Holy Prison

Chapter 2165: Add rule

"Ling'er, help me think about how to get a lot of good things." In the other courtyard, eating with Su Ling, Chu Feng smiled authentically, the food was prepared by Su Ling, which was very good.

Chu Feng now has the strength, but the good things are still in his pockets. In a gambling battle, Chu Feng estimates that a little bit can be won. If you want to win more things, the possibility is not high.

As for the direct robbery, this is in the paradise base, just think about it, if it is really implemented, then Chu Feng will have a hundred heads less!

"I know you have such thoughts." Su Lingjiao said with a smile, "I have thought about a lot in the past three years, listen to it. Others are not clear about your strength now. If you are a dominant power, who can know you? The strength, but the dominant-level powerhouse is strictly prohibited from telling all students this information."

"If you converge some strength and fight with others, you should be able to earn something. The second method, captain, you may not know. In the past few years, the casinos in Paradise Base have been very popular. If you have confidence in yourself. If you do, you can take a gamble, and you should also earn something."

"The third method, keep it secret for the time being, the third method is the most reliable. You can try the first two methods first. With your ability as the leader, you should be able to get a lot of treasures!" Su Ling smiled.

Thinking about Yu Zhuo and King Scorpion before him, Su Ling was more confident in Chu Feng. "Attention all heaven base members!" At this moment, a majestic voice sounded throughout the heaven base.

"The first phase of the exchange in Paradise Base has been going on for some time, and a little problem has appeared in the exchange. In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the exchange, the following regulations are now added!"

"The master-level powerhouse resides above the cloud in the heaven base. The cloud barrier is immediately opened. During the first phase of communication, unless two-thirds of the power-dominant-level powerhouse agrees, the cloud barrier cannot be closed, and the barrier is not closed. , Domination-level powerhouses, cannot leave the cloud, and cannot communicate with all the students in the heaven base!"

"In the next time, the Domination-level powerhouses will only see the situation below, and cannot give any help to anyone below. This broadcast channel will be the only channel that can send messages to the bottom!"

"All students must abide by the rules, and those who violate the rules will be severely punished! The cultivation base will be abolished at the slightest, and the death will be directly executed! The enchantment in the cloud is opened!

There was a surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. The eyes of most people in the heaven base were full of surprises. There were also many people who frowned slightly.

"Chu Feng, it's up to you which step can be done." Above the heaven base, Su Xu showed a faint smile on his face. He has done a lot to pass this rule. As the Su family The representatives on this side are the second-tier masters, and the rest have to think more!

Thinking in his mind, Su Xu glanced at a woman not far away. This rule was not proposed by him, but by the woman!

"The relationship between the old man Xuanyuan and Lin Tian seems to be good. Xuanyuanhong proposed such a rule, it should be related to the old man Xuanyuan, Chu Tian is also a little bit light!"

Chu Feng didn't know the above specific situation, and they didn't need to know, as long as they knew the next time, the dominant power would not suddenly appear!

Chu Feng wanted to get a lot of treasures, but this one had a big obstacle, that is, those masters at the dominance level! If those Dominant-level powerhouses secretly engage in ghosts, Chu Feng probably won't be able to get too many treasures. At this time, without those Dominant-level powerhouses doing ghosts, the possibility of getting a lot of treasures is much higher!

"Captain, this news is not bad!" Su Lingxi said, her eyes flashed with a hint of **** light.

At the first taste of the forbidden fruit, Su Qian was still eager for that aspect. She didn't dare before, but now, the enchantment in the cloud has actually opened!

Above the clouds, Su Xu was stunned for a moment. He suddenly thought of Su Ling and Chu Feng. The enchantment in the cloud was opened, and his thoughts were not able to reach below. Although there is the monitoring of the heaven base intellectual brain, but Chu Feng and the others If you want to hide the wisdom of the brain, it is relatively easy. The ability of the brain is not that powerful!

"This, this... even if it happened, it's not the first time anyway, I didn't see it, it didn't happen, that's it" Su Xu muttered in his heart, thinking of how his elder brother would be angry by then, Su Xu's heart trembled slightly , "Boss Su, Boss Su, they should understand! They have to hurry up to reach the first-rank master, but the second-rank master, if Boss Su gets angry, he will be frustrated!"

Lust flashed in his eyes, Su Ling leaned over to Chu Feng and actively sent a fragrant kiss. Chu Feng kissed. After a while, Su Ling was a little confused by the kiss.

"Captain, I think" Su Ling said seductively in Chu Feng's ear. She did not finish her sentence, but the meaning was clearer. "Ling'er, but I promised your father before." Chu Feng said through voice transmission.

"What does it matter? Father naturally doesn't want us to be that again, but he is not here now, he can't control" Su Ling said, "I am not a child. Even if he is my father, he has no right to control such things. Me! Captain, don't you want to, or dare not?"

As Su Ling said, the soft fragrant tongue licked onto Chu Feng's earlobe.

"You little fairy!" Chu Feng cursed with a smile, and Su Ling chuckled, and immediately activated a treasure on his body. That treasure can be released from the barrier. The barrier is even those of ordinary masters. Thoughts can be blocked, even a powerful Domination level powerhouse, if the mind invades, it can sense and issue a warning!

"Captain, this room is already under the enchantment. The treasures my grandfather gave me before, I remember that I can't use it again, but now it's OK."

"The defensive ability is not very strong, but it has a very high deception effect on various detection scans! I have made some things that can deceive the brain and make it think that we are continuing to eat." Su Ling's eyes are silky. Truthfully, "It was not easy to scan the idea of ​​a master-level powerhouse before, but now it is fine."

"Little girl!" Chu Feng laughed loudly.

Su Ling gave Chu Feng a charmingly white look: "If you don't know the taste, it's okay. If you know the taste, I just felt it before, but now I can't feel it. It's really a little bit uncomfortable!"

"Ling'er, can I teach you some new posture cushions today?" Chu Feng reached out to Su Ling's chest and kneaded gently. "Okay, okay." Su Ling groaned.

Three minutes later, "Captain, is that the case?" Su Ling knelt in front of Chu Feng, moving his head one after another, occasionally looking up to see that the pure appearance made Xiao Chufeng in Su Ling's mouth. The inside is stronger and stronger.

"Yes, very good, that's it." Chu Feng said, he felt a little bit unreal...The granddaughter of the master, the baby daughter of the first grade dominating Su Jiang, actually kneeled in front of him with a small mouth. Serving.

After half an hour, Chu Feng uttered a thick essence, part of it gushing out into the depths of Su Ling's throat and part of it remained in Su Ling's mouth.

Su Ling gave Chu Feng a white look, and after cleaning it up for Chu Feng, he swallowed all the essence in his mouth. "Ling'er!" Chu Feng hugged Su Ling lovingly. He really didn't expect it. Su Ling was willing to do this for him.

"Bad guy, are you satisfied?" Su Ling said authentically, "I heard that your men will be more comfortable in this way." "Comfortable, baby Ling'er is the best behaved!" Chu Feng said happily, as he said his mind moved a little When something appeared in his hands, it became a big bed in a very short time.

"Ling'er, it's time to make you comfortable!" Chu Feng said as he pushed Su Ling onto the big bed, and then pressed his entire body onto Su Ling's soft body!

Spring is boundless. After an hour, the battle is over. The duration of this battle is not very long. It is not that Chu Feng and the others have no energy to continue, but if the duration of this battle is too long, some people may have doubts. .

It's normal to eat more for one hour, but if you eat two or three hours, then one is abnormal.

Chu Feng and the others came out of the other courtyard, and Bi Feng and the others appeared in front of Chu Feng. They returned after hearing the increase in the previous rules. However, when they knew that Su Ling was in the Chu Feng courtyard, they all Interestingly did not go in to disturb.

"Captain, congratulations, first there should be no pressure, right?" Zhong Tao glanced over Chu Feng and Su Ling with a smile. "Zhong Tao, what do you look in your eyes, we just have a meal together." Chu Feng glared at Zhong Tao.

"Oh, it's just for dinner"

Bi Feng smiled and said: "Captain, don't care about this guy, how is your strength improvement this time? You haven't appeared for three years, and there are some people out there, but it's not quite right."

"What?" Chu Feng raised his brows.

Bi Feng said: "Many people say that it will not take three years to stabilize the cultivation base. After all, it can be accelerated by up to a million times. Some guys, that is a rumor, you failed to break through."

"There are also rumors that you have bad luck in breaking through, and your strength growth is very small, and you have no face to see people. At this time, you are in retreat. You are thinking of ways to increase your strength!"

"Good thing!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "The more they spread it, then I will get a little bit more benefit! Brother Bi, why are you all back?"

Bi Feng said: "The dominant-level powerhouse can't take action anymore. We were worried that someone would come and make trouble, so we rushed back, but the situation is better than we estimated. Not many people come to our side to do anything. Captain, the rules are new. Zeng, what do you have to say?"

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