some tricks, combined with weapon attacks, will be more powerful! For example, if the captain's spatial black hole is attached to the weapon, it can be given to others immediately upon contact. a surprise!"

Cardi curled his lips and said, "You don't admit that you are stupid. The captain is communicating, don't you understand?" "You know what a fart, isn't that the same?" Zhong Tao said.

Zhao Ling said with a chuckle: "There is still a little difference. They use their abilities directly in this way, and their power is a little bit worse, but it's better for communication."

Alsoton was getting more and more shocked. He has a master-level Lao Tzu. Although Lao Tzu does not understand the laws of space, there are many people he knows who understand the laws of space!

Althorton asked himself that he had a deep understanding of the laws of space. At the beginning, he was still thinking that if Chu Feng could not keep up with the progress of communication and only let him exchange some good things, he would immediately stop it. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng followed all the way, but when he reached the end, he couldn't keep up with this kind of communication!

"Chu Feng, a lot of time has passed, let's officially start!" Alsoton said solemnly. He said that he used a weapon to attack Chu Feng. This shot was not too fancy, some were just tyrannical. power!

"Look at the sword!"

Chu Feng's voice rang, and the moment his voice rang, he shot out his sword. With a sword shot, he immediately pulled Alsoton's shot a little bit, and then the long sword swept across, toward Alsoton's waist. Slashed in the past, this sword, if Alsorton can't stop it, it will only be cut in the middle!

When Alsorton’s spear was turned, Chu Feng’s powerful sword was slashed on top of Alsorton’s spear. This sword added the power of Space Slash, but Alsorton’s spear was an innate treasure. , This sword did not cut Alsoton's spear!

"Bang!" "Ding!"

The two of them fought faster and faster, and Chu Feng and the others appeared on the entire arena stage. It seemed that there were countless Chu Feng and countless Alsoton fighting!

In the previous battle with Fan Jian, Chu Feng was not happy because of Fan Jian’s strength. In this battle, Chu Feng was much more happy. He did not use the swallowing gourd, the heart of space and the heart of time. Under the circumstances, Alsoton's strength will not be much worse than him! Moreover, Althorton is also a comprehension of the spatial law, and the two people have gained a lot from the battle, but in comparison, Chu Feng has gained a lot more, the reason is simple, Chu Feng's mental state cultivation base is higher!

Chu Feng estimated that Althorton's mental state cultivation had just reached the fourth level, but his mental state cultivation was almost reaching the fourth level of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart!

The higher the state of mind, the stronger the sensitivity to something. Under such a fight, it is only strange that Chu Feng does not take advantage! If you can fight Althorton for a day and night, and it is estimated that there will be a few more fierce battles, Chu Feng will be able to break through and reach the level of quasi-dominant cultivation. To such a point, defeating Althorton will be very easy!

"Alsoton, what are you doing, isn't this giving Chu Feng experience?"

"That is, he must have treasures. He doesn't actually use the treasures at this time. If he uses it, it is estimated that Chu Feng can be dealt with in a relatively short time!"

"Alsoton, you are using treasures. Chu Feng is only a holy-sovereign-level cultivation base. You want to send him to a quasi-dominant-level cultivation base."

Chu Feng and the others around the duel stage had gathered no less than 200,000 people at this time. Chu Feng and the others were not in a hurry on the stage, but many people in the audience were anxious!

"Chu Feng, be careful!" Alsoton said solemnly. It has been half an hour since he was on stage. He didn't want to use disposable treasures, but at this time, he felt that he would not use disposable treasures. , Then the possibility of wanting to win Chu Feng is very low. He had written the battle book before, and he did not want to lose this battle with Chu Feng!

If you win with the treasure, you won't have the face without using the special treasure. However, there are some rules for saving face than losing. You can use the special treasure once. Those special treasures are also part of your strength!

"Poison Vulcan Cone!"

Alsoton said coldly. In an instant, Chu Feng's cold hair stood up, and he felt that he was being spotted by a terrible poisonous snake at this time. "Space storm!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he would have done this space storm before. However, it was not as good as Alsorton. Now Chu Feng used it, but it was not much different from the previous Alsorton.

A little while before the attack on the body, Chu Feng discovered the attack, "Endless space, sink!" It was another method Alsoton used before.

The poisonous fire **** cone appeared on Chu Feng's chest. Chu Feng's endless space consumed a lot of its power. However, in an instant, it broke through Chu Feng's endless space and attacked the defense formed by the dark chaotic lotus.

The dark chaotic lotus defense is extremely strong, but the poisonous fire **** cone used by Althorton can exert about three times the power of his. Such a strong attack, even if it consumes some before, is not the dark chaotic lotus. A layer of defense can be blocked.

The first layer of defense formed by the dark chaotic lotus was broken, and then, the second layer, the defense formed by the chaotic red golden armor was also broken, Chu Feng's face changed slightly and suffered some injuries, but only a small injury. There is still a lot of power left in the poisonous fire gourd, but it can't stop the swallowing of the world swallowing gourd. At the moment when the chaotic scarlet armor is broken, the poisonous fire gourd in Chu Feng's body completely swallows the poisonous fire gourd!

There was a look of shock in Alsorton's eyes. He knew the power of the poisonous fire **** cone, but Chu Feng didn't even wrinkle his brows, and he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries!

"Alsoton, pick me up!" Chu Feng yelled softly. He said Yinming's slash, the real self skill destruction sword was sent out in an instant, and a small black sword seemed to slowly approach Alsoton. !

The Destruction Sword, Chu Feng has tested it a long time ago. This one was sent out in the heaven base, and the attack could reach up to three times that of Chu Feng's full blow without using the Destruction Sword. Now, with this blow, Chu Feng did not use his full strength. , Destruction Sword’s offensive power, that is probably only half of the power of Destruction Sword with full force!

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